This was my desk calendar photo from yesterday. I love it. The chair the lamp, that ginger cat. It made me think of my home. It is very much the place where my heart rests, where it is as peace. I had another email yesterday from my ex boss asking me would I reconsider coming to work for him in the Bahamas as his cook. Why would I ever want to trade my cozy little life here, with my family close by, my comfy little home, my sweet furry companions for the uncertainty that would hold? To live again at the behest of another's whim? At the age of almost 70? I think not. Its nice to be asked for sure, but I am far too content with things here to ever want to change them for anything or anyone.
When I left the Manor I told myself that I would never again put myself in the position where the place I lived was tied to my job. It is really hard to lose your job and your home all at once. I love the position I am in now. Where I am now. My life now. I am very content. Home is where your heart is, and my heart is here in Nova Scotia with my family close by.
Some people might think that I have a sad life. Nothing could be further from the truth. My life is very, very good.
The trees are all looking very bare now. Leaves mostly having fallen to the ground. Ready for the next step in the game of seasons. It is cool this morning, but not cold. I have my heat pump on. It will stay on most of the time now, unless we have a particularly warm day. The skies this morning are leaden, with dark clouds. The weather forecast says it is 4*C, feels like -3*C, with a high of 5*C and a 50% chance of experiencing a mix of rain and snow. Sounds very Remembrance Day like. Heavy skies. Rain or snow. Left in our thoughts and remembrances.
I am very excited at the prospect of seeing my son Douglas next week. He is hoping to come over on Friday, weather and circumstances allowing. He has a car safety in the morning. He doesn't like driving after dark. We are going to have a long weekend together. Just him and I. This is a picture of him from when he was about six months old. He will be 42 on the 23rd of November. He was always such a happy little boy. He was born with a full head of hair, which ended up being a full head of curls. He looked like he was wearing a wig. I always called him my little fuzzy bear. He is a kind, kind man. A good husband and father and a good son. I am really looking forward to spending this time together. My fuzzy bear and I. It will be nice. Mother and son time.
This is mom, myself, Anthony and Gabriel. A photo taken maybe 15 years or so ago now. Hard to believe so much time has passed. Gabriel is 17 now and I think he was 18 months old here. They grow up fast. This was our "4 generations" photo. So much water under the bridge since then. I was talking to Anthony in a facetime two days ago. They are in the process of having to say goodbye to their cat whom they have had and loved for all of Gabriel's life. She was a stray that they took in. It is a difficult time . . . saying farewell to a pet. Saying goodbye to those we love is always hard. But a life spent without love is even harder. I will gladly pay the price and know that I have loved and been loved. I think most people would. I am hoping that at some point Anthony and I will get to enjoy some mom and son time. That would also be great! He is also a good man with a huge heart.
I am blessed to have such good sons in my life.
Dad has been complaining of having a sore side these past few days. Around his ribs on the side he fell onto those few weeks back. I am wondering if he didn't crack his ribs when he fell and has somehow made it worse in the ensuing days. I sure hope not. There is not a lot they do now for broken ribs. You just have to live with it. I have not spoken to him yet today. Because none of the restaurants are open he was not going out for breakfast and so he sleeps in.
How sweet is this life of mine that I get to speak to my father first thing in the day and last thing in the day. I also speak to my Heavenly Father first thing in the day and last thing at night. Funny that!
Cindy and I picked up his groceries yesterday. He really doesn't need much as he eats his dinner at Cindy's most days. Afterwards we go back to his place to drop them off. Cindy always makes his bed and does a few other chores. I do his dishes. Normally he is there, but because it was Friday he was not there yesterday. He had taken his deaf friend Maryann out for coffee. He does this three or four times a week in the afternoon.
I love these times spent with Cindy. She is my best friend. Having a sister who is also your best friend is an extra special blessing in life. Dad is always saying as well how happy it makes him that we both get along so well together. That makes me happy too, that it makes him happy. I would not have it any other way.
And now I am just rambling, so I guess I will end this. I don't know what I will get up to today. I will be puttering all day. A puttering day is a good day.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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In The English Kitchen today . . . Salted Caramel Shortcake Cups. Oh my word. So delicious. Crispy shortbread cookie base, topped with salted caramel and melted milk chocolate. Fabulous!
I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be back writing on Monday! Whatever you get up do, stay safe, stay warm, and don't forget!
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That's a real feather in your cap that the "lord" of the manor wants you to work for him again. That ship has sailed and you are perfectly happy in Nova Scotia with your family. Enjoy your weekend. Stay cozy. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)
ReplyDeleteYou have a wonderful life now, don't need to be at the beck and call of an employer. With family is where you are supposed to be. Yes, bare trees here too. Hope your Dad is feeling better, nothing worse than aches and pains and sore spots. A visit for you to look forward too. Have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a compliment to be asked by your former boss to come back…you were indeed a wonderful cook and employee, I’m sure.
ReplyDeleteAnd, even more so, to be able to decline the offer because you have made yourself a lovely, contented, successful life. Your sons are a reflection of your character and example. Today is a special day for military here in the USA also…thank you to all who have served. I hope you have a delightful weekend. xo, V.
I was thinking your old boss must remember your cooking with joy!! But wow, that is nothing to compare to being surrounded by family you spend much time with!! So glad your son is coming to stay a weekend and you can have time just you 2!! Such a rare event for most of us...I am lucky if I get to see my son in a crowd here. Though they all are coming for an early dinner tomorrow...but that is a very rare thing. So we enjoy what we get when it comes. One day when we are gone, maybe our children will wish they had spent more time with us...maybe not...either way, I doubt in THAT LAND such things will even enter our minds anymore!! Much we have to look forward to!!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
We call it Veterans day here and honor all our Military. I honored my Son and his wife who both served in the military for over 20 years. I miss him as he retired in Texas and I live in Ohio.But soon I'm moving there with my daughter and son in law. I'll be living with a family and no longer by myself. I'll have family around me every day! I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy your family and the visit with your son. Family is everything to me. Love, ma
ReplyDeleteYour old boss must have finally realized what a gem you were. Too bad they didn’t treat you better at the time, but it must give you some satisfaction to say Sorry, I have moved on!! Angharad.