Monday 29 April 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


Having the family over for Sunday Supper.  Yesterday I had my sister, Dan and dad over for supper.  It was just a simple repast, nothing too elaborate.  I wanted to give my sister a day off from cooking for everyone. When I lived in England I could only dream about doing things like this. Now I get to do it for real.  That is a HUGE blessing for me.  One that I will never take for granted.

The household Snoopervisor at work. Not  much escapes his eagle eyes.  He likes to watch me when I am working.  At a distance of course. I don't let either of them get too close. Funny how animals like to be in on the things that you are doing.  Especially where food is concerned! Mitzie was the same.

How nice it is to have the company. 

Twice a year my church has what is known as General Conference.  A time when we gather as a body of believers and listen to special talks and inspiration. Food for the soul.  Every night, after  my prayers,  I listen to one of those talks in bed.  I do this on rotation, starting at the first talk and then moving through them one by one, night by night, and when I am done them all, I begin again.   This is a great way to wind down at the end of the day and fill my mind with goodness. 


I remember one time, a few years back, I was struggling with forgiveness.  I listened to this talk every day for about six months. I found that talk helped me immeasurably. In due time I was no longer struggling with forgiveness.   And even today, if I find those feelings starting to creep back in, I listen to the talk again. It is so helpful.


Cindy and I went halves on a large tin of freeze dried sliced organic strawberries. It was not cheap I guess, but cut in half a bit more affordable.  I now have a nice big jar of freeze dried berries, that I can crush and add to meringues or cream, etc.  fold whole into my morning cereal, or even just snack on out of hand.  They are quite simply lovely. Getting to share them with my sister is a bonus.

She brought me a container of her lentil tabouleh salad yesterday. I am going to enjoy that for my supper tonight!

This is the best way to live your life. Looking outside yourself and your own problems and troubles to the problems and troubles of others. Reaching out in love to those around you. Not because of anything that they can do for you, but because of what you can do for them.  A life of serving in whatever capacity you can is a life well lived.  Maybe it is the gift of a pleasant word or two, or the gift of a phone call, visit, etc. Perhaps it is the simple act of letting someone know that they are seen and not alone.  There is always something we can do for someone else and it need never take a lot of time, money, effort, etc.  If you do this often enough it becomes a natural part of who you are, and life becomes richer and more meaningful.  I hold that to be true.

Making space in your life for laughter.  Laughter is a natural medicine that feeds the soul immeasurably.  It is healing.  It is probably the cheapest therapy out there that you can get!  Laughter is the fireworks of the soul. A good laugh relieves physical tension and stress. Sunshine in the house. Sunshine in your soul.

These probably all came from the same
mother and father and yet are so unique and beautiful.

I was out picking some chives from my back garden yesterday and the hyacinth, dandelions, etc. were alive with bees. Just humming. I almost couldn't get any chives, there were so many.  Spring is definitely springing.


I am so grateful for a place to call home. In a world where so many do not have even a stone to lay their heads upon, I never take my four walls for granted.  It is a blessing denied to many and I thank God for my home every day.  I think to myself, there, but for the Grace of God go I.  

Homelessness can happen to anyone through a catastrophic series of events. Nobody is immune.  As communities we need to do more to help the homeless amongst us, to alleviate the hurting, to bless the poor.   Because we have been given much  . . . it behooves us to share what we can of our abundance, whenever we can. There is a restaurant in town that you can go and pay for a meal for someone in need. I am not sure how it works exactly, but I think it is a good thing.  A couple of churches in town do free meals several nights/days a week.  I think one is called The Kings Kitchen.   Such a good thing to do for those in need of help.

We can all do something with our abundance.  Give to the local food bank, donate to the homeless charity, buy a meal, etc.  

If everyone who had enough, gave even a small portion of what they had, the world could be dramatically changed.  It would not take much.


And that is my message for today, to share of your abundance with others in need.  Be it a word, or a smile, a laugh, a crust of bread, etc. Move outside of yourself, even if only in a small way. What is a small thing/effort for you, can mean everything, the whole world,  to someone else.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.When the world is so complicated
the simple gift of friendship
is within all of our hands.
~Maria Shriver° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

In The English Kitchen today  . . . Crispy Pork Cutlets and Cabbage.  Such a simple thing, but beautiful textures and flavors. Baked, not fried.

I hope you have a beautiful day and week, filled with abundance and loads of small and wonderful things. Whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Love your Snooperviser, such a treasure for you. I did a good deed today by sharing one of my coupons for gluten free bread with an lady I did not know at the grocery store., She was choosing the same product as me, so I took the opportunity to share the coupon and told her how to get hew own. A rainy start to the day, but clearing a bit now. Enjoy those freeze dried strawberries in your various recipes. Happy Monday.

    1. That was a good deed indeed Linda! With today's prices we all need all of the help we can get! I am sure the woman appreciated your coupon very much! Dry here today, and was dry again yesterday. We have not had a whole lot of rain yet this spring. xoxo

  2. Happy new week and get your happy on! Thanks, V.

  3. I try to keep cabbage on hand always...gonna have to try out this slaw recipe!!! Speaking of freeze dried strawberries...using your donut cake recipe (made gluten free of course), I used 2 T. of some I just got the other day...then fresh strawberries on top with some ice cream or whipped cream. We liked it...but I think next time I will try 1/4 C. of the strawberry powder instead...was not quite as strong as we wanted it to be. I got the powder to try out in shakes and smoothies.
    Elizabeth xoxo


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