Just a quick update to let you all know that Doug got through the op safe and sound and they have released him from hospital. He has to stay I. The hotel nearby overnight, and all being well, he will be on his way home to PEI in the morning. I spoke to him on FaceTime. He’s in pain but says it’s tolerable. Thanks so much for your ongoing prayers! ❤️
Thursday, 30 September 2021
My Favorite Things . . .
The colors of the changing leaves . . . .
Cake time . . . cake o'clock . . . cake . . .
Lemon . . . anything lemon . . .
Fresh croissants . . . crisp and buttery. Best ones I ever had were in France. No surprise there!
A proper tea. Oh that I was a much younger woman. I would open a proper tea room where ladies could come to enjoy the delights.
Ice cream in a bowl . . .
Tree houses . . . if I was young and fit I would live in a tree house. Of course I would also have to be rich, because a tree house is a very expensive thing. I have wanted to live in a tree house ever since I saw Swiss Family Robinson.
Jack-O-Lanterns. I hope I can make one this year!
Dormer windows . . .
Turkish delight . . . ohh, especially if it is covered in chocolate.
My new Pumpkin Pie candle . . . its gorgeous . . . both to look at and to smell . . .
The Bronte's . . . .
Sleeping gingers . . . love ginger cats . . .
Door stoppers . . .
Fresh plums . . . oh, there were plum trees in the orchards at the manor, simply dripping with purple jewels. I loved picking them and then using them. I was spoilt.
Gold lockets . . . I used to have one . . . mind you I don't have a neck now that I would want to show off with a necklace.
Hot Buttered Toast and honey . . .
Vintage Pyrex . . . these are especially nice . . .
White plates, especially cutwork ones . . .
Enamelware . . . miss mine . . .
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In the English Kitchen today . . . A Simple Pain Perdu . . . the dessert of the Gods . . . with ice cream and fruit, made with cake that would normally be thrown away. A cross between a bread pudding and French toast. Delicious!
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Wednesday Ponderings . . .
We live in a world where often things don't work the way they should, or how we think they should. A world where bad things happen all the time to good people, and good things happen to bad. Where things often seem unfair and undeserved. Where a battle seemingly rages between all that is good and all that is evil . . . and we are the prize.
Both sides want the same thing from us. Our heart.
But the choice is not theirs to make. Its ours. We can choose to run away from the bear, or we can choose to stand and fight the bear. We can be weak and give in to our fears and our weaknesses, or we can be strong, stand up to them and overcome them. If we are exposed, we can be proud of our nakedness. If someone eats our piece of cake, we can cut ourselves another one.
If we always do our best, we can be proud of us, of who we are, and of who we are becoming. Of how far we have come or how far we will go.
I am a woman of great hope and of great faith. I have accomplished many things I can be proud of. Not everyone has to like me or love me. The important thing is that I like and love myself. I am a daughter of a kind and loving Heavenly Father who wants only one thing for me and one thing from me . . . and who is willing to give back to me in return at least as much, but mostly more than I am willing or able to give to him.
There is always a seat for me at His table and a place for me in His photograph. Of that I can be sure. I know this to be true and it is enough.
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Tuesday, 28 September 2021
The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .
I baked Mary Berry's Swiss Roll Cake. This is a deliciously simple fat-free sponge. I do a complete tutorial. You can be sure of success here.
One of my favorite things ...
Autumn . . . it is my favorite season of the year.
I am wanting to create ...
White Wood and Linen. A handstitched Needle Case.
Amidorable Crochet. Cute!
All about sewing needles.
Gap Creek, by Robert Morgan
There is a most unusual woman living in Gap Creek. Julie Harmon works hard, "hard as a man" they say, so hard that at times she's not sure she can stop. People depend on her. They need her to slaughter the hogs and nurse the dying. People are weak, and there is so much to do.
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⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆
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