Wow, it's really cold outside at the moment. -14*C/7*F, but it says it feels much colder. The high today is going to be -9*C/16*F. So, yeh cold. Nothing but light snow is expected. It did snow a bit yesterday. I went out in the afternoon to get my prescriptions. Some of them are mixed up so I had to call the Doctor's office. He is supposed to call me back today at some point to straighten them out. I was going to do a video today, but I may have to put it off until tomorrow as I will need to keep my phone free until he calls.
Is anyone else like this. When I know I have an appointment or some such it kind of takes over my day. And not knowing when exactly the appointment will be is even worse because I can't plan for it. Or work around it because . . . it could happen anytime at all.
My son Doug is the same. He says he prefers morning appointments for things because he does the same thing and that at least if it is in the morning then he has the rest of the day to do stuff. But if the appointment is in the afternoon, he can't get anything done at all, because, you know . . . he has an appointment.
That is "me" too! Apples really don't fall far from trees.
I was watching this Finnish vlog that I like yesterday, and they had taken a weekend away with the family to a zoo. Apparently places like zoos and parks in Finland have hotels and all sorts of amenities attached. I find different cultures and countries very fascinating. I am an armchair traveler.
I found myself feeling quite sad while they were going around the zoo. I know many of the animals have been bred in captivity and know no other life and some of them are rescue animals, but it still makes me feel incredibly sad to see animals caged up. We should be the ones in the cages. Animals deserve to be free, living in their own natural habitats. I don't really like zoos. Not at all.
I do like nature programs on the television, like David Attenborough. That is how I want to view wildlife in the world, and nature. In the wild. The only parts I don't like are when they are hunting for food. I hate to see that at all, and I also hate it when one gets stuck in the mud, or a baby animal finds itself away from the herd, etc. I want to rescue it and get upset that nobody does. I don't know if anyone else is like that or not. I am sure many people out there feel the same.
I have been wanting a rocking chair. I keep looking at them, but don't want to risk spending the money. They have some nice wooden ones on Wayfair, but I also need a wardrobe and am afraid to spend the money on one of those as well. So far this year my income is less than half of what it was last year at this time, and it is not for lack of effort. The numbers are just down.
I try not to be afraid when I see that happening. (Hard to do, but I try.) It is really scary in so many ways, having your life be totally dependent on something such as that. That is not where I thought I would find myself in my old age. Sitting constantly on the edge of a precipice, but it is what it is. That's what comes from having made poor choices in life.
I don't think many people have stability in employment anymore. There is no such thing as job security. Not really. My middle son and his wife both work full time at minimum wage jobs. They live with her parents along with their three boys. They will never be able to own a home of their own. Not now.
And they are both university educated. She works at Kent Building Supplies, and he works at Staples. The saving grace of both their jobs is that they had good medical benefits which is important when you have children.
It is a much different world out there today. I do not believe there is anything such as job security any longer, and I think in most cases, two jobs are needed to just keep a family afloat.
Looking back, it would have been much better for me had I not stayed home to raise my family. I should have pursued a career much earlier in life than when I did. My mistake. I put all my eggs into other people's baskets, when I should have been putting them into my own.
I am not complaining though. I like being busy. I am much slower than I used to be, but I am still busy. I don't have time to get bored or lonely. I am actually very content. It is good to have a purpose and a job. Something which keeps me occupied. I probably waste more time with my head in the clouds than I should do actually. I should be busier, or at least more actively thinking about ways to keep myself afloat and then putting those thoughts into action.
I am going to try to put my new shower head up today. I did try yesterday, but with my sore shoulder I couldn't reach up to do it. I will have to try figure out another way of getting around it. I don't have a step ladder that I can get up on, and it is a bit slippy in the shower anyways. But where there is a will there is a way, and I will figure it out somehow.
I want to start a new embroidery project as well, and I have a blanket that I need to finish. Cindy has been working on a crochet Dachshund, which is supposed to be a keychain. Very cute.
It has ended up being much larger than this however, even using the correct yarn. She has a couple more patterns in the same style. One is a tiger and another is a rabbit. All cute. I am not sure my fingers could get around that small a crochet these days, nor my eyes. My eyes are the biggie. They just do not work the way that they used to.
I think that is one of the keys to a happy life. A continuous flow of small things done with great love. Simple pleasures and pursuits that you put your whole heart into. I actually need to get a lot done today. I need to dust and vacuum, and I need to wash my floors as well as figure out how to put the shower head up. I have laundry to fold and things to sort. I need to do a general tidy up. I wish I was better at tidying up as I went along. I do try.
Yesterday when I was on my way home from the Chemist's I got to my street and the garbage truck was there right at the end of the street so I couldn't turn in and he couldn't leave either. There was just not enough space. I ended up having to go to the next street over and turn in there and then get myself turned back around. There are quite a few seniors' places on that next street, and they are much nicer than these where I am, but they are also much more expensive than these ones are. I am happy where I am. Getting this place was a real blessing and a gift. I was very lucky to get this place when I did.
I had a nice little conversation with Doug last night on messenger. He is enjoying his week off. He got to the guitar school yesterday and picked up some kind of thingie for his guitar. He was looking forward to everyone being out of the house today so he could play with it. An Ibanez Tube Screamer. I do not know what that is, but it sounds noisy to me! Both of my two younger sons love to play the guitar. Doug is mostly self-taught. He used to play on a worship team when he was going to ABU. I think he should get back into that, but he probably doesn't have time now with having a full-time job and a family to care for. It is good though that he has guitar as a hobby. I think everyone needs a hobby that they can immerse themselves into from time to time.
My grandsons all have hobbies. One is a baker/cook. One likes to work on electronics. Another is into basketball and two others are into gaming. Well, they are probably all into gaming to some degree. They are all good kids. I think my granddaughter is into some kind of girls' hockey thing, I believe it is called ringette. I do not know what her brother does and of course my youngest grandson started pee wee hockey this year. It is good for kids to be busy. It keeps them out of trouble.
And with that I have exhausted my topics of conversation for today. Nothing was too exciting I'm afraid. Some days are just like that.
A thought to carry with you . . .
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Learn from old people and be wise.
~Lailah Gifty Akita° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
I made the tastiest soup yesterday. Rice and Smothered Cabbage Soup. This was seriously the most delicious soup I have ever made. The cabbage melted in your mouth and the flavors were outstanding!
I hope you all have a beautiful Wednesday. Whatever you get up to I hope it brings you joy. Stay warm and stay safe. Don't forget along the way of your day . . .
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And I do too!

I am like that too..any day with an appointment..I am a morning doer..if I have errands I do them in the AM J is afternoon..His morning treadmill is a no contest It wins.. for all these yrs.Proud of him.So often Ill go in the aft with every 2 weeks Costco.But for an appt..I prefer afternoons..and not in the dark anymore lol.Early morning out of the house appt are not for me.I had too many yrs of that:) I liked my career when I did it almost 30 yrs.Would not enjoy it today.If you think things are pricey now:( Wow..what does th future hold with the new Oligarchy:(He makes me fret.And I find that troubling.
ReplyDeleteI'm a morning person for shopping and appointments. Very often we are home before the major shopping malls etc are open, they are open at 10, thank goodness grocery stores open earlier than that. It is hard to do something if there is a later appointment. It if frigid here today, last night was the coldest night including wind chills. But the plus it the sun is really shining today. But temperatures are going up during the day and it will snow later this evening and most of tomorrow. Stay warm and cozy.
ReplyDeleteMe too, Marie...definitely a morning person here, and definitely morning appointments whenever possible--LOL! And like you, I have never liked zoos. I remember in high school we went to a zoo which was also part of a park experience. I didn't want to go, but we had to. The park was lovely, but the zoo made me sad. I think a lot of people are worried over money, so you are not alone. We worry about it. With prices ever rising--and just food prices alone being so high--it's all rather scary. Thank goodness for nice things that lift the spirits in between all the worry--like those doggie key chains, how adorable! And that soup in your Kitchen looks delicious! It has been cold here too, very much soup weather still! LOVE to You! OXOX--Tracy B.
ReplyDeleteAppts or errands do seem to take up the largest part of the day...even small ones...and then we feel exhausted afterwards anyway. One thing is that nearly nothing is simple anymore...somehow companies have figured out how to make things pure torture!! Yea, we are worried about money part because we are going to be paying almost $400 more a month now for an apt. Just because of the ineptitude of others (owners, managers of the apt complex here, and of course, half of it is the criminal upstairs). But I am afraid I will end up in very bad shape if we stay due to the body is telling me I must destress. Of course, moving is a misery and never stressfree, but our kids say they will help us. Why does life have to be so complex and hard when we are old??
ReplyDeleteHUGS, Elizabeth