Monday 16 September 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

I am so grateful for this little home of mine.  It was such a blessing and a real answer to pray to get it.  There is a huge dearth of rentals available in my area, especially rentals at a reasonable price.  When I think back to how God worked in my life for this place to be given to me, it was nothing short of a miracle. I had been told several months before that this place was mine and I would be able to move in on the 1st of May 2021, only to be told in April by the agent that he had been mistaken and that there was a very lengthy waiting list for these places.  I resigned myself to not being able to get this place and to start looking all over again.  I put it all into the Lord's hands.  The agent must have sensed the disappointment and distress in my voice because just a few hours later he called me back to say that they would make an exception and that I would be getting this place. This place was truly a gift from God.  I think it is good to remind myself of that from time to time.  Its not fancy, but its decent, it has a front porch/veranda, its just the right size for me to handle and my rent will never go up for as long as I am in here. What more could a person ask for!  The windows of heaven opened up and showered me with blessings when I got this place.


Each time I go out in my car, I notice the leaves changing more and more. We are not quite at this stage yet, but the mountain is starting to take on the flush of autumn and I fully expect in another week it will be unmistakably filled with autumn colors. It is like magic.  At first you notice only a few leaves here and there and then suddenly it begins to change, seemingly overnight as  huge swathes of leaves start to turn.  I love autumn.  It is my favorite season of all.


"In a quiet corner of Germany, bags of food are discreetly hung for those in need—the poor, the hungry, and the vulnerable. There are no public displays or fanfare, no cameras or videos to capture the act. It’s simply an unspoken gesture of goodwill and service, done with humility and compassion. This quiet kindness, absent of any need for recognition, serves as a powerful reminder that true generosity often goes unseen, yet its impact is deeply felt."

What a beautiful idea. I wish that they would implement something like that here in Canada. What a wonderfully compassionate idea this is.

"The custom of "telling the bees" is a charming and ancient tradition where beekeepers inform their bees about significant events in their lives, such as deaths, births, marriages, and other major occurrences. 

This practice is believed to have its roots in Celtic mythology, where bees were seen as messengers between the human world and the spirit world. The presence of a bee after a death was thought to signify the soul leaving the body. The tradition became particularly prominent in the 18th and 19th centuries in Western Europe and the United States. 

To tell the bees, the head of the household or the "goodwife" would approach the hives, gently knock to get the bees' attention, and then softly murmur the news in a solemn tone. This ritual was believed to keep the bees informed and prevent them from leaving the hive or dying. The custom underscores the deep connection and respect that people historically had for bees, viewing them as integral members of the household and community."

I remember seeing the character "Queenie" doing this to her bees in the television show "Larkrise to Candleford." I didn't have any idea that this was true.  Apparently after the Queen passed several years ago, her bee keepers informed all of her hives and hung a black band around them as a mark of respect for the Queen's passing.

I think such customs are beautiful, not just quaint and I hope that we work hard to preserve more of them, rather than have them pass away into obscurity.


Family dinners at my sister's place on Sundays.  It is nice to get together as a family and enjoy a delicious meal and each other's company.  My sister does put a lot of work into cooking the food and it is always delicious.  I hope that she knows how much it is appreciated, and how very much I appreciate being included. I don't like to take it for granted and I don't.  Its not about the food, although she always cooks a tasty meal, its about being together and enjoying each other as a family.  It could be a plate of sandwiches and it would still be pretty wonderful to me. I missed family times like this so much when I was living in the U.K.   Again  . . .  the windows of heaven.


My shower was broken.  When I went to take my shower on Saturday night it was spraying all over the place.  To be honest it hadn't worked properly since we had given dad his shower and switched out the shower heads.  But then on Saturday it went kaput. Yesterday Cindy and I were able to go and get a new one and she helped me to put it in.  I really appreciate her willingness to help me out like she does.  Oh, I know that Dan would have come over and done it for me, but it was not all that hard and we managed without him. The new shower head is working beautifully.  It is magnetic as well, which is a nice option.  I took my first shower with it last night and am quite pleased with it.

I am very grateful that I was just able to go and buy a new shower fitting without it being a hardship for me.  What  a blessing that is.  As I have said many times, I have enough. Having enough is a real blessing for sure. I never take that for granted.


I am ever grateful for the balance I find in my life of good and bad and everything in between.  Yes, things are not always easy, but I am able to grow as a person amidst the struggles.  I have enough, in fact I have more than enough. I have a very comfortable life and am not in need.  I am surrounded with good people . . .  family  . . .  who love and care about me. I have a safe place to live, a sweet little home which brings me joy.  I enjoy relatively good health.  I have two beautiful cats who provide me with company and who also love me and bring me joy. I have some very good friends.  My faith in God which has helped me throughout my whole life. When I look back I can see His hands having been at work often, and I am grateful for that. May I never tire of singing His praises. May I always have eyes and a heart that are able to see the goodness of God in my life.

I have no desire to have anything more than what I have already. It it not the perfect life by some people's estimations for sure,  but it is a very good life and  I am grateful for every part of it. It is the perfect life for me.

I am truly blessed.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *The great aim of education
is not knowledge but action.
~Herbert Spencer  •。★★ 。* 。
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English Muffin Pizzas

In the English Kitchen today . . .  English Muffin Pizzas. These are simple to make, quick and easy, and done in the air fryer in a fraction of the time it takes to do them in a conventional oven. They are perfectly crisp and not soggy either.  I don't think I will do one any other way ever again!

I hope that you have a beautiful week filled to overflowing with small and wonderful things. blessings, joy, happiness and peace.  And people that you love who love you back. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday Nice . . .


Not much, you say . . .  a tiny place,
An attic bedroom, clean and sweet,
A table with a yellow cloth,
A window high above the street.

But from it I can see between
The red-roofed houses of the town,
The shining cross above the church,
And apple blossoms drifting down.

The clear, sweet arch of summer sky,
A white dove feeding in the lane,
A neighbor woman coming home,
Ivy against the window-pane.

Frail smoke from cottages at eve,
A brown thrush singing from the hedge,
An old man spading in the yard,
Trimming the garden's ragged edge.

Only a little room perched high
Like a brown nest against the eaves,
Half hidden from the passer-by
Behind a screen of maple leaves.

And yet within its tiny space
Dwell happiness and love for me,
A sense of home serene and sweet,
The salty fragrance of the sea.

A palace couldn't give you more,
Nor money buy it's priceless worth,
A heart content with what it has,
The gift of riches not of earth.
~Edna Jaques, To Be Content
My Kitchen Window, 1935


I do so love an attic room.  They have such interesting nooks and crannies to fill and, as the poem says, the view from the window, if you are lucky enough to live in a small town,  is often  a wonderful bird's eye view of the heartbeat and pulse of all that surrounds the house.  And even in a much larger place, attic rooms and garrets can give you a different and interesting glimpse into things and places most people never see.

But what this poem really  reminds me of is how very grateful I am for my little home . . . this tiny space I inhabit, and which I can call my own. I am sure you tire of hearing how very much I appreciate my home, and the peace I find within it's walls.  I never take it for granted and I know how blessed I was to get it when I did.  It was and is just perfect for me.


Alas, we did not make it to the farm markets yesterday.  I found myself quite unable to fall asleep on Thursday night, it was well past 3 in the morning before I finally did succumb and it ended up that I was feeling far too tired to be able to enjoy such a jaunt.  We have put it off until this next week, perhaps Monday or Tuesday. We shall see what transpires.

Just as well perhaps, as yesterday was Friday the 13th. I am not a superstitious person, or at least I don't think that I am, but that was probably really tempting the fates to take such a long journey as that.  I did get out locally however. I needed some things like bread and milk, plus I am slotted to make a meal for someone from church and some school lunches for their boy and I needed to get in some things in order to be able to do that and be able to bring them with me to church on Sunday.

But I did spend all day in a bit of a fog, and then even last night when I went to bed, I had problems falling asleep. I think perhaps I was a bit overtired by then.  I do think I will sleep much better tonight, or at least I hope that I will!


It was becoming quite unmistakable however as Cindy and I drove not too far that Autumn is taking hold of the landscape in our small community.  Leaves are turning, turning, turning.  There is a different feel in the air . . . a kind of glow.  It is not hard for me to see why this is my favorite season. The joy it brings with it is pretty unmistakable.  We have sunny days with beautiful skies that look like blue meadows full of white gardenias.   Golden leaves turn and begin to fall  from the sugar maples and dance a pirouette along the way.  Tis only the start but each day will bring  more and more and more . . . 

You go out with a sweater on, but are soon ditching it as the sun still holds a fair bit of warmth which is amplified within the confines of the car. 


Now is the time to be about clipping golden rod for drying. Red velvet cockscomb or princess feather can be cut too and many autumn grasses.  Wild asters are out along the country fences and with the golden rod create a purple-and-gold pathway for autumn.  Now too, the time to clip and dry your herbs.

The days are growing noticeably shorter now and migrant birds are beginning to leave according to their own mysterious schedules.  I have not seen any hummers at all for a few days now, not since I saw that one sitting at the feeder drinking for about five minutes or more the other night at dusk.

Squirrels fling themselves from tree to tree and branch to branch in a burst of activity.  I put out peanuts for them, and the chipmunk as well, hoping to satiate them, but it is never enough I sigh as I watch them greedily eat everything from the feeders  that I have put out for the birds . . . .  between them and the Jays they always clear them out.  But, I tell myself  . . .  they have to eat as well, so I suppose that its all going to a good place.  I just wish they weren't so greedy and would leave some for the birds I actually put it out for  . . . 

I got a lovely surprise in the post yesterday. My friend Tatiana (from Greece) sent me a post card, and it is a very autumnal one. I love it, but more than that I love that she saw it and thought of me, knowing that the autumn is my favorite season of the year.  How very wonderful it is to be thought of.

I often think of people and I am reminded that when I do I need to act on the promptings and either write a note, or an e-mail, say a prayer, pick up the telephone, etc. I believe that people come into your mind for a reason and we need to follow through on the promptings that come along with those thoughts. God has put them into your heart and mind for a reason.  We may never know why for sure, but acting on them bring joy into both your lives.  That is never a bad thing.


Earlier this week, on the 9th, it was the president of my church's 100th birthday.  He is slowing down physically but his mind is still as quick as can be.  They had a special Birthday Celebration for him on YouTube that we could all watch, with some lovely music and messages for him from around the world and from his family.  There are not many of us as will get to that ripe old age I don't think. 

"My dear brothers and sisters, the length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live. For each of us, even for a 100 year old man, life passes quickly. My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life."

My father will be 91 on his birthday in January. He is enjoying living at Cindy's I think.  She makes him a nice breakfast every morning, and would make him a healthy lunch every day, but . . .  he wants to go to Tim Hortons and have a donut with his tea in the afternoon.

She has been cooking him a good supper every night for a few years now. She takes care of his laundry and has been doing that for a few years as well, not just since he moved in. She makes his bed up all neat and tidy every morning, makes sure his cat is well fed and cared for, etc. 

Most important of all he feels loved, wanted and needed. That is all any person really wants I suppose. I hope that we have our father blessing our lives for a good while longer. 


There has been a rash of criminal activity in our small communities lately.  At the latter part of August three individuals, dressed in costumes to hide their identities broke into one of our town's grocery stores and stole over $10,000 dollars worth of cigarettes and meat. They figure that was two guys and a girl. They have pretty clear CCTV images of them, but of course the costumes make them very difficult to identify.  There were two individuals that went through town as well, knocking over and destroying the planter and slashing tires at the Car lot, and now this past week a man has been arrested for murder, although his victim's remains have not been located as of yet.  Every day also it seems that people are being caught CCTV cameras trying to get into cars at night, etc.

I am grateful to have a garage to park my car in at night and that I have good neighbors who notice everything that goes on in our neighborhood.  All these things are just a sign of the times we are living in.  Fortunately there are far more good people about than there are bad, and for that I am truly grateful. Also, because we live in such a small area, crimes such as these are few and far between. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.˛.Be like a honey bee,
anything it eats is clean,
anything it drops is sweet,
and the branch it sits upon
does not break.  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Maple Oatmeal Princess Cake

 Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Maple Oatmeal Princess Cake.  This is a simple but very delicious cake.  With a moist and tender crumb and an incredibly moreish sweet maple, coconut and pecan topping.  

I hope that you have a beautiful weekend. Whatever you get up to, please stay safe. Be happy. Don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Thursday 12 September 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Lets share! 


Border Collies. They are such smart and energetic dogs.  I loved our Jess.  She was a great dog. Seems so long ago now  . . . 


So sweet. I love this picture. It reminds me of the story books I used to read to my children. 


A wonderful thought to begin each day with  . . . 


Wooden clothespins  . . .  I wonder how many things this one has helped to hang up.


Country walks and country stiles  . . .  they are always a sweet surprise . . . and then you have to get yourself over them  . . . 


White underthings  . . .  


Baking  . . . 


Clocks  . . . 


Apple season . . . 


Dahlias  . . .  so pretty  . . . 


Pretty teaspoons  . . .  and cups  . . . 


Mittens  . . .  I prefer them over gloves. These look particularly soft and nice  . . . 


Deep windowsills and jugs filled with blooms . . . 


Badger  . . . 


Something to warm the hands  . . . 


This  . . . 


Everything about this  . . . 


Oh my  . . .  yes please  . . . 


French apple tarts  . . . 


Each of you. So glad you're here.

And those are my favorite things for today  . . . 

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°Friendship isn't a big thing . . .
its a million little things.
Paulo Coelho
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Baked Bean Soup

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Baked Bean Soup.  This is quite simply delicious and sized for the smaller family.

I hope you have a beautiful day. I will not be here tomorrow. Cindy and I are going on our Farmer's Market tour, so I will see you on Saturday!  In the meantime stay safe and be happy. Don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .


There used to be an AGA in the kitchen of the big house where I worked at the Manor.  It kept the kitchen warm in the winter months. I used to enjoy cooking on it, and used it often. Especially when I was cooking for a dinner party and needed plenty of cook space.  It was great for keeping plates warm as well.  

Of course it was not on in the summer months. It got turned off in May and didn't come on again until September.  During those months I cleaned it so that it was sparkling.  It was exactly like the one in the photo above.  With a warming plate on the left and two warming ovens and the two burners and two ovens on the right. The only difference is the one at the Manor had chrome covers over the top burners.

No laundry was hanging to dry over that one I can tell you, not ever. lol


I did a little video yesterday about my Big Blue Binder.  I got a bit emotional when I was doing it. I don't think I realized how much that binder means to me until I started doing the video and going through some of its pages. All of the memories attached to those recipes and the love I have for the people who shared them with me who are no longer with us.  I got very teary eyed thinking about them. I really hope that one of my children will want the Big Blue Binder when I am gone, even if it is falling apart at the seams now.   A lot of the things I used to cook for them when they were growing up  . . .  the recipes are right there, in the binder.   It is the history of my cooking journey through the years . . . I don't think I could give that up for anything.  Or change it.  

Not in a heartbeat  . . . it is like the who's who of my culinary journey.


Are these not the most unusual coffee mugs you have ever seen. I believe they have been made by this person on Instagram. She has a lot of beautiful ceramics, but the page is in a foreign language so I can't now if this person actually makes these things or is just a collector of these things.

I mean  . . .  look at these, and not just the mugs, those toadstools as well . . .  sweet.

And don't get me started on this.  Adorable  . . . 

I am in awe of the talents of people in this world.  To think that all of these things and others that we see first have their beginnings in people's minds. It is so inspiring.

My sister's latest pages in her art journal.  She is one of those very talented people I think.  I know I am biased, but she is.

I have  missed our morning cycling, etc. things have certainly changed in some ways since dad moved into her place. I am grateful to know that our father is safe now and living there, however. I would not change that for anything.


Looking at this makes me long for a handknit cardigan. Especially with the colder months looming.  My sister is the knitter. I never really developed that talent. Oh, I can crochet, but knitting is not my forte. Mom was the knitter. She liked to knit mittens and those cotton drying towels that you can hang in the kitchen for drying your hands. She also loved to do embroidery. I can remember her teaching me to embroider with a small piece of cotton, a needle and some threads  . . .  sweet memories.

It was probably to earn a badge for the Brownies.  I had lots of Brownie badges. I loved being a Brownie and then a Girl Guide. It was nice to belong to something, like a club almost.  I learned so much through that organization.  There were always small goals to achieve and achievement was rewarded through the earning of badges and responsibility as well.  I can remember feeling very proud of myself when I became a seconder and then a sixer, being made responsible for the girls under my care. I took my responsibilities very seriously.

I was a girl guide right up until I was 15 and then I quit going. The organization that I was going to was not the same as it had been in the years past and there was a huge lack of leadership and it was just no longer something that interested me.

I was a Brownie leader when my girls were growing up. I loved being a part of that for them.  Also one time when we were down to London (in the U.K.) we went to Baden Powell House and saw his statue there.  I was really pleased to see it. 

That was a great trip to London that time.  It was the weekend of the Turkey Awards back in 2012. 

That was such a huge deal for me.  Imagine this girl from small town Nova Scotia, winning a National Industry Award and being presented it at the Savoy Hotel in London?  I could have never dreamt that I would ever experience such a thing. That was a magical experience for sure. I had to leave the award back in the U.K. when I left to come back to Canada as it was far too heavy for me to bring back with me. But I have the memory and the photograph, and the certificate, lol.  Imagine that!


This was the recipe I developed that I won the award for.  Parmesan Crusted Turkey Steaks with a Tomato and Peppadew Relish.  Such a simple thing really.  But they liked it. They really liked it.

Imagine . . . that was such a great weekend all round, not even including the turkey awards.  We got to do all the touristy things like visit Kensington Palace and the British Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum and to visit Greenwich where Greenwich Mean Time exists, etc.  to take a cruise down the Thames, eat at the infamous Borough Market.  So many fun things.  I am so grateful that I got to do all of these things.  I have led a pretty amazing life all things considered.


I watched a hummingbird, a female, at my feeder for quite some time last night. She drank and drank and drank. I am glad that I have not taken it down yet.  I also had a woodpecker visiting it yesterday.  It will soon be time to contact the girl that I had work on my garden in the spring so that I can get her to come and clean it up for the Winter.  I will have to message her to ask when would be a good time. She did an excellent job in the spring. Hopefully she is still doing this type of thing.

Today I honor all the heroes from 9-11.  May we never forget what happened on that horrible day.

I really don't have a lot more to share this morning. My life has gotten pretty boring as of late. I need to shake things up a bit and start doing more than just sit and ponder and watch other people living their lives. Watch this space.

A thought to carry with you   . . . 

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 *.˛.One can dream so much better
in a room where there are pretty things.
~Anne Shirley
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Maple Molasses Blueberry Muffins

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Maple Molasses Blueberry Muffins. These are really delicious, wholesome and nutritious. 

I will be meeting my father and Hazel for supper later today.  I wonder what the specials are. We shall see!  I don't really go for the food, but to spend time with my father. 


I hope that you have a lovely day today, filled with peace and with joy. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!