I think yesterday was the hardest day I have had for a very long time. It may have even been the most difficult day of my life, for a variety of reasons. This scripture is one that I have had over my mantle here in the house almost since we moved into it ten years ago. Yesterday I was so grateful for its reminder. I can do hard things.
I think I cried a bucketful of tears yesterday. I know I went through half a box of tissues. At one point I almost passed out from shock, but somehow I got through it and I suspect each day from here on in will hopefully get that little bit easier.
This is it. All that I am taking forward with me from the last twenty years of my life. Nine small boxes and let me tell you, I am grateful for those. My mothers letters, my big blue binder, my art supplies, a few bits and bobs. Its not a lot to show for twenty years of your life, but there it is. I am grateful for whatever I have been allowed to keep. God is good.
She's gone. This was one of the hardest bits of yesterday, and there were a lot of hard bits. This morning was the first morning in over ten years that I have not had my furry little girl to greet me. I am trying hard not to cry here. I think I cried enough yesterday. But, there it is. I think she knew all day yesterday that something was going on. Dogs are so very sensitive. I hope the she settled in alright to her new home. I dread to think of what is going through her mind. I hope that she knows I love her and tried to do the best for her. And I'm off, here come the tears. Change of subject.
All through lockdown I have been having my prescriptions delivered to the house. I needed to be able to take at least three months worth of prescriptions with me when I leave on Friday. I have no idea how long it will take me to get onto Medical Insurance when I reach Canada. It vary's from province to province. So anyways, the Doctor arranged for me to have three months worth. I called up to make sure they were there and that they were going to be delivered only to be told they only deliver prescriptions to the elderly. I tried to explain that I am somewhat disabled and have no car.
I was told no dice. I said I have trouble just walking to the end of the street. No dice. "You only live on Dyserth Road." she said. I said, but I am disabled. I have trouble just waking to the end of my street. "They'll be in a carrier bag." she said. I need to use a cane I responded. "You can easily use a carrier bag." response.
Thank goodness for Tina, who was able to drive me down. She actually went in and picked them up for me because I was in bits. She came back to the car, and it did not look like three months worth. Sure enough, it was only one. She went back in to query this, and was huffed at, only to have (and this is true) another bag flung at her.
I should have checked at the time, but didn't. I checked this morning, there was only one month's worth in the bag. So now I am going to have to contact them again and see if I can please get the third months worth. I am disgusted and appalled at the treatment I have been subjected to, and more than a little afraid to call back this morning.
As you all know I have been going through a very rough time these past few months. I cannot get specific with the details yet, if ever, but on Monday my husband left here to go down South to face sentencing for something he had done. He had already been down about 3 weeks earlier to issue a plea.
He has not come home, so I can only surmise that he has been given a custodial sentence for what he did. Nobody has officially told me anything. I have not had a phone call, zip, nada, nothing. No support from anyone at all, and I have been unable to find out anything for certain. I can find out nothing online either.
I can find the record of him having had to appear at the Crown Court at a certain time, which he had texted me to tell me anyways, early yesterday morning. But nothing since and his phone is shut off. I do not know if he is dead or alive, had a stroke, is in prison, not anything.
He had texted me about 9 am yesterday to tell me he would be appearing at 10 am. By noon I had heard nothing. So I messaged a mutual friend from down there who would probably know as she is in contact with the other party. I was told from her that he got a life sentence, to serve a minimum of 7 1/2 years. That is when I almost passed out.
But officially I have heard nothing from anybody.
I know I am leaving, and we will be getting a divorce, but I am still his next of kin and I still need to do certain things, take care of certain things and I am sitting here in the dark about everything. I should have been told something. I think that is really, really appalling. This is a person I have shared 20 years of my life with. I have to tell his family something. They have no idea that anything has happened at all. I have utilities to cancel, all of which the accounts are in his name. I am sitting here in the dark about everything.
But then again, I've been in the dark about everything for twenty years plus anyways. Why should this be any different. Let me tell you, it is no fun waking up one day to find out that the last twenty years of your life has been based on lies and manipulation.
People think I should not care, and maybe I shouldn't. But its not like a tap where you can just turn off the water.
My Bishop was here last night, and he says he is going to try to find out something today, through the church's legal services, or whatever. I hardly slept a wink all night. That's two nights in a row. I am exhausted. Thoroughly and completely exhausted. And feeling very broken at the moment as well. And hurt. Angry. You name it. I truly really need your prayers and support to continue. I thank you for every ounce of them. I really do. God bless you all.

Oh dear Marie...what a lot to absorb in just a few days!! Truly you are experiencing some of the worst...keep trying to think of what is ahead for you in Canada, dear friend!! Asking GOD to tenderly hold you for all these hard days. I am glad your friend in the South at least was able to tell you what has happened. Most likely he could not call you to tell you once he saw the judge. I am so sorry about the medical system there...sounds a great deal like ours here. Shameful!! Well, if you must go to the hospital there in order to get meds, so be it. It is after all, socialized medicine right? At least there, maybe your sons or sister can advocate for your needs, if necessary!! My heart bleeds for you over Mitzie...no matter how we loose them, it is a terrible loss. I very much doubt she will forget you!! Even in this, you are not forgotten by GOD either...even though it no doubt feels so right now!!
ReplyDeleteSending many hugs, Elizabeth xoxo
Dear Marie... how sorry I am these days days in the UK have been so very stressful for you, and upsetting, for so many reasons. And I am so terribly sorry to hear what's going on with Todd, that he is facing prison time...and how this affects you. So very sorry you had to give up Mitzie, but how glad I am you were able to find a happy home for her. Hope very much you will be able to get your prescriptions sorted out before you leave--gotta have those. Very glad you are able to have as much of your things as possible to send--it will be nice with some familiar things when you get set up on the flip side. Just so very sad and sorry you're having to go through all of this... Please know we are thinking of you, and hoping all will be well! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteMarie, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. What you are going through is heartbreaking. Not only the situation with your soon I hope ex-husband but also losing your dog. I can only imagine. I wish you a safe and easy trip to Canada and strength and peace to deal with everything that has happened to you.
ReplyDeleteMarie, I am praying for you. Can't imagine what you are going through, must be so hard. Mitzie may take a bit, but I'm sure the family she is with will love her just as much as you did. I am sorry for the situation with Todd, it's terrible to be blindsided like that. May God wrap you in his arms. (((((Hugssssss))))). xo
ReplyDeleteMarie I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and PRAYERS. Hugs and hugs.
ReplyDeleteThat pharmacy is disgusting.
ReplyDeleteShame on them.
Again thank God for Tina.
You are being amazing.Yikes in such a short time you have packed those boxes..organized a loving family forM...That is heartbreaking .Weare all witness to how much you love her.
And again thank God for your faith and determination.You are you mothers daughter for sure.
Take care..feel so bad for you.x
I say grab your stuff and go! Let the legal stuff take care of itself. Don't worry about utilities--the landlord can sort that out and they're in Todd's name anyway. Just get yourself out. If anything needs doing in a few weeks it can be handled from your hotel in your homeland. Just go.
ReplyDeleteExactly, not your problem. It can and will be dealt with.
DeleteI continue to be in awe of your strength and courage and yes, your resilience. You will rise above all of this, Marie. Canada had better watch out. You are a force to be reckoned with, in a good way. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteStay strong and know you have prayers from all over the world, hope you can feel them.V
ReplyDeleteHugs and prayers to you! Are you still flying out this week?
ReplyDeleteDear Marie~
ReplyDeleteMy heart is just breaking for you! You can and have done hard things, Marie. You have incredible strength, you are so much stronger than you think you are, and soon you will be home with your family. I pray that you can get your prescriptions sorted out - thank goodness for good friends like Tina, she has been a life saver for you. I know that your sweet Mitzie was just like a child to you, and I know how much you love her and how hard it was for you to give her up. She will be loved and cared for, you did the right thing, Marie, even though it was the hardest thing. Todd is suffering the consequences of bad actions, but, like you said, we don't just flip a switch and quit caring after 20 years. You can do this Marie, just keep putting one foot in front of the other, take it a day, an hour or a minute at a time, you are almost there. Praying for you always, praying that you will be comforted and protected as you make your way home. God bless you, Marie. XOXO
Hugs and Love,
Co-signing all the love and support posted above. You hold that beautiful head of yours high fine lady and keep moving forward with grace. Hold you in thought and prayer dear Marie.
ReplyDeleteCo-signing all the love and support posted above. You hold that beautiful head of yours high fine lady and keep moving forward with grace. Holding you in thought and prayer dear Marie.
ReplyDeleteCan this get any worse? You’ve lost your husband, your home and your beloved Mitzie in one week. I don’t know how you can cope. I can’t imagine that the legal service did not contact you. You have to know what’s going on, that is so disrespectful. From the comments on your blog you can rest assured your followers are holding you in our prayers.