Thursday 25 July 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share! 


Real wool throws . . .  so nice to throw over the lap in the winter time.


Button snowmen  . . . . 


The art of applique  . . . 


Anything lemon  . . . 


Petit fours  . . .  who can resist them . . . 


Doll houses  . . .  love them. Miss mine. I have no place to really work on one here.


Bobble trim  . . . 


Butterflies  . . . 


Pitcher's and Basins  . . . and that white quilt  . . .  beautiful.


This  . . . . 


Blue . . . . 


Sea shells  . . . . 


Pancakes  . . . . 


Lavender  . . .  but I cannot imagine picnicking in it. That field would be buzzing with bees.


Switzerland and the Alps.  My daughter in law's sister is moving there in August.  She is a Scientist and an Olympic Athlete and has been appointed as the new IOC Medical and Scientific director.  Living the dream I think they call it.


Ancient oaks  . . . 


Shadows  . . . . 


Post and stationary  . . . 


Fresh raspberries  . . . . 


Fresh blueberries!


Picnics  . . . . 


Polka dots  . . . 


 Cherries  . . . 


China Tea Sets  . . . 


A well laid table  . . .  in my house you get a knife and a fork and that's your lot!  (Maybe a spoon.)

And those are my favorite things for this week!  Maybe some of them were yours also. Let's face it. I just like pretty things  . . . 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.°Accept what isn't
so you can move forward
with what is.
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Parmesan Crusted Baked Cod

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Parmesan Crusted Baked Cod.  This was simple to make. Quick and easy, low carb and delicious.

Dad had a great Doctor's appointment yesterday. He is in great shape, which is always good news.  We had supper out last night. His friend Hazel's cancer has come back so if you could please keep her in your prayers that would be lovely. This is the third time. They are going to operate this time. Cindy and I are off to a Paint Night this evening. That should be fun. It's all go here!

Have a wonderful day and be happy! I hope it is filled with a few of your favorite things.  Whatever you get up to today, don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


Creamy Chicken Pesto Pasta

I posted this older recipe on my EK Facebook page yesterday.  It is for a Creamy Chicken Pesto Pasta. Its quite tasty actually, with tomatoes, and asparagus, pesto, grilled chicken, etc.  Each day I post my newest recipe and then several of my older recipes.  Most of my traffic comes from Facebook and this is really what keeps a roof over my head, my bread and butter as it were.

There is an Italian woman who takes offense every single time I post a pasta recipe. Literally every single time.  And her comments are not nice.  This is what she said yesterday about this recipe:

"Not only you keep posting food that is a cultural appropriation without listening to who belong to that culture, but you keep posting the same things over and over again." (Meaning pasta recipes.) 

I am not sure what to say in response to that. A part of me just wants to tell her to move along and look elsewhere if she doesn't like my recipes.  Another part of me wants to block her, but that is not a step I take very easily, unless it is one of those many scammers who post so obviously looking for a vulnerable woman to scan. (Those get blocked immediately.)  For the most part I just ignore her, but she is really starting to annoy me now.  To be accused of Cultural appropriation is a bit over the top I think!  What do you think?  Are only Italians allowed to cook and eat pasta?


Not a great photograph because it is early morning and the lighting is not great, but here are my new chair covers with the table cloth all in place.  Ignore the cat puzzle and the messy bookcase.  I am really happy with them myself.  I think they look very cottagey. But that is just me. I still have a couple more curtains to make for the bookcases. Then I will be done I think.

Mr. Freckle Face pestering me for something the other night.  He can be quite demanding when he gets it into his  mind that he wants something. He will come and sit in front of me if I am sitting on the sofa and meow and tap my knee.  If I am at the computer, he will jump on my desk and tap my face.    

I wish that I could understand "cat" language so that I could better attend to his needs.   Usually it is something to do with his stomach.  He is a little glutton and could/would eat continuously given the chance.   I do not think I have ever seen him "not" hungry.  He's up for it 24/7!


It ended up raining quite heavily yesterday afternoon.  I was not surprised.  Garbage day.  Precipitation and garbage day go hand in hand it seems. At least in my little corner of the world.   They were actually very late in coming to  pick it up yesterday.  

The depot where they keep their trucks is just down the road from where I live.  They used to come quite early in the morning, before 8 a.m.  but lately it has been much later in the day.   You never know really when they are going to come, so it is best to have it all out the night before, just in case. 

They back their big trucks down the street to the end and work their way up. One day one of the residents was out walking with her walker and she fell over in her haste to get out of the way.  Thankfully she was not hurt.

I never think of sanitation workers without thinking of this girl that my mother got to come in and take care of us when she first went back to work.  I was 11.  The girl's name was Etta.  Her sister was my cousin Ronnie's girlfriend.  Etta shared my bedroom, and she was boy crazy. Whenever the garbage men came around she would be hanging out the bedroom window flirting with them and making eyes at them.   I remember thinking it was quite strange.  

She didn't last too long actually. Mom thought she was too flirtatious. She had two others after her. Another young girl named Brenda, and an older woman named Mrs. Robar.  Neither of them lasted long.  In the end, she decided that I was old enough to do what they were doing at a fraction of the cost.   


Its peach season now I guess.  I am not sure if the local peaches are ready or not, but I am sure they are close to being ready.  I love peaches. They, next to pears, are one of my favorite fruits.  When my children were growing up I used to make a peach relish every year. It had peaches, tomatoes, peppers, onions, some chili, etc. in it and it was really nice.  I promise you it was not as strange as it sounds. It went very well with meat. My husband loved it.  Sometimes I would use a jar of it to make Swiss steak as odd as that sounds. It made a really delicious batch of Swiss Steak.

My family always loved it when Swiss Steak was on the menu.


This is from the Book "This Was Meant To Find You" by Charlotte Freeman.  I have that book and it is filled with loads of inspiration and positivity.  How lucky we are to have people who can put together words for us to read and that uplift us in our lives.

I am sure though, in reading this that we all know someone in our lives who is a generous sunshine soul.  I think I am surrounded by them.  Lots of you spread sunshine with me in your lovely comments.  My sister, she is a great source of light in my life. Sheila next door.  Glenna. Jacquie, Tina  . . .  I could go on and on.  When it comes right down to it, my life is filled with far more light than anything else and I am grateful for that.  Magic people who are not afraid to share of their light, sunshine and love . . .  their heart.   Thank you all!


What a tender, sweet, photograph this is. Of a mother hen and her chicks following closely on her heels. It made my heart smile.  I have always loved being a mother, and never more than when my babies were small.  I loved cuddling them, and playing with them, reading to them, baking them cookies.  I used to love sewing clothes for my girls.  I would make them matching outfits, albeit in different colors.  I delighted in them and I am so proud of the adults they have become, yes, even the ones who have nothing to do with me. They are all good people.  And I believe they have kind hearts.  Even those two. I may probably never know why those two are the way they are, at least not in this lifetime, but that doesn't stop me from knowing and believing that they are good people.  And it doesn't stop me from loving them all equally.

My children are always in my heart and my prayers.  Always.


I've been enjoying watching a few people on YouTube and I thought I might share them with you this morning because you might not have heard of them and you might also enjoy them.

The first one is Gary Eats.  Gary is this British bloke who travels around the UK eating at different restaurants and giving his fair opinion of them.  My favorite video of his so far is the one where he went to the 2024 Fish and Chips Award winning restaurant.  Oh my, but he made me some hungry for good fish and chips in that one!

Another one is Rich and Jen's Adventures.  They are an American couple who eat out once a week at a dining place near where they live near Pigeon Forge. TN.  I love seeing all of the different places that they go to eat, but its not all eating. They do shopping sometimes as well, and Jen will even cook a recipe from time to time.

Anna's Mobile Home Life.  I love Anna's channel.  Some people might find this as fascinating as watching paint dry, but I love Anna and I love her humble and caring spirit. She is just a simple woman, living a simple life.  I enjoy her very much.

I also like watching videos on cat behavior, etc. Oh and the cats love to watch cat tv where they can see all sorts of animals and birds.  It keeps them on their toes.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day. We are taking dad to his Doctor's appointment this morning and then visiting a farm market on the way home and I need to get ready.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Treasure and cherish every moment
with your family. If you do that, not
a single second will be wasted.
~Melony Buenger   ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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That reminds me, I was reading something about David Cassidy the late teen heart throb yesterday and in it his daughter said something to the effect that his last words on his death bed had been, "So much time wasted."

I hope those are never my words  . . . 

Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas.  Oh my but these were some good. I had them for my dinner yesterday with some guacamole, sour cream and salsa.  Tres delicious!

I hope that you have a lovely day no matter what you get up to.  Be happy, be blessed, and don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

This and That . . .


"For the person that needed to see this today: Your
heart will heal, your tears will dry,
your season will change.
You can rest knowing
the storm will 

I don't have a lot of time to write this morning as the lady who does my toenails is coming at nine and I have miles to walk before then! So today's post is just a catch-up really.  I know you will be okay with that.  I often am far too verbose!  I know there are times when I am in the car with my sister when she must think to herself, "I wonder if she will ever shut up!"  I just have this need to fill the air around me with words!

My car is up and running again.  It was not as bad/expensive as I had feared.  Praise God. It still wasn't cheap, but thank goodness I have some savings to help pay for things like this when they come up.  I am grateful also that I had the luxury of being able to wait until someone I trusted could work on my car and did not have to lay myself bare at the feet of a rip-off merchant.  It was a bit of a pain being without my wings for those few weeks, but it was worth the wait.


Glenna got back safe and sound from visiting her girls and I was able to get to church this week as well. I usually get a lift with Glenna, and of course I wasn't able to get there with  my car being off the road for those few weeks.  It was nice to be able to partake of the sacrament and to fellowship with the Saints. Next week it will be a special meeting as a young woman just returned to our Branch after having served a mission for 18 months. So she will be giving her return home talk and there is a munch and mingle afterwards as a way of the family thanking the branch for supporting her while she was away on her mission.


My chair covers finally came and I will take some photos later to show you. I really like them.  They have lightened things up quite a bit I think. 

Thursday night Cindy and I are going to a paint night in town being held at the Fire Hall. It is only $10 and something to do that we will both enjoy and be able to enjoy together. Something to look forward to.

The people started clearing out dad's place yesterday.  So that is another load off.  Then all we will have to do is get the cleaners in.  All should be sorted by the end of the week. Thank goodness for that!  Now all we have to do is organize his bedroom better.  That may be harder to do than it was to empty his flat, haha!


Glenna expressed to me in the car on the way to church on Sunday that most mornings when she gets up in the morning she wonders what's the point.  She doesn't have much to look forward to during the day, and feels she has no purpose. I know that since she had her stroke, she no longer takes her piano or violin lessons and doesn't go to her exercise classes any longer. I am sure a part of that was just her missing being with her girls out West, and all of her lovely grandchildren that live out there. It did make me feel very grateful however that I do have something to do every day and that I am not reliant on the company of others to make my life feel fulfilling.  I am not lonely.  I keep very busy.  That little foodie job of mine does much more than just keep a roof over my head. It also gives me a purpose. And I am grateful for that. 

Its also garbage day today and wonder of all wonders, it is not raining . . . yet  . . .  they say light rain about 1 pm.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day because time  . . . she is marching on and I need to march on with her!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Every small positive change we make in ourselves
repays us in confidence in the future.
~Alice Walker ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 
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Grilled Cheese BLT

In The English Kitchen today . . .  A Grilled Cheese BLT.  I had this for my lunch/dinner yesterday when I got home from the garage and it was delicious! I love fresh tomatoes! 

I hope that you have a beautiful day. I  will be back tomorrow with a proper post.  May your day be filled with light and with love.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Saturday 20 July 2024

All Things Nice . . .


How will Heaven ever suit
All of human kind,
Sailors would be lost I know
If they couldn't find
A good ship headed out to sea,
Sails all set for blowin'
With sailor folk for company
And white caps showin'.

How would farmers ever take
Joy in anything,
If they hadn't fields to sow,
When it was comin' spring.
If in the garden of the Lord
Weeds would start to grow,
Old men would be lost I'm sure,
If they couldn't hoe.

An' women too, at harvest time,
They'd just itch to take
Off their spangled wings and gowns,
And set some bread to bake,
And make a few good apple pies,
For thresher folks to eat,
And sit in wide old rocking chairs,
And grouch about their feet.

How would young folks pass the time
Without fun and laughter,
Goin' to parties all dressed up,
Talking' about it after.
A little boy without a dog
Would feel just awful queer,
If he had loved one very much
when he was here.

And so I think the good dear Lord,
Would be sure of known'
Just how homesick we would be
Without things growin',
And he'll make a place for us
Never more to roam,
Where every soul that goes from earth,
Will feel to home.
~Edna Jacques, Wonder
Aunt Hattie's Place, 1941

I sometimes wonder how it is that Edna Jacques got into my head and picked my thoughts.  Almost every poem she wrote in her lifetime resonates with me. With thoughts and feelings I might have had at one time or another.  Poetry is a beautiful thing. Words are beautiful things. They have the power to touch your soul in wondrous ways.  Great is the artist that can string them together in such a way as to tweak the human heart and experience, like peering into another's soul.  I think it is a divine art . . .  a talent . . .  how grateful I am for the wordsmith's in my life and how they have enriched my days in so many meaningful ways.


And once the storm is over,
you won't remember how you made it through,
how you managed to survive.
You won't even be sure
whether the storm is really over.
But one thing is certain.
When you come out of the storm,
you won't be the same person 
who walked in.
That is what the storm is all about.
~Haruki Murakami

One thing which I have learned over the past 25 odd years, maybe even longer (but that's how long I have been really paying attention), is that every storm ends and the sun always appears.  Sometimes if you are really blessed there will be a rainbow.  That scripture about weeping in the night and joy coming in the morning?  Its true.  All we have to do is to hold on and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Faith . . . it can direct us in the right direction, and help to put wind in our sails.  It can help us to rebuild our lives, brick by brick, stone by stone.  Winds, doubts, trials and the pain of other people's choices  . . .  these things can tear our lives apart. I know this to be true, but I also know that every dark tunnel has light  waiting at the end of it. 

I am who I am because of the storms in my life and the ways I have chosen to handle them.  To rebuild my life once the storms have passed, has shown me who I am and can become. I like who I am.  I would not be that person without having experienced the hard times. Are the storms over? Probably not, but with each one that comes along I become stronger, better, more capable. More beautiful.  And the cracks in my life, they have always been healed and knit back together with seams and stiches of Gold.


A cup of tea and good conversation go together like peas and carrots.

Studies indicate the #1 way 
to show love for someone is to listen to them. 
What air is to the lungs, listening is to the soul.
~Hank R Smith

It is so easy to just tune other people out. I sometimes find myself doing it.  I appear to be listening, but my mind is really somewhere else.   It's wrong. Shame on me. 

All people really want in life, aside from love, is to be heard.  By others.  To know that someone cares enough . . . to know that someone is willing to take the time to validate their feelings and that someone is listening.  Really listening. This sometimes can take great effort. Especially when it is someone who seems to drone on about the same things each time you talk to them.  Listening is not  always easy. It takes selflessness, but it is a gift you can give to others.

How to listen to people so they know that you care:

1. Get rid of any distractions. Phone. Television. etc.
2. Face them. Engage their eyes. Open your ears.
3. Engage their heart with your heart. Empathize. Sympathize.
4. Don't be too eager to offer an opinion or a solution unless first asked.
5. Look at things from their perspective. See things with their eyes. Walk a mile in their shoes.
6. It is not your job to fix, or to debate. Let them have their opinions. It is only your job to listen.  And to care. Sincerely care.


Dare to be Different

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
~Dr. Seuss

Being unique matters. I am proud of being different. Of now bowing to the sway of every public opinion that blows my way.  I am not afraid to stand up for the things I believe in. You can do that and still honor and respect other people's belief's.   The way to change the world, or at least your little corner of it,  is to dare to be different.  To not run with the herd.  To break out of the mold. Being different can make space for creativity in a way that nothing else can.  Sometimes it may mean that you are standing on your own, but alone is where your uniqueness and creativity can thrive.  When you look at all of the successful people in life it is easy to see that the one thing that they have in common is that they dared to be different.  To sing, dance, paint, create, write, etc. in their own individual unique and beautiful ways.  Dare to be different.  To be one of a kind. That's the only way to stand out from the crowd.  Celebrate the you that is YOU!

There is a special strength that comes from non-conformity. 


I am an early riser. I have been an early riser for most of my life, getting up and out of bed as soon as the sun shows its pretty face.  Early morning is like a jewel, an opal, glowing and soft and cool, with a hint of the warmth of the day's fire ahead in it's depths. 

It holds a breathless perfection . . .  a lucent air laced with the silver of bird song and the scent of roses.

Breakfast on the patio would be a lovely thing I think as I watch the resident hummingbird breakfast in the flower bed, flitting from bloom to bloom to bloom and then he is off as quickly as he has arrived, his leaving a quick blur, hum and zip across the yard and away to who knows where.  If you blinked you would miss it, he is gone so quickly . . .

I can smell someone's toast.  Why does toast smell so good???  Especially when it is someone else's??  It smells warm and yeasty, buttery and toasty  . . .  the only thing that smells better is if it is accompanied with the smell of frying bacon.  Home sweet home  . . . 

Sunday mornings were always our bacon mornings growing up. Mom always made bacon and eggs for breakfast on  Sunday mornings. I could easily forgo the eggs, but the bacon  . . .  I could never forgo the bacon.  I would enjoy it on toast upon which I had spread a thin layer of peanut butter.  Nirvana could never come close to what that tasted like on the tongue.  Crisp, buttery, creamy, salty, smoky  . . . the memory is making me hungry and so I must flit away now like the hummingbird.  My sister and I are off to the shops this morning  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Sounds of the wind
and sounds of the sea
make me happy just to be.
~June Polus   ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Lemon Drizzle Cake

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Lemon Drizzle Cake.  A recipe adapted from The National Trust Book of Baking.  Probably served at one of their many cafe/tearooms across the U.K.  You just know it is good, all lemony and delicious, moist and tender with a lovely sugar crust on top.  Delicious. Very nice.

I am not sure if I will have a chance to write much on Monday morning. I have my appointment for my car early in the day.  I will be so happy to have it back in safe running order!  I hope that you have a lovely weekend, filled with lots of nice things and love.  Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!