-2*C/30*F feels like -12*C/10*F
Snow is falling
-2*C/30*F feels like -12*C/10*F
Snow is falling
Dear Neighbor,
I can attest for how cold it is as I was out to the community mailbox at 6 this morning, in the dark, the snow crunching under my feet, popping in a birthday card for my grandson Josh in P.E.I. I should have posted it yesterday. I had it all ready to go several months ago, but it was not until the wee hours of the morning that I woke up and thought to myself . . . I think there is a grandson's birthday coming up soon . . . and sure enough it is Josh's on the 9th. I hope that he gets it in time. I have my fingers crossed. I really should have posted it a few days ago. He is turning 16 or 17. They are all so close in age that I mix them up sometimes. I am not as sharp as I used to be.
Our Eileen will be turning 47 on Tuesday, and of course dad will be 91 on the 17th. I think that is all of the birthdays this month. I hope that I have not forgotten any.
I got the cats to the Vet yesterday for their last boosters and they are all set now, for another year at least. It was not as expensive as the last visit was, but they only needed to see the nurse yesterday and have their shots. It was not a full exam. They were singing in two-part harmony all the way there. Nutmeg was keen to eat the treat that the nurse had for him, but Cinnamon wasn't having any of it. She is quite a bit smarter than he is. She knew it was only a bribe.
They were a lot quieter on the way home and very glad to get there when we arrived. I dare say that the next time the cat carrier comes out, they will know the jig is up and head for the hills. They are both being very quiet this morning.
Everything was very still when I went out to the mailbox this morning. The snow was falling and the only footsteps in it were mine. I could see that Sheila was up already and had her news on, and the gentleman across the way was up as his lights were on, but other than that those were the only signs of life on the street.
I think the man who lives to the right of me is still in hospital. Someone comes every day to his house, I think a son . . . and does something. I do not know if he has pets or anything, but there must be something the son is coming to attend to. I have never seen a dog or anything, however. Maybe he has fish.
This is a very quiet neighborhood. Not a lot happens here on this street. Most of the noise comes from the traffic which moves up and down the main road at the end of the street. It leads to the motorway so that is to be expected I suppose. That it would be busier.
Some cars really floor it when they get to that road. You can hear them zooming by. It can be quite loud at times. That is why I would never allow the cats to go outside. That road is too dangerous to my way of thinking. It is said that indoor cats live longer. I believe that to be true.
I have decided this year that I am going to watch, or at least try to watch, all of the movies that I have wanted to see but, for one reason or another, have never done so. I got my work done very early yesterday, before we took the cats and so had nothing much to do, or at least that was pressing, when I got back home. So I decided to watch a film. I watched "Not Without My Daughter" on Roku. (I have a Roku TV so I get the channel free.) I had seen it, but it was a very long time ago now and I had mostly forgotten it. I really like Sally Field as an actress. I think she is very good. I fell in love with her when she played Gidget on the television and then the Flying Nun. When she played Sybil, I started to recognize that she was very, very talented and I have pretty much watched everything she has ever done.
Then last night I started to watch Moonstruck. Cindy had mentioned it in the car, and it is a film that I have never seen. I only just started it.
I tend, most of the time, to watch things in blocks. I don't seem to have the attention span to watch anything that is more than an hour long all in one go these days. I don't know what is up with that. I get fidgety if anything lasts longer than that.
I need to get something to do with my hands while I watch tv. Then I won't be as distracted and can concentrate better. I do have a blanket which is only half done. I should dig it out and finish it.
The winter is the time to finish or start all of the projects that you are too busy to tackle in the warmer months. I think I should make a list of all the things I want to do and then start tackling them one by one.
I bruised the palm of my left hand the other day. I was twisting the lid off of a soda bottle and it just happened. I have never done that before, but somehow, I pinched it in the twisting, and sure enough a big bruise popped up. It is quite tender to touch as well.
I seem to have done something to my right shoulder also. This has been going on for several weeks now. I cannot reach behind me or stretch my right arm to reach anything. The pain is excruciating when I do so. I must have pulled a muscle. I can reach across my body to the front alright, but certain movements with the arm do cause a lot of pain. I can really feel it in bed at night. It wakes me up off and on, disturbing my sleep.
You know you are getting old when you start to talk about all your aches and pains, lol. We all do it. There are two things you can talk about when all else fails. Your pains and the weather. they are things which affect us all in one way or another. A kind of commonality we can meet together on.
I have been thinking a lot about forgiveness lately. I have always been a very forgiving person, or at least I think that I am. My father is also very much that way. He does not hang onto things, and I think that is the best way to be.
Often people see forgiving people as being weak people. I don't think that to forgive another is a sign of weakness. I see forgiveness as being a powerful path to Peace. It is not so much a gift that you are giving to another but a gift that you are actually giving to yourself.
In forgiving you are freeing yourself from having to hang onto the wrongs perpetrated against you. The person you are forgiving will still have to deal with whatever it is they have done, but by forgiving them, you are choosing to free yourself from any toxicity created by hate, anger, disquiet, bitterness, anxiety, fear or any other negative emotions and feelings associated with not being able to move past the things which have hurt us.
If you choose to hang onto all of the hurts, they can build up . . . each one being like a rock that you have added to the bag of life you are carrying on your back. It will not take very many to weigh you down and stop you from truly moving forward through life in peace. I am a person who does not want to carry the weight of such things, and so I work at forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not about absolving people of their guilt or about setting them free from owning up to their actions. It's about setting yourself free. Non-forgiveness is like dumping dirt into a clear blue ocean. It muddies everything it touches. If you don't dump the dirt into your ocean, the beauty of the ocean is yours to swim in, free from the contamination of negativity. The lighter the weight of your burdens will be.
It is not always easy to forgive. I know that from experience. But I recognize that hanging onto the hurt is allowing that person who has harmed you to still have a power over you, to still be muddying your waters.
Do not give them that power. Take the power back and gift yourself with the power and strength of forgiveness. It is a form of self-care that can never be underestimated.
I used to think that I had the soul of a traveler, but the older I get, the more I realize that I do not. I really am not fond of the process of getting from here to there. I love to see and experience new things, but I much prefer doing so from the comfort of my own armchair, and so I have come to accept that I am at best an armchair traveler. I love to watch travel shows and to read travel books, but I am not one much for actually getting out and doing it.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to take a cruise or some such, but then I think . . . would it truly? When I really dig deep down and think about it, I realize that no. I would not, in all truth, enjoy it at all. I am much happier within the confines and comfort and security of my own four walls. I do not actually have to be anywhere to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of other places. It is enough for me to just see or experience them through the visuals of my television screen or the words of my books. I am sure I am not alone in this. Or perhaps that is just my age speaking. The wanderlust in me has gone the same way as has the color in my hair . . .
When I was much younger, I longed to visit Greece. The Galapagos Islands was another place I wanted to see. I used to want to go to Disney World, or to cruise the Mediterranean. To visit Rome or Venice. Sweden and Norway, Finland . . .
The older me, however, really likes sleeping in my own bed at night. Is not fond of hours spent sitting on a cramped aircraft surrounded by strangers and crying babies. Hates navigating the length of airports and the wait of passing through customs, having to have bags checked, etc. I have no tolerance any more for the nuisances associated with long-distance travel. I want nothing more than to be at home. I enjoy being at home. It is enough for me.
The joy of being here, right where I am. Now.
I do not know what I will get up to today. I think perhaps not a lot. A bit of this and a bit of that. Perhaps I will bake something, perhaps not. I know I have a laundry to fold that I should have done yesterday. Folding laundry these days is not a task I mind doing really. There are no piles of socks to match any longer. It's all just my own stuff. When the children were growing up, there was a never-ending pile of laundry to attend to. As you can imagine with five children the pile never disappeared. Now there is just me, and I find that there are times when I struggle to have a full load. Whites are not much of a problem, but a full load of darks, that is much harder to achieve.
There are days I am tempted to just throw them both in together. Shh . . .
And with that I will end this missive and leave you with a thought to carry with you.
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*.The world calls them its singers and poets
and artists and storytellers; but they are just the people
who have not forgotten the way of fairyland.
~L. M. Montgomery. ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
In the English Kitchen today . . . Sweet Pineapple Baked Beans. This was one of the sides that we enjoyed on New Years Day. It went very well with the Ham and the Scalloped potatoes. I would have been happy with just a plate of these, they were that delicious.
Do you like my new potholder? It is a toadstool. Cindy and Dan gave it to me for Christmas! I love it!
I hope that you have a lovely day today. Wherever you go, whatever you get up to, stay safe and keep warm. Be happy and at peace. Don't forget!
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And I do too!

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And I do too!

The picture you took of your home indoors is great.You should commend yourself for your phototaking these days:)Hope your booboos dissipate soon:) Cute potholder! They know you well:)
ReplyDeleteThanks Monique! I think having a good phone helps alot with my photography these days! I loved the potholder so much! xoxo
DeleteOur youngest daughter has a birthday on the 18th, 40 this year. The potholder is perfect for you. We used to travel a lot, especially to BC, but now we are content to relive the memories. The travel to and from the airport is so long and tiring. Just changed up the cable channels, got 2 that are ad free, so enjoyable to watch. Lots of movies, perfect for the winter months. I agree about tossing all colours in together, but that wasn't how I was brought up. So do 2 small loads each week. Glad the kitties survived their trip to the vet. I'm sure you will find something interesting to do today.
ReplyDeleteNo, it was not how I was brought up either and I cringe just at the thought. I don't know if the world would come to an end or not if I tossed dark and white in together, and I dare not take the chance! haha xoxo
DeleteWe are armchair travelers now...we had a few adventures in life, but now we love the wonderful youtubers we follow!! Those beans look delicious, tho both of us are terribly allergic to mustard, I hope to try it out with the rest of the ingredients...maybe add a twinge of horseradish instead and see how it goes. We can forgive others, in our heart, and not inflame them telling them so!! But in some cases, no reason to go back for more venom!!
ReplyDeleteHUGS, Elizabeth xoxo
Isn't YouTube wonderful for armchair travel Elizabeth! I spend hours on YouTube. I think horseradish would be wonderful in the beans! I may give that a go myself! Thanks! Hugs, xoxo
DeleteLoved your post today, Marie, especially your feelings on forgiveness. We all need forgiveness and we all need to forgive. Just checked the status of your Christmas package and it was delivered this morning. That didn’t take long. I mailed it on Monday. Yeah! Canada Post. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteIt was there in the box when I checked it later in the day. Its a good thing I checked it or everything would have been there all weekend! You are such a dear friend. Love and hugs, xoxo