Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Wednesday Witterings . . .



We ended up not going out to lunch with our cousin yesterday as I felt the roads were a bit too icy and the snow was blowing up too much, creating white out conditions.  In fact, they never came to grit and salt our little road here until much later in the day.  I went out to check my mail about 4 pm and the salt had started to break down the ice on our road a bit, but my driveway was still sheet ice, covered with a layer of snow. I had to be very careful walking down my drive. (I worry so much about falling and breaking something.) 

They did come and hand shovel the thin layer of snow off of the ice about 5-ish, but the ice is still there.  I am not sure what shoveling the snow off of it did, except make it more slippery. And it is still slippery this morning. Probably because it is still very cold. It's not supposed to warm up much today at all. I am grateful for my wee place of comfort!


The wind yesterday morning took my garbage for a wild trip down the road, skidding to the end over that ice.  A bag was in the yard across the way, another two at the end.  I don't know where the other one went.  All that was left was the heavy black bag, which holds the scooped kitty litter.  I fretted about it all morning.  Would it continue to blow away??  How could I chase and pick it all up when the road was so icy??? Then Sheila called to say that someone from the next street over had called her and told her that the garbage pickup for yesterday was cancelled, which threw another wrench into the works. I had already checked online, and it had said on the waste collection page that they WOULD be picking it up, and sure enough they did.

But not until I had fretted about it all morning.  I was so anxious about it. That's my adhd, right there. My son Doug called me from PEI, and he was fretting about having to drive from Kensington to Summerside to go to work. He is adhd also.  ha ha  We both sat there feeding each other's anxiety, but had a nice facetime anyways, despite it. He must have got there and back safely as I haven't heard otherwise.  And my garbage was all picked up.  So, there you go. all that anxiety for nothing.

Will we never learn? An ounce of worry never did change a thing, except for your peace of mind.

How do I love this, let me count the ways.

I didn't really get a lot done yesterday to be honest. I facetimed Doug and then my friend Christine called, and we spoke for a bit. Sheila called. I did manage to get some vacuuming done and a load of laundry and I took my self-reliance class. 

Somehow, I dyed all of my undergarments grey/blue.  Sigh . . .  and they were fairly new too, only a few months old. Something dark got into my whites and I washed the load on hot (I always wash my whites on hot) and voila.  Like magic. Grey/blue undergarments. I think I need to have two separate laundry baskets. One for whites and one for darks. This is a case where my trying to save money by having only one laundry basket has ended up costing me much more than the cost of an additional laundry basket. 

Is there a secret way to get rid of the grey/blue? 

A plus is that I did manage to finish my blanket so now I am ready for the new yarn to arrive. Hopefully sometime within the next few days.  I have had emails to say it is in the country.


This is my next project. A bit different than the blankets I have been making all along, with larger color block squares, banded with ecru. I ordered colors from the Highland Heather's collection on Love Crafts. Nine different colors and then the color Brose for the trim.  Cindy has some cotton yarns coming in the same order. She has been making the cutest little key chain pets. 

Here is one of her doggies. Very cute. She has a lot of patience to work with such small stitches.  She is also doing foxes and I forget all what else, but several different ones. They require a type of cotton yarn. They are so sweet.


Sometimes I spend too much time in my own head and get mired in the thick of thin things.  I overthink. I start to think that I am a rubbish friend, mother, sister, daughter, etc. That I could be doing better on all of those fronts.  I don't think those are particularly healthy thoughts to be having. 

I know that I might come across as quite a secure person but trust me when I say I have many insecurities and doubts about who I am as a person. I grew up with a guilt complex.  I can remember being at school in glee club and the teacher saying someone is singing out of key and then only lip-sinking for the rest of the year because I was sure it was me, even though I basically knew it wasn't me. I think I have spent half of my life apologizing for things that never happened, that I never did, and that were not my fault.

Really all I need to do is to try to do my best in all things and nobody can ask any more of me than that. If you have done your best, what is there to find fault in? We all have different levels of best. Some of us are naturally better at some things than others. Their talents do not and should not ever demean your trying.

The only true failure is in not trying, or in doing less than your best.  We are not and should not be expected to be perfect . . .  not in anything, but so often we demand perfection in ourselves and accept far less than that in others. We are our own worst critics.

I need to remember to tell myself this the next time I start to be uber-critical of my own efforts.


I love this pink house. I don't think I have ever seen a pink house before.  It reminds me in a weird sort of way of this book that was my brother's favorite story book when he was really young.  Mr. Pine's Purple House.  He loved that story book and every time I see a purple house I am reminded of that book, and oddly enough seeing this pink house does the same thing. 

The premise of this book was Mr. Pine being dissatisfied with having a white house like everyone else on the street. A generic house in a generic neighborhood. With a can of purple paint and a brush he sets out to make his house stand out from the rest. It's a great book about cherishing and celebrating individuality.

How boring life would be if we were all exactly the same.


Oh no, now I want a sheep blanket. I love how the sheep are white on one side and then black on the other.  I first saw a whole herd of black sheep, many years ago in a place called Chirk in Wales. I had seen one or two black sheep before, a few white sheep with black faces, but I had never seen a whole flock of black sheep. I found them so fascinating.  We had gone with Audrey and Peter Lee to go on a walk through the Welsh countryside and happened upon them in a field.

Oh, how I miss Audrey and Peter. We used to do a lot together. Mostly walks and visiting historic properties.  Picnics. They were the nicest people. Audrey went first and then Peter followed her a few years later. He missed her dreadfully.  Peter used to email me several times a week after I moved back to Canada to check up on me and see how I was doing. He was a good good friend.  They were both good good friends and the first friends I made when I moved over to the U.K.

I have been blessed in my life to have very good friends.


I have always held a great love and a fascination for covered bridges. We used to have quite a few single lane bridges here in Nova Scotia, but no covered ones as far as I know.  I did visit a few of them when I lived in New Brunswick many years ago and of course, there is that film The Bridges of Madison County.  I believe this one is from somewhere in New England.

New England is probably one of my favorite places on earth. I have always loved visiting there.  We used to always drive down through Main, New Hampshire and Vermont when we were going West, preferring that drive more than the Canadian route. I have quite a lot of family in that area as well.

We first visited Vermont and Massachusetts as children with our parents. My mother had an aunt that lived there with her husband and of course their children and grandchildren. I have very fond memories of visiting them, and we are all in touch to this day.

That's what makes me very sad about everything that has been going on Politically lately. I know in my heart that Americans are very good people, and not all that different from ourselves. I have always loved them and their country. I pray every day that everything sorts itself out and have faith that it will. And that is about as political as I am ever likely to get on here.  Let's just love and respect each other and hope for the best.


I just love, love, LOVE this living room area. The puffy couch and pillows, the covered ottoman, the cozy armchair, that beautiful corner cupboard and of course the window seat and all of the light coming into the room.  Oh, how I would love to be able to get my living room to look like that! I am fascinated by that puffy throw cushion on the sofa seat. That just looks so very comfortable. The whole thing is just very welcoming!  It says to me "Come in!  Sit and stay a spell!"

And I love geraniums.

And with that I best close this off for the day.  I have a bazillion things to get done and time is passing by quickly.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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*.May I live this day compassionate of heart,
clear in word, gracious in awareness,
courageous in thought and generous in love.
~John O'Donohue
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Sheet Pan Scored Potatoes

In The English Kitchen today, Scored Baked Potatoes.  Potatoes are halved and then scored before rubbing a delicious herby spiced oil into their surfaces. Roasted to golden brown perfection. They are quite simply delicious.

I hope that we have a beautiful day today.  Let us all be kind to each other.  Love it the key.  Stay safe and stay warm. Don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Tuesday, 18 February 2025

A Day Book . . .


FOR TODAY, February 18th, 2025


It's cold and really windy. -10*C/14*F and with the wind chill it feels like -32*C/-25.6*F
So, cold, really cold.  I took this photograph a few minutes ago and you can see the snow whipping around at the end of the street in the lamplight. I was out by 6:00 am to put my garbage out as it is garbage day today. I didn't want to put it out last night as I was afraid it would blow away. The winds are really bad.  You never know if the garbage people are going to come early in the day or late, so I thought I better get it out early just in case.  A wind warning is still in effect.

We are supposed to meet my cousin Sheri for lunch today. I wonder if that will happen!



This makes me think of my mother. She was always singing this song to us when we were younger.



About the power of music. It really has the power to touch the soul, for good or for bad. It relaxes, it excites. It creates romance. It can make you feel really happy or really sad, depending on the song.  I have always been a lover of music. I like all kinds. Rap music is about the only kind I am not really fond of.  Every culture also has their own music. You can almost identify the culture by the tune and tone of the music.

Air Fryer Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs


Air Fryer Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs.  These were really good! A seasoning paste is made which you marinate the chicken meat in for about 15 minutes, and then they are air fried to golden brown and juicy perfection.  These were excellent!


German Green Bean Soup. From Food and Journeys. It looks hearty and delicious.



Buttery shortbread biscuit that melt in the mouth. Of all the cookies out there, these are my absolute favorites.


Love this little illustration.  It reminds me of being a child and sharing a bed with my sister. We were never alone. We always had each other.



This.  There are many people who wish they had what you have now. The secret to a happy life is to be content and to be thankful. Gratitude. It goes a long way.



Chicken socks.  They are adorable  . . . 


Pretty pillowcases.  This lovely and that sheet trim is looking pretty also.


Knitted houses  . . . 


Crochet town in a jar  . . . 

Little Miss Mouse  . . . 



Baking.  Pies. Cakes. Cookies, etc. I love baking.  Unfortunately, I love eating also!



Is there anything more endearing than a puppy? I am in love.


I WISH ...

To be able to toast myself in front of a fire would be great this morning!


THE WORSE HARD TIME, by Timothy Egan

Egan tells an extraordinary tale in this visceral account of how America's great, grassy plains turned to dust, and how the ferocious plains winds stirred up an endless series of "black blizzards" that were like a biblical plague: 

"Dust clouds boiled up, ten thousand feet or more in the sky, and rolled like moving mountains" in what became known as the Dust Bowl. 

But the plague was man-made, as Egan shows: the plains weren't suited to farming, and plowing up the grass to plant wheat, along with a confluence of economic disaster—the Depression—and natural disaster—eight years of drought—resulted in an ecological and human catastrophe that Egan details with stunning specificity. 

He grounds his tale in portraits of the people who settled the plains: hardy Americans and immigrants desperate for a piece of land to call their own and lured by the lies of promoters who said the ground was arable. Egan's interviews with survivors produce tales of courage and suffering: Hazel Lucas, for instance, dared to give birth in the midst of the blight only to see her baby die of "dust pneumonia" when her lungs clogged with the airborne dirt. With characters who seem to have sprung from a novel by Sinclair Lewis or Steinbeck, and Egan's powerful writing, this account will long remain in readers' minds.

Reading on my kindle.



Lily of the Valley  . . . 


Pie . . . 


Whiskers  . . . 


A country kitchen  . . .  noting matches, but somehow it all goes  . . .


Seed packets  . . . 


All the goodness in my life. People, places, things . . . 


The latest season is playing now.


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 *.Strength lies in differences,
not in similarities.
~Stephen Covey° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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And that is my daybook for this week!  Thanks always for being here!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    


Monday, 17 February 2025

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best. 


We've had a very snowy and cold weekend here in the Maritimes.  I did get out to pick up some bread, etc. on Saturday but to be honest, the rest of the time I have barely moved from my home, and that's okay.  I am grateful to have a home to shelter in. It all looks like a bit of Narnia outside the window, and that's okay also. I have nowhere to be or to go. I can just enjoy looking at it all from the safety and comfort of my home. What a great blessing that is. We really did not get even a fraction of what had been promised, so that is a good thing.

The security of home. Although not a small thing, it is a very wonderful thing.


I have now finished two actual books this year.  Not just on the kindle. I have lots of books on the go on my kindle, but I have been reserving the "real" ones for reading in bed at night and I have now finished two of them. I used to read in bed every night, for years and years, and for hours and hours.  Especially when the children were younger.  I did not have time during the day to do any reading and so I only read at night. There were no kindles back then either. I used to get books out of the library and once I got into bed at night, I would read, and read, and read. I have probably read hundreds of books through the years.  

My tastes have changed a great deal. When I was a young woman I favored romance, and especially historical romance.  Then I went through a period of time where I read everything that Steven King wrote.  I started to like period dramas.  I now just fancy a great story. It can be a mystery, or a romance, or historical. I just fancy a great story.


I am really enjoying The Comfort of Crows, by Margaret Renkl.  This is not a book that you sit down and read from cover to cover all at once.  Oh, you could do I suppose.  I am reading through it one week at a time, savoring it. 

It is a diary of sorts of a backyard year which was published in 2023, and I suppose was written in the year or years before that.

One of the recent chapters really resonated with me.  Meant for week 6 of Winter.

"To follow politics these days is to court bewilderment, denial, complete despair. Too often I feel I am living in a country I no longer recognize, a country determined to imperil every principle I hold dear and many of the people I love, too. Immersing myself in the natural world of my own backyard -- or the nearby parks and greenways, or woods surrounding our friends' cabin on the Cumberland plateau -- is the way I cope with whatever I think I cannot bear."

That, too, is how I cope. I take myself right out of the situation and rest my thoughts on other things. There are too many important people that I care about on both sides of the issue. There is little I can do about it anyways, and I never want to risk alienating people I care about.  I remind myself daily, that . . .  as broken as this old world might seem, as fragile as our peace may be . . .  this earth is, and always will be, heartbreakingly beautiful and filled with beautiful people, places and things. I give my attention to the small and simple things that matter most to me, and the people that I care about most of all and just leave the rest to get on with it . . .  most people are good at heart and there is good in every day.  That is the goodness I seek and where I find my peace. Life is just better that way.


Today is a holiday here where I live and, in the U.S., also. Here in Nova Scotia, it is called Family Day. I know it is President's Day in America.  No stores are open, or civic offices, banks, schools, etc. It is a day meant to be enjoyed with your family. An extra day off for those who work, a long weekend. There was a time when such things mattered to me, but now . . . my days are mine to call my own. If I don't want to work, I don't have to work.  I can rest on my laurels any day of the week. 

I try to celebrate my family every day. I don't really need a special day to devote my thoughts, love and loyalties towards them.  For me every day is "Family Day."  I am grateful to have the luxury to feel this way.

I love my family and appreciate each one. Each member is unique with their own strengths and weaknesses, but there is a commonality amongst us all, and a history that is unique to us. I am grateful for that . . . to be a part of a family.

These are the unsung heroes of our lives.  The people who get up every morning and quietly go about their business.  Doing the simple things that need doing without seeking any notoriety or accolade for having done them, nor any reward. Seeing a need and fulfilling it in a quiet and simple way.

Women do this all the time and have been doing so for forever. Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.  We see what needs to be done and we do it.  We go about it quietly, caring for our homes and our families. We do things for our neighbors and our friends and our communities. Just because. We see a need and we take care of it.

I am ever grateful for the unsung heroes in my life. 


I am trying to decide what it is that I enjoy most about the travel videos I watch. Is it the scenery or is it the food.  Perhaps it is a little bit of both?  At the weekend I took both an Alaskan cruise and a trip across the Atlantic on the QE2. Both were magnificent journeys and both included fabulous meals.  

I think I am a great armchair traveler. And while I was at it, I got quite a bit done on my latest blanket.

That poor thing. It has been stuffed into a box for months and months.  I finally dragged it out for some air last week and have been working at finishing it ever since.  Partly because it needed to be done and partly because I have new yarn coming and a new pattern and I won't be able to start a new project comfortably, feeling guilt free, without knowing I have finished the last one.


There is an old Cherokee tale about two wolves.  A boy was speaking with his grandfather about battles, and the grandfather said to him, 

 “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” 

 “The same fight is going on inside you -- and inside every other person, too.” 

 The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one that you feed.”  

What a great reminder this is to us of how we can choose what we allow to reside inside of us. We can choose to feed the negative, or we can choose to feed the positive. 

That doesn't mean that we will ever be able to completely rid ourselves of fear, worry or doubt. But it does remind us that we can choose to move around them and to instead move towards love, kindness, generosity and hope. We can keep our focus practiced on the things in our lives which are positive, productive and beneficial, both for ourselves and for others. 

We can choose to feed the good wolf.


I had a lovely phone call/facetime call with my friend Tina in the U.K. yesterday. We had not had the chance to speak for several weeks.  What a nice catch up we had.  That is the mark of a good friend, that you can go for days, weeks, months, sometimes years without speaking and each time you reconnect it is as if no time has passed.  

We both remembered our dear friend Peter Lee and his wife Audrey while we were talking and mentioned what wonderful people and friends they had been. How kind and generous of spirit, and what great examples they had been to us.

I am so grateful that, despite the sorrowful times of my life, God has seen fit to fill it with goodly and Godly people. People who have touched my life with their special spirits of light and of love. There are truly angels among us.

And with that I best leave you with a thought to carry with you  . . . 

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*.˛.°God is shaping you 
like a potter molds the clay.
Trust His hands.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Jeremiah 18:6    ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Cheesy Rutabaga and Carrot Casserole

New in the kitchen today, Cheesy Rutabaga and Carrot Casserole. This was simple and incredibly delicious.  What a fabulous side dish!  I enjoyed it with some baked fish.

I hope that you have a beautiful day and that your week ahead is filled with abundance. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Saturday, 15 February 2025

All Things Nice . . .


Tomorrow may bring me a hundred ills,
But oh today is sweet,
With a small wind coming from God knows where
And travelling up the street,
Tearing the doors and the windowsills,
Then traveling back to the quiet hills.

Tomorrow may bring me a grief to bear
But today is bright as dawn
With a sky decked out in an azure cloak,
And a hill with a new dress on,
Crisp and green as a lettuce leaf,
With dandelion buttons in gold relief.

Tomorrow may rob me of all I own,
But today I will have my joy,
A table set with a yellow cloth,
And the fun of a year-old-boy,
Playing around on the polished floors,
Coaxing his mother to come outdoors,

Tomorrow is part of the great unknown,
But this morning is mine to hold,
And I'll cherish each moment with jealous care,
Like a miser hoarding his gold,
Savor its goodness and sip its wine
Making its moments forever mine.
~Edna Jacques, A Day At A Time
The Golden Road, 1953

I loved this poem this morning and just had to share it.  It very much echoes the way I want to live my life and how I try to live my life.  We live in a very insecure world these days and it is a sweet reminder to me that if we strive to make all of our todays sweet and hold onto the joy that is present in each day, day by day we build a beautiful life. Small and simple things that are only ours to hold, little by little building for us a peaceful life.  

I am reminded of Matthew 6:34 which says: 

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself."

Today is what we have.  Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow may never come. If we do what we can to make all our today's sweet and good, to cherish what we are given, to make wise and humble choices, we need not worry about tomorrow. We will be happy and content and tomorrow will take care of itself.

That is not to say that we do not take due diligence in making sure we pay our bills, taking care of our health, homes and families, behave responsibly, etc. We cannot throw all caution to the wind, but we need not worry about the things we have no power to control . . . 


I took a wonderful trip yesterday, on a first Class Train from Toronto to British Columbia, the "Canadian Train."  Oh not for real, but I watched a lovely video on YouTube with a couple who was doing this trip.  They had their own sleeping car space, complete with shower, all meals included, etc. The scenery was spectacular.  I really enjoyed it. 

I decided that I should seek out and watch more videos like this. Armchair travel is the best. Its free and if the videos are done right, as this one was, you get to see some beautiful things without ever having to leave your home and being able to sleep in your own bed each night.

I have always enjoyed travel shows.  Michael Palin does some wonderful ones, and I have enjoyed the ones done by Billy Connolly as well.  He did the Northwest Passage and also Route 66, both very interesting and entertaining.  Steven Frye travelled across America in a black cab, fascinating.  Martin Clunes (Doc Martin) has done some lovely travel shows and there are also some great shows with canal boat journeys that you can watch with Prunella Scales and her husband.

This page has a list of 50 of the best travel shows of all time. How wonderful it is that we live in a day and age where we have the capacity to be able to travel in this way without even leaving the comfort of our own home.

Now wouldn't that be a wonderful activity I am thinking to pick a travel show and then ahead of watching it, make some food from that particular country to enjoy while you are watching it?  Food for thought there, no pun intended.


I have always been a "Believer."  It has not always served me well, but more often than not it has helped me to live a much better life than I would do otherwise.  More often than not I have not been let down. I have loved and been loved.  I have had happy endings. I am right now living a happy ending. My life has been fascinating and interesting and full.  I have had most of my dreams come true, and I like to think that the world is a better place, even if only in a small way, for me having been here.  

I would much rather live my life, its pattern being richly threaded and woven with the golden threads of belief, rather than the opposite.  I may get disappointed or hurt from time to time, but I have lived and am living a wonderful life and that is no small thing.


When I was a child, I learned to look at the night sky and was able to name the constellations there. I learned this at Brownies and Girl Guides, in science at school. I have probably forgotten now, much more than I learned, but I do still love to look at the night skies and see the stars in the heavens. 

The moon is also fascinating.  I got up in the middle of the night last night to go to the loo and looked out my back window and the skies were clear.  The moon was shining its light down through the maple tree out back casting shadows of its branches across the pristine white of the snow that has fallen just recently. It was beautiful. I am grateful that I took the opportunity to look out the window or that is something that I might have otherwise missed.

I am trying with each day to be more present in my life and to grasp the opportunities that present themselves for me to find joy in each moment . . .  yes, even in having to get up and go to the loo in the middle of the night.


People are already counting the days until Spring. I saw something on Facebook yesterday about how many days, hours, minutes, etc. are left.  I suppose people are getting a bit fed up with all the snow. I am not fed up with it. I know it will soon depart so I am trying to enjoy it while it is here.  Mind you, that is very easy for me as I don't have to go out and shovel. I might feel differently if I did. 

I have no need to go out for anything really. I keep a nice store cupboard of everything in my house and could easily go a few weeks without running out of anything, except maybe milk and eggs. My car is tucked up in the garage, I have enough of everything to see me through.  It will be Spring soon enough and I will delight in it then, but for now I am delighting in Winter and what it brings.  Yes, the snow, even the snow.

It is the cold and the snow that makes those first green spikes of the daffodils and tulips all the sweeter for the waiting.

I hate rushing into and through the seasons. I like to savor each one. The only one I do get a bit fed up with is the heat and humidity of the summer. Admittedly, that is not something I enjoy at all. It is one of the things I miss about the U.K. the lack of extreme heat and humidity. Oh, we did get a bit, but it was always short-lived and never lasted for long. Most of the summer was quite tolerable. Here it seems we get stinking heat and humidity which starts in June and doesn't quite until September. Blah  . . . 

And so, I am enjoying now, REALLY.  If I feel a bit cold, I can put on a sweater, cover my lap with a blanket, enjoy a hot drink.  Sit in my cozy little house looking at the cold and feel blessed.


AUTUMN, WINTER, SPRING AND SUMMER ~ "The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other.... beautifully classic."

This is so true! I saw this and it brought a smile to my face.  Whenever I have company coming, I spent hours sorting everything out, tidying up, etc. Putting everything back in its place.  Oh, I know I should be tidier just as a rule and I resolve to be so, but inevitably I relax on things and before I know it, I need to spend some time tidying up again and nothing provides more impetus for that than the threat of an impending visit! ha ha 

I need to do better.  I need to get rid of some stuff.  De-clutter. It is an on-going thing. I clear a space and before I know it, I have filled the space again. I wish I was not such a pack rat. I vow always to keep on top of things, but  . . . that never lasts long.  I am not very good at organizing myself. My sister is much better at it than I am.


I am going to make some bread today.  My bread is all stale and needs to be thrown out to the birds. There is something really relaxing about making bread. Admittedly I am not very good at it, but I find that using the kitchen aid to knead the dough or even using the dough cycle in the bread machine helps a lot. 

Growing up it was always a lovely day when mom decided to bake bread. After school, the smell of it would greet us before we even got through the door, and it was just lovely.  Nothing on earth tastes better than a slice of fresh bread with butter and jam or peanut butter on it. Mom made good bread.

My children grew up with homemade bread. Oh, not me. I did not make it, but my husband, their father, he used to make bread all the time.  About 12 loaves at a time.  Big, beautiful loaves.  He had the skill of kneading it just perfectly and they rose up like air in the oven, crusts all golden brown and crisp.  A knob of butter gilding the tops of each loaf as they came out.

One loaf always disappeared with everyone enjoying their slice of warm bread and butter and jam/peanut butter.  The rest would be wrapped and thrown into the freezer; one loaf being kept out to use.  The kids did not seem to mind taking sandwiches made with homemade bread to school for their lunches.

So, today I am going to make a loaf of bread. I was going to make hotdog buns yesterday, but the day got away from me, as they often do.  A loaf of bread is much more practical than a bunch of hot dog buns anyways. At least for me.

And with that I think I will leave you with a thought for the day. My day is starting to disappear and I have not yet accomplished much . . . 

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 *.˛.Life must be lived, and curiosity kept alive.
One must never, for whatever reason,
turn his back on life.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt
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Old School Chocolate Tray Bake Cake

In the kitchen today, Old School Chocolate Tray Bake Cake.  Just a simple chocolate cake without any bells and whistles.  Nice tender crumb, simply glazed and sprinkled. Beautiful with a cold glass of milk.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend.  Stay safe and warm, be happy, be blessed, enjoy your life. Don't forget!


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And I do too!