Happiness is something we create in our minds . . .
It's not something you search for
And so seldom find.
It's just waking up and beginning the day
By counting our blessings and kneeling to pray.
It's giving up thoughts that breed discontent
And accepting what comes as a gift heaven-sent.
It's giving up wishing for things we have not
And making the best of whatever we've got.
It's knowing that life is determined for us
And pursuing our tasks
Without fret, fume, or fuss . . .
For it's by completing what God gives us to do
That we find real contentment and happiness too.
~Helen Steiner Rice
I am so very happy to be finally back online after the past several weeks of not being connected. I was missing you all so very, very much! Our move went quite well, and here we are several weeks later, pretty much all settled in at the other end. It's probably a good thing that we didn't have any internet access for the first few weeks as Todd and I were able to get almost everything done without any interruption or distractions!

The last time we drove down the drive of the Manor Estate and out into our new adventure . . . was kind of sad and bittersweet to me. I looked at the Rhodendron bushes that lined the drive and thought to myself . . . I will never again be able to drive down this little lane and see them all abloom . . . but just look at what greeted me when we got to this end!

Yes!! My very own Rhodendron bush . . . and . . . right outside my very own front door! What a wonderful surprise it was!

It has been somewhat of a chore these past weeks, unpacking box after box and trying to find places in a newer and smaller home to fit it all into. We have had to give away a lot of things . . . things like our sofa bed and cosy big arm chair. They just didn't fit in . . . our second television also had to go . . . and we are still trying to figure out how to fit in the second computer.

Our electric cooker was too large for this new kitchen . . . and there was no point here to hook up an electric cooker, and so we had to go out and buy a gas one. I think the new one is really cute, although it is a lot smaller and something I am still getting used to.
The whole kitchen is a lot smaller than what I have been used to over the past almost seven years, but I do love the new one. I think it's rather sweet and fresh and I have enjoyed putting my own stamp on it.

We've been building furniture too. A beautiful new sideboard for in the dining area. I needed it to fit in all my dishes that there was no room for in this cute little kitchen. There has been new bedroom furniture to build as well . . . two bureaus, a wardrobe and two night stands.
They are a testimony to how very much we love each other as nobody was killed during the assembling period!! Although I am quite sure Todd came close to wanting to get rid of both the furniture and me (in that order) several times during the process!!
Next will be the bunkbeds that we need to get for the guest bedroom. I think I'll give Todd a breather before we go that far though!

I am ever so thankful for all the lovely cards that were waiting for me when we arrived here and for the lovely cards that have continued to pour through our mail slot. What a wonderful welcome and how very loved we have both felt. You are all so very special, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your many prayers, thoughts and cards. You helped to make what could have been, and what was at times, a very stressful period in our lives, a bit less worriesome and a much easier task to bear.
Now begins the next chapter in our lives, and we are both very much looking forward to this newest adventure. We love our tiny new home and we love each other. We are happy and feeling very, very blessed. Each day we try to take a walk around the neighbourhood, both for exercise and to get some fresh air . . . and while we are no longer walking through Orchards and fields, we are still walking hand in hand and together. We are really enjoying this extra time we have to spend together . . . something that we have not had a whole lot of over the past seven years. It has been a real blessing to wake up each morning and count the coming day as my own . . . and indeed, to count my life as now belonging to me. Those of you who know me, will know exactly what I mean by that. I feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted from off of my shoulders and that is such a wonderful feeling.

There are not a lot of jobs around just at the moment, but I am really looking forward to using these next few months as a time of exploring all the possibilities that lay before me . . . more opportunities and time to create . . . new avenues to discover . . . more time to work on my Art Course . . . it's all very, very exciting!
I missed you all so very much. I hope that you missed me too!! I hope that you are looking forward to coming along with me on this new adventure of mine, and sharing right along with me, what happens next!
One thing I have had over these past couple of weeks is lots more time to cook!!! We've had guests over twice now and I have been enjoying trying to fit in to my new kitchen and getting used to the new cooker!

*Enchiladas Calabaza*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe
I'm not sure where this delicious recipe started. I'm not even sure if it is authentically Mexican. I only know it's an incredibly tasty way to get some extra vegetables into the husband and children. These are fabulous!
2 to 3 pounds butternut squash
6 ounces cream cheese
4 spring onions, trimmed and slices
1/2 tsp mild chili powder
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp ground coriander
1/4 tsp oregano leaves
1/4 tsp salt
a pinch of cinnamon
12 corn tortillas
12 ounces of tomato salsa, spicy or mild as you wish
8 ounces of grated sharp cheddar cheese
Pre-heat your oven to 200*C/400*F/Gas Mark 6. Slice the butternut squash in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Place on a baking tray and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes until tender. Remove from the oven and then scoop the flesh out as soon as you can handle them. (I hold them in one hand with a oven mitt and scoop out the flesh with the other using a spoon to scrape it out into a a bowl) Mash the hot squash together with the cream cheese until the mixture is fairly smooth and the cheese is melted all in. Stir in the spices and the chopped spring onion.
Lower the oven heat to 180*C/350*F/Gas Mark 4. Warm the tortillas in a skillet until pliable. Fill each tortilla with ¼ cup of the butternut squash mixture and roll up tightly. Place in a greased baking dish, seam side down. Pour the salsa over the filled tortillas. Top with the grated cheese.
Cover with foil, tightly, and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until heated through. Remove the foil and bake for a further 10 to 15 minutes until the cheese is all bubbly and starting to brown. Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes before serving. We like to have these with sour cream and more chopped spring onions for sprinkling on top. Yumm!!
A delicious Blackcurrant Jam Cake awaits you this morning, over on The English Kitchen. This is to die for, truly!

MARIEEEEEEEEEE! I am so glad you are back. The update was GREAT because you and Todd and have both been on my mind and I have been anxious to hear how you were settling in. Your optimistic attitude and outlook has always been an inspiration. You have always been generous with what you have, especially during my time there as I recall. I will forever be grateful to you both for the kindness you showed me while I as there, as far as I am concerned--you are practically family to me! You also remind me to look for little miracles, like the flowers in bloom as you pulled out of the driveway. All my best to you Marie and Todd as well. I miss you very much and I look forward to more updates from you soon! :)
I'm so glad to see you again!! You kitchen and new cooker look supercute, I hope you're settling in okay: moving can be quite stressful!
ReplyDeleteThe enchiladas look amazing, just the thing I would like to make so I'm bookmarking it!
Hi, dear Marie! HOORAY!! It is sooo good to see you back here! I have been missing you very, very much. And I've been checking every single day, just in case--wouldn't want to miss something... LOL! I am so glad all went well with the move and you've had time to get your house in order. It looks like such a charming, cozy place--your kitchen is sooo cute! It sounds like this new chapter is off to a terrific start, and I am so happy for you both. Enjoy this time of seeing what unfolds. Wonderful recipe--been missing your recipes too! Happy Days, my friend. Look forward to catching up with you when you have time sometime soon. Meet you here later. LOVE YOU HEAPS!! OXOX ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteOh Marie,how nice to see how well you are settling in to your new home and 'feel' the happiness ..lover Jan xx
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see you back and glad that your new life is going so well! I have been anxiously checking every day and was getting worried, but you are better than ever!
ReplyDeleteso glad you are back online..looks like you have made the best of your smaller place..its looks so cute!!
ReplyDeleteWonderful to "see" you! I've been missing my visits with you :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like all is well at your new little nest, love the cooker,
and happy you are enjoying some time and freedom,
You will probably never know how much you were missed.
ReplyDeleteTonight I go to bed after reading your cheery post and something seems better with the world.
It is wonderful to read about your new home and hopes for the future. The ability to relax and learn how you enjoy this time with Todd is such a great lesson for us all. There is also great joy in settling into a space and making it home. I look forward to learning more recipes and hearing about your time spent over the stove in your new kitchen.
Thank you for you.
Welcome back ! I was very glad to hear that you have successfully made the move. I've retired from my work now. This is my first week of freedom, as you say, and really enjoying it. That new side board is a beauty. I've an old one that I dearly love but it is nothing to look at like yours is. I know you will find just the perfect job in the days ahead. Try to enjoy each day and make the most of it.
ReplyDeleteThe new kitchen looks very sweet indeed. I like the tile backsplash. Looking forward to following your new adventure.
ReplyDeleteSo glad that you're safe and settled. The new flowers are beautiful and the kitchen so cute. You sound happy. :)
I have missed you so much, Marie! It sounds like things are going well and I am hoping you are happy in your new ward.
ReplyDeleteThings have been crazy here too as Jim had the two weeks off for his last vacation with the County. He is retiring June 30th and as for me I am just about to finish emptying my two 19x12 foot storage units full of household decor, linens, art,etc. So I know what you mean about giving a lot of stuff away.
At first I was thinking it would be hard but I have given most of it to young married couples and friends and everyone is thrilled. We have been getting our own house in order and getting rid of stuff here too. It has been a great and liberating experience...like moving in many ways but not going anywhere!
So glad to have you back among us!
Love, B
So happy that all has gone smoothly and you and Todd have enjoyed the beginnings of your new adventure. Your postitive attitude and incredible outlook on all things in life continues to inspire us all. Big (((HUGS))) from California!
ReplyDeleteyea-marie's back!!!! and of course we all missed you!!!! so glad you guys are settled in and enjoying your new life. as long as you are together, everything is alright:) and i'm glad that you feel that weight lifted off your shoulders, what a great feeling! and i loved the pictures you shared-what a lovely little place! have fun in your art course and have fun getting reacquainted with the area. lots of hugs! hoLLy
ReplyDeleteYou're back and I'm sooooo glad. I've surely been missing you, and praying for you. You know, small isn't always bad. Less to worry about, less to clean up. Anyway, welcome back!!!
ReplyDeleteMarie I'm so excited to have you back and to hear how well things are going. If I had my husband putting furniture together I'd have to stay a long ways away - he hates that sort of thing and whenever I have him do it he just fusses and fusses, and then laughs at himself. :) I thought of you this very morning. I made cranberry scones from a Weight Watcher's recipe but I thought...I bet Marie would change this recipe a little, and so that's exactly what I did! I know scones aren't supposed to be sweet but I wanted a little more sweet so I added sugar (artificial) and did a couple of other things. They weren't as rich and good as regular scones, and they looked like cookies instead of scones, but they made a lovely breakfast. blessings, marlene
ReplyDeleteMarie....I missed your blog soooooo much!!! Glad that your move went well and that you love your new place. (The kitchen is really cute.) You will have to post more pictures of your new home! Are you closer to London now? Having never been to England I am just curious. Good luck with you art projects!
ReplyDeleteOhhhh Marie! I have missed you so much. I have thought about you every day and hoped that things were going well. I am so glad you are back and getting all settled in. Your kitchen looks beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI know that you are going to love this new chapter of your life. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear more!
It's so good to hear from you again, Marie. Your new place looks so charming! Best of luck with your new home.
ReplyDeleteSO happy to have you back! Thank goodness for a successful move- and the length of time offline- simplicity is so nice once in a while!
ReplyDeleteglad, happy, joyous,ecstatic, over the moon - the whole thesaurus of words that mean exultant - that's me to have you back on here safe and sound and relatively unscathed.
ReplyDeleteThat rhododendron is beautiful. Quite early too isn't it? There.s none out here yet. Lovely welcome though.
Love, Angie,xx
Welcome back, Marie!
ReplyDeleteCould the bushes be camellias instead of rhododendrons? That shade of pink is my favorite color for camellias.
Yippeeee!!! Marie's back!
ReplyDeleteOh Marie, I've missed you here and on Facebook as well. I'm so happy to see that you are getting settled. I actually love the look of your little kitchen and new oven. I would LOVE to see some photos of the area around your new place. The streets and such.
So good to have you back.
All my love:
Gerushia's New World
It's so nice to see you back. I'm so happy to see that you've settled in your charming little house.Looking forward to read your journal and to try out your recipes
ReplyDeleteMarie Im so glad you back again!! hugs! hugss! huggs! and blessings in your new home, look absolutely lovely, the ouse you know, is hwhere our heart is...
ReplyDeleteAaah! Im sure you and Todd will be really happy in new home!! enjoy! and send you all my love to you and Todd, Love yah!! xoxoxoxo gloria
So glad you're back!
ReplyDeleteSuch a wonderful thing--the same beautiful flowers waving good-bye and then greeting you at your new door! That's quite a sign, I think!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this little vision of your journey--and your beautiful new home!
I missed you much while you were away and busy--wen't to Utah for 10days...saw our college daughter, my parents and siblings with their families and went to Conference--it was so wonderful!
Now getting back to normal, as you are! SO wonderful to have you back where you belong...because no matter where we actually live on this earth, our blog address is the same...isn't that a comfort?!
Much love sent to you, my friend--welcome home!
So glad to see you back, Marie. I really, really missed you. And I'm so happy to hear you are all settled in and even got the wonderful surprise gift of a beautiful Rhododendrum bush to call your very own. Isn't God awesome? I just love when he blesses us in these personal ways.
ReplyDeleteOh Marie, I am so so so e and pleased to see you here back with us. You will never ever know how much you have been missed.. I have been on the point of writing snail mail alsot every day this past week as I was sure something hard befallen you and Todd. Thanks be to God that you are both safe and settling into your new home.
ReplyDeleteI had a laugh at the thought of Todd building all that furniture what a pair you are...it all looks so lovely though. Your cooker is same looking one as mine although mine is a horrid brown colour (was Mary's new when she moved next door but she never cooks so it came over to me when I needed a new one!!)
Now I have your blog to look forward to every day the sun will shine again... I am away to Scotland on Sun. back Thurs. a flying visit...
Love Sybil xxxx