It's very chilly out there this morning. +2 above zero, but it says it feels like -10, and there are rain showers. It does feel very cold in here. I have my heat pump running. We are expecting showers and snow showers off and, on all day, today. I am glad that Cindy and I did our running around yesterday and got it over with so that we don't have to be out and about today.
It was very cold yesterday also, but dry. The wind had a definite nip to it. I saw a child going home from school on his scooter in short sleeves. Unbelievable, but I am sure he had a coat. Somewhere. If he had a scooter he had a coat. I know how that goes. Kids . . . they will drop you in it. The minute you close your eyes, they will drop you in it. They're kids.
I had to get some cards yesterday. Birthday, Christmas, etc. Walmart is the best place to get them. I don't go for the cheap dollar store cards. If I am giving somebody something, I want to give them my best. If you get a card from me, it is a token of my love. Not judging anyone by any stretch. That is just the way I am. I think I spent over a hundred dollars on cards which is not hard to do when you have five children and eight grandchildren. Most cards, even the cheapest are over $5 and many are getting closer to $10 these days. I know it is not something I have to do. (In fact, there are a couple that probably won't even be looked at.) It is something that I want to do and that I feel that I must do, however.
Anyways, I got all the Christmas and birthday cards in. And nobody has room for complaint.
The hardest cards to buy were the Birthday cards for my youngest son and my youngest daughter. Their birthdays are a day apart in early December. These are the two children who have chosen to cut me out of their lives. Intellectually, I know I should not be concerned or even bother to send them cards. They probably won't even look at them. However, I don't ever want either one of them to ever be able to say that I did not send them a card, or that I forgot their birthdays. And so, I still send cards. It is very difficult to pick them out, however. It is hard to find a generic daughter or son birthday card. I cannot get cards that are all sentimental, etc. because they would not be fitting. And so, I spent ages going through all the daughter and the son cards, trying to pick just the right ones. Ones that were not sentimental and over the top, but that were still nice.
It is a bit of a sticky place to be. I cannot make them do the right thing, but, for myself, I must always do the right thing. That is how it should be. Then nobody can criticize.
The cost of food is becoming outrageous. I do not know how the big grocery conglomerates justify their increases in the cost of everything. I read yesterday that they had made profits in the billions for the first quarter of the year. In the meantime, families are having a very difficult time putting food on their tables. Where does the corporate greed end. The Government must step in I believe and place a cap on the cost of necessities such as bread, milk, eggs, etc.
At our local Super Store if you have a Clubcard, a points card, or whatever it is called, you can get deals such as paying $4 or $5 for your loo-roll rather than the recommended price of$16 or $17. Who the heck can afford that kind of money for toilet paper? It's ludicrous.
I have one of the cards and so I always stock up when it goes on offer. Tissues and paper towels also.
But toilet paper will not fill hungry tummies. Where will it all end? Something needs to be done I believe. And soon. Our food banks are being overwhelmed.
Is this not the most beautiful color of a house you have ever seen? One look and I was in love. Of course, those beautiful windows and that door do not hurt, nor does the picket fence. Everything is in perfect symmetry. So lovely.
Most of my childhood and much of my adult life was spent living in Military housing. There was nothing fancy when it came to that. Especially if your father/husband was of a junior rank. We grew up sharing bedrooms and living on top of each other as they were always very small houses as compared to what people expect their homes to be today. For quite a few years we lived in a two-bedroom house when I was a child. My brother, sister and I shared one bedroom, and my parents had the other bedroom. And then we got a three-bedroom house. My sister and I shared a bedroom for most of our childhood. I did not suffer because of it. I is just how it was.
People have such large, beautiful homes in comparison these days. Most children have their own bedrooms. It's a pity in a way. Sharing a bedroom with a sibling is such a wonderful thing, I think. It fosters unity and closeness. Teaches them to share. My sister and I did not always get along, and there was aways a definitive line in the middle of the room to divide my half from hers, but I believe that sharing a room as we did is one of the reasons why we are so close today. I could be wrong of course.
I watched a woman on YouTube yesterday cook an entire meal for her family of six for Thanksgiving for under $20 yesterday. It was nothing fancy of course. Just a turkey breast, some mashed potatoes, stuffing and green bean casserole. I think the most expensive item was the turkey breast which cost $12.68. The whole bill was for $19, so the remainder of the bill was for two large potatoes, a box of stuffing mix, a can of green beans, and a can of mushroom soup. It was a pretty basic meal. There was nothing luxurious about it, but I was amazed that she was able to do that. I have never seen a bone in turkey breast here for that price. Mind you it was in America so . . . I have always found that food is quite a bit cheaper in America. That is why, when my children were younger, we used to hop over the border to do our grocery shopping as often as we could.
I remember holiday meals when I was a child were not really anything too fancy either. Mom would roast a turkey and then we had mashed potatoes, squash, turnips, carrots and stuffing. Nothing was too outrageous. There would be pumpkin pie for dessert and if we were lucky there would be a tin of cranberry sauce. We always really enjoyed all of it. My mother would get every inch of value out of that turkey that she could get. We would eat turkey for several days. Turkey would get made into several pot pies that would go into the freezer and then the bones would be used to make a delicious turkey soup. Mom made enough that we could enjoy the soup on the day and a huge ice cream bucket of it would be put into the freezer for another time.
Mom was pretty frugal when it came to the food budget. Everything was counted and there was not a lot of variety when it came to the menus. You always knew what day of the week it was by what we were having for supper. We used to long for luxuries such as stovetop stuffing. lol
Back in those days the Military was not paid very much in contrast to what people on the outside were paid, but it was a steady wage, nonetheless. We never did without anything, and my parents were not in debt, except for maybe the car. And they had savings. This was all down to my mother's ability to budget and make things stretch. She was a great example to us all. My sister and brother are both very much like our mother in that respect. I am far too impulsive.
I am also very easily swayed. If I am shopping with my sister and I see her buy something, I find myself buying it as well. I don't know why I do that. I also always have to buy two of a lot of the things I am buying. I don't know why. I no longer have a family to feed, etc. There is just me and the cats. Why do I need two? It beats even my own understanding, lol
I am what I am I guess, and old habits die hard. My father tells me I am too impulsive. Sometimes I rankle at that thought even though I know that it is often true. I do have a generous heart however, and would give half of everything I have to anyone who needed it. I say that not to blow my own horn, but to express gratitude for the many blessings in my own life. My own needs are very few if any. If I can ease a burden in another's life, if only in a small way, then why not.
No news yet on my brother's CT scan. We are all waiting to find out what comes next. Hopefully it will be good news and not the worst. I am praying to that end, and I thank you for your continued prayers as well.
And with that I best leave you with a thought to carry with you . . .
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everyday needs of ordinary folk
that keeps the darkness at bay;
simple acts of kindness and of love.
~Gandalf° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
With the holidays coming up I thought you might enjoy these Lion House Rolls. They are beautiful rolls, turning out light, fluffy and delicious every time! Perfect for the holidays and they can be made ahead and frozen either unbaked or baked. This is a small batch recipe which makes only a dozen rolls.
Have a beautiful day! Stay warm and safe. Whatever you get up to, be happy and don't forget!
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And I do too!

Oh I am easily influenced too.If I see an influencer say amazing things....I am tempted..I am showing much more restraint now..when it was all new I believed them lol.My wrinkles did not disappear..I did not feel better..Lies I tell you lies..or they are 30 and I am 70;)I am wondering if I would stop sending cards.. hmmm...Not influencing you..thinking aloud.. After all this time I would stop.I have bought cards that were difficult to buy and hated it.I would stop.
ReplyDeleteOh, the amount of crap I have bought because of an influencer Monique, is nobody's business, lol. Well with the postal strike if it carries on too long, nobody will be getting cards on time. Sigh . . . I hate having to think and rethink about cards that I buy. But I won't have the step mom ever say I ignored my babies. That is one reason to keep sending them. She is very critical of me to them. xoxo
DeletePS and Covid..turned us into 2..and yes food is ridiculously priced..and those stupid fidelity more thing to dig out of our wallets..So stupid.
ReplyDeletehaha, and half the time you can't find it! Pooh!
DeleteNice to get stocked up on cards, but Canada Post went on strike this morning, so wondering how long that will last. I shop the deals only, so my grocery shopping each week is different. I stock up when things are on sale. Prices are outrageous, it is corporate greed and not the government as the opposition party would have you believe. I try to shop local but the good deals on sale prices stops me sometimes. Sunny and clear here today, but chilly. Hoping the results come through for your brother and they know what to do. Waiting is terrible.
ReplyDeleteYes, the strike. Figures! I finally have all my ducks in a row early! Pah! Corporate greed runs our world these days it seems. Its criminal! Still waiting for the results. My brother has seen them online somehow, but he is not a Doctor so cannot hazard a guess as to the treatment. Still hoping for positive news. xoxo
DeleteSo many lovely thoughts here today, Marie! 🤗 VERY much hoping all will be well for your brother! 🙏🏻 How sorry I am to hear though, that still, after all these years your two youngest still won’t contact you. 😢 I admire that you still make efforts to be a part of their life—even with just a birthday card. Cards have gotten so expensive—as has postage—that I send more digital greetings these days. I’ve made no moves towards Christmas preparations yet… I really should make a start, with Thanksgiving coming up soon I feel like I need to get over that hurdle first. 🤣 LOVE the photos you shared within this post. That simple, Shaker-style bedroom is sooo beautiful! As is that blue house… A sky blue house, yes, please! 🩵 Happy Weekend, my friend OX—Tracy
ReplyDeleteWith the postal strikes it well may be a digital Christmas this year Tracy! And for once I have been fairly organized too, lol. It figures. That blue house has me written all over it. Maybe my mansion in heaven will be that color! Happy weekend to you also! xoxo
DeleteI think i understand your point of view on remembering your two youngest with cards. They may believe that they can stop being your children, but how can you ever stop being a mother? I think NOT sending cards would pile on even more heartache for you. It's a dilemma, for sure.
ReplyDeleteYour always find the most wonderful images! And the recipe looks Luke a keeper, for sure. Thank you!
Oh, I will never let it be said I left anyone out. I will go to my grave sending the cards Marceline. Thank YOU. xoxo
DeleteI don't think you are wrong to send the cards, Marie...were they not your children, but other kin, I would say indeed to stop. It is hard as a mom. I think there is another way to look at things sometimes too however...when we keep on doing such, are we then also helping them to sin in their non-reaction, non-gratitude? I wonder...and tho we have extremely limited contact with our grandkids that live 5 minutes from us, and when we give them a card and money for their birthdays, if they happen to come by they will say thank you...but otherwise we hear nothing at all. 3 of them are adult age now, tho all still living at is a quandry. With all the hard finance issues now, I think we will do a lot less in the next year. Not sure yet what that will be...but we need to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteEverything here in USA costs GOBS more than a few years ago...many items are at least 50% more...if not even higher. When you have allergies or feel you need to eat organically especially, they will rip you good. We gave up on eating much fresh fruit because often it rots before it is able to be eaten. Canned is not great but better than nothing. Larger places seem to have more choices, but even some of them, it has lessened in choices too. I hate to see the GOVT get involved as often they make things worse...but a lot of us have hopes that some kind of solutions will bring better times in the next 4 years...the last 4 have left many near bankrupt. Our country loves to give away billions...outside this country. I am in favor of helping others...but something has to change. May GOD help us all!! Still pray your brother will be helped!!
Elizabeth xoxo
I will always be a mom Elizabeth before I am anything else. And a mom loves unconditionally, yes! The whole world is in a flux at the moment. No peace, wars, famine, sickness, etc. I am still praying with hope for a better future. It will come. Thank you for your prayers for my brother! Hugs, xoxo