Monday 24 June 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .



"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


We have been busy watching birds and chipmunks at the bird feeder this weekend. We don't get much more than jays, blackbirds, the odd small woodpecker and occasionally some gold finches.  All are welcome.  The blackbirds have fledged. It is very easy to tell which are the parents and which are the fledglings. The fledglings tend to crouch with their mouths open and wings spread apart, waiting for the adult to feed them. It is beautiful to watch  . . .  this dance between adult and child.  It is pure  magic.  A commonality between human and animal, bird, etc.  A built in instinct for the adult to want to care for the infant, and it is a great honor to witness it in such a way.


This is my grandson Jon when he was only about 2 years old.  I remember him as being a happy little boy. Filled with light. I only got to see him a couple of times during those wee growing up years. One time when I came over to visit mom, we all went in Mom's car to New Brunswick to visit both Anthony's and Doug's families.  Mom went with us.  I really appreciated her doing that for me.  Normally mom was not a person who would let you drive her car, but she did that time and she paid for our motel room, etc.  It was a wonderful gift to me. To be able to see my grandchildren was such a special thing.  I did get to see Jon when he was this small and he was such a sweet little boy.  Thank you mom for that precious opportunity. 


Now he is a young man.  And today he is graduating from high school.  I am so proud of him (and of Gabe) for reaching this point in their young lives.  I wish both of them the very best in the chapter of life that is to come.  Jon has met and conquered some great challenges in his life. He is autistic.  To graduate from high school is huge.  His parents and maternal grandparents have been a great support system for him throughout all of his growing up years, and I know that they will continue to support him as he moves forward, so that he can become the best that he can be.  Congratulations Jon! We are very proud of you.

The Chosen.  I have been watching The Chosen, season 4, on YouTube as each episode drops.  What a well done series. I have loved every moment of it. Each episode has touched my heart in a special way.  I, who have always known the Savior, have found myself drawing even close to Him and understanding Him and His followers in an even more intimate way. If you have never watched this series, I really cannot recommend it enough. From the very first episode in Series one to this latest episode 7 in season 4, all have had me totally mesmerized.   I have watched the first three seasons several times over and each time this show has touched my heart in a beautiful way.  It is just done so very well.  If you have never watched it, I highly recommend it.  You have nothing to lose.

I understand that certain Evangelicals are telling their people not to watch it.  I can't believe how very small minded that is. How can anything which draws people into wanting a closer relationship with God and Jesus Christ possibly be bad??  I cannot comprehend such narrow thinking but then again, I have been affected by it for almost 25 years now. On the 8th of July I will have been a Baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ for 25 years. I consider that day to be the single best, most smartest thing I ever did in my life. It has helped and shaped me into a much better person than I was when I first came into the gospel. I truly believe that.  I know that. How can anything which helps to shape a better you ever be a bad thing.  Simply not possible.


Front porch sitting with my sister.  That was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. Mind you, I pretty much enjoy every minute spent with my sister.  I am so grateful to have her in my life.  She is a great blessing to me.


The bleeding hearts are about done now. Oh how I have enjoyed them this year.  They were a gift a few years back, I think my first summer here, from my next door neighbor Sheila.  Oh am I not so very blessed to be surrounded by such good people. God has been very good to me.  All the flowers on our street are beautiful Glenna has some gorgeous foxgloves that I love looking out and seeing. Almost every house has a lovely well attended garden, with nice hanging plants, etc.  That is why I wanted so much to get someone in to care for my own garden. I wanted it to look as good as all the others.  And now it does.

The lilies are coming up nicely and it won't be long now before they are in bloom.

I actually got two of these made over this past weekend. I did not like the way my book shelves looked.  I thought they looked cluttered and so I decided that I was going to make some curtains to hang in front of them.  I bought the rods and I sent away for the fabric. I have had the fabric for a month or so now and this weekend I finally got around to beginning them. I only have one more to do and I will be done in this room.  I might end up covering all of them in the bedroom as well. I don't know.  We will see how it goes.  At any rate I really like the way it looks in here.  I can't stand anything to look cluttered.  Clutter makes me feel anxious.  When you live in a really small place, keeping on top of the clutter is an on-going proposition.


Dad spent some time here on Saturday and then again yesterday. He had gone out without his key to my sister's house and then they had gone out and he couldn't get back in. So on Saturday he came here and spent quite a while actually. I didn't mind. He watched Seinfeld and had a nice tall glass of ice water and dozed a bit on the sofa while I worked. Then when my sister got home, I called and he knew it was okay to go back.

Yesterday he did not stay for too long.  Its actually a good thing I did not go to church yesterday as had I done so he would not have had anywhere to go.  He wanted to watch the French Catholic mass that he usually watches on Sunday but I couldn't get it on my television or on YouTube, so I gave him my key to my sister's place so that he could go home and watch it in the comfort of his room.  

I am grateful that I was here both days so that he had a place to sit in comfort.  He really needs to be better at remembering his key.  Perhaps he should have one in his car for just in case.


He is pretty much settled in to Cindy's now.  He has a few tweaks, etc. to do and of course we are faced with emptying his old place. I think he and Cindy are going over this morning.  His cat Princess is terrorizing Little Mac though.  She seems to get along with all of the other cats but she really doesn't like Little Mac. I feel sorry for him as she is being a big bully.  She had him cornered yesterday when I was there for supper.  Hopefully she will stop this as if she doesn't we will have to find another place for her where she can be on her own without any other cats. That will break Dad's heart but she can't be terrorizing the other cats. I am not sure what we can do to stop her from doing that.

Life is a beautiful balance of things at the moment.  I have enough . . .  more than enough of most things   . . .  and to be able to say that in this modern world is a great blessing.  The greatest blessing of all. God is good.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Let us hold unswervingly
to the hope we profess,
for He who promised 
is faithful.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Hebrews 10:23 ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Bacon & Potato Hash with Cheesy Beans

In The English Kitchen today, Bacon & Potato Hash with Cheesy Beans. This was such a simple supper to make and was oh so delicious.  I really enjoyed all the flavors of this easy supper!  Meals like this are my favorites!

I hope your week ahead is filled to overflowing with goodness and mercy.  May you be thoroughly blessed with all that you need and may you be happy.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Love the library treatments I did that in my art room I haave an open shelf piece of furniture J made 100 yrs ago but seeing all my stuff bothered me..That's not pretty lol..I did what you did.

    1. Open shelves and me are not great friends! I have learned this. Thank you! xoxo

  2. The shelves look good, just hope it doesn't lead to more clutter on the shelves. Congrats to Jon on his graduation. How about a key with your Dad's car key, then the keys would always be together. We had a lot of rain yesterday, about 30 mm and lots of wind, but today is sunny and it looks like the system has moved on. Happy Monday

    1. Thanks Linda. We have managed to get dad to attach the key to his car keys. xoxo

  3. Could Princess be terrorizing Little Mac because he is the youngest and safest to terrorize? Princess has been removed from all of her familiar territory, and she is expressing her upset on the littlest one. What Cindy or Dan or your Dad can do is take a tennis ball and bounce it toward her when she is caught doing this. It will shock and distract her, and it's a clear "no" to her behavior. It may take a week or so. Just bounce it close to where she is as the behavior is happening.

    1. Good idea, cats are basically pinheads so distractions are easy fixes for their issues.

    2. Mac is not the youngest, but he is the biggest at 17 lbs. I think Princess is trying to establish her position in the heirarchy. She doesn't bother the two 6m month old cats so it could also be she's intimidated by Mac's size. Things are slowly getting better.

  4. That's usual for cats. I took my little boy kitty to get neutered, and his mom didn't recognize him on return because he smelled like the other cats at the clinic. They fought for weeks, just keep them separated and distracted on and off, they will accustom. They aren't people, no need to get rid of one for such a small issue. Cats have small brains so they get used to change eventually.

  5. Your Dad is adjusting to a lot of change. Losing his hearing was hard on him as he tries to navigate his social scene. His dignity and sense of privacy has taken a hit as he has had to make changes in his life. Not shouting at him, while thinking you can make him hear what you are saying, is a huge step forward. Just use your own form of sign language, so that he sees what you are indicating with your speech. Gestures, making your speech simple, a simple nod of the head, or facial expressions will go a long way toward making your Dad comfortable in his new life, and also in social scenes. Navigating ordering at a restaurant is a nightmare for the hearing impaired. So he can make it clear when he is placing his order -- "this is all I want to order, nothing more or less" -- and said with a smile, will make it easier for him, and maybe he will order more than a hotdog. He may follow your lead if you speak that way when ordering. "Talking down" to a hearing impaired person is a most upsetting form of treatment. He's in a completely different way of life now, and just that part of it will overload his thinking at times. It would do this to anyone, no matter the age. So keys forgotten, his beloved Princess jumping on Little Mac -- please give all of that time to calm down. He's only been there a few days! Taking away his cat would be horrible for him, in my opinion, and may affect his health. Finding Little Mac a home - perhaps with you -- would be a great kindness if it all comes down to that. It is so easy to miss the cues, even when you are very kind and good, when you haven't walked in an elderly's person's shoes. Helping your Dad keep his dignity, in a subtle way, will be wonderful for him.

    1. He has hearing aids, the most expensive ones you can get, but they do very little good. He asks us to speak louder and slower, which we do. To us it seems like shouting, but it really isn't. Things are settling in with the cats with each day that passes. It has never been our intention to take dad's cat away from him. I can assure you we treat dad with as much dignity and care that is possible. This is a challenging time for us all! Thanks for your input! xoxo

  6. Seems those curtains will save some dusting too...argh, something I do very infrequently!! I am going to have to get things done here too...just too much piling on...I am so unmotivated not feeling very great either...this unsettled weather (which is most all summer here) causes arthritic pain. Ah well, it is always something huh?
    Elizabeth xo

    1. Ugh, dust. It is always with us! I hope you feel better soon Elizabeth! xoxo


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