Just,a quick update on mom. I am not very fond of using the iPad for this. I can't add pictures like I want to, and it won't let me make changes and all, but here we go!
The time is running down now and I will soon begin the journey back to the UK on Thursday. Mom continues to improve, but it will be a while before she is back to normal, and it may never be the same again, but like I told her...different is good too, and we can work with that. The important thing is she is still here.
This will be a busy week for us as we get things in place for her care in between my leaving and my sister arriving. Please keep them both in your prayers as it means a big adjustment for each of them and change always comes hard, especially if you are a bit stubborn! But, as I say to mom, her stubbornness and determination is probably a good part of why we are still blessed to have her with us!
And so, mom continues to slowly improve and your prayers and cards have surely helped, both in healing and encouragement. She has plans to respond to each one who has written at some point, but it may take a while. In the meantime, we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Y'all are the best.. God bless each and every one of you
Love and hugs,