Saturday 30 December 2023

All Things Nice . . .


I have a small blue kettle,
A homely little thing,
And when I put it on for tea
It always starts to sing.
It makes me think of the little fields
And hills all fresh and green,
Of tiny streams that slip along
Their mossy banks between.

It has a note of wistfulness
Like flutes, all silver clear --
Perhaps it was the piping of
Some fairy trumpeter,
It sings of quiet hidden pools,
Of clouds and summer rain,
Of the grey waste of winter seas,
Spring in the fields again.

Bird-song and eventide . . . and still,
Deep places of the earth,
All come to me and sing again
Beside my glowing hearth.
I hear the piping of the lark,
The sound of hurrying wings --
Here in my room . . . they whisper in
The song my kettle sings.
~Edna Jacques, The Song My Kettle Sings
My Kitchen Window, 1942

Surprise!  Anthony never made it over this weekend.  There was an upset in the family. They had to have their much beloved cat put to sleep and Anne's sister arrived for a visit, so they will be coming down a bit later on next month.  Its always so sad to say farewell to your furry family members.  We know they will not be with us for long when we take them in, but still we do it.  Knowing that . . . regardless.  We love.  They love.  But grief is the price we pay for love.  Always.  But we gladly pay it.  Oh what a great blessing it is to have loved and been loved back by someone or something so much that it hurts so much to say goodbye.


I took Christmas down. In anticipation of Anthony et al coming.  I thought it would be less cluttered if I had Christmas put away. Normally I would wait until New Year's Day, which has always been the tradition. The house always looks so clean and fresh after the decs are all taken down and housed for another year.  My wreath is still on the door. I will leave that for a while longer.

I think Dan was taking their tree down also. They had a beautiful tree this year.  I know I say that every year, but it is true.  Dan always gets the nicest tree and he does all the decorating.  He is a wonderful tree decorator! 

I love my cozy little home.  I know just how Laura Ingalls Wilder must have felt. What a great blessing it is to have four walls so shelter me.  That they are warm and comfortable is yet another blessing.  In a world where so many are displaced, if you have a place to call home, you are blessed beyond belief.  I hope that I never take this tender mercy for granted.


Time spent with loved ones.  I am so blessed to have family close by. This was something I longed for, for far too many years. Todd had only one brother and they did not communicate very often. Now I know why.  Anyways, in being back where I belong I have the privilege and blessing of being able to spend time frequently with family. Family is everything.  I spend lots of time each with doing things with my sister, and then there are family dinners, both out and at home.  Yesterday I got to go out to lunch with my ex in-laws and niece. Love them very much. It means the world to me that out of that whole family, these three make an effort to include me and love me still.  We always have such a lovely time together.  They don't live too far away, just up the valley a bit. We had a lovely lunch yesterday and then afterwards they came back here for a drink and a mince pie.  It was really nice.

Look what Cindy made.  (I gave her the doll for Christmas. I think she called her Nancy.) 

Its a bean bag chair sized for a Blythe.  Its just one of the things we are going to have in our Blythe shop. She did a beautiful job on it I think. Nancy looks very comfortable sitting in it!

We are talking about buying a book case and setting it up as a background/doll house to take photographs in. We also need to get some doll stands.  This is so much fun. 

We did not have many dolls when we were girls.  We are enjoying playing with these "grown up" dolls now. 


Do you do resolutions?  I try not to.  New Years Resolutions are not my friends. I have never been able to keep one really.  I stopped making resolutions years ago now.  I saw them as just setting myself up for failure. Instead each year I resolved to do a bit better at things than I did the year before. To eat a bit healthier, get a bit more exercise, be a bit kinder, a bit more loving and less judgmental of others, etc.  If I can manage to do those things then I consider my year a success.  They are quite doable goals and still I mess up sometimes.  I am not perfect, but I keep trying. I think that is the most important thing. Cindy and I are going to try to find a place that offers chair yoga classes this year.  That will be fun.


It has only taken me two and a half years but I recently discovered that my bathroom has heated floors.  It has made such a difference when taking a shower.  Its a lot warmer in there. I don't know why the bathroom is always the coldest room in the house.  The cats love the warm floors. I often find them in there laying on the floor now, lollygagging in the luxuriousness of it. 

Now wouldn't this be a real treat!

It makes a huge difference.  It was always so cold in there. I would put the baseboard heater on before taking a shower, but it did not make much difference.  My father has a blow out air heater in his bathroom, which is nice.  These heated floors are making all the difference in the world.  

And my heat pump is working beautifully so far this season.  Thank goodness for that! We haven't had it really cold yet, but it is working a charm. 


I am thinking I should have called my blog, Little House, Big Life.  I think it is very apt.  I am cramming as much life into my little house and living as I can.  Oh, I know I could cram yet more into it, but I can't be greedy.  I do want to make more time for myself to do fun things, like sewing, crafting, etc. I say that and I vow to do that, but then I don't. Perhaps this year I will.  As they say "Hope Springs Eternal!"

Now I really am going to go away until the New Year.  So I will catch you on the flip side and leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.Why is it that weeks and months
and years go by so quickly, all in a blur,
but moments last forever?° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Jennifer Donnelly° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Homemade Onion Dip, the small batch.  This is simply lovely.  You start by caramelizing onions and the rest is a cinch!  So tasty!

I hope that you have a wonderful Saturday and I wish for each of you the most blessed and beautiful of New Years.  May 2024 be kind to us all!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Thursday 28 December 2023

My Favorite Things . . .


Sharing today a few things that I really love to do, eat, experience, enjoy  . . .  maybe you will enjoy them too.


Plate Rails.  I love plate rails. In the house that my ex and I built in New Brunswick I had a custom designed kitchen and it had a cabinet with plate rails in it, right next to the sink.  I loved that house and that kitchen so much. 


Simplicity.  I like simple things.  Nothing too fussy.


Anything embroidered.  I love embroidery.


White furniture.  I had this exact same table in the UK.  Ikea.  I wish I could have gotten Ikea stuff here.  I would have preferred it over what I did get.


Bluebirds.  I have never seen one in real life.


Vintage ephemera. I love anything vintage like this.  Elaine had all my Christmas gifts decorated with vintage ephemera. and they were beautiful.  I hated to unwrap them. I saved all the wrapping.

My new to me snack sets.  (Thank you Elaine.) I love snack sets. They are the perfect way to enjoy a drink and a sandwich, or a piece of cake, etc.


The classics. I can read them over and over again, and never tire of them.


Biscuits.  Especially if cheese is involved.  I love cheese biscuits.


Pasta  . . .  it is one of my weaknesses  . . . 


Blueberry Tarts  . . . blueberry anything  . . . 


Fountain pens  . . .  I have always loved fountain pens  . . . 


The natural world.  I love nature and all that it holds for us.


This.  I love everything about this.  It is beautiful in its simplicity, and yet at the same time it is filled with so much detail.

And those are my favorite things for this week. I hope some of them were your favorites also!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.The past is a foreign country.
They do things differently there.
~L.P. Hartley° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Eggnog Scones. Seriously delicious.  Even without any butter and jam.

I probably won't be able to post again until Monday.  If Anthony comes today with the boys, one or two of them will be sleeping in the living room and I will not have access to my computer, so don't worry if you don't hear from me for a few days!  Until then, I wish for you a very Happy New Year.  I hope 2024 is good to us all. May we each find joy and peace in all of its days.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Wednesday 27 December 2023

Wednesday Witterings . . .


We had another green Christmas this year.  That seems to be the norm these days.  Green Christmas's.  Mom always hated a Green Christmas. She was under the superstition that a Green Christmas preceded a death in the family.  She was a very superstitious woman.  Were this truly the case, there would be none of us left. After quite a few years of Green Christmas's we would have all expired by now, but we are living proof that this superstition is just that . . .  a simple superstition with no basis in fact. Or at least none that I could find.

I did find a lot of other Christmas superstitions however.

The first person who opens the door during the early Christmas morning should shout "Welcome Father Christmas" to welcome Christmas. This also helps bad spirits who were trapped to escape.

Singing religious Christmas songs at the houses of different people was an ancient tradition. It was believed that if you turn them away without food or money or drink you are bound to suffer bad luck for rest of the year.

Never give shoes to any of your loved ones during Christmas. If you do that, then that particular person can walk out of your life in future.

Holly is bought during Christmas to protect the family from witches.

For a greener planet after winter, green branches are brought. The Christmas tree is the centerpiece because of that. 

 No one should work hard on something which is not mandatory during Christmas. 

 Cakes were usually eaten on the Christmas Eve in 19th Century. However, it was believed that it would bring bad luck if cut before the day dawned. A piece of the cake should also be preserved for the Christmas day as well. 

 A blowing wind can bring good luck during Christmas.

Christmas day dinner consists nine dishes. 

To bring good luck fish scales should be placed under the dinner plates. 

 After the twelfth night, all the decorations should be removed to bring good luck. 

 The dog who screams on the Christmas Eve will go mad before the end of the year. 

 To stay away from the rage of the impulsive forces most of the homes are well adorned on the Christmas Eve.

Alcohol consumptions are not allowed on the Christmas Eve. 

 Even though all the animals can speak on the Christmas Eve but it brings bad luck if anyone tests this superstition. 

 The household will be blessed if the first person who visits the home during Christmas is a black haired man. 

 The child born on Christmas Day will have a special fortune. 

 Snow on Christmas means Easter will be green. 

 You will have as many happy months in the coming year, as the number of houses you eat mince pies in during Christmastime. 

To have good health throughout the next year, eat an apple on Christmas Eve. 

 The gates of Heaven open at midnight on Christmas Eve. Those who die then go straight to Heaven (an Irish belief). 

 Christmas candles should be left burning until Christmas morning and should rest undisturbed from time of lighting until they are snuffed. 

 Singing Christmas carols at any time other than during the festive season is unlucky. 

 The yule log should be lit by a piece of the log used on the previous Christmas. Once that is done, no evil spirit can then enter into the house. The remains of the Yule log were also considered lucky, and would be a protection against lightning or fire.

 Uh oh ... if any of these are to be believed,
I think we are all in for it, lol

Had a great time with Eileen and Tim yesterday. I picked them up at noon and brought them back here.  We had a lovely few hours, ate some nice food, played a new card game, etc.  I took them back to theirs just as it was getting dark.  I no longer like to drive in the dark if I can help it.

Eileen is looking forward to staying with me at the end of February when Tim is gone to the Winter Games in Calgary.  I think he will be gone about a week, so we will have a week to enjoy each other's company.

Normally on Wednesday nights I meet my dad and Hazel for supper out.  This week the place we normally go to is closed.  They will reopen next week under new ownership. It will be interesting to see if much changes at that time.  I think tonight dad and Hazel are going for Chinese Food.  I won't be joining them.  The last time we had Chinese food there Cindy and I were not very impressed. The tables were filthy as were the table clothes.  Cindy had ordered a spring roll and when it came it was on the wrong plate. And it fell onto the dirty table when they tried to move it.  So she said she would like a new one, which I felt was quite reasonable considering the state of the table.

The waitress seemed quite miffed at the request, but took it and then returned a while later with a new one which looked suspiciously like the one which had been taken away.  It looked like they had just refried the same one. It was almost black and laden/dripping in grease. We opened it up and inside looked like nothing we had ever seen in a spring roll before.  It looked like burnt threads of plate scrapings.  Nasty.  It was not eaten. lol  

We decided then that we would not be going back there.  Dad and Hazel like it however.  

Some of the Chinese places further up the Valley are opening now for All You Can Eat buffets.  I am not sure if I will ever enjoy one of those again. The idea kind of horrifies me now.  The thought of all those people, with suspect hygiene habits all digging into the same food stations leaves me feeling a bit squeamish these days.  Funny how that goes.  It never used to. Maybe I am getting super-picky in my old age.

Life is too short to eat bad food.

This is the time of year that people start to make all kinds of resolutions for the new year.   I have done so in the past, but now I just resolve to keep trying to be the best person that I can be. To make an honest effort in all things.  To put my best foot forward always.  Nobody can ask any more of you than to do your best. My best is not the same as yours and so on.  We are all at different levels of progression.  There are some days that I will do better than others.  It only matters that we make an honest attempt.  To do anything less is cheating ourselves. At least that is my opinion, and I know opinions vary.

My son Anthony is supposed to be coming over from Fredericton tomorrow. I think he is bringing both boys with him.  My ex is turning 70 on the 4th. (In fact both of them are. I know,  but what can I say.  It is a freaky coincidence.)  Apparently there is some celebration planned for one of them this weekend and he is coming over for that, or at least is going to try to.  I hope the weather holds as I dread the thought of any of them travelling in bad weather conditions.

Mind you, Eileen had not heard anything about it yesterday, the planned celebration  . . .  so who knows what is happening.  In any case I will get things ready today just in case. 

Usually I wait until New Years Day to take down my Christmas things, but I think I may take them down today.  Just get everything down and give the place a good hoover through.  Wash the floors, etc. Have a general tidy up. 

I was supposed to be giving a talk in Church on Sunday, but I have asked to defer it until January. They are okay with that.  If Anthony is here it will be too hectic to think about that, and I haven't finished writing it anyways, and doubt I will have the time to now.  It is better to put it off. My brain is too tired at the moment and lacking in motivation to do a really good job.  Lets just get this week over with I think. 

It is raining today.  Our temperatures have been very mild for this time of year actually. It feels cold, but that is only the damp I think.  Damp has a way of getting into your bones that nothing else does. 

I am going to enjoy a dinner of leftover turkey tonight. Cindy gave me some to bring home with me. I didn't eat any yesterday as Eileen and Tim were here, but I am going to enjoy it tonight.  Turkey leftovers are my favorite thing.  Actually I could eat turkey every day and never get tired of it. I say that, but really  . . .  would I get tired of it if I was faced with it every day?  I probably would.  Lets just say then, that it is a favorite of mine and when I have the opportunity to have some, I truly relish it.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.Ignorance is the curse of God;
knowledge is the wing° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
wherewith we fly to heaven.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~William Shakespeare° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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I have nothing new to share today but I am sharing this delicious older recipe of mine for a Turkey Croque Monsieur.  This was one very delicious sandwich.  With layers of cranberry, cheese, turkey bechamel, etc.  A tasty knife and fork sandwich.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Tuesday 26 December 2023

And so this was Christmas


Not the best photo ever.  But this is Allie and Damy all dressed up in their finery ready to celebrate Christmas. I took it early in the morning after I had opened my gifts here in my wee little house.  A bit later on we went over to Cindy and Dan's for Christmas day and gift opening there.  The best part of all was having a family to spend the day with. I can't believe I didn't take any photographs. Cindy did though and so maybe after she posts some I will have some more to share with you.

It was a green Christmas, filled with lots of fog, but it was just a lovely day, spent in the loving arms of my family.  We shared plenty of good food and just had a really wonderful Christmas together with each other.  That's the best part of any holiday, getting to spend it with family. 

I did get some lovely gifts and am so grateful for each one of them! Damy got her new outfit, so she didn't mind sharing her old Christmas outfit with Ally.   I got a lovely Charles Dickens book with a story in it I had never heard before. The Cricket in the Hearth.  It has lovely old illustrations in it.  Ohhh Turkish Delight. I adore Turkish delight!


This fabulous cookbook.  It is filled with loads of Canadian Cooking History from over a century, moving through the decades.  I gave it a quick perusal yesterday and it brought back a lot of memories for me from the later years. I know I am going to enjoy cooking from it and looking at it a lot closer in the days to come. It is fascinating!


My sister gave me an outfit for my dolls, complete with knitted beret, sweater and dress.  She does such a beautiful job on these things.  She is excellent at everything she does. 


I also got this skillet.  I remember looking at these when Douglas was here and thinking I would love to have one!  Nothing sticks and you don't need to use special utensils to cook in it either. It is good with metal or silicone!


Some beautiful Federal Glass Hospitality cup and plate snack sets.  Three of them. I love these types of things and cannot wait to use them!  I will have to invite two ladies over for tea!


These sweet little light up toadstools.  I adore them!  So cute!


A beautiful jewelry box to replace the one that I left  behind in the U.K.  And some new sleeper earrings as well. 


There is a space for everything in this.  I really love it and it matches the decor in  my bedroom as well.

And a whole lot more.  A lovely sketch/watercolor book, loads of sweet treats, etc.

Cinnamon enjoying the wrapping paper.  She is just so darned cute. She has been a lot more affectionate lately, which pleases me to no end.

Today I will be picking up Eileen and Tim and bringing them here for a nice meal and some time together and then on Thursday my oldest son is coming over, maybe with one of the boys for some special do that they are attending at the weekend, so it is all go in my house!  

I hope that your holidays were equally as blessed and that you all stayed happy, healthy and warm.  I will probably be posting sporadically over the next few days with having company here, etc. but I will post and hopefully share some pictures as well!

Love you all!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Saturday 23 December 2023

All Things Nice . . .



I love familiar things  . . .  an old clock's face,
A kitchen shelf with a bright cretonne frill,
An old chair with a patchwork cushion on,
Petunias on a painted window sill.

An old grey barn whose weather-beaten ends
Have known the lashing tides of wind and rain;
A cup and saucer from an ancient set,
Of sturdy chinaware severely plain.

Buck brush and willow scrub . . . a rutted trail,
Worn deep and smooth by quiet homing hoofs;
A narrow gabled window in a house,
Soft mossy ridges on old shingled roofs.

I love a kindly face with patient eyes,
Where wrinkles etch a story brave and fine,
Whose understanding heart and quiet strength,
Is written like a scroll in every line.

A home-made quilt . . . a small wood-burning stove,
A little rocker that your mother had,
A little cape hung up behind the door,
An overcoat what once belonged to Dad.

Old shabby bits I know yet in each thing
Something of them seems to forever cling,
~Edna Jaques, Familar Things
Fireside Poems, 1950

This is the book which started off my love affair with Edna Jaques' poetry.  It sat in the bookcase of my childhood home all the growing up days of my life, the dust cover long since gone.  It simply had a green cover with the words, "Fireside Poems, Edna Jaques" etched in black along the spine and across the front.  When  I open it's pages and breathe it in . . .  I am smelling familiar things . . . 

A small wooden book case which held a cornucopia of knowledge, our encyclopedia, the top shelf decorated with a simple doily, my mother's prized cowboy clock and a plastic Eifel Tower  (a much beloved however tacky souvenir of a trip to Paris).  

How many times did my fingers brush against those things with forbidden glee.  Mom did not have much, but what she did have was prized . . .  treasured  . . . kept always as if new. The lampshades still wearing their cellophane wrappings, each doily starched and pressed to perfection, the floors polished and gleaming. Oh how very comfortable our childhood home was in its simplicity, wrapped in my mother's love.  How grateful I am for the memories.


My mother did not have much time for hobbies and things in my middle years as she worked full time, but in our younger years my mother sewed and knitted, embroidered, etc.  She would make  us matching pajamas for Christmas.  One year they were made of flannel, printed with Santa Claus's and trimmed with colored ricrac trim, red and green. 

Oh how I loved my Santa Claus Pajamas.  I am sure that somewhere there is a photograph  of us all wearing them. Lined up next to each other on the sofa, my sister's eyes gleaming with that mischievous twinkle they always sparkle with.  It was the same as my mother's twinkle and I never look at my sister's eyes but what they don't remind me of my mother.  Oh how wonderful a thing it is to see my dear mother mirrored not only in my sister's eyes, but in her loving care for all who are fortunate enough to be a part of her life.

Did you dress up for Christmas when you were a child?  We did.  Once the presents were all unwrapped and stored away beneath the tree for presentation to anyone who might come to visit, we were dressed up in our Sunday finest.  First a photograph of the three of us together, perhaps holding our favorite gift that we had gotten and then we would spend the day quietly playing with whatever we had received, or coloring in our new coloring books with our brand new box of crayons, while the smell of roasting turkey wafted through the air and Christmas carols played in the background.  All played out beneath the sparkle and glow of what was always the most beautiful Christmas tree ever.

My father would sit in his chair cracking nuts and reading, mom would be bustling in the kitchen.  Oh how awfully familiar each year these things were.  Not much varied from one year to the next. We did not know it then, but, we were building memories that we could take out in our old age and hold in our hands like the treasures that they were and are.


Yesterday morning Cindy and I went out one last time before Christmas. I won't be going out again. If I don't have it all now, then that's too bad. The stores and traffic were not as bad as I expected them to be.  Probably most people had gone further up country to do their last minute bits.  Our small town, whilst busy was not out of control.  I like that.  I like to support our local businesses whenever I can.  If we don't then they are in danger of disappearing forever.  

When I was a child this was a thriving town.  Our Commercial street was lined with plenty of businesses.  There was a music store and a shoe store, a jewelers, a department store, several banks, a hardware store and a five and dime. I believe there was even a ladies and men's clothing store. Two grocery stores, a drug store/pharmacy, a builders, etc.  A post office, two schools, lawyers, insurance brokers, the telephone exchange and two service stations, the town hall, a park, fire station, outdoor pools, a beautiful park, playing fields, tennis courts, a library and an indoor rink. 

Oh, and a police station, the armories, a dairy  and a builder's yard as well as the train station.

On Friday nights all the people would come down from the Mountain to do their shopping. The town would be buzzing with activity.

There were two restaurants and a cinema/theatre where we children would all spend our Saturday afternoons armed with 25 cents. Enough to pay for the movie as well as a popcorn and a drink.

On Sunday mornings the air would be filled with the sound of church bells ringing. Nowadays it is filled with the sound of the thing which stands atop the roof of the Subway restaurant which makes noises that supposedly scare the pigeons away.  

It doesn't work, or the pigeons are so used to the sound that they are all lined up on the roof anyways.  

Things change.  Small towns like this are no longer thriving.  Abandoned by the lure of larger urban centers, shopping malls and Costco.  I am grateful for the memories I have of the town that this was, once upon a time.


I have not much left to do now.  Today I am going to make some Peanut Butter Balls and Cherry Cookies.  Do a general tidy up in preparation for tomorrow.  Everyone is coming here for Christmas Eve Supper.  I am looking forward to that. It will be so nice to have Cindy, Dan and dad here.  Last year I had Anthony and his crew as well.   My little house was bursting at the seams.

Yesterday afternoon my friend Christine popped over for a short visit. I have known Christine for about 25 years now I guess. She was one of the first friends I made when I joined my church, having lost all my old friends for the most part when I did.  Anyways, we have been friends for a very long time. It was nice to visit together for a time.

I was sending out my Jaquie Lawson e-cards yesterday, or most of them anyways.  I had to trim my list as many who were on it are no longer with us. Like I said . . .  things change and I expect each year that passes now will see even more change. It was nice to sit and remember each of them with fondness in my heart and to miss them.  What a blessing it is to have had people in my life that I loved, and who loved me back, so much so that I can miss them in this way.  


I am so grateful for the life I have been given. It has been wonderful. Oh sure, not perfect.  I am human. I have regrets, but even with the regrets I am grateful for all that it has been.  I think it is true that in your later years you tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the past.  To be able to think back on it with mostly good feelings in my heart is a special blessing.  

I am able to count it all joy. Even the bad things. They are all a part of what makes me me and which have brought me to where I am and I love where I am now.  Oh, it is not perfect by any stretch, but it is perfect for me. I love and am grateful for the experiences I have had and for the ways in which I have grown.  

I like who I am. Oh sure, who would not want to be a few pounds lighter (Okay more than a few) but life is good.  It is balanced.  I am trying hard to dwell on what is rather than on what might never be or happen.  I finding great joy in the here and the now.  I don't think anyone can ask for much more than that.  I am keeping, or at least trying to keep, my anxieties at bay . . . 

And I am wallowing in the joy and peace that is the present . . . . my present.  The here and the now. Oh how very blessed I am!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.Lead me not into temptation;
I can find the way myself.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Rita Mae Brown ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • 

This made me laugh because it is so true.  Temptation is my middle name. Why oh why did I buy myself that box of Lindt?

I think I have saved the best Christmas dessert for last!  Oh boy, but these are some good.  Hasselback Baked Apples.  Oh my goodness!  These are some scrumptious and so simple and easy to make as well! Prepare to fall in love!

I wish for you all the merriest of merriest.  Be safe.  Be blessed. Stay healthy.  Hug your loved ones a little closer and give thanks.   I will be back on Boxing Day.  Whatever you get up to over the next few days, don't forget!

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And I do too!