Wednesday 28 August 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


 Lets start off with a little bit of good news here this  morning.  I am now signed up for a Family Doctor.  The surgery called me yesterday to set up an appointment with the Nurse on the 18th of September and I will be assigned a Doctor on that day.  It has only taken four years, but what a blessing to finally be within sight of having some continuity when it comes to health care. This is huge.

I was supposed to have blood tests done in August, but I have been unable to book them.  I kept trying and they were all booked up so told to try again.  Same story, all booked up, and now the site for booking shuts down immediately and won't open up.  I am not sure what the problem is.  I will keep trying.


My DIL has been posting lovely photos on FB of their boys, the three "J's" enjoying their last days of summer.  They have been going to the butterfly place and quite a few other activities.  It all looks like fun.  I love that they are able to do these things with the boys and that the boys, even Jon who is 18, enjoy going.

Next week their school years will begin, with Jon going off to college and Gabe, UNB.  I think Josh is in grade 11 and both Jake and Luke are in grade 9.   I am not sure about the other three grandchildren.  I expect the youngest will be in pre-kindergarten now and the others will be in grad 6 and grade 8. Those are the ones I never hear from.

This grandmother prays for all of her grandchildren every night by name.  I have them covered with my heart and my prayers.


I was watching a girl in Russia going Grocery shopping in Siberia last night on YouTube.  The super market was huge and quite interesting.  They have many of the same brands as we do. Oreo Cookies, Heinz Ketchup.  But also quite a few different things as well.  I have always loved to go grocery shopping in foreign countries.  I am very much a food tourist. She went to a butcher place and a fruit/veg market to get fresh meat and fruits. Apparently they grow all of their own vegetables.  The meat was quite different.  She bought these smoked sausages and something which she called ham, but it looked like bologna. She did say it was for use in sandwiches and was not very healthy. (Sounds like bologna to me.) She got a big chunk of beef which she was going to grind into hamburger and a couple of pieces of cured pork belly that looks quite interesting as well.

I had always been of the understanding that in Russia there were huge lines for everything, but I saw no evidence of this.


I went out to check my mail yesterday and met Glenna who was on her way back from the Compost bins. She said there was going to be a neighborhood watch meeting at the firehall last night, apparently to address the vandalism which has been going on in town.  Its been quite bad.  A week or so ago someone flipped over all of the flower bins and emptied them out and went to the car dealership and slashed a lot of the tires on the vehicles. It is criminal.  

This town has a bad reputation really. It used to be such a nice place to live, with lots of lovely older homes, etc. I always called it a Leave it to Beaver town. But nowadays it is a place here a lot of drug addicts live so that they can get their meds, and the probation office is here, so we have a lot of people released from prison here. Not saying that these people are responsible for any of this, but there is also a large bunch of homeless people and some pretty wild teens.

You also never see the police. Never.  There is an office for them at the town hall, but the RCMP run it and you just never see them. 

My ex husband used to do policing in the town when we first moved back here after he retired from the Military. Then it all got handed over to the RCMP and it has gone downhill ever since.

I am grateful that I have my garage to lock my car up in every night. I am sure that they will catch whoever did the criminal damage at some point. Someone will open their mouth and it will get out. Secrets like that don't stay secret for very long.


I slept terrible last night. At 3 a.m. I still had not fallen asleep.  I just sleep surfed all night. I finally got up at 7 because I could hear poor Nutmeg crying for his breakfast like he was starving to death.  haha  That is not very likely. He always polishes off all of his and half of his sister's. I suppose we all occasionally have nights like that. My problem is indigestion.  I had eaten a late supper of a bowl of raisin bran about 7 PM and it was probably too late to be eating that kind of fiber. Usually I don't eat anything at all after 7 and I am very careful about what I eat later in the day anyways.  I try not to eat anything with onions, or garlic, or tomatoes, or chocolate.  That's why I eat my main meal much earlier in the day. 

I don't think I ate much of anything yesterday.  I had a bite of the ham and egg thing that I made earlier in the day,  and I had some carrot sticks with dip  about 4, and then the bowl of raisin bran. It was just not a good eating day for me yesterday. 

What a comfy looking chair.

I did two recipes yesterday and did up two loads of laundry. Today I am planning on doing a video as well as dusting, vacuuming and washing the floors. We will see how that goes. It is also the day I usually go out for supper with my father.  I am not sure about that. I am picking up Eileen to come and spend the night tomorrow, and so I told her I would take her out for supper as a treat as well. So I am not sure if I can afford all of that eating out.  I don't want to disappoint her and I don't want to disappoint my father either.  Its a bit of a conundrum. 

I had a facetime with my oldest son early in the day yesterday.  His sister in law just left to go to Switzerland with her family where she is beginning her new career as the new IOC medical and scientific director.  (International Olympic Committee.)  She is an Olympic Gold medalist, having won a gold medal at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, and was a world champion before that.  She is quite accomplished actually, and we wish her much luck in her new position. 


I can hear them out there mowing our lawns this morning and I can smell the newly cut grass. I love that smell.  My day is getting away from me now. It is amazing how much having a late start to your day can throw your timing off.  I am grateful that I live in a place where they do these things for me, but there is still much that I need to do for myself and one of those things is work and so I am going to end here with a thought for the day. Not a very lengthy post this morning unfortunately, but I know you won't mind.

 A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.There is no key to happiness.
The door is always open.
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Cheesy Ham & Egg in a Hole

In The English Kitchen today. Cheesy Ham & Egg in a Hole.  This simple bake would make a great breakfast for when you are entertaining, or a lovely light supper. You decide.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with light and with love. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Yay on having a family doctor..Things are getting tough in certain neighbourhoods for sure.A great gardener I follow..not close to here but in QC..has a farm..she has a kiosque ..with fridge..Help yourself honor system..she posted the video of two thugs wiping everything out..what hoodlums..a neighbouring farm came to help/Imagine..

  2. What good news to get on with a family doctor. Hope you can get those blood tests booked. It is cloudy today, we had a few claps of thunder last night, but no rain. I'm sure you will sleep better tonight. I like the new link to your youtube channel in the top right column. Works well. Have a good day.

  3. Hope you will get a good doctor...not easy here either these days. We pay for the 1 we go to out of our own pockets. Not ideal in the money dept...but last visit he was in a happy mood, and cut our appt cost in half!! THAT was nice!! We find the days/nights we do best, we eat little after 5 or so PM...and actually, the best days for our blood sugars and digestion are the ones when we eat soup. Well, maybe your dad could pay for your meal out...might give him that option...after all, you do not see your kids all that much. It is important to see them when they will come. And money is not easy to come by these days!!
    Elizabeth xo

  4. Exciting news that you have found a family doctor, Marie. After my doctor retired, I went to a walk-in clinic for 8 years before I found a new family doctor. It’s very sad when vandalism or worse makes their way into our neighbourhoods. Hope you decided to go out to dinner with your dad. I bet you’re looking forward to your sleep-over with Eileen. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

  5. Just the thing for a easy light meal. I'm not a breakfast person (except when I'm traveling - then I love having an early light breakfast at a restaurant before we begin our explorations for the day). This dish gives a taste of everything and not too much - I like eggs but in small doses. So glad to see you are putting a link to the videos on your page - makes it so much easier for me to check it out. Thanks Marie

  6. Oh sorry, Marie, I was trying to post that note about the eggy breakfast on the recipe page ! My computer kept jumping around. So glad you got a primary care doctor. Here in the States as well, getting good medical care is getting more and more difficult. I may develope an acute problem but when I call the specialist, they can't fit me in for 4 or months... not very helpful! Hope it all goes more smoothly for you now. And so good that the grandkids are having a fun summer ..
    one last hurrah before the older ones go off to college. Life changes as the kids grow up but they will.have these happy memories 💕


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