Wasn't it just yesterday that we were saying hello to October? That is the way it seems anyways and here we are with tomorrow being Halloween. It has just whizzed by. I have all of my Halloween treats in and my little bucket to hold them. I will put the cats in the back bedroom for safety. That's the best place for them. I don't have to worry about them getting out of the house that way and can just enjoy the kiddos in their costumes.
Most of the trick-or-treaters are quite polite. Some of the parents also dress up. It's also supposed to be a dry night and somewhat warmer so that is good.
I can remember when my own children were trick-or-treating. They were always far too excited to eat much of a supper on Halloween, so we always had something simple. They would have had Halloween parties at school in the afternoon with lots of goodies there, so it was next to impossible to get them to eat a normal supper. Usually something like grilled cheese, hot dogs, or pizza was about the best thing.
Once they got older, they took themselves. I kind of missed going out with them. Now, I am happy that all I have to do is sit by the door and hand out the treats. 😸 I will get more than a hundred children where I live. It is a safe neighborhood for trick-or-treating without any traffic much to speak of, so lots of kiddies come here.
I have often heard it said that the key to happiness was in wanting what you already have not in having what you want. I suppose there is a great deal of truth to that. I have known some very wealthy people who were not very happy at all.
There is a special wisdom that comes from age and experience. It can take almost a lifetime to get your priorities in order and to recognize the things that really matter most in life. Nobody ever said on their deathbed, I wish I had worked longer hours, but I have read that many express their wish that they had spent more time just being with the ones they love and enjoying the simple things in life.
On the one hand I wish I had more time to play, and yet on the other hand, I am grateful that I have something to do each day that keeps me busy and from being bored. The key is to find a happy balance between the two. Work and play. Too much of either one is not really a good thing.
I went to a local store the other day to get some black yarn. It is called Cinnamon Creek and is filled with all sorts of lovely things. I could spend hours in there perusing their goods. It always smells really nice in there as well. I picked up this little book from Wrendale designs. I love Wrendale designs. It is a password book.
Inside it on every page are spaces to write down all the details of your online sites, etc. This could be invaluable to anyone having to deal with things after a person passes on. I think it would be very helpful for them to have this information to help them cope with closing things down.
It is also a valuable tool for me to have. With needing access to many sites, etc. and having different passwords for each one, having them written down and all in one spot is a good thing for me.
I know they say not to do this, but this will only be in my own home and in a special place that only myself and my loved ones will know about and it seems to be a much more organized way than I have things set up now.
Also, it's pretty cute.
I was really pleased to catch up with an old online friend yesterday. We had been friends since the days when I first started blogging. We used to chat quite a bit and even spent some time together in person. We were both expats who had left our home countries to marry foreigners and had a mutual love of the home arts. We had always stayed well connected until a few years ago.
When my life in the U.K. fell apart, I found that I distanced myself from a lot of people, not on purpose. It just happened. People I had been really close to for some reason I found myself just drawing away from them. I don't know why. I think it was just easier for me to distance myself and to not have to remember all of the distress, or to keep rehashing it, etc.
Anyways, yesterday we caught up again with each other and it was lovely. I suppose it was just the right time to do so. It felt good anyways.
I wish I knew why I felt the need to pull away from some people and not others. It was not something I did consciously. There is really no reasonable explanation for it, not that I can think of at any rate.
I felt kind of funky all day yesterday. I laid back in my easy boy chair not long after I finished my morning emails, etc. and rested for a bit. I listened to the morning rosary with my eyes closed. The funky feeling continued for most of the day. I had a really difficult time getting my mind to concentrate on any one thing. I felt like I was getting a cold at one point, but it went off. I just felt very restless and not myself.
The cats were also very demanding yesterday for some reason. They wanted to play off and on all day. Especially Cinnamon. I found myself putting one of the bodies of those old, wired dolls I used to make on the end of their fishing pole and whipping back and forth through the house with it. They LOVED that! Something different I suppose. I guess they can get bored also. Change is as good as a holiday they say, so this was something very exciting to them. Don't worry it is not something which I would leave out for them to play with unsupervised.

This is how I try to live my life every day. Sometimes I do very well at it and other times not. The things I probably struggle with the most are the past. Some hurts and experiences are difficult to lay to rest. I will think I am doing really well with being able to cast them aside and then something will happen to trigger all of the old feelings, and I am back to square one. It happens less and less as time passes however and I am more able to just brush them off now than I used to be. But there are still some issues/people which have the power to wound, and I have a hard time forgetting them. I suppose had I not two children who have cut me out of their lives, putting these issues behind me would be a lot easier. But as a mother, these things still matter a great deal. I do not know what the answer is. It is hard to stop caring about people you love.
This brought a smile to my face. I don't drink coffee, but I know how important that morning cup of java is to a lot of people and this just made me chuckle. It was so fitting. Some people are so clever.
Today is the day I usually go out for supper with my dad and his friend Hazel. Last week she said, because the clocks are going back this next weekend, this would be the last Wednesday night she would be coming down to the Big Scoop. She is in her 80's now and doesn't like driving at night that much. I cannot say that I blame her. I don't like driving at night. So, I think dad is going to meet her at the Chinese restaurant in Greenwood from now on. I won't be going I don't think. I do not really like the food there and it would mean that I would be having to drive home in the dark as well. So, this will probably be the last Wednesday night we get together for a while. I think Cindy is also going to go today, which will be nice. I am looking forward to that.
And with that I best leave you with a thought for today. It's getting really late for me to still be on here.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★ *.˛.Take nothing for granted.
Even a rock will eventually
surrender to the sea,
and love can slip away
like sand through the fingers.
~Michael Faudet ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚
Whatever you get up to today, I hope it brings you joy and peace. Don't forget along the way!
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