I hope there is nothing really wrong with him and that it is just a blip. I would be devastated if it is anything else. Cinnamon is fine.
We seem to have had more than our fair share of rain these past few weeks. It is raining now. My son Anthony send me a video of the rain they were getting in Fredericton late yesterday afternoon. He was sitting in his car waiting for the fish and chips he had ordered for their supper to be done. The rain was pelting down and it was at least halfway up the tires of this car that was maneuvering the parking lot. Feast and famine. Too dry, too wet. What happened to in between? A sign of Global warming?
It was dry here yesterday and fairly warm and humid. I dead headed the flowers in my flower boxes out front. There were a lot of rotten petunia blooms that I had to pick off and discard. Everything is looking quite pathetic. I can see that I will need to go out there and pull off quite a few more rotten blooms again.
Can you imagine living someplace like this? This is Switzerland. Apparently I visited Switzerland when I was a baby, but of course I would not remember that. I did see the Alps in the distance when we travelled in the Black Forest and then in Austria. Spectacular and yet haunting at the same time. I know from when I lived in Calgary how close the mountains can look and yet how faraway they can be at the same time. We could see the Rocky Mountains from our back yard on a good day. They seemed to be really close, and yet they were hours away.
One day we decided to drive into them. It took us hours just to reach them, and then they were phenomenal. HUGE I had never seen anything like them. We only drove as far as Banff and then turned around and came home, but it was quite an experience, and I am glad that I got to see them close up.
There has not been a lot of opportunity for moon-gazing so far this summer because of the cloudy skies. Usually I can see the moon from my bedroom window. I do note that the days are getting somewhat perceptively shorter. It is now dark by 9:30 and starting to get dark by 9.
I remember when we went to Scotland it was not dark until gone 11 at night, and light again by 5 a.m. Very short nights there in the summer months. Lots of midges too.
It rained a lot when we were in Scotland also. We did not have many dry days and I remember one of my knees was so bad at that point that I couldn't really walk very far at all. Kind of put a damper on things.
Last night the pain in bed was not so bad. I was grateful for that. Lately it has been excruciating. The pain in my left hip. It has felt like something is drilling through it. Last night it was not paining at all. That was a great blessing to me. This getting older is not for sissies, that's for sure.
I am really looking forward to my day trip with Cindy tomorrow. I hope we have fairly decent weather. Neither one of us has been to Michaels for quite some time now. I don't need anything in particular that I can think of. I am just looking forward to spending the day together. We are planning on leaving quite early, by about 9 a.m. It looks like it will be cloudy but dry tomorrow.
That's good. That it shouldn't be raining at least.
I need to get back to my embroidery. I have not touched it in a bit. I was doing quite well with it for a while.
Tonight is my dinner out night with Dad and his friend Hazel. I look forward to that each week. The food isn't the greatest but I enjoy building memories with Dad. Even though he can't hear anything anyone is saying for the most part, it is just nice to spend the time with him.
The waitresses all love him to pieces. They always come over and give him a hug, and even the owner comes out sometimes and gives him a hug, takes some time to say hello and have a chat with him. He seems to be well liked and respected.
My father is a very benign character. He is very easy going and quite friendly. Not grumpy at all and has a great generosity of spirit. I think you have to become an adult yourself to be able to appreciate these qualities in your parents. You don't seem to see them as well when you are a child. They are just the person who isn't letting you do what you want to do.
I am grateful now that my father was so strict with us when we were growing up. As an adult I have come to know my weaknesses and I think, had my dad been more permissive, I might have gotten into trouble. I like to think that I would not have, but the possibility was there. In many ways, rules are a form of protection for people like myself. I am far too impulsive, sometimes, for my own good.
But I have a good heart.
It would have been our mother's 92nd Birthday on Sunday. I still miss her. I think I always will. She is always present in our hearts and minds, and we speak of her often. There is not a day goes by that I do not think of her multiple times. I am grateful that she never got to see what happened to me with my husband. That would have broken her heart. She thought the world of him.
I suppose that was because of her love for me. She loved him because I did.
Mom's often do that. I am lucky that I love both my daughters in law and my son in law, the ones that I know. I do not know the other two. My oldest son's wife is a dear sweet girl with a kind and gentle heart. She is a giver. My middle son's wife is a wonderful wife and mother. She gives everything to her family and has always had my son's back. Eileen's husband is good and kind also.
I think all any parent really wants for their children is for them to be happy and content . . . and to be loved and taken care of by those they choose to put around themselves. At least that is what I want for my children.
And with that I best leave you with a thought for today . . . time's a wasting!
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In The English Kitchen today . . . Big Breakfast Quesadilla. I actually had this for my supper yesterday. It was really good. It was the second time I had made it in a week. The first time I was not happy with the photos and so I cooked it again. I wanted people to actually see how good this really was. Not sure if I achieved this or not! It was however . . . REALLY good!
I hope that you have a really nice day. Be happy and content and enjoy a bit of whatever it is that you enjoy most of all. Don't forget!
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And I do too!

Re Jean ..I did take a few of her classes and was happy with the outcome.But I have to follow her step by step..and then things work out.And once you have done a hedgehog etc..if you do another right away you can..But on my own.. it doesn't work.And I agree her books are not very instructive.Worse for me..Ian Fennely I love his style bought a set of classes last yr.I am not through them.Way too advanced graphic artist wise.For me.I speak for myself on both counts.I ..for me..lol prefer Jean.Shari Blaukopfs are easier and fun.Petunias in the rain:(Sad Sacks lol.
ReplyDeleteWell, I think the not having the energy to do things we wish, like art etc, maybe is part of having had covid...I do wonder. My strength has never come back to what it was for sure. And my you do stay busy...going here and there, etc. I would not be able to do that much!!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
Hope Nutmeg is feeling better today. Dinner with your Dad and a day out with Cindy are things to look forward to. I haven't been to Michaels for ages either, just don't seem to need anything. Still hot and muggy here, hope the rain eases up for you. Enjoy the day.
ReplyDeleteMale cats seem to get sick a lot. Ours does and like Nutmeg, he hoovers up anything on the floor, especially loose thread or yarn or dried grass. I have to be especially vigilant about it. Hopefully it was just short lived. Much love to you and the kitties - XO Raquel