Saturday 27 July 2024

This morning . . .

For we are more than just the thing we seem,
More than a little waking and a dream:
This life that seems so commonplace to me
Is woven into all eternity!
The little happenings that make a day
Are born of God and shall not pass away.

The fire when laid . . the supper table spread,
Even the simple breaking of the bread,
Are symbols of diviner things that lie
Close to our inner selves and will not die --
The root of life beneath the commonplace
Weaving their tendrils through the human race.

As long as life goes on . . there will be these:
Warm clodded earth, and bloom-laden trees,
East winds and rain . .  and flocks upon a hill,
The fresh sweet wonder of the daffodil;
And over all  . . and under all . .  and through,
The mind of God made manifest in you.
Edna Jacques, Inner Life
~My Kitchen Window, 1935

Its quite misty out there this morning.  Foggy.  But we are set to have a fine hot day with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures and more than a little bit of humidity.  It is days like this that I am grateful to have a heat pump in my place that cools things down and keeps them tolerable.


My food blog has been down since late in the day on Thursday.  I am not getting much joy as far as getting it back up and running goes.  I can see everything there in the page where you do all of the editing, etc. but the actual page itself is not showing.  I can add posts, edit posts, etc. but nobody can see them.  

To say this is distressing is a gross understatement.  I did not sleep at all Thursday night.  I sat all day yesterday waiting to hear from tech support. Nothing.   I was able to sleep last night.  I took a couple of Tylenol PM. And nothing this morning either. I am on the verge of losing hope to be honest. I am staring into the abyss.   That food blog is literally my life-line. All my eggs are in it's basket.

Both of my pensions, the old age security and my Canada pension, don't begin to cover even the rent of this place, never mind anything else.  I have a bit of savings but it won't last long.  I am sitting here racking my brain and wondering what the heck can I do.  I am at a loss.

I have emailed them again this morning.  I am not hopeful that I will get a response. I need to start thinking of another way that I can support myself. I need help. Please pray that the technical people start to pay attention to my emails and can help me get it back up and running. 

Fifteen years of hard work.  Gone. My life's support gone.  I am at a loss and finding it really difficult to be little Miss Sunshine this morning.  However, I know there is a God in heaven and that He has a plan for me.  Something will work out. One way or another something will work out. He has carried me through the fire in the past and He is not about to drop me now. So I will just keep trying and hoping and believing that everything will work out one way or another and that I will be okay.

That's all I can say this morning.  I don't have any more words in me. Just please pray for me.

Thank you.  God bless you all,

Don't forget  . . . 


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And I do too! 



  1. I can only think of Linda:) That could save you. And in the long run tech support..Is it The English Kitchen?

    1. It is the English Kitchen. It is a problem with the Domain Provider. Nothing can be done from my end. I keep getting emails saying they are swamped and will get to it when they get to it. In the meantime I am just you know, trying not to panic on the surface but panic is bubbling beneath. xoxo

  2. It is The English Kitchen.. but it says something is off .. etc..cant help I am so sorry

    1. No worries Monique, it is really only my problem! The domain is What will be will be! Thank you for caring! xoxo

  3. Certainly disturbing when your site is down, and of course we think the worst. Perhaps the server is down, perhaps it is time to switch to a new server. Perhaps the tech person can spread some light on that. You also need to look into a British pension as you worked there for several years and should have a National Insurance number to get some. If you qualify that would be extra monthly income for you. Also look into the GIS benefit for Canadians. Hopefully the website will sort itself out today. Try to have a good weekend.

    1. Its the domain provider. Google sold out all of its domain holders to this provider last September, which I didn't know until Thursday night. I don't qualify for a British Pension because I didn't pay into the National Insurance for long enough according to them, and I am penalized on my Canadian Pensions because I was out of the country for 20 years. I have never heard of GIS, but will look into it. Thank you. I am trying to have a good weekend! You too! xoxo

    2. I checked, I don't qualify for GIS because I made more than the base amount last year. I would have to wait until the next tax year to get anything, which really doesn't help me now, but it is what it is! Now I know how easy it is for someone to become homeless. Its a real eye opener.

    3. At least you checked, we certainly don't qualify for GIS as we are well over the limit. Interesting about the British pension, as we only worked there 5 years and qualify. Rules, rules, rules, Did you also check via your husband and his pension there as that is how I got mine. But again it depends on rules and whether you want to involve his name. Wonder who google sold to and what servers they use? Will see what I can check out You can always email me.

    4. I did a couple of checks at different sites, site won't ping so either server is overworked or has a hardware problem. There was a microsoft outage (affected many things from banks, to other things) sometime last week, so it could still be the effects of that if they are linked to Microsoft in any way shape or form. Basically it is just a waiting game.

    5. As you know Squarespace bought out Google, it seems you have checked the domain name renewal, so again a waiting game if you aren't getting any replies from them.

    6. Yes, just waiting. And hoping all will be well in the end! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie, I'm a web designer / VA and a longtime reader of both your blogs! I've checked the WHOIS record for your domain, and it seems your domain name was due for renewal on 21/07. Is your site currently hosted by Squarespace? From what I understand, Google sold all their domains to them.
    I know you must be in such a panic, but there’s some good news: your blog is still accessible from your end, so nothing is lost. It appears that the site is most likely offline because the domain needs to be renewed.

    1. Yes to both. I had no idea until Thursday that Google had sold their domains. I have updated my payment, etc. at Squarespace, but nothing. So am just waiting and hoping. I have contacted them numerous times. You just basically get the run around, but I am trying to remain hopeful. Thanks so much for your comment. xoxo

    2. Fingers crossed someone will get back to you soon. Hopefully this might help too:

    3. This has been the week of computer glitches and major problems for so many. Have patience and try not to worry (I know, easy to say....) but the techs know about you, have you on their radar and as they said , they are swamped at the moment. We are all hoping they get to your account very soon. It's not good for your health to be anxious so try to distract yourself however you can. It is an issue for so many , women in particular, who have worked all their life but the value of that has not been fully acknowledged. Stay busy , talk to friends, and likely this new company will get you sorted soon

  5. Praying it all is resolved soon! How very frustrating.
    God Bless and Keep You

  6. Praying for quick resolvement Marie, God is carrying you through this ❤️❤️❤️

  7. I've had internet issues before, very frustrating. At least they are easy to fix, not like the WW3 that is looming thanks to all the warmongers in the world.

    1. God is in control and all will be well in the end. I believe that. xoxo

  8. Oh Marie, I'm so sorry. Praying that by now the glitch has been taken care of, and the blog is back up and running.
    I'm a bit techno challenged, and no expert, but if you can still see everything from your end, it's definitely not gone. Someone just needs to figure out how to make it visible to your readers again as well.🙏

    1. Still waiting, but I am remaining hopeful! Thank you! xoxo


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