Wednesday 4 September 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


Hello all!  I'm back and I thought it would be fun to show you all that it doesn't necessarily rain every garbage day. Yesterday it was bright and sunny out. There wasn't a cloud in the sky which made for a nice change! It was a lot cooler yesterday however.  I did go out after Jenni left and I had to put on my sweater. I am not complaining about that however as I do enjoy the fact that it is not quite so hot and humid.  That makes it much more comfortable for sleeping at night as well. 

Not that I am wishing my life away but I am really looking forward to the beginning of Autumn in just a few short weeks now. I'm looking forward to the cooler days and nights especially. I am not a huge fan of heat and humidity. 

Already the days are becoming much more pleasant. I am sure that we will still have the odd hot and sticky day, but autumn is my favorite season and that is mainly because of the weather.  It always feels so nice after the summer humidity dissipates!

When I was in the U.K. we did get maybe four or five days of high humidity in the summer, but that was it. Most of the time the weather was quite temperature and tolerable. Yes, it did rain a lot, but not so often that I minded it overly much. The rain was a part of what made it such a green and beautiful land.


I say bring on the Pumpkin Spice. I am ready for it! haha  Actually I bought my first pumpkin spice flavor in the grocery store the other day.  Pumpkin Spice Whipped Topping. In the aerosol can. I think it is coconut cream, but it will do!

I am actually really looking forward to seeing the apples come in. I hope that we can get some of the same apples that we got last year. 


Sweet Tart on the Left, Japanese Melon on the right.

Those Sweet Tart apples made the best applesauce.  I am looking forward to getting a few baskets this year to turn into applesauce. It was just so good.  Such a pretty apple also.


I watched the cutest movie on Netflix at the weekend. How to Lose a Man in 10 Days. It starred Kate Hudson and Matthew McConoughhey. (I think I spelled that right.)  It was just cute.  A comedy and a bit of a love story.  Quite predictable, but an easy watch.  Oh boy but he is just so easy on the eyes.

Last night I came across a show called Naked Dating.  Why?  Whatever will they come up with next. Full frontal nudity.  I am not a prude, but . . . . I do like dating shows, but that is one I won't be watching. I watched five minutes just to see and blah.

So not necessary.


My son Anthony with Luke (on the left) and Gabe (on the right.)  Their first day of school for this year and University for Gabe.   (This was yesterday.) I really hope that they have a great year, the pair of them.  Luke is getting so tall and looking so grown up now.  I think they are planning on trying to make it over for Thanksgiving. That will be nice.

No other school pictures yet, but I am sure they will be forthcoming.  I am eager to hear how Jon enjoyed his first day at college. He started yesterday.  The other two J's start school today. 

I hope and pray that all of my grandchildren have successful years at school this year. That they grow in learning and confidence and that they  are happy.  

Doug and Jon spent part of the last weekend of summer repairing a guitar together.  I think they were putting in new tuners. Doug explained it to me, but I can't remember exactly what they were doing.


My J boys spent the last day of their summer holidays at an amusement park on the Island. It is a summer's end tradition for them.  They do it every year, and always have a really fun day.

I believe all the children here in Nova Scotia will be back at school today.  I wish for them all a really great year.

I hope she doesn't mind me sharing these art pages with you.  My sister's art journal.  She is just so darned talented.  Two cups, some avocado, a donut and a cute candy tin.

Last time I was at her house she had sketched some cherry tomatoes in the same art journal and was waiting to paint them in. No doubt they will be gorgeous as well.


I had my toenail appointment yesterday. She was actually a bit early arriving, which I didn't mind.  I liked getting it over with more sooner than later as it left me with more of my day to get things done. She is the same lady who used to do my mother's toenails.  She is a real talker.  I enjoy her visits. I get to learn all the scoop of what's going on in our area anyways, or at least what she has heard about it and since she does get around it is pretty accurate.  Yesterday she told  me that the people responsible for the latest hoodlism activity  in town were actually not teenagers, but two adults in their 40's. A male and a female.  They went through town a week or two back and upended all of the flower baskets, dumping them out and destroying them and then went to the car dealership and slashed all the tires.

One has to wonder what motivates people to do things like that.  Especially full grown adults who certainly should know the difference between right and wrong. It boggles the mind.


I don't really have a lot else to talk about this morning. I had a very poor night's sleep last night and that is making me feel quite tired. I just could not tick over to fall asleep. I think it was well after 1 a.m. before I did fall asleep and then I was awake at 6.  Also very dreamy sleep.  I will be having a nap later today because I am sure I will need one!  Tonight is the night I go to supper with dad and Hazel.  I am not sure what I will have. I was thinking I might have a grilled cheese or a cheeseburger with a salad.  Of course that idea could change fifty times between now and then!  Heck, it can change ten times when I am at the table in the restaurant!  That's me! I have a hard time making decisions.

Oh, and I am looking for ideas to use to make videos on my YT channel. I want them to be interesting but also within the scope and realm of my abilities to video them.  I was thinking I might make some Eccles Cakes next time.  What think you?

And now a thought to carry with you  . . . 

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *So labor at your alphabet.
For by that learning
Shall you get to lands 
Where fairies may be met.
~Andrew Lang° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Tuna Rice Muffins with a Butter Lemon Sauce

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Tuna Rice Muffins with a Butter Lemon Sauce. Simple and delicious.  I had these for my dinner yesterday.  Quick and easy to make also!

I hope you all have a beautiful day today. I will endeavor to get to all of my comments at some point.  I will be playing catch up.  Whatever you get up to today, be happy, stay safe and don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. I hope everyone has a great school year also! I am sure you will come up with something interesting for your video:) have a good week...

  2. If you are old fashioned like us, Fall starts on Sept 21, but the modern meteorological calendar says Fall started on Sept 1. the weather has cooled down quite a bit, still nice and sunny but sweater weather for sure in the mornings. Hope the grandsons do well in their endeavours at uni and college. We have 1 grandson starting in his last year of high school, so decisions for him. There is a lot of vandalism in this area, the homeless get blamed, but it isn't always them. Goodness knows why it all happens. My neighbour watches that naked dating show, not my thing at all. She is the one that recently had knee surgery and always had it one when I went to visit. Enjoy dinner tonight, you will make a good decision but probably wish you had ordered something else. I'm off to the dentist this morning, coverage under the CDCP, so will see how that works out, Enjoy Wednesday, whatever you get up to.

    1. Yes, I am old fashioned that way also Linda. The weather has cooled down nicely however without being cold. That naked dating show was not my cup of tea. I think I watched five minutes of it if that. I thought it was yukky for lack of a better word! I hope your dental appointment works out well! xoxo

  3. All of your videos have been interesting...never heard of that kind of cake!! So whatever you do, I will be watching!! My youngest grandkids go back to school today worried for my little granddaughter as the bully has not been reined in YET!! He has been violent to others, including her, in the past 2 years and nothing much was done. Shameful how often the adults will not do enough to stop these kids and leave it to the other kids to do something about it. School should not be a place of horrors. Your photo of your son and his sons is very nice!! Hope they all have good school days!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Eccles Cakes are puff pastry delights filled with a buttery sticky filling of dried fruits. They are incredibly yummy and very British Elizabeth! Thanks for your kind words. I am appalled whenever I read about bullies getting away with their behavior. I hope your little granddaughter does not have to put up with too much this year. Keeping her in my prayers. xoxo

    2. Thanks for the prayers...just checked and today was a good day...with no interaction from the bully at that is an answer of prayers!! She is only 11...and after 2 years of attacks, both verbal and physical, she has had it!! At least the vice principal and counselor ladies at this school were very sympathetic to my daughter and promised to do all they could and showed my granddaughter where to come at any time she felt threatened!! So at least that!!
      Well, it is always so interesting how different people groups do food...always new ideas and I am glad to learn!!
      Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  4. Bullying of children should never be tolerated by parents or schools. Lovely to see pictures of your sons and their sons. Hope you’ll get to see Anthony and his family at Thanksgiving. Please do a video making Eccles Cakes. They are my favourite but I’ve never tried to make them. Metro used to carry them in their bakery but they stopped for some reason. Enjoy your dinner out and hope you’ll sleep better tonight. Love and hugs, Elaine (in Toronto).

    1. Thanks Elaine! You have to wonder why bullying still goes on with all of the education and information out there about it. And yet it does and quite often a blind eye is turned towards it. I think my next video will be the Eccles Cakes! Stay tuned! Love and hugs, xoxo

  5. Eccles cakes would be wonderful ... and how about Tourtiere end of November or so? - Madelyne

    1. Another excellent idea Madelyne! Thank you! xoxo

  6. What about side dishes for Thanksgiving.


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