Friday, 31 March 2023

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things I find each week that inspire me to want to do better, to create, to become better, to read more, to watch, to just DO something! Things that delight, inspire, and bring me joy.  Maybe they will do the same thing for you!  

Learn to knit fingerless mitts and gloves. Pattern from Knit Picks.  Not free, but not expensive either.  I love the colours! 

Josh Braker.  10 essential plants for the white garden. I love white gardens.  

How to make a container pond. From Waterside Nursery.  Great idea! 

Home Hacks. How to use White Vinegar in the garden.

The Fun Sized Life. Food for thought.  

The Artful Parent. How to make a 3D nature suncatcher.  

Frugal Fun for Boys.  Lego Pets.  

Easy Crochet Baby Blanket.  The Spruce.  

Loopy Lace Scarf by Kate Harris on Ravelry. Free. 

Half Moon Shawl. Pattern by Lion Brand on Ravelry. 

Polka Dot Chair. Oversized Beach Bag.  

From Craftsy.  Free pattern for the Phoebe Bag. 

Instructables How to Knit a Striped Tea Cosy.  

Fork and Beans. Tee Pee Cookies.  

Handmade Charlotte, not to be outdone, sugar wafer dresses for the girls.  

She Knows, cookie bird houses with jelly bean birds.  Cute!  These would make great cake decorations. 

No source, just a great idea, for some hanging baskets using an old clothesline pully.  

Painted by Karla Payne.  How to make your furniture pop with paper.  Love this idea. 

No source, just inspiration . . . 

Coloured Pencil Sculpture by Molly Gambardella.  Wow. 

Clean like a Maid.  

More than a weed . . . 

From Stitching Together, crochet country dishcloths with printable wrappers. 

Sew Can She, tiny bag pattern, free, also. 

Yarn Cosy Holder by Mareike Meyer on Ravelry.  Love it!  

Lilly Ella, a tutorial on how to make reusable cloth tea bags.  Brilliant! 

Haakemaarraak.  Free pattern download.  

Best Free Crochet. Pom Pom Garland.  Love this!  

Rock n Roll Bride.  Free pattern for this cute cupcake garland by Twinkie Chan! 

 Polka Dot Tea Set from Maggies Crochet. Not free, but not really expensive either. Includes picnic basket, and everything a little girl would like to enjoy her own pretend tea party.

Made by Me and Shared by You.  How to add a Peter Pan collar to a t-shirt.  Free diy tutorial.  

Gingercake. Vintage inspired dinner roll holder.  Love this. Complete tutorial.  

Penny Pincher Jenny. Deep Clean your Home in just 7 days.  I like that idea!  
And those are my finds for this week. I hope there was something of interest to you!

I have had two very curious cats this morning.  Cinnamon wouldn't even eat her breakfast. She kept hanging around the spare bedroom door, and just a few minutes ago, she was working her way under the carpet beneath the dining room table. I lifted it up and noticed what it was.  A centipede.  It has been dispatched. 

There is no lack of excitement around here!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Now and then, in this workaday world,
things do happen in the delightful storybook fashion,
and what a comfort that is.  
~Louisa May Alcott  •。★★ 。* 。

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Easy Creamed Corn, from scratch.  Quick and easy to make. Delicious too!

I hope you have a wonderful day. I am meeting my friend Jacquie for lunch today. Our friend Glenna is meeting us for dessert.   Its all go here!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 

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And I do too! 

Thursday, 30 March 2023

My Favorite things . . .


A few of the things that make me smile, bring happiness and joy, and make my heart go pitter pat. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say its worth a thousand smiles. 

Diadamy and her pink hair.  Love, LOVE this sweet Blythe doll, and not the least because she reminds me of a sweet friend.  I need to make her some clothes. I need to make Luna some clothes.  I need to play a little bit more.

Surprises in the post. I got this surprise package yesterday from my old friend Eileen. We have been friends for over 62 years now, having met in kindergarten many moons ago.  Two lovely pottery mugs that her daughter actually made, some lovely herbal teas and a pot of her homemade strawberry jam that she knows I love.  Most of all I love that we are still friends after all these years.  She came and spent some time with me when I lived in the UK actually, when I was living on the Estate. My oldest daughter Eileen is named after her. 

It is incredibly unusual for a Military Brat (me) to have maintained a friendship for so many years.  We move around so much.


Washi tape and stickers. I love them.  I use them in my journals, etc.


Pretty pillow cases  . . . 


Pretty tins  . . . 


Sea shells  . . . 


Those eyes  . . . 


Pretty bowls  . . . 


Sourdough bread  . . .  with butter and jam . . . yes please.


Buttercups  . . . 


So pretty  . . . 


Fairy tales  . . . 


Potatoes and green beans  . . . 


Wire baskets  . . . 


Attic rooms  . . . 


Pretty scraps  . . . 


Flower quilts  . . . 


Those buns  . . .  that teapot  . . . 


The blouse  . . . 


Just wow  . . . 


This too . . . 


Hydrangea  . . . 


Pretty in pink  . . . 


A carrot cake  . . . 


Reds  . . . 


Baby bunnies  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week. I hope they made your heart smile also.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*Rose-colored glasses are 
never made in bi-focals.
Nobody wants to read the
small print in dreams.
~Ann Landers•。★★ 。* 。

A new favorite thing with me is this beautifully delicious Braised Cabbage with Horseradish Cream that I made the other day.  I love cabbage and this was fabulous!

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday. I hope that you get to enjoy at least a few of your favorite things today!  Whatever you do, wherever you go, don't forget! 

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And I do too!