-1*C/30.2*F clear skies, dry
I watched a cute film last night on Crave. It was called "A Christmas Star." I was about an Astronomer who predicts that a tiny meteor shower will appear over a tiny town during the Christmas season. She goes up there to document this rare celestial event. Love ensues. Very picturesque, very Christmassy, very cute. I did enjoy it.
I am enjoying all of these "Hallmark" types of movies this year. I have moved past feeling sorrowful about the lack of romantic love in my own life and can now enjoy seeing others fall in love without feeling left out. In all the times I have been married, I have never really been afforded the pleasure of watching these types of films. They were never "manly" enough. I had to sit through torturous hours of action films cloaked as Christmas films, so it is nice that I can now enjoy these sweet offerings.
And yes, they are all a bit cheesy, but they are also a nice bit of fluff and quite entertaining. At least I think that they are, and who, really, have I got to please? Myself. There is no-one to complain. And the cats are not saying a word.
I suppose this is the time of year that most of us focus on the holiday ahead, but also our thoughts tend to start turning to things we might like to do differently in the new year to come, especially as the days seem to start to slip away quickly on the old calendar. I am no different. Cindy and I both would like to purge ourselves of sugar in the new year. Not an easy task when most of what we have is loaded with that white demon. We do have a taste for the sweet. I believe it is an addiction. I do confess to having a great liking for the sweet, as well as for the salty. And together? Well sweet and salty together is divine.
After a meal I do long to satisfy this sweet craving with a cookie or some such. Our father's eyes, at the age of 90, light up in anticipation of having something sweet at the end of every meal. He loves his whippy cream and would eat it on everything. He especially loves a bowl of sugar free jelly topped with whippy cream, which is not so bad. It is much lower in sugar than a piece of pie or cake would be.
Not only do I want to purge my life of sugar in the next year, but I want to simplify things in my life much more. I want more time to do the things which really bring me joy, for reading and painting and crafting if possible. I want to exercise more and feel healthier. I want to be kinder and to do more for others than I do now. My life revolves so much around work it seems and that will always be a necessity, but I want to make more room for play in my life.
I also have a deep longing to pare back everything and to get back to the basics.
I have been doing the Advent study on the Hallow Ap. I had ordered a study from the Good News Brand co. but they only sent them out to their customers on the week the Postal strike started, so I was not able to do that one. It is stuck in the post along with a few other bits and pieces.
I have always enjoyed marking the days in the run up to Christmas in a way that doesn't involve eating chocolate. (Don't get me wrong. I enjoy eating chocolate as well. 😁) There is a prayer that they pray at the end of each session of this study. The Litany of Let Love from the Sisters of Life.
It gets me every time. I am moved to tears when I say it. I feel the spirit very deeply when I ponder the words in my mind. I feel them in my heart.
I am a person who has always felt close to the spirit within me. I can remember as a child looking at my hand and seeing an aura around it . . . and thinking to myself, that is my spirit. The part of me that is Divine. I have not always lived in a way that honored that spirit. Many times, in my life, it has gotten lost in the busyness and hectic nature of everyday activity.
One thing which I really love about my life now is that I have time to truly honor that spirit and to invite it to be more than just an accessory to my days. A vital and living part of my life. The heart-beat of my living space.
It started when I began setting up my new home. I decided that I wouldn't invite anything negative into my place, but that I would surround myself with messages of positivity and love, from the art I chose to hang on my walls, the books I allowed to enter, to the things I choose to watch on television. (I admit I could do better in that area.)
It has made a difference. My home has become Holy Ground. It is an oasis of peace. The outside world stops at my door and does not come in if I can help it, and I try not to invite it in. Not always possible for sure, but I do try my best to keep the spirit within the walls of my home as one of love, acceptance and peace.
I also took a course this past year by David Butler called Holy Envy. It was a course in the appreciation and study of other faiths and religions. I have really enjoyed this. It has helped to grow in me a love for God in all of His forms and the ways that different people choose to honor Him. It has helped me to have a deeper love and respect for others as well. We may not all choose to worship God in the same manner, but I do believe that we worship the same God, however differently we may choose to connect with Him. Peace in the world comes when we focus on our similarities rather than on our differences.
This afternoon my sister and I are taking dad and picking up his friend MaryAnn so that they can go to the mall together. They used to go together three afternoons a week. MaryAnn is deaf and she has always really looked forward to these times they spend together. They don't get to do it as often these days as they once did, but when they do it is always special. We basically just pick up MaryAnn and then drop them both off at the mall. We go off and do our own thing and then pick them up after and bring MaryAnn home. Neither one of them hears very well, if at all and it is an easy companionship. MaryAnn is a very nice woman and incredibly healthy and fit for her age, other than being deaf. She has been deaf all of her life I believe.
I am not sure where we will go while they are enjoying their time together. I think Cindy wants to go to Mark's Work Wearhouse. I am just going along for the ride and the change of scenery. I will probably just relax in the car while she is in MWW as I cannot think of anything in there that might interest me. I do like to people watch however and will be perfectly happy just sitting in the car doing that.
I have always loved people watching. I find people fascinating. I used to make up stories in my head about them and what their lives might be like. I still do sometimes, although mostly now I just watch.
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And I do too!

I think metric for just about everything, except oven temperatures. We lived in England when it switched to decimal, and people would comment that we never had any trouble, but I had grown up with decimals in Canada so the switch was seamless. -10 Celsius this morning but sunny and the wind from yesterday has slowed right down. My weekend plans are usually the same, don't go out, do laundry and some cleaning jobs. I let others go out and fight the crowded roads and for parking spots, did that when we worked, so happy to stay home now and let others go out. As for anonymous comments on your cooking blog, I would stop allowing them, if folks can't post with their name, they are hiding for sure and have set out to be nasty. Enjoy your day out with Cindy, that was a cute tip your neighbour gave you. Enjoy Friday.
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing how so many people in the UK had a problem with the money when it switched over to decimal's. I think the new way was much easier. I never had a problem understanding the money there, but I might have done so with the old way. I hope you have a great day Linda! Stay warm! Brrr . . . xoxo
DeleteI still pref F and inches lol.. That witch still posts on my blog.I keep removing her comments forever.J says we should be able to block.What a witch..I am kind of off hallmark;0 More gritty I like :) Ok some Hallmark:) Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that we are not able to block people on blogger. I will never understand what people get out of being nasty. It puzzles me! I do like a bit gritty as well. (You know!) But I also love nice. Hope you have a great day also! xoxo
DeleteI try also to make our apt as peaceful and calm as I can. Both of us now prefer our shades drawn all the time (other than if I am unloading the car or going to the garbage can, etc so he can keep an eye out for me). Fortunately the shades let in a lot of natural light which in winter is the main time of year we get the most light, which I do appreciate. Being we are forced to live here (I have not yet found a set up for handicapped) with the criminal upstairs who is beyond awful, it does help us to forget where we are!! He was on subs in the military and I have always preferred privacy so we both cope fine with the setup. But at times I do miss having a part of the house we could always have open in daytime (as we have in other locations we have lived). And I do keep hunting for a better apt or duplex for us. I think you are so fortunate to have the one you have...with nice neighbors and nice views outside. This situation would not have been OUR plan for this time of life either. However, it will not be forever. And is only temporary. I am happy for you that you can now watch nicer stuff on TV. I have not been ok with guts and gore watching have often gone to other parts of the house wherever we lived. It seems to be a guy thing. Have a nice day out with your kin and friend...sounds like a good time. Sorry about the reason I never did a blog!!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
That comment was uncalled for, Marie. We still wear masks when we are out and about. Our neighbours three doors down both came down with Covid and were quite ill. It is still out there. Enjoy your weekend. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteI related to so much in this post, and many of my aspirations for next year (such as simplifying things and finding a way to have more balance in my life by making more time for things I enjoy instead of spending so many hours working.
ReplyDeleteGood for you and Cindy trying to purge yourselves of sugar. Having one another to provide support and accountability will help make it easier, I'm sure.
That is something I should probably do as well, but am not mentally ready to do so yet.
Had a smile on my face, Marie, as your were talking about metric and differences. ☺️ I went from US cups and miles to all metric here in Norway. It took a while, but I’m used to it now… and actually find the metric most sensible for measuring all sorts of things. I still have my US measuring cup & spoons for baking, though for American recipes—gotta have those. Like you, I would love to quit sugar next year! We go through phases of much less sugar. But now with Christmas here, we are slipping into the sugar slump—ha! 🤣 I’m thinking for evening sweet cravings trying fruit instead… a fresh pear, for instance, would be lovely and healthier than cake or a biscuit. I really like how grounded you’ve become now with home for yourself, and banishing negativity from it. Our homes should be the most safe place we have! Hope you had a lovely day out with family & friend… and happy weekend! Oh, and we still sanitize while out & about and scrub down when we get home. With cold, flu, Covid still around and whopping cough here… trying to stay safe! So you are not alone! 🥹 Not much planned for the weekend here. I hurt my back earlier this week and am literally laying low and recovering… hoping to be in better form next week! LOVE & HUGS—Tracy 🩵❄️🩵 P.S. love your treat of tea sandwiches, shortbread & egg nog! Egg nog os not much of a thing here either, and never see ready made.