We had snow overnight. We have probably had more snow over these past few days than we had all Winter and Spring is only two weeks away. Funny how that goes. Plus it is garbage day. It always seems that we get precipitation of some sort on garbage day.
I got all my bags put out last night, but they are covered with snow now. I am hoping that the bin men can see them properly. It is the same with everyone's garbage on the street.
When I think of garbage men I always think of a girl my mother hired to look after us when mom went back to work. I was 11 and had to share a bedroom with her. Her name was Etta and she was boy crazy. I am not sure how old she was, maybe only 20 or so. Anyways, on garbage day she was always hanging out our bedroom window flirting with the garbage men. Hollering down to them and whatnot.
As a lover of vintage, I also love vintage music. Swing music. Big band era, etc. I also love to listen to Gospel Music, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Praise Music. But, also I love listening to the oldies. Music from my childhood. Sometimes though it makes me sad to think of how time has passed by so quickly.
I also love instrumentals, piano music and the Piano Guys, Paul Cardall. Classical Music.
I guess I just love music full stop. Although I have to admit I am not overly fond of Rap music or Heavy Metal. Its just not my cup of tea.
I am so grateful that in this life I had the opportunity to be a mother. From the time I was a little girl that is all that I wanted to be really, a wife and a mother. I admired mother's and motherly figures most of all on the television. June Cleaver, Margaret Anderson, Donna Reid, Aunt Bea. They were my role models, as well as our own mother. We had a very good mother. She took very good care of us. We were always clean and neatly dressed, well fed. Our home was tidy and clean. Our meals were nourishing. She was so busy when we were small though, too busy taking care of the house to really spend any time playing with us, but I have many fond memories of the special things that she did for me. Sewing dresses for me. Making me doll furniture out of cardboard and toothpicks. Knitting doll clothes. Teaching me how to embroider. Making special Valentine Boxes to hold my Valentines at school. Decorating our bicycles for the base bicycle parade. These were all really special to me and when I think back on them my heart is touched with the love contained in those small things. Mom worked very hard around our home. Her floors shone. She did not go out visiting in the neighborhood, having coffee with friends like many of the other ladies. She worked hard at home to keep things sparkling. She hung our laundry out all year round, even in the Winter months. She scrubbed our floors on her hands and knees. Mom was a perfectionist. Everything she did she did very well.
I love anything to do with the taking of tea. I don't drink regular tea because of the church I attend, and in all truth I had stopped drinking both regular tea and coffee long before I joined my church. I do love herbal infusions however and everything associated with the taking of tea. The tea pots and all the accoutrements, the cups and saucers, the cream and sugar sets, tea cloths, and of course the small bits we like to enjoy with our tea like a bit of cake or a sandwich or both. There is something very civilized about the taking of tea in the proper way. Its like a small celebration of life when done properly, and I love it.
I recently purchased this pattern on Etsy. I fell in love with the red-work embroidery for one thing, and the patchwork edging. It might give me the impetus to use up some of my fabric stash, and I do so love to embroider. I need to buy a hoop. Its on my list.
I love to read my scriptures. I read and I ponder. I read them every day. When I am feeling sad or anxious, I go to the scriptures and I always find comfort. I know it is not that way for everyone. And I know not everyone enjoys reading the scriptures. I have always loved them. I have my favorite books in the scriptures. I love the Psalms and Proverbs. But I also love Esther. I love the stories told in the scriptures. There is so much there. This year we at church we are studying the New Testament. Last year I learned to love the Old Testament and this year I am enjoying studying more about Jesus. This is the year of Jesus for me. I do the study from Don't Miss This and I enjoy it very much. Emily and David provide a fresh and appealing voice on the scriptures. I love their insights and thoughts.
My grandson Gabriel turns 17 today! Its hard to believe. He is such a sweet young man. I know they are on March Break this week so I will message him a bit later on. He is probably having a bit of a sleep in. He is a good son and a good grandson. He is the grandson who made me a Grandmother, and his father is the son who made me a mother. I am very proud of him as I am of all my grands. I truly hope that he has the special day that he deserves. Happy Birthday Gabriel!
We are never too old to learn something new. I am still thinking about taking piano lessons. Or, and don't laugh at this . . . I have always wanted to learn to play the Ukulele. Maybe I will. I know what Dan would say. I need to learn how to use my X-Box. I hear you Dan!
Sandra Cherry Hrt on Instagram. Crochet, knitting, sewing and daily life.
I've been watching this YouTube channel, What's for Tea? I really enjoy it. She shows her shopping that she picks up every week. Sometimes a recipe. Every Sunday she shows her meals for the previous week. What they have eaten every night. She's Scottish. I am sometimes amazed at what they eat. Lasagna with chips and peas? I would enjoy each element of that meal, but not together. She has such a cheerful disposition and I just find her a breath of fresh air.
In The English Kitchen today . . . Cube Steak and Onion Gravy. Simple and delicious. Cheap and Cheerful.
I hope you enjoyed the somewhat different format I used here this morning. Sometimes its good to shake things up a bit. Not sure if I will do it this way again, but you never know, I might.
I hope that you have a wonderful day. Be safe, and happy, warm and blessed. Don't forget!
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And I do too!

I found 3 hoops (different sizes) at Dollarama for $4.00 or $4.50 That is a lovely pattern, might be tempted but I've got 4 embroidery projects on the go right now. Change is good. One of my favourite sayings is "If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got!" Sunny today, hope some more snow melts before another storm arrives on Saturday. Happy Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteOops, left out the last bit, should of said "If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got! Try something different"
DeleteThey also say "A change is as good as a holiday!" My sister brought me over a hoop with some of my mother's embroider still in it. I was so touched! And it smells like mom. I can't stop smelling it. What a beautiful gesture on her part. Stay safe when you are out and about! xoxo
DeleteSuch a treasure to get from your sister, it will be wonderful holding it when embroidering knowing it was your mothers. Your sister is a gem.
DeleteEnjoyed your blog today...the food looks yummy!! We do like cube steaks from time to time!! And of course, the gravy with mashed potatoes would be lovely.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
Thanks so much Elizabeth! You really can't beat them for the price! xoxo
DeleteOh that red-work and that blanket…lovely! Happy Birthday to Gabriel !! A perfect name for a delightful young man! Remember turning 17 ??…it was wonderful to be 17… but it’s even more wonderful to be today’s age…considerably a much much bigger number…ha! Happy day, Marie, I’m off to look at that recipe.
ReplyDeletexo, V.
Thanks very much V! I remember turning 17 also! Boy was I ever naive and I thought I knew it all! xoxo