Friday, 30 September 2022

My Friday Finds . . .



A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to do better, to create, to become better, to read more, to watch, to just DO something! Things that delight, inspire, and bring me joy.  Maybe they will do the same thing for you!  

Hat & Scarf all in one.  Harlequin Hoodie by Markin of the Hat and I on Ravelry.  

Three Little Knitted Frogs.  Free pattern.  Love this.   

Leigh Laurel Studios.  Free tutorial for a Tic Tac Toe Game. 


The Cottage Mama.  Mary Jane Baby Shoes.   

No source, just inspiration. These are so sweet!


Crochet 365, Knit Too.  Daisy Mae Bag. Free. 

Sea Glass Votive. I couldn't find the source, but it looks simple enough. Put a shot glass into a kilner jar, with a votive in it, then fill around the shot glass with sea glass.  

E How.  How to make fake sea glass.   

White River Junction Pattern by Natalie Marshall on Ravelry. Not free, but not expensive. I love this. It looks great in other colours also. 

The Flavour Bender.  Quick and Easy Rough Puff Pastry.  

Live Craft Eat.  Christmas Stars.   

Lia Griffith.  Pom Pom Gnomes.   


Nag on the Lake.  Matchboxes filled with art.   

My Flower Journal.  Paint a watercolour gnome in a few easy steps. 


You Tube, how to make paper mache pumpkins. Be warned the host has an irritating voice and manner. 

Lezo Musings.  Lemon and Mint Ice Sticks.  

Ravelry.  Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf.  

All Crochet Patterns.  Women's Crochet Tribal Clogs. Not free, but not expensive either.  

I love this Simplest Sweater pattern. Free on Ravelry.  

Once again Ravelry.  Sweet Tea Cosy Pattern by Nikki Trench.  Love the colours. This is so cute!

Scrappy Bias Shawl. In The Loop Knitting. Free.  I love LOVE this.

Kitche Me. Honey and Cinnamon Nighttime Drink. 


Made in Home.  Foxy Hat Pattern.  


Love this.  Drops Design.  Free pattern. 

Suzies Yarnie Stuff. Bippity Boppity Bow Scarf. Free pattern. 

Origami Instructions.  Origami Gift Card Holders.  

Printable Vintage Tin Labels.  From Knick of Time.  

And those are my finds for this week.  I hope that there was something of interest for you!

I watched the film Blonde on Netflix.  WORST film ever. I hated it.  I think the actress was very convincing as Marilyn, but what a depressing movie. H A T E D it.

On the plus side, did you know that you can watch the show from the 1980's called Family on the CTV ap?  I always love, loved that show. I used to watch it every week when it was on. Used to day dream about having their house, etc. I had house envy.  But what did I know, a young army wife living in a dinky little house on an army base with 4 kids, 3 under the age of five and in diapers, and a husband who was always away. It was pure escapism for me.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

I am thankful for all
those negative people in my life.
They have shown me 
exactly who I did not want to be.
~Unknown    •。★★ 。* 。 

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Butterscotch Buttermilk Cake. The most delicious cake ever!

I hope you have a wonderful day!  I am meeting up with an old friend for lunch. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!

Thursday, 29 September 2022

My Favorite Things . . .



A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitter pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥  What can I say. I like pretty things. I love looking at them and sometimes I even get to have some for myself. 


Counted cross stitch. I did a lot of it when I was younger. I had some of it over in the UK with me. Why didn't I shove it into my suitcase when I left.  It pains me to think . . . I guess I had so little time to prepare to leave and my mind was not in the right place. 


My Luna Lapin. I need to make her some more clothes.  She has only the one dress so far. So many projects, so little time  . . . 


Door knockers.  I love door knockers.  


Crochet potholders.  Somehow, I managed to remember to stick these in my suitcase. And yet there were others I did not. 


Diaries and botanicals . . .  a brilliant combination  . . . 


The art I have collected by Eva Koleva Timothy  . . . I have 7 of her pieces now. I love them all. They all have meaning for me.


My glass birds . . . I love them  . . . 


Orange cats . . .  they have plenty of character.


The Classics.  Pretty books. When the two are combined, you have something very beautiful indeed.


My Cath Kidston gloves  . . .  somehow they made it here with me. I love the pompom wrist ties.


Stoneware mugs and jugs  . . . 


My tea cosy . . .  it is one of my prized possessions and I love the person who created it for me too. 💖


Pretty teacups  . . .  I love this person too. 💖 


Window light at night  . . .  welcoming  . . . 


This photograph of my four younger children.  That was a long time ago now.  They are all in their 40's now except for the baby who is 33.  I also love my napkin holder set I got from my sister and that Mom plaque which is one of the things I had bought for my mother. 


I love this time of year  . . . the light, the air, the smells, the feels  . . . tis my favorite of all the seasons.

This photo of my mother. She was very proud of this photo.  We each have a copy of it in our home. I miss my mother so much . . . 

These colors and working with my hands . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week. I need to get going. I am taking my car to (hopefully) be cleaned this morning.  Fingers crossed!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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  ˚•˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Never let the fear of striking out
prevent you from playing the game.
~Babe Ruth•。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。

Something I had been mulling over my mind for a while now. In the kitchen today   . . .  Four delicious meals to make for one person from one pound of ground beef.  Easily multiplied to feed more, but then again you will need more beef. 

Have a wonderful day!  The sun is shining here brilliantly.  Whatever you get up to stay safe and be happy.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!