Saturday 31 March 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . This Is My Father's World

(A picture I took in our garden in Brenchley)

This is my Father's world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world;
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

(Another one from Brenchley)

This is my Father's world,
The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white,
Declare their Maker's praise.
This is my Father's world;
He shines in all that's fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,
He speaks to me everywhere.
~Maltbie D Babcock

Maltbie Davenport Babcock (1858 - 1901) was a noted American clergyman and writer of the 19th century. He penned many hymns, but I think this is one of his best known ones. As a young man, Babcock was described as "tall and broad-shouldered" and a muscular swimmer and baseball player.

Maltbie Babcock was educated in the public schools of Syracuse and graduated in 1879 from Syracuse University with highest honors. He played Baseball on the Universities ball team and was a member of the Psi Upslion Fraternity. He was selected to give the Alumni Address in 1895. He studied theology at the Auburn Theological Seminary, receiving his degree there in 1882. He married Katherine Eliot Tallman youngest daughter of John Peck Higgins Tallman a prominent lawyer of Poughkeepsie, New York, on October 4, 1882. They had two children, both of whom died in infancy.

A 1910 biography said of him,

"Babcock was preeminently a preacher. He was a clear thinker and a fluent speaker, with a marvelous personal magnetism which appealed to all classes of people, and the influence of which became in a sense national. His theology was broad and deep, yet without a touch of present-day uncertainty. Added to the genius of spirituality he had the genius of work, and it was owing to his unselfish devotion to the great work of uplifting mankind that he literally wore himself out and died at the early age of forty-two. Noted for his impartial charity, he reached people in countless ways and exerted everywhere a remarkable personal magnetism. While he published no books he may be said to have 'lived, or sung his thoughts'.

(Turn the music down below off before listening to this. It's beautifully sung by Amy Grant.)

"Nothing better gauges the tenor and spirit of the man than a sentence found on the fly-leaf of his pocket Bible after his death: 'Committed myself again with Christian brothers to unreserved docility and devotion before my Master'. He wrote a number of fugitive poems, said to resemble those of Emerson, which were published in connection with a memorial volume of extracts from sermons, addresses, letters and newspaper articles, entitled 'Thoughts for Every-Day Living' (1902). Dr. Babcock was a musician of rare talent and wrote some hymns of unusual beauty."

Babcock died at age 42 in Naples, Italy, on May 18, 1901, of sudden illness. At his funeral in New York City, the presiding clergyman eulogized him, "We do not need a candle to show a sunbeam...The work our brother has done — the life he lived speaks for him."

When Babcock lived in Lockport, he took frequent walks along the Niagara Escarpment to enjoy the overlook's panoramic vista of upstate New York scenery and Lake Ontario, telling his wife he was "going out to see the Father's world". She published a poem by Babcock shortly after his death, entitled This is My Father's World, which became the well known hymn.

(Another view, same teasel.)

This has always been one of my favourite hymns and poems. I don't think one can help but feel close to our Heavenly Father when you are out in the garden surrounded by all the beauty, and it doesn't seem to matter which time of year it is. There is beauty in all of the seasons. From the largest of His creations, right on down to the smallest . . . His presence is unmistakable, or at least it is to me . . .

I'm really looking forward to watching conference later today. Our church holds these special meetings bi-annually. It's a wonderful opportunity for us to hear what our leaders want us to hear . . . and we are spiritually fed to overflowing by the end of the weekend. If you are interested in hearing what they have to say, you can view them in their entirety live, Here. The first one is today at 10:00 am (MDT) or 5:00 pm (GMT). There is always beautiful music by the Tabernacle Choir, and the talks are always so very inspiring and uplifting. I always really enjoy them. There are also more talks tomorrow. What have you got to lose?

Come listen to living prophets

Over in The English Kitchen today . . .

A delicious Carrot and Poppyseed Cake!

“May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality... First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love.”
― President Thomas S. Monson, a prophet on the earth today

Friday 30 March 2012

Life's Pathway . . .

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I received a card in the post from my mother earlier this week. I was very touched by it. It has a beautiful verse on it by Emily Matthews . . .

At times, life's path
seems filled with things
that make the going rough,
And we wish there were
a smoother road,
for we feel we've had enough . . .

But, if we pause a moment
and remember Who's in charge,
The hills that loom ahead of us
no longer seem so large,
And every rock before us,
when we know we're not along,
Becomes, not just a stumbing block,
but one more stepping stone.
~Emily Matthews

Inside there is another verse . . .

You've overcome so many things,
and, every time, you've grown
Through sheer determination
and the wisdom that you've shown.
So, as you face this journey,
from the moment you begin,
Know that God will guide you,
and you'll have the strength to win.

Then of course, she added a written message, which I don't mind sharing with you as well . . .

I thought this card might inspire you to reach your goals. You have faced many hurdles in life and you can do it again. You've had many accomplishments that once were only your dreams.
much love always,

As I read the verse on the card and the special message inside, and then my mother's personal message, I was so very touched by her faith in me . . . and I thought yes, I can do it. I have waged a personal battle with my weight for the past 23 years. It has slowly crept on and gotten worse with every diet that I have tried to follow. The problem with diets is . . . they don't really work in the long term . . . especially not for me. Oh, I do have a limited success with them. I do lose weight following them . . . but I can't stick to them. I always end up feeling deprived. The weight always creeps back on . . . and I end up feeling like a failure . . . again.

Recently I have been trying once again to lose weight. I have a lot to lose . . . AGAIN! I had lost those three stone a few years back, but then I lost my job, and everything that went along with it. We lost our Jess . . . And then, because we had not heeded our prophet's advice and were in debt for a new car we just could not afford . . . we lost our car. With no employment, there was no way we could pay for it. My arthritis got worse and worse . . . some days, I am not able to get around very well, and my days of going for long walks seem to have gone forever . . . this is something that Todd and I have always enjoyed doing together. The three stone lost . . . crept back on, and then some. (Why oh why does that always happen!! It's bad enough to gain back the weight you have lost, but why does there always have to be that little bit extra?? It's like adding insult to injury.)

In any case . . . my mother knows my struggles . . . all that extra weight means that my mobility is even more compromised. That because of extra weight . . . I can't do a lot of things that I used to do . . . that the effects of my arthritis are even worse. I know she worries about my health . . . my heart, my blood pressure . . . diabetes, which thankfully I don't have at the moment, but . . . being overweight it is a real risk.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

I do want to be healthier and I have been trying lately to eat a little differently, and to get some more exercise. I am not dieting . . . just doing things in a different way . . . using a smaller plate, cutting out some things, eating more fruit, etc. I'm a trained Chef . . . I know everything there is to know about what's bad for you . . . and all the things I should be doing and could be doing differently. It is a battle I will probably always have to wage.

Will I ever be truly thin again??? Skinny even??? I seriously doubt it, but I can be thinner and I can be healthier and that is my goal. It is time to take back control. I have let this problem steal enough of my life . . . dare I say . . . no more???

Sure . . . I say no more. I can make this work. With the Lord's help . . . I can do anything.

Do you have struggles in your life that you are trying hard to overcome? I have always read that sharing a problem with someone else, cut's the problem in half. Perhaps we can overcome these things together? We'll never know if we don't at least try. ☺ I'm in, if you're in.


“Never give up on anyone. And that includes not giving up on yourself.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

In The English Kitchen today, an oldie but a goodie, Cheesy Chicken Rarebits. (you can make them healthier by using milk instead of cream, and lower fat cheese, and less cheese. Meh . . . you do what you have to do in life, don't you?)

Thursday 29 March 2012

Something to make you smile on a Thursday . . .

Quite a number of years back, on a dark and cold night, an elderly couple were seeking accomodation in a very small hotel. Upon inquiring, they were told by the receptionist, "Sorry, all the rooms are full." There was no room at the Inn . . .

They turned to leave and were about to walk out, when the receptionist asked, "Would you be willing to sleep in my room?"

They were a bit reluctant at first, but when he added that he would be able to sleep in the office, they accepted his offer. They were tired and cold, and had no wish to travel any further that night.

The next morning the elderly man said to the young receptionist, "You should be the manager of the best hotel in the country . . . one day, I will build you one."

The receptionist simpy smiled and thanked him.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

However, a few years later he was very surprised when the same couple asked him to come over to visit them in New York. He went, looking forward to a change of scenery, and was shown around a huge hotel. He was then told that it had been built for him to manage. Quel surprise!!
The elderly gentleman had only been none other than the famous William Waldorf Astor!

You just never know where a deed of kindness will lead you. I loved this little story. It does the heart good to read a story where a simple act of service is rewarded in such a surprising and amazing way. Some people would call it karma. What goes around really does come around, and it works both ways. When you put out good, good comes back to you . . . when you put out bad, then that is what you will sow . . .

Tis simple really . . . as my dear mother would say, it costs nothing to be kind.

Have a great Thursday people! I hope that wherever you are the sun shines upon you and the day is kind to you in unimagineable ways.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Spicy Turkey Burgers! So scrummy!!

“The way of the Lord is the way of happiness. ‘Wickedness never was happiness’ [Alma 41:10]. Transgression never was happiness. Sin never was happiness. Disobedience never was happiness. The way of happiness is following the way of the Lord. I believe this with all my heart.”
― Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Simple Woman's Day book . . .

FOR TODAY, March 27th, 2012...

Outside My Window...

It is cool and the sky is beginning to lighten up. With the time change the mornings are now darker than they had been and it is not getting dark until about 7 pm. I wish they would just leave time the same. I don't think it's really necessary to change it nowadays. Farmers all have equipment with good lights and such. It seems like it would be simpler just to leave things the same, but then, perhaps that is just me!

I am thinking...
A friend posed a question about dying on Facebook yesterday and it got me to thinking. I don't think I am afraid of being dead. Being dead is nothing. If we are right and the Gospel is true, we will be in a much nicer place. If not, well then we just simply won't be. (I prefer to believe in the much nicer place. There's far too much evidence to my way of thinking for it not to be true.) I think it's the whole process of dying that kind of makes me afraid. It's that losing control, or lack of it. Maybe I will feel differently when it comes right down to it. I think a person that is suffering greatly with cancer, must perhaps welcome death, and in a sudden death type of situation, there is probably no time to think about it before it just happens. So perhaps it's only really scary to someone who's only thinking about it. What do you think??

I am thankful for...
These lovely sunny days we have been having! Wow, they have been just like summer! We've sure been enjoying them. Todd's gotten a lot of work done in the garden and the laundry I hung out yesterday dried in double quick time! It's truly been lovely!

From the kitchen...
There are some muffins, but that's about all. I've been busy organizing my cupboards so not a lot of baking going on!

I am wearing...
Apair of pink and grey jim jams and slippers. No need for layering at the moment!

I am creating...

I did this little ATC (Artist's Trading Card) yesterday just for the fun of it. It's only about the size of a credit card, which was somewhat challenging as it's a very small space to work with and on, but I think I did ok. I had a lot of fun doing it for sure!

Then here is the needlebook I came up with for the Activity Evening at church for the ladies on Thursday evening. I know it's not a great picture, but I only just took it and had to use artificial light. It's really pink in colour, with green inside and a snap closure. The flowers are made of appliqued felt with button centres, embroidered stems and ribbon leaves. They probably won't have time to do it all but they can at least get it started on Thursday and then finish it up at home at their own leisure and with their own trims. I did up 30 kits and all that is in them is the felt (two colours, one for inside and one for outside), some white aida cloth for the needle holder, a snap closure, and two colours of embroidery floss. Making those kits took me a couple of hours on Saturday! There was a lot of cutting and measuring!

I am going...
We are going to go see a film this afternoon. It's cheap day at the movies and we both want to see The Hunger Games. I am still reading the first book in the series (see below) and it is incredibly good. I hope that seeing the film doesn't ruin it for me, but I just can't wait to see it! The reviews so far have been quite good.

I am reading...

The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. But Katniss has been close to death before—and survival, for her, is second nature. The Hunger Games is a searing novel set in a future with unsettling parallels to our present. Welcome to the deadliest reality TV show ever...

Set in a future country that was once known as America, a set of cruel and sadistic games take place, as a punishment to the districts for an earlier rebellion. Twelve boys and twelve girls from the differing districts must battle in a futuristic arena - a battle to the death - in which only one can survive. When Katniss Everdeen steps up to take her younger sister's place in the games, she holds little hope that she'll survive, with the weight of the world on her shoulders - can she withstand the veritable death sentence before her?

This book was recommended to me by a friend and I have to say that even though I have only just begun to read it, I am totally smitten by it. There are a further two novels in this trilogy set, and I think it's safe to say I will probably read them all!!

STILL enjoying this!

I am hoping...
Well the budget came down last week and I hope people won't have too difficult a time coping with the end results. I don't know how families are coping these days. We are paying the equivalent of about $8.88 a gallon, American for petrol, which is enormous, and it's due to go up another 3 pence in August. What's really annoying about it, is that most of that price is in Government Tax, about 60%. It cost us £43 to fill up only 3/4 of our tank the other day. When you are living on a fixed income, and with all the other costs that are going up the future is looking pretty dim. Thank goodness for food storage and the like. ON the plus side our purple sprouting broccoli is now sprouting!

I am hearing...
Nothing new really. Mitzie is snoring away on the sofa. The keys are tapping. The birds are singing. The odd car drives by. The clock is ticking. A pretty normal morning I would say.

Around the house...

I just love Vintage Linens. I don't have any much to speak of, only a few pieces. My ex-boss used to have drawers filled with the stuff . . . table cloths, napkins, pillow slips, etc. They were all very beautiful. Mind you they might look a bit incongruous in our house I suppose. It's hardly the Ritz! I do love looking at them though . . . and appreciate the value of the time taken to do all that lacework and embroidery. I think they are just beautiful.

One of my favourite things . . .
I like to watch period dramas on the telly. Things like Upstairs Downstairs, Larkrise to Candleford, Jane Eyre, the Catherine Cookson films etc. Todd does too, so it's something that we enjoy together. I think the BBC does really good period dramas.

If I could change one thing it would be...
Everyone would know the love from the Heavenly Father and the love that the Saviour has for them. I think the world would become a very different place than the one that we live in at present. Love truly changes everything.

I am looking forward to ...
The RS Activity on Thursday evening. I hope it all goes well. We put a lot of planning into these things and want the sisters to enjoy themselves. In March we always to something to commemorate the Anniversary of Relief Society, a sort of Birthday Celebration. This year we will be focusing on Emma Hale Smith who was the first Relief Society President, in an evening entitled, "An Evening With Emma." There will be a film presentation and some games (a Quiz) some other workshops, we'll be making the needlebooks and of course there will be some refreshments, including a Birthday Cake! Did you know that the Relief Society is the world's longest running Women's Organization??? It is! You can read more about it here. This weekend is also our church's bi-annual Conference, a time when we gather together as a church and listen to special talks given by our leaders. I always really enjoy conference. Our church leaders amaze me, they truly do. They are so wise and give ever so much thought to what they want to share with us. I really do love every word that they share.

One of my favourite things ...
Is watching the sun come up in the morning. I love a beautiful sunrise. I think they are amazing and it brings me much peace and contentment to watch the earth come alive.

A few plans for the rest of the week...
There will be a bit of work, a bit of play and everything in between. Life is good.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

I truly believe that we don't come to really live our lives until we start to learn to give them away. By that I mean . . . serving others, in whatever capacity we can, whenever we can and however we can. I think this is the source of true joy. Lives are not built on grand gestures, but on the small and simple things we do daily to make a difference.

As a closing thought I would like to leave you with this:

"Drag your thoughts away from your troubles . . . by the ear, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it. It's the healthiest thing a body can do"
~Mark Twain

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow, and blows things way out of perspective.

And there you have it . . . my day book for this week. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, One Pot Chicken and Rice.

Monday 26 March 2012

Monday morning this and that . . .

We had gorgeous weather at the weekend, and the promise is there of beautiful weather to come in at least the next few days. It was much the same last year . . . we had a lovely warm month in April, and then no summer to speak of. Here's hoping that this is not a repeat of the same!

Beautiful weather over here brings everyone out of their house . . .walking, driving . . . just generally taking advantage of the sunshine and warm temps. We took a drive out into the countryside on Saturday and paused for a short walk in a small village. We stopped in a local shop to buy a couple of drinks and chanced upon the shop assistant behind the counter busily selling groceries to customers . . . a happy laughing group they were, all in a jolly mood.

Then I caught sight of a sign on the wall behind the shop assistant, which read:

"Friendly shopping is contagious . . .
Why not start an epidemic!"

My, but it sure put a smile on my face! I could not help but contrast this happy scene with the rather dull and impersonal experience of shopping in our local Morrison's store just the day before. What a world of difference! There was lots of noise and chaos in the Morrisons, too . . . but it wasn't laughter and it wasn't jolly . . . it was merely a large group of people doing what they had to do, in the quickest way possible, and with very little joy about it. Kind of sad really . . .

Mitzie has really been enjoying this nicer dry weather as much as we have! She's been out running in the garden and sitting in the sunshine. It's nice to see her enjoying herself this way. When it is wet, we keep the gate between the patio and the grassed area closed, but she does so love to get over on the other side and have a good sniff and investigation! Todd's been out there working as well, putting in our early potatoes and tidying things up after the winter . . . so they've both been enjoying the dryer, warmer days.

I've been busy these past few days organizing our kitchen cupboards. I got a bunch of plastic containers and have been labeling them and putting things in them, so that the cupboards look a lot neater and everything is stored in a nice airtight container. I have gotten two completely done, but there are a lot more to go. I find it so frustrating when I go to find something and can't see the forest for the trees. These containers and labels should be much easier for me. I also have replaced the old knobs on the doors, which were very dated and hard to keep clean, with some newer, more pristine ones. It has taken me quite a while to collect enough to be able to change them all, but I finally got there! (Knobs, one at a time, are not as expensive as having to buy 16 all at once!!) I'm no Martha Stewart, but I'm doing the best that I can with what I have to work with!!!

Source: via Karen on Pinterest

My brother's Mother in Law had a stroke early yesterday morning so I would like to ask if you could kindly keep her in your prayers. Her name is Toshika. She had a brain tumour a number of years ago now, which was dealt with very successfully. My brother says she is walking and has been able to say a few words, but your prayers would be very much appreciated. Thank you all so very much!

We are off to the city this morning. I have a bill to pay and I am going to risk going in myself, instead of just sending Todd in to do it. Wish me well. My knees haven't been too bad these past couple of days and so I am hoping that they will hold out long enough for me to enjoy a little bit of Chester this morning. I have no reading lesson today as my student has a car appointment, so I thought to take advantage of a free morning.

I'll leave you with a happy thought, shall I?

"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such!"
~Henry Miller, 1891-1980

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing this day, I do hope the sun shines down on you and that you have a positively delightful day filled with lots of golden moments!!!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, Roast Rack of Pork with Fennel and Honey Mustard.

Sunday 25 March 2012

The Secret . . .

This morning my friends . . . I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Not so little that it is not amazing though, and one that has the capacity to change your life completely. It's the same secret that the Apostle Paul spoke about when he wrote his letter to the Philippians. Contentment with the life you have been given is a choice that you make.

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."
-Philippians 4:11

Your true worth is not about how much money you make, or how good you are at what you do. It's not about who you did or did not marry, or which sorority you belonged to in college, or even if you went to college! It is really only about one thing . . . what is your relationship with God? Have you made the decision to hand your life over to Him and to follow the Saviour? Have you decided to listen to that still small voice and allow it to comfort your soul?? Have you given up any perception of how you think your life ought to be??? Have you put your life in His hands, and taken the knowledge that He will help you to do whatever it is you have to do???? Can you face each morning and day with the sureity that you can do ALL things through Christ?????

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

If that is so . . . then my dear friend, you are living . . . with joy and contentment . . . the life which you have been given, and that is the secret to a happy life . . . the secret to a full life . . . the secret to a meaningful life. Oh, what a difference it makes when you let go . . . and let God. You reach the point where you can live your life with nothing to prove to anyone else . . . and nothing to lose. You can choose contentment and accept the sweet comfort of Christ's presence in your live and know that He will provide for you every step of the way.

“The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments.”
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Well, the clocks finally went ahead last night and so things are back to normal. You wouldn't think that an hour would make so much difference in things, but it surely does. It throws everything off kilter for me when the clocks in North America change but ours do not. It's kind of odd really.

Want to see what I did yesterday afternoon? Well, I'm going to show it to you anyways!

There, a sweet little girl admiring a bird's nest in the Springtime. That is just what I used to do when I was a girl . . . explore the woodlands near my home, and discover all sorts of beautiful things . . . ladyslippers, bird nests, etc. I have always been a nature lover it seems! As usual this is available as a card or a print.

I am off to get ready for church now. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone! Know that you are loved!

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, some delicious Apple Pie French Toast!

Saturday 24 March 2012

Poetry Saturday . . . No Place To Go

The happiest nights
I ever know
Are those when I've
No place to go,
And when the misses says
When the day is through:
"Tonight we haven't
A thing to do."

Oh, the joy of it,
And the peace untold
Of sitting 'round
In my slippers old,
With my favourite book
In my easy chair,
Knowing I needn't
Go anywhere.

Needn't hurry
My evening meal
Nor force the smiles
That I do not feel,
But can grab a book
From a near-by shelf,
And drop all sham
And be myself.

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

Oh, the joy of it,
Oh, the comfort rare,
Nothing on this eaerth
To it can compare.
And I'm sorry for him
Who doesn't know
The joy of having
No place to go.
~Edgar A Guest

Edgar Albert Guest (August 20, 1881–August 5, 1959)was a prolific English-born American poet who was popular in the first half of the 20th century and became known as the People's Poet.

In 1891, Guest came with his family to the United States from England. After he began at the Detroit Free Press as a copy boy and then a reporter, his first poem appeared December 11, 1898. For 40 years, Guest was widely read throughout North America, and his sentimental, optimistic poems were in the same vein as the light verse of Nick Kenny, who wrote syndicated columns during the same decades.

From his first published work in the Detroit Free Press until his death in 1959, Guest penned some 11,000 poems which were syndicated in some 300 newspapers and collected in more than 20 books, including A Heap o' Livin' (1916) and Just Folks (1917). Guest was made Poet Laureate of Michigan, the only poet to have been awarded the title.

His popularity led to a weekly Detroit radio show which he hosted from 1931 until 1942, followed by a 1951 NBC television series, A Guest in Your Home.

I just love the feel of this poem, No Place To Go. We lead such busy lives that it's nice to just take some time once in a while to sit back and do nothing. There is a special peace and joy that comes from not having to go anywhere or do anything, but to quite simply . . . be.

Don't forget you people over here in the UK, the clocks spring forward one hour tonight!!

Baking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Bumbleberry Pie Traybake.

“I testify that no one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another. I testify that He loves each of us—insecurities, anxieties, self-image, and all. He doesn’t measure our talents or our looks; He doesn’t measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other.”
~Jeffrey R. Holland

Thursday 22 March 2012

Yesterday, today and always . . .

As I look back down through the seasons of my life . . . I can see where I have spent a lot of years thinking about what it would be like when . . .

When I was a girl, it was what will life be like when I get married? Then it was, what will life be like when I have children . . .

What will life be like when my fledglings fly the nest? What will it be like when I become a grandmother . . .

Now . . . I know the answers to all of those questions. My "what will it be like" answers have all been revealed, and in the past few years I have stopped wondering and pondering future events. I have come to realize and accept that there is a great truth about life . . .

As each season of our lives arrives . . . it will be what it will be. There is an appointed time for everything to occur. God is with me in the future, just as He has been throughout my journey . . .by my side, guiding my steps . . . for every event, be it bad or be it good, and everything in between.

We have today. Beautiful, wonderful today . . . tinged with the joy of yesterday's memories and the promise of future anticipations . . . today is our reality. Today is our day, our time . . . to do . . . to be . . . to accomplish . . . to fulfill . . . to realize our purpose and reason for living.

Let's now waste our todays in regret about the things of the past that we cannot change or worrying about the things of the future which are out of our control. Let's just make today the very best today that it can be.

Just my thoughts this morning

"For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off."
~Proverbs 23:18

Look at what I did yesterday afternoon. Todd was quite surprised, but he said that he liked it. It is completely different than what I usually do. I think I like it. I'm not ready to leave colour behind, but once in a while it can be quite dramatic to work in just black and white. What do you think??? As usual this is available as a card or as a print.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Chicken Divan Casserole.

“God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as he always has. But he can't if you don't pray, and he can't if you don't dream. In short, he can't if you don't believe.”
~Jeffrey R. Holland