FOR TODAY, August 31st, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
It's a different kettle of fish this morning than it was a week ago, or even a day ago. It's very overcast and there is the definite feeling of autumn in the air, but then again, I've been feeling that for a week or so now. Oh summer . . . thou art so fleeting . . .
I am thinking...
About all the lovely talks given in Sacrament meeting yesterday, and not just because mine was one of them. They were all good and it was a different way to do a meeting and quite enjoyable. There were four speakers instead of the usual three and each talk was on a different hymn and given after we had sung the hymn. I had chosen "Master, The Tempest is Raging." I had a hard time picking one hymn, I love a lot of them so very much, but this one kept speaking to my heart each time I prayed about it and so I chose this one. I think it was a very topical subject right now with so many people having to endure the problems and troubles that they are today, with health problems, job problems, etc. On Saturday when I tested it out on Todd (Todd is always my talk guinea pig) I could hardly get through it before I began blubbering, but yesterday, thankfully, my blubbering didn't start until close to the end! Whew!
I am thankful for...
I am thankful all of your thoughts and prayers. I am feeling better this morning, so far, so, fingers crossed, that's a good sign! There has been a nasty bug going around so I've been told! I wonder if you could spare a few thoughts for our friend Bob. He's been battling cancer in his mouth and face and was not feeling very well yesterday, so was not at church. They keep operating to remove it and he has chemo, and it goes into remission, but then it comes back and it's more operations etc. He could really use all our prayers. Thank you so much!
From the kitchen...
There's a tasty pan dowdy sitting on the counter, that was fabulous. All will be revealed soon! There's also the last of the Applesauce cake that will either be eaten today or frozen. I have a few plans for this morning before I go to work, so we shall see what happens!
I am wearing...
Pink and White check pajamas, kind of like a pretty table cloth. There is lace trim around the bottoms of the legs and adorning the collar. They are quite loose on me and I had not worn them before, they are new. I remember falling in love with them, and then I kept them for good. I decided yesterday I better wear them or before too long I won't be able to . . . not that I'm complaining, coz I'm not!
I am creating...
I have finished all my comissions for now and it's back to doing what I love most and that is creating pictures from my imaginations and inspirations. I still have those dolls planned and really need to get busy with them. I bought the yarn for the hair, and have a vision in my mind, but that's as far as I have gotten!
I am going...
Well, Home Study Seminary starts up again this week, so I have a lesson to plan for Thursday evening and the Young Women's Mutual starts again as well. We are having a Pajama party. Sounds like fun, eh?
I am reading...

Life in the Scottish Coal Mines, or any coal mine, was a horrible existance for any human being. This book follows the journey of several families who made the move from this hopeless existance, to the city of Edinborough and on across the Atlantic Ocean to America, culminating in the long trek across the American Plains to find the "Promised Land" which lay in a valley between two mountains. It's a fascinating and riveting historical novel about some of the early Scottish pioneers in the LDS church and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I highly recommend, even if you aren't a member of the church. To think that people once had to live and work under those conditions in the coal mines is mind boggling. I'll never complain about any job I have to do again!
I am hoping...
That things are going well for a dear friend of mine and her family. They have been much in my prayers and thoughts and I have not heard anything. It is so hard when you are waiting on the promises of the Lord at times. It can really try your patience and your prayers. It is hard to keep in your minds that He is in control and that all will work out in His way and in His time. The trials and tribulations that we must go through here on earth, the refining process can be so very hard to endure, and it can be so difficult to hang on to our faith and to endure. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with them, and hopefully things will turn around soon.
I am hearing...
It's all very quiet except for the ticking of the clock, Jess's breathing and the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves in the garden. A typical autumnal morning . . . the children will be back to the village school at the bottom of our hill soon and their happy voices will be echoing up through the orchards, albeit not this early in the morning, but it will be a welcome and sweet sound just the same!
Around the house...
Not a lot has gone on this past week, except for the things that had to be done. Hopefully things will look up this coming week!
One of my favorite things...
Is collecting inspirational quotes, poems and stories. I have volumes of them. One of my favourite ones is called Apples of Gold. I just love it and I can find some inspiring thought, quote or scripture within it's pages to sooth my every mood or sorrow.
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." Proverbs 25:11
Oh I do love the Proverbs . . .
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Work, painting and cooking, with a dash of Seminary and Mutual thrown in. I have a Seminary Faculty meeting on Saturday that I will have to jump onto the train to travel to. It's the first one of the year and so I am looking forward to going to it and seeing what will be shared with us all!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

I found this the other day and just had to share it. What a wonderful life philosophy. I prefer to laugh as well. You just got to love that Majorie Pay Hinckley. What a treasure she was!
And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
I made Todd a delicious Chicken Crumble for his tea on Saturday, which we had with some crispy baked potatoes. Yesterday we had the leftovers with some mash. This is one of our favourites and I hope it will become one of yours.

*Chicken Crumble*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
This is a tasty little casserole I made up a number of years back when I had to take something to a potluck supper one night. It turned out really lovely and I've been making it ever since. We always really enjoy it.
1 small chicken, cut into pieces
1 small onion, peeled and cut in half
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into quarters
1 stalk of celery, preferably with the leaves attached
sea salt to taste
a few black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
1/4 cup of flour
1 cup milk
chicken stock cubes
1 cup frozen peas
2 cups chicken stuffing crumbs, or herbed croutons, coarsely crushed
1/2 cup dried cranberries

Place your chicken pieces into a large pot and cover with water. Add the onion, carrot and celery, along with some sea salt, the bay leaf and a few black pepper corns. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer, cover and simmer for about an hour and a half, until the meat is very tender. Remove from the heat and scoop out the chicken pieces, reserving the broth and the vegetables.
Once it has cooled enough to handle remove all the meat from the chicken pieces, discarding any skin or bone. Cut into bite sized pieces and place in a 2 litre buttered casserole dish. Dice up the cooked carrot and add along with the frozen peas. Set aside while you make the gravy.
Remove about 2 1/2 cups of the chicken broth and place in a large saucepan. Place the milk and flour in a large jar and shake together until smooth. Strain into the chicken broth. Cook, whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and thickens. Taste and add a few crumbled chicken stock cubes if needed and season with some Salt and black pepper. Pour most of this over the chicken and vegetable mixture in the casserole dish, saving back about 1/2 cup. Mix together the crumbs and cranberries. Sprinkle this mixture over top of the chicken. Drizzle with the reserved gravy. Cover and bake in a 180*C/350*F oven for about 30 minutes, uncover and bake for about 15 minutes longer. Serve hot with baked or mashed potatoes and a salad on the side. Delicious!
*Note* - This can also be made with leftover cooked chicken and gravy. Just place your chicken, gravy and some leftover veg in a buttered dish. Mix the crumbs and cranberries together and sprinkle on top, drizzling with a bit of gravy or stock before cooking. Proceed as in recipe above.

If you'd like to take a notion at what came afterwards . . . check it out HERE!