Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


There used to be an AGA in the kitchen of the big house where I worked at the Manor.  It kept the kitchen warm in the winter months. I used to enjoy cooking on it, and used it often. Especially when I was cooking for a dinner party and needed plenty of cook space.  It was great for keeping plates warm as well.  

Of course it was not on in the summer months. It got turned off in May and didn't come on again until September.  During those months I cleaned it so that it was sparkling.  It was exactly like the one in the photo above.  With a warming plate on the left and two warming ovens and the two burners and two ovens on the right. The only difference is the one at the Manor had chrome covers over the top burners.

No laundry was hanging to dry over that one I can tell you, not ever. lol


I did a little video yesterday about my Big Blue Binder.  I got a bit emotional when I was doing it. I don't think I realized how much that binder means to me until I started doing the video and going through some of its pages. All of the memories attached to those recipes and the love I have for the people who shared them with me who are no longer with us.  I got very teary eyed thinking about them. I really hope that one of my children will want the Big Blue Binder when I am gone, even if it is falling apart at the seams now.   A lot of the things I used to cook for them when they were growing up  . . .  the recipes are right there, in the binder.   It is the history of my cooking journey through the years . . . I don't think I could give that up for anything.  Or change it.  

Not in a heartbeat  . . . it is like the who's who of my culinary journey.


Are these not the most unusual coffee mugs you have ever seen. I believe they have been made by this person on Instagram. She has a lot of beautiful ceramics, but the page is in a foreign language so I can't now if this person actually makes these things or is just a collector of these things.

I mean  . . .  look at these, and not just the mugs, those toadstools as well . . .  sweet.

And don't get me started on this.  Adorable  . . . 

I am in awe of the talents of people in this world.  To think that all of these things and others that we see first have their beginnings in people's minds. It is so inspiring.

My sister's latest pages in her art journal.  She is one of those very talented people I think.  I know I am biased, but she is.

I have  missed our morning cycling, etc. things have certainly changed in some ways since dad moved into her place. I am grateful to know that our father is safe now and living there, however. I would not change that for anything.


Looking at this makes me long for a handknit cardigan. Especially with the colder months looming.  My sister is the knitter. I never really developed that talent. Oh, I can crochet, but knitting is not my forte. Mom was the knitter. She liked to knit mittens and those cotton drying towels that you can hang in the kitchen for drying your hands. She also loved to do embroidery. I can remember her teaching me to embroider with a small piece of cotton, a needle and some threads  . . .  sweet memories.

It was probably to earn a badge for the Brownies.  I had lots of Brownie badges. I loved being a Brownie and then a Girl Guide. It was nice to belong to something, like a club almost.  I learned so much through that organization.  There were always small goals to achieve and achievement was rewarded through the earning of badges and responsibility as well.  I can remember feeling very proud of myself when I became a seconder and then a sixer, being made responsible for the girls under my care. I took my responsibilities very seriously.

I was a girl guide right up until I was 15 and then I quit going. The organization that I was going to was not the same as it had been in the years past and there was a huge lack of leadership and it was just no longer something that interested me.

I was a Brownie leader when my girls were growing up. I loved being a part of that for them.  Also one time when we were down to London (in the U.K.) we went to Baden Powell House and saw his statue there.  I was really pleased to see it. 

That was a great trip to London that time.  It was the weekend of the Turkey Awards back in 2012. 

That was such a huge deal for me.  Imagine this girl from small town Nova Scotia, winning a National Industry Award and being presented it at the Savoy Hotel in London?  I could have never dreamt that I would ever experience such a thing. That was a magical experience for sure. I had to leave the award back in the U.K. when I left to come back to Canada as it was far too heavy for me to bring back with me. But I have the memory and the photograph, and the certificate, lol.  Imagine that!


This was the recipe I developed that I won the award for.  Parmesan Crusted Turkey Steaks with a Tomato and Peppadew Relish.  Such a simple thing really.  But they liked it. They really liked it.

Imagine . . . that was such a great weekend all round, not even including the turkey awards.  We got to do all the touristy things like visit Kensington Palace and the British Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum and to visit Greenwich where Greenwich Mean Time exists, etc.  to take a cruise down the Thames, eat at the infamous Borough Market.  So many fun things.  I am so grateful that I got to do all of these things.  I have led a pretty amazing life all things considered.


I watched a hummingbird, a female, at my feeder for quite some time last night. She drank and drank and drank. I am glad that I have not taken it down yet.  I also had a woodpecker visiting it yesterday.  It will soon be time to contact the girl that I had work on my garden in the spring so that I can get her to come and clean it up for the Winter.  I will have to message her to ask when would be a good time. She did an excellent job in the spring. Hopefully she is still doing this type of thing.

Today I honor all the heroes from 9-11.  May we never forget what happened on that horrible day.

I really don't have a lot more to share this morning. My life has gotten pretty boring as of late. I need to shake things up a bit and start doing more than just sit and ponder and watch other people living their lives. Watch this space.

A thought to carry with you   . . . 

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 *.˛.One can dream so much better
in a room where there are pretty things.
~Anne Shirley
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Maple Molasses Blueberry Muffins

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Maple Molasses Blueberry Muffins. These are really delicious, wholesome and nutritious. 

I will be meeting my father and Hazel for supper later today.  I wonder what the specials are. We shall see!  I don't really go for the food, but to spend time with my father. 


I hope that you have a lovely day today, filled with peace and with joy. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. What a lovely treasured memory of the award weekend, well deserved. Too bad about missing the cycling with Cindy in the mornings, perhaps you can set up a routine of your own doing it, perhaps listening to your favourite music or talk. It is a sunny day today, warmth returning for a few days. I've started my garden clean up/pu away for the winter, If I do a bit daily it will soon be done. I really enjoyed the video about the big blue binder, lovely memories. Have a good day.

    1. Yes I need to do that I think Linda! I think a bit a day is a great idea! Thank so much, you have a great day also! xoxo

  2. Your sister is very talented:). You both are..I will check out your video today!!

    1. Thanks Monique! I think we all have our talents. Some people are really good at making people feel good about themselves, some people are great listeners. Not all talents are as visible as art is. YOU are a multi-talented person I think! xoxo

  3. Morning, Marie, here’s an idea - you write a cookbook and Cindy illustrates it! Win, win! I’m sure people would love it. Your delicious recipes with Cindy’s charming paintings. You could call it “My Big Blue Binder”. I would certainly buy it. Popping over to look at your video. Enjoy your day. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly Elaine, but I don't think Cindy thinks she is good enough. I think she is more than good enough! Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. Those brown mushroom coffee cups are great, what a neat thing to served coffee or tea at a holiday dinner. The red toadstool cups not so much, the raised spots look like they have monkeypox.

    1. They look like Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita. I love red and white toadstools so they really appeal to me. To be honest I wouldn't use any of these for a special or holiday dinner. But I wouldn't mind having one just for myself. xo

  5. Hi Marie. Get google to translate for you. Just open the page in the Chrome browser, highlight the text, rightclick with your mouse and a popup to translate should appear - Madelyne


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