Saturday, 22 March 2025

Saturday Nice . . .


I come across old lists that I have made
A list of baking for the ladies' aid,
A note pinned on the wall lest I forget,
To pay some little unaccustomed debt,
A grocery list for Dad's next trip to town,
A list of trimmings for a brand new gown.

A pair of hinges for the hen house door,
A can of paint to do the kitchen floor,
A list of seeds from a new catalogue,
(And Jimmy wants a collar for his dog)
Grandma a bag of old Scotch peppermints,
And sister wants some samples of new prints.

Here is a list I made one day last year,
Of some old friends who live not far from here,
I vowed I'd visit every one in turn,
And take my time at every house and learn
How they were getting on and stay a bit
And yet I never got around to it.

I listed trips I'd like to take some day
To ancient countries dim and far away,
The Holy Land perhaps . . . the British Isles,
Or maybe Paris and her lovely styles,
Rome on her seven hills and if I'd dare
A little camping trip in France somewhere.

Old words and phrases on a frayed old list
Just to remind me of the things I've missed.
~Edna Jacques, Lists
The Golden Road, 1953

I have always been a list maker. When I was a child I would make lists of what I was going to do at the weekend or on my summer holidays, books I wanted to read, things I wanted to do when I grew up, etc.  As an adult and young wife and mother, there would be other lists, and it delights me when I happen upon them.  A list of gifts to save up to give to the children at Christmas time, a list of clothes to purchase before the start of school, grocery lists, menu plans, housekeeping lists, lists of chores, etc. I have always had such plans.

I still make lists.  Prayer lists. To do lists. Wish lists. Dream lists. Recipe plan lists, things I don't want to forget, etc. I am looking at one right now, a list of things I want my sister to add to an order we are planning on making online.

Are you or have you ever been a list maker? What are your favorite kinds of lists to make?


Dad and Maryann enjoyed their little outing yesterday afternoon. Although they are not a "couple," they are very cute together. Dad is looking frailer these days. He does have mobility problems, but he does what he can.  He needs to rest frequently as he goes about doing things or going places. We noticed yesterday that his trousers are getting too big for him, so he is losing weight, although he does eat three meals a day.  He has his breakfast in the morning, which my sister prepares for him, and then if he is not going to Tim Hortons he will have a sandwich or some such for his lunch. If he goes to Timmies he has a donut there with his cup of tea.  My sister cooks him a lovely supper every night.  He has a snack in the evening. 

I can remember sitting on the sofa with my sister when we were teenagers watching my father run on the spot.  They always had fitness requirements in the Military and a fitness test they would need to pass each year.  He would be practicing for the running one by running on the spot in our living room. I can remember him making faces as he did so, tongue hanging out like he was dead tired, etc.  I remember laughing at the faces he made. 

It is hard to watch your parents get old and frail.  The roles seem to reverse as they age. Those who were once the caregivers become the ones who need care. I know my father is blessed to have children who do whatever they can for him. 

I don't do much for him really, my sister does the most, but for the things I do have an opportunity to do for him, I feel it is a great privilege.


The crocus are beginning to show their pretty little heads again.  Each day brings a few more of these pretty little delights.  I don't have any here myself, but I do so appreciate the ones that I see on lawns and in gardens here in the valley as I drive past. They are a cheery spark of color after the dull and colorless months of Winter.  They are such hardy little souls.  Enduring the cold nights and mornings.  It is not truly consistently warm out and yet there they are to delight us. Harbingers of hope and warm days to come.

Cindy and I were talking yesterday about how long it has been since we have seen a lady slipper.  I remember seeing them as a child and knowing not to pick them.  I remember also finding a robin's nest in a tree once, filled with little blue eggs. I knew also not to touch the eggs.

Occasionally you will find the broken shell of one on the ground. I like to think that it is there because the chick has hatched its way out into the world and that we will soon be blessed with a new robin's song.

I have not seen any robins yet this season, but I am sure that many people have. It is early days yet.


I am a half full glass kind of girl. Most of the time anyways. I am not perfect and sometimes I do let myself down with a less than stellar attitude, but most of the time I am able to find the blessing, the positive, the up rather than the down. 

Sometimes it can take a lot of digging, but by working at it, day by day, you will find that your life begins to transform from one of lack into one of abundance.

That is where I find myself now.  Living a life of abundance. It is the best way to live your life.  Abundance it not having everything you want.  Abundance is having everything you need and wanting everything that you already have. Abundance is being able to give back some of what you have been given and to be able to do so joyfully and without thought or regret.


Life. It can batter us whether we are rich or poor, famous or infamous. Life is no respecter of persons. The rain falls on the righteous and unrighteous alike.  Sometimes the wounds are nothing more than a scratch and at other times they can be a slow, silent hemorrhage of the soul. Some people handle change with ease, whilst even the smallest of changes can devastate another.

We can all experience days where we can feel small, fragile and afraid.  On days like that we need to know enough to be kind to ourselves.  We would be kind to another who was feeling in this way, why can we not find some compassion for ourselves?

Remember always that your feelings are valid.  They matter. Love yourself the same as you would love anyone else in the same situation. Take time to care about you and your feelings, not to the exclusion of anyone else's, but do remember that you matter also. Hug yourself.  You don't have to do everything and be everything for everyone else. It is also okay to just do and be for yourself from time to time. Buy yourself flowers. Take a few hours to pamper yourself in whatever way you need to feel pampered.  This can be as simple as popping a bag of popcorn and putting on your favorite feel-good movie to watch.  Running a bath and lighting the candles. Putting your phone on silent. Being there for yourself.  

As Martha would say, it's a good thing.


Someone remarked on one of my food posts the other day, "what the heck" had I done to the green beans. The post was not about the green beans, but about the chicken that was sitting next to it.  We live in a world where everyone has an opinion on everything and is not afraid to voice it, often in such a way as to try to drown out the smaller kinder voice next to it.  I guess people are just not kind anymore. Oh, not everyone. There are still plenty of kind people about, but the unkind people shout louder. It is like they have this need to lace whatever kind words they might share with a taste of venom. It can often be distressing. The comment went like this . . . "The chicken looks tasty, but what the heck did you do to the green beans?"  That's like saying to someone, "What a pretty dress.  It's too bad you have such fat knees."

We are surrounded these days by good people who watch horror going on around them but say and do nothing to combat it.  There is a very famous saying that goes like this . . . “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”  Millions of Jews were murdered because good men did nothing, and yet at the same time, many Jews were saved because some good people did something, often putting themselves at risk to do so.

This is the same world we are living in today.  Please don't be a good person who does nothing. Don't be afraid to speak up for what is right.  Kindness is much more than simply doing or saying nothing. Being kind is an action word. Let your kind voice shout louder than the unkind one next to you.  May it be heard and counted.

This is just my two cents worth.

And with that I best finish this off for today.  I know I have not said a lot today. Cindy and I are going out to do a bit of grocery shopping this morning and I have a few things I need to get done first.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.The great way to get on with a cat is to
treat it as an equal -- or better yet, as
the superior it knows itself to be.
~Elizabeth Peters  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Churro Muffins

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cinnamon Churro Muffins served with a Hot Chocolate Sauce. Deliciously delightful. A real treat.

I hope that you have a beautiful weekend.  Be happy. Stay safe.  Be blessed.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget! 


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And I do too!    



Friday, 21 March 2025

Dear Neighbor . . .


 3 ESTATE LANE, Nova Scotia
4*C/40*F light rain expected

Dear Neighbor,

Here I am, on another Friday, writing you a letter.  I hope you enjoy the photograph that I put as the header to my letter. I thought it was very spring-like and here we are in Spring, glorious Spring. Things will only continue to get warmer and prettier from here on in.

I love Primroses as well as Forget-Me-Nots.  Both are favorite flowers. Wild primroses are yellow in color, although I know you can get cultivated ones in many colors.  The Manor I worked at in the UK was at the top of the hill in this very small village. There was a stone pathway adjacent to the road that went down the hill from the manor into the village proper. I often took walks down that stone path and this time of year it was bordered all the way with yellow primroses.  I do not think I had ever seen a proper primrose before the ones that I saw on that path. They are such a beautiful and delicate flower, but I find that with most flowers when you really look at and observe them.  They are beautiful and delicate, tiny miracles of nature. Each one different and beautiful in their own right.

I have a great love for flowers.  


What a wonderful world we live in that our God has given us that it is full of flowers.  So many kinds and so diverse, in a multitude of colors and fragrances, and they are just one of the many gifts he gave us stewardship of and to enjoy. When you think of it, the miraculous gifts and wonders on this planet never cease. They are in abundance . . .  and if they are not, then it is only us that we have to blame, and the poor way that we have taken care of them. 

And it is said that Heaven is even more beautiful  . . . I cannot imagine.


The birdsong at this time is at its most beautiful. They have caught the spring fever also. This is the time they start to build their nests and begin their flirty little dances with each other.  They build their nests, and they call to each other in a dance of attraction. 

Birdsong is one of the classic sounds of spring. With the warming temperatures, they become louder and much more vocal with each other, singing loud and complex songs to attract a mate or to defend a territory.  It is nature and the male sings the more beautiful song. 

Female birds tend to be attracted to the best singers. Males who can sing frequently, exhibit vocal complexity, and even show vocal creativity are often more successful at attracting mates. That’s why males sing so much more than females and put considerable effort into their complex vocalizations. The high levels of birdsong in spring help facilitate pair bonding between males and females prior to breeding.  

Are we not so very blessed to be able to witness via our ears such a beautiful response to what is basic nature and instinct?  I think so . . . 


We are a bit like the birds in the spring ourselves. Oh, we do not hop from branch to branch singing out to each other, but we do hop about the yard and garden, clearing away the debris that is left from the winter months.  Making everything neat and tidy for the burst of flora and color to come. Things are still quite drab here.  We must be careful not to clear away too much too early. There are many insects such as bees which winter beneath leaf and brush and until things are really in full swing, they need the protection of this cover.

But that doesn't mean we cannot scurry about our homes, tidying up, clearing out, getting rid of the dross that has accumulated over the Winter months.

Oh, it feels so good on some of these warmer days to be able to open the windows and let the fresh air run through the house, clearing away the dust and stale air that just a few weeks ago was bringing us comfort and cheer.

Oh, I know it is early days yet, and Winter may rise up and snap at us a few more times on her way out of the room, but she is surely on the run, and it won't be long before the sight of her backside hustling off will be all that's left of her.

And in the meantime, we prepare for the joys to be experienced ahead.  I have much to sort out . . . 


Here is the latest news on our brother David's cancer journey.  I will copy and paste from his Facebook page here, as he can explain it all much better than I can.

So, continuing in my cancer journey here. We met with the oncologist today and he confirms that the tumors are small and in a good position to get at. Ablation treatment is still a good option, but he now has to refer it to the tumor board to review and decide if they want to do it. As well, he wants a chest x-ray to also verify that there is no other thoracic involvement. They will want to do an ultrasound to make sure they can image it that way. They may want a biopsy first or ablate one tumor and biopsy it at the same time, then do the other. We'll have to wait and see what they say. It may be 3-6 months before treatment, but so far, the good news is that it is not growing or growing very slowly, so not too urgent. So, not a hard definitive plan, but things are slowly unfolding.

Please continue to keep him in your prayers. It is not a quick or an easy fix, but it is not the worst news either. I do believe in miracles and that all will be well in the end.  

He is now officially a pensioner. He is planning on coming home to see Dad at some point in the next couple of months and will likely stay here as I have the bedroom and the bed. Hence my need to have a good clear out. That back bedroom often becomes a dumping ground for things that I want to get rid of, don't need, etc. Most people have a space like that.  I don't have a basement or a shed, so mine is the back bedroom.  It is nothing that a good clear out can't fix.


We have plans to take dad and his friend Maryann out again this afternoon. It is something that they enjoy, this once-a-week time together. Now that the snow has all gone, it will be a regular thing most likely.  It is harder to do in the Winter months.  When Dad lived in his own place, he used to pick her up three afternoons a week, but that's not so easy for us to bring to pass with the other commitments we have.  Once a week is much easier for us to manage.  We usually drop them off and then Cindy and I go and do a few errands while they enjoy their time together.  They sit in the little food court outside of the A&W and Dad has a buddy burger while Maryann plays her scratch cards.  And they visit with each other, keep each other company. 

I need to get some kitty litter and pick up a few other bids like compost bags, etc. I used to have my kitty litter delivered by Amazon, but they were huge boxes and not very easy for me to manhandle. Nor for the delivery people to cope with either. Very heavy.  Now I buy it at Giant Tiger in smaller boxes. 

Cinnamon is very fussy. She only likes one kind of litter.  She is fussy with her food as well. She only likes one kind of food.

Nutmeg is not so fussy. He will eat just about anything and is much easier going when it comes to things like litter.  He is pretty bossy, however.  He is the King of this castle.  I don't mind. 

Love them both to bits.


My son Douglas facetimed me last evening for a short. It was good to talk to him.  He is such a good man and such a good son. I truly appreciate that he takes the time to stay in touch with me as often as he does.  I tend not to message him, mostly because he works and has the three boys, etc. to care for. I wait for him to message me.  He says I can message him any time and if he is busy with work or whatever he will just let me know, but I tend to wait for him to make the first move.  I am like that with most people. I will wait for them to get in touch. Not because I don't want to spend time with them, etc., but because I am not wanting to be a nuisance.  

That is just who I am.  I don't like to take things or people for granted.  I know that I have Sunday dinner with my sister most Sundays, but I don't like to take that for granted either. I kind of like to be invited, so I can know for sure that it is happening. I think that is because I have been rejected so much in life that I need to be reassured that I am welcome.  Does that make sense?  I just do not want to be a nuisance to anyone.  It is what it is.


 I am a person who dreams very vivid dreams and in color. My dreams will often last all night long, like a series, one running into the other and all making perfect sense.  Last night I was having this dream where I was at school, and we were being or choosing to be paired up with lads.  I cannot tell you who the lad was that I was paired up with, but for some reason in this dream you needed the lad to kiss you to make it sure. And I was worried the whole night through that this lad would not want to kiss me.  haha  Dreams are funny things.  I have heard it said that they are the way our unconscious mind expresses itself and gets itself out, but I say that often it is the cheese that you ate before bed that is talking.  lol

I have resigned myself to not ever having another partner in life. I am not looking and am not interested. There may be some part of me that feels a bit sad that I was never able to find that one true love, that sweet spot in life where I was welcome and honored and accepted. Even in my second marriage, with all of the children, etc. I always felt like an interloper, like I didn't truly belong.  A square peg in a round hole.  I have always felt that way.

It is only now, living on my own, in my own space, taking care of myself that I feel at home and settled. Like I belong. Like I fit.  And sometimes, yes, I do feel bad that I was never able to find that special someone that I could feel like that with, but it always just felt like pretend. And it was pretend.

Life is too short to spend it with people who do not honor or respect you. Who don't make you feel secure or at peace.  At home.

When I am on my own, I am a round peg that fits into the space I have carved for my soul.  I don't have to pretend to fit. I can just be me.


Oh, how I love this.  I feel this way about every season, every month . . .  to be able to put it so eloquently, that is a true gift.  Oh, how blessed we are to have such talented people in the world who can put the songs of our heart on paper and bring to life the things that we feel, to make them tangible. To share these special thoughts and feelings in such a beautiful way. I am grateful.


Happy International Day of Forests.  I am looking forward to the greening of my community, to the bursting forth of leaf. 

My blanket has 20 large squares now.  I think perhaps I am crocheting two without even thinking about it.

And with that I will end this missive. I have not said much, not really, but some days are like that.  Be well.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.You do not wake up and
become the butterfly.
Growth is a process.
~Rupi Kaur° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Creamy Tomato Soup with Cheddar Dumplings

In the kitchen today, Creamy Tomato Soup with Cheddar Dumplings.  There won't be too many more days when soup will be as comforting as it still is. This was fabulously delicious.

I hope you have a beautiful Friday. Be happy. Be blessed. Be safe. Be healthy.  Don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Thursday, 20 March 2025

My Favorite Things . . .



These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 


Square toes  . . . 


Mother of Pearl handles  . . . 


Pretty pottery  . . . 


Eyelet lace and a cardigan.  Perfectly pretty combination.


Ripe plums  . . .  so sweet.


Vintage seed packets  . . . 


Transferware  . . .  lilac and white so pretty.


Cream Filled donuts  . . . 


Pretty printed pillow cases  . . . 


Peter Rabbit  . . . 


A blue Aga stove.  Loved the Aga at the big house  . . . 


Spring crocus  . . . 


Cafe curtains  . . .  made from tea towels  . . . 


Marbles  . . . 


Canada Geese  . . . 


Lace tablecloth  . . . 


Cozy corners  . . . 


Cast Iron bed  . . . 


Cherries  . . . 


Moss carpets  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week. I hope some of them were also your favorites!


A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Spring comes;
the flowers learn their
colored shapes. ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Maria Konopnicka° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Potato, Cheese & Onion Pie

In the Kitchen today  . . .  Potato, Cheese & Onion Pie.  Simple. Comforting. Vegetarian. Delicious. 

I hope that you have a beautiful first day of Spring. Be happy, be blessed, find joy.  Don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Wednesday Witterings . . .


 I saw this photograph this morning and I just had to share it. How sweet is that. It made me think of my two babies when they first came to live with me. Kittens are so cute.  They followed me everywhere in the house and were never very far from each other either. They trusted me so implicitly.  I was their new mum.  It was and is a role I took on and take very seriously.  I love them dearly as if they indeed were my children.  And like children, they sometimes act up.  

Last night Nutmeg decided that he was going to be the center of attention and situated himself on top of my faux fireplace, right beneath the television and in front of the little light that makes it possible to change the channels with the remote.  Not a problem really as I was watching the voice and didn't need to change the channel at that point.  I did get a bit worried about my toadstools however and moved them out of the way and over to my dining room table temporarily.  I didn't want anything to happen to them. Sometimes if just laying there soaking in my attention isn't quite enough he will start to grab things and toss them over.  

Who me?   

Yes, you.

He is such a little character.

I had a paper bag from having gone to the farm market earlier and so I put it on the floor, tossed some treats into it and he got down pronto before anything was harmed.  He is a right monkey, but he makes life very interesting.


Sissy just watches from her perch and calls him out for being the ham that he is. I can hear her thinking, "What a Maroon."


Cindy and I went to the farmer's market while Dad was having his tea at Tim Horton's yesterday.  We went to Goucher's first.  They have had their potatoes on for 30 cents a pound for a time now and we thought they got their baked goods in on Tuesdays.  We love the cheese bread they get.  I got myself five pounds of potatoes as I was completely out of potatoes, a couple of nice-looking baking apples and a small butternut squash.  Their baked goods hadn't come in yet.  Sigh  . . .  no cheese bread for us.

Then we went to Spurr's on the off chance that their baked goods HAD come in and we struck gold. NO cheese bread but they had all of their lovely sour dough breads from the French Bakery.  I picked up my favorite olive sour dough, and a spelt loaf.  Oh, a cheeky small lemon tart, which I confess did not last long.  I also got a jar of beetroot sauerkraut (naturally fermented) and some gingered pickled beets.

When I was pregnant for my children, I craved beetroot like crazy.  I know I am not pregnant now. That would take a miracle on all counts, but I am craving beetroot.  There must be something in them that my body is telling me that I need.


I started reading Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage this week. It is compelling reading. I don't know why I had never read it before. I have heard people speak about how good it is through the years, but for some reason had never cracked it open myself. It is very good and if you are a person who wants to get to know the Savior better, I highly recommend it.


I called Jacqueline who is still in the hospital in Halifax yesterday. She got through her operation on Monday to remove the clot okay and was hoping to be allowed to come home today. She sounded quite tired, naturally, and said she had not been drinking much.  She doesn't drink tea or coffee, and she only drinks distilled water, and she said they only had tap water in there.  I wish I lived closer to the hospital as I would bring her in some distilled water. She needs to be drinking, or they won't let her go home. I am sure of it. She is probably staying hydrated at the moment because of a drip or whatever.  She is very fussy about what she allows to go into her body.  She always has been since I have known her.  Only fruit in the mornings. No dairy. No combining of proteins and starches, etc. To be honest it can sometimes be a bit of a nightmare to feed her, but that is just the way she is and how she lives her life.

(I know I need to be a bit more like that in choosing what I allow to go into my body.)

Anyways, it was good to hear her voice, and I am sure she appreciated the call.  I told her that Cindy and I would pop up to see her when she gets home. I am sure she will require a lot of care for a time, meals etc.  Having multiple strokes is no small thing. 


It rained pretty much all day yesterday. If it had been a tiny bit colder it would have been snow and we would be snowed under now. It did not get as warm as it had been the day before, but it is supposed to warm up a bit today.  This time of year, the temperatures are so waffly.  They swing back and forth like the pendulum on a clock. It is no small wonder that people find themselves coming down with head colds and all sorts.  I am doing my best to avoid that if I can. 

Glenna was out taking down her Christmas decorations the other day. Her son had put this garland all along her railing using zip ties and she had been unable to cut them off.  Someone from church lent her the proper tool and she was able to finally remove it.  The zip ties were very effective in keeping the garland in place, but not so easy to remove it afterwards. I had a card to give her from my toenail lady as Glenna had expressed interest.  Sheila was also there keeping her company with her wee dog Bailey. Monday was such a mild day. None of us was wearing heavy jackets, only sweaters.  It felt good to be out and about a bit.  I noticed also that Will (my mother's old friend) was walking up and down the street using her walker on Monday as well, along with her daughter.

Will was the lady who cut my hair short back when I was in Grade 8.  I had wanted to get my hair cut for a long time and my mother finally relented and let me have it done.  Will's husband was my math's teacher at school and a very good one he was.  

I have never had a head for Math.  It was always my worst subject.  I still struggle with Math to this day. I always needed extra help with it. Thank goodness for calculators.


My eyes marvel at the sight of all of the green shoots appearing in the garden now the snow has all gone. It is like they know some secret that we are unaware of. It feels too cold for them to be showing their faces, but there they are.  Hope.  Chasing the Winter away. Only one more day and it will be officially Spring.

Our roads are loaded with potholes.  We drive dodging around them as much as possible.  We must look like a bunch of drunkards on the roads. Some of them are quite nasty if you come upon them. They could very easily blow out a tire or ruin your suspension given half the chance and one needs to use a lot of caution when driving out and about.

With the receding snow comes all sorts of surprises that have lay hidden over the past couple of months, the frozen secrets of Winter that are now appearing.  My lawn to the left is covered with deep ruts where the cowboys who plowed our snow over the winter have dug it up. It is very messy to look at.  IN other years they have used a snow blower, this year they used a John Deer fitted with a plow blade when it got really bad and two youngsters with shovels when it was not so bad. 

Cutbacks.  Penny pinching. We see it everywhere except for where it would make a huge difference. Food costs keep spiraling, and I cannot see them getting any better.  It makes me grateful that I am a bit of a hoarder when it comes to things like that. Except for the fresh.  I do have a store cupboard that is loaded and a freezer as well.


Now that the wearing of the green has passed the season of yellow will soon be upon us, as those garden shoots grow and expand and explode into daffodil and narcissi.  I know that already in the U.K. those yellow heads are bobbing in the breeze and delighting the eye. We are about a month behind here.  There was a roundabout in Saint David's Park where our chapel was in the U.K. that was loaded with daffodils this time of year. They were so pretty.  There were daffodils everywhere this time of year. On the verges of the motorway, plant pots, gardens, etc. Everywhere it seemed there was an explosion of yellow.

Such a cheerful color after the greys and pewters of Winter.  It will always be a regret of mine that I did not take the chance to travel to Ullswater during Daffodil season and lay my eyes upon Wordworth's daffodils . . . how beautiful that would have been.


I am not sure what I will get up to today.  I still have my taxes to work on and of course my usual work, for which I am most grateful. There are people who say that miracles have ceased, but to them I would respond . . .  my whole life is a miracle. That I was prompted to monetize my blog when I was that last autumn in the U.K., that was a miracle, a miracle that gave me my very first paycheck one month after I arrived back in Canada.  I remember my friend Jan saying to me in August, why had I not ever applied to Mediavine, that I could be making some pin money.  It was not something she hadn't said to me before but I had never really considered it.  For some reason that day I was prompted to do it and the rest is history.  You might call it a coincidence, but I would call it a miracle. God's timing is always perfect.  Miracles happen when we listen to and follow the promptings that are sent to us.

And that is only one of the miracles in my life. It is filled with others.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day. It is gone past 8:30 and I have miles to go before I sleep.

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 *.Never let loyalty and kindness leave you.
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
~Proverbs 3:3  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Chicken & Potato Gratin

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Chicken & Potato Gratin. I saw someone making this on YouTube the other day and just had to try it for myself.  DELICIOUS!  Honey mustard glazed chicken, baked on top of a creamy and rich gratin. Fabulously tasty and such an easy make.

I hope that you have a lovely day today.  Dad and Hazel are going to go out for a Chinese tonight. I will not be joining them.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!