Monday 12 August 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


As I sit here typing this morning, there is something warm and furry laying between my feet.  One of them is never really far from me.  They are always close by.  I love how Cinnamon and Nutmeg love me.  Animals truly love unconditionally. It doesn't matter what you look like, or how much you weigh,  or anything else. They just love you.   As human beings we have a long ways to go before we can meet that.  I try to accept people who they are as they are, but it does sometime take great effort. Animals just seem to be able to do that as a matter of course. They just love, or they seem to at any rate. 

I know my two are always really happy to see me.  If I have been away for 5 minutes or 5 hours, it matters not. I always get a warm greeting when I return.


Church on Sundays. When I don't go, something vital is missing from my week. I love going to church and partaking of the sacrament, renewing my covenants with the Savior. It does my heart good to watch the young men of our branch blessing and then passing it.  It gives me hope in this rising generation.  I love to listen to the various talks that are given and to attend Sunday School or Relief Society and participate in the lessons which are shared them. I love singing the hymns  . . .  the beautiful hymns, singing praises to God. 

I enjoy the time that Glenna and I spend together in the car on the way to church, catching up on each other's week. It is always nice.  We get along very well together.  I did not know Glenna very well before I moved over to England. It has been really lovely getting to know here now.

It is not looking very good for our friend Eileen who has liver cancer.  She was supposed to have an operation on Saturday, but the Doctor got in there and wasn't able to continue, so he was going to try something else yesterday. Please pray for her and her family.  Liver cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers, next to pancreatic, and it is almost always fatal. Please pray for them to have the strength to get through these next days, weeks and months.  Thank you so much.

Prayer is one of the greatest gifts that you can give another. It truly is a gift from the heart.

Cindy had a small Birthday celebration for me at her house yesterday. Dan will be at work on Tuesday when it is my real Birthday and we always like to include him in these things. He is family.  I love him. Cindy had picked up a whole LaRocca Chocolate Fudge Cake. So decadent.  It is both of our favorites. She said it was half price and I truly hope that it was because I hate to think of her paying full price for it.  It was/is so delicious. I brought a couple of pieces home with me. One to give to Sheila, one for Glenna and one for me.  So rich and decadent.


I now have four very pretty cards sitting on the top of the bookcase.  I am so blessed. 💗

And look!  A toadstool bird house!  I love it.  I will have to think very carefully about where to put it. My sister knows what I love.  And I do so love toadstools. I think they are meant to go outside, but I don't want to put it outside. I want it here, right inside my house, with all of my other much beloved treasures. I am so blessed.


I did another video yesterday.  This one was just a chatty one. I was still in my church clothes and I thought why not take advantage of that.  I also had wanted to explain a little bit more about myself to the channel.  So far the trolls have not found me. (Give it time, they will I am sure.) I have enjoyed reading all of the comments left and I have enjoyed stretching outside of my comfort zone. The cats made their debut in this one.  Nutmeg especially.  I have kept them locked up for the cooking ones, well the last two anyways, as they are always so eager to be a part of everything.  Yesterday I did not.  They are always fascinated with who I am talking to.  Or maybe they think I am talking to them because that is usually the case!  In any case, if you did want to see it, you can see it here

I am still not totally comfortable with showing myself, with all of my wrinkles, grey hair, etc. But I am who I am.  And I need to love me. This  is actually helping me to do so in an odd sort of way. (Not in a narcissistic one, I promise you.) I do really need to do something about my hair . . . sigh . . . 


My sister and I discovered a new place to get farm fresh eggs and a whole lot more on our way home from taking dad and his friend Maryann out the other day. It was up in Torbrook on the mountain.  It was actually on the route that the bus that I used to take to Vocational School went back in 1974/75, so it felt a bit like home sweet home to me travelling down that familiar road.  Such a pretty drive it was.  Anyways, we found this farm stand and they had fresh eggs, fresh/frozen meats, all local and grass fed beef, chicken, pork, etc.  Some baked goods.  Jams and pickles, fresh vegetables, etc.  I will be checking them out again. I got some eggs and Cindy got some frozen ground beef. It as cheaper than the stuff we usually get at Gouchers and the eggs were only $5 a dozen, which was almost $3 cheaper than the ones I get at the grocery store.

Finding new places and meeting new people, always a treat!


I can already see signs of autumn showing up in the tops of some of the trees. The odd red or brown bunch of leaves are making an appearance.  As the days continue to pass these will be showing up more and more. I wish you could just lasso time and hold it still, but alas it passes, and usually far more quickly than we wish that it would.  But aren't we all so blessed to still be here and still enjoying these simple things in our lives . . . faith, family, friends, home  . . . these are the things which help to build a life and make it sweet.  

And I have a very sweet life indeed, despite the drama which sometimes makes an appearance. In the end things always turn out the way they are supposed to.  God has a plan. There is a little scripture about that  . . .  which I love  . . . its one of my favorites. 


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

This is a scripture verse which has greatly uplifted me from time to time throughout all of my years. May it uplift you and give you hope as well.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *Love in its essence
is spiritual fire.
~Emanuel Swedenborg
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Angel Chicken Rice

In the English Kitchen today a tasty little casserole called Angel Chicken Rice. This is a fabulously tasty repurposing of leftovers.  Creamy, rich and delicious.  Simple to make as well.

I hope that you have a beautiful Monday and week ahead, that it is filled with lots of small and wonderful things that bring you joy.  Along the way don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Love all these sweet animal pictures. Out our windows the family of Deer walk past…sometimes the Wild Turkey and family too. Squirrels I must note are scrambling for all the nuts/food it seems for their storage. The light is changing I can tell on my morning walks that fall is next season . I like you have the blessings of a furry pet that I /we adore. The cake looks delish…. ! Thank you .

    1. It sounds like you live in a nature wonderland Cindy. My sister lives in a spot like that with deer, squirrels, chipmunks, loads of birds, pheasant, etc. Thanks so much for your sweet comment! xoxo

  2. Good Monday morning, the sun has just come out, but it might vanish as some rain is predicted for this afternoon. Hoping the doctor can find some relief for Eileen, such a terrible disease. NIce to find another source for farm fresh eggs. $5 is what I pay for a dozen. Off to do a bit of shopping this morning, not much but it will be a chance to get out for awhile. Enjoy the day.

  3. I just found this site a few weeks back and have been binge reading. Such an uplifting read every morning, starts my day off right. I have been following The English Kitchen for a few years and have made lots of the recipes. I even have your cookbook. Thanks for creating such a positive blog in these troubling times. This is Rosemary from Ontario.

    1. Thanks so much Rosemary from Ontario! I loved your comment and it is always so nice to make a new friend. I like to think that there are no strangers here, only friends we have yet to meet! xoxo

  4. The chocolate cake looks great, however they can be made at home pretty easily for half the price. There are some great ones on Pinterest, Matilda's chocolate cake being one of the better recipes. The videos look good so far, one thing that may help is to wear more make-up, such as liner, lipstick, a more dramatic eyeshadow because of the wow factor and importance of standing out as unique.

    1. Marie is totally lovely just as she is. And I'm sure she's well aware of how to make a chocolate cake, but the cake was a gift for HER BIRTHDAY.

    2. Thanks Becky! It was a really big thing for my sister to get this cake for me as she is on a pension like I am. I really appreciated it, and I will be honest, wearing tons of makeup is not and never will be me and I just want to be me. I think if I over did the makeup I would look like a clown, or at least feel fake. xoxo

    3. I never wear makeup, either! I have no one to impress. : )

  5. Happy early birthday! So enjoyed your video. Prayers for Eileen and for you. Take care, my friend.

    1. Thanks so much Buttercup. I do believe in a God of miracles, and this would surely take one. At the very least I am praying that she will not suffer too much or too long. You take care also. xoxo

  6. I can imagine you making a little birdie or mouse to pop his head out of the mushroom house! Happy Birthday, Marie! I'm also 69, tuning 70 next month.

    1. Happy early Birthday greetings Becky! We are almost Birthday twins! A birdie or a mouse would be cute popping out of the mushroom house! xoxo

  7. Prayers for Eileen. We also love LaRocca cakes. We found one at NoFrills for $15, well worth it! Love the cute mushroom bird house. Too pretty to be out in the elements. I’m off to look at your video. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. Thank you very much Eileen! I agree the LaRocca Cakes are worth every penny! They are delicious! Love and hugs, xoxo

  8. Hi Marie! Happy Monday! I’ve enjoyed your videos and always enjoy this place and your EK and recipes.
    And, I always say what Popeye said..…’ I yam what I yam!’
    You are smart and delightful and talented, just stay true to you! Everyone loves you, just the way you are.
    Happy Birthday and blessings to you and all your loved ones.
    xo, V.

    1. Thank you so much V! I yam what I yam for sure! xoxo

  9. You be you birthday girl 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  10. Oh my what a cake...lovely thing your sister got for you and then you could even share some with some neighbors!! The Jeremiah verse is a good one...I also love where Joseph told his brothers: You meant it to me for evil, but GOD meant it for good." (Gen. 50:20). And we know WHOSE choice counts!! You are fine just as you are, Marie!! I often say all those gray hairs we have? We earned every single one of them so why hide them. I do understand wanting a good haircut (finally found someone here who is fairly least I can touch up some and it be good...but though we cannot take away parts of our looks, at least a good haircut eh? That is all I want at least. I quit wearing makeup some years ago...asked my husband if he wanted me to continue...he said no. I said great!)
    love and hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thank you so much Elizabeth. I must make an appointment with a hairdresser. I do not have one that I go to regularly here. Coming back during the Pandemic they were not open and I just have not found one that I liked overly much! Love and hugs, xoxo

  11. Hi Marie! Good for you about appreciating who you are! The world is threaded with ways to leap to self-criticism, and it suddenly came to me that the most hurtful and most condemned of all may be just that. Almighty God clearly states "Judge not, lest ye be judged." That includes ourselves! Self-examination and striving to grow in good character and understanding is NOT self-criticism. About your hair: what about cutting it in a blunt cut one inch above your shoulders? Do not layer it, because the blunt cut, with all one length, will give it enough volume to bounce up when you get a body perm. This is a perm that will give your hair some wave and curl, but not a curly and squiggly perm. Then after you shampoo your hair, while it is still damp, after you gently comb it out, take some hair GEL and work it through your tresses. Scrunch it with your fingers as you work it through your hair. Now biggest part -- don't comb it out again. Allow it to air dry, and see if that gives you some body/curl. Then you can use a hair band, or part it on one side and clip it away from your face with a barrette. You are gentle and kind in your face, and you do not need make up because your features with your large eyes and defined chin give you enough character and beauty without makeup. Just use your favorite moisturizer on your face, and maybe some tinted moisturizer for your lips. Your brows are fine, and keeping those tweezed in a simple clean-up type of shape works well. I am a portrait artist, and I know what I'm talking about. Gray hair works well -- have you noticed the dyed hair on older women and how it screams about age? Dyed hair, heavy eye shadow, liner, lipstick --- no, no, no! Embrace your age, and take care of your body and Spirit/Soul. xoxo

    1. Thank you for your hair cut advice and other words. I will take it on board. I do not like dyed hair on older women. It always looks a bit artificial to me. I think if I were to do too much make-up wise I would look like a clown! xoxo

  12. Happy birthday Marie! XOX, V.

  13. Happy Birthday Marie, God loves us just the way he made us, it is such a blessing to be able count another year, don’t ever doubt who are and your worth ❤️🙏❤️

    1. It really is a blessing. I count my blessings every day as you know! Thank You! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!