Yesterday was not a good day. Oh. It didn't rain or anything like that. Or snow even. Nothing untoward happened. It was a day. Just like any other. I played. I puttered. I got my work done. Then I decided that I could not put off going to the store any longer. So, I went.
It happened on my way home from the shop.
I usually like to take a certain route back because I like to drive into my garage from a particular angle. Even if it takes me a bit out of the way, I will do things like that. I learned how to drive all the way around Calgary never making left hand turns because we had only plastic covering the windows on the passenger side. I am adaptable like that. I like to find my comfort zone and that is the route I will take.
So anyways, I turned down the street that goes past the town library, a church, the high school, Tim Hortons, the town rink . . . the house that I was so enamored with as to think I might be able to buy it before I even came back to Canada. (How foolish were my dreams.)
The street was lined with cars and people were walking towards the rink and I thought to myself, there must be a big hockey game, probably pee wee. People like to support the wee ones, their children, their nephews, their grandchildren and then . . . it hit.
I thought about my grandson who plays hockey. Liam. Five the end of March. My youngest son's son. The grandson I have never seen. The one grandchild I had so many hopes of being able to coddle and to cuddle when I came back to Canada as the others were all grown. I never had the chance or opportunity to coddle or cuddle them. I had hoped to coddle and cuddle him. (Again, how foolish were my dreams.)
My heart at that moment became weighed down with a grief and a sorrow that I cannot put a name to. It was heavy. It weighed heavy. I struggled not to cry so that I could see the road and get home safely, but . . . in that moment my heart shattered. It lay in a million pieces around me.
And the weight of all that I have endured over these past few years lay heavy upon me. And I carried it for the rest of the day. No matter how hard I tried to drop it or push it aside. It was just there. The pain and the grief. No amount of poking or prodding could budge it. I felt like my heart was screaming from the hurt of it all.
My middle son called just to say I love you and show off their new kitten, Sapphire. And I was grateful to hear from him. It was a glimmer and a glint. We did not talk for too long. I had a pizza in the oven, and he had sausages in the air fryer. I try not to let the others know too much about how I feel. It is not their weight to bear.
I made a salad and ate a piece of pizza with it. I was disappointed in the pizza. Really. It was a frozen one. It ended up being a thick one and I really don't like pizza that is too thick. Why did I buy it? I don't know. But I did and I ate part of it, froze the rest and will one day throw it away I know because, yes . . . it was that bad.
I finished my little embroidery pillow. I was/am quite pleased with how it turned out. For the most part anyways. I like the fabrics I chose for it. I had saved the ribbon from Elaine's gifts from Christmas. I always save the ribbons she puts on these. It's always so beautiful. A treat. Her gifts give from the outside in. I used some of the ribbon to tie on the pillow. It was just the right color.
I had ordered this book from Amazon. I fell in love with it when I saw it. It ended up being much larger than I had supposed, but it is quite a lovely book. I do so enjoy pretty books. And if they are books of prose so much the better. As you know I really love poetry. I think I should write my own book of poetry. Perhaps that could be cathartic.
Or maybe not. Does writing out the pain help it to disappear. Maybe I will try it and see.
All I know is I feel pain, deep rooted, deep seated pain. And it does not ease. It is always there like a rock sitting at the bottom of my soul, and every once in a while, it rises to the top like cream, except it is not sweet. If I shake it, will it turn into butter? Probably not.
It is a weight to carry around for certain and I am sorry for you:( I have followed your sorrow for years..:( One day I hope amends will be made.. Could there not be an intervention of sorts..Your dad must be sad re this also.I am really sorry for you Marie..Be aware.. that families have issues..not just yours..And you are right some have had nearly absent parents and do anything for their love and attention.No rhyme or reason:(
ReplyDeleteI do not believe that there is a resolution to this problem. I just have to learn to live with it. That's the hard part. Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate them very much. xoxo
DeleteSo sorry is a good thing to divert one's path in order to not be reminded, but in your small area, that is perhaps not possible. Things happen in this world that cut to the core. Others may or may not they are doing it even. But it does not diminish the pain we feel!! I hope you will feel better because such grief could not only break your heart emotionally, but it could lead to your physical heart breaking in two as well and that would be a huge loss to your children who do love you and those of us who know you in other ways!! I think one reason others will crush us so is simply they did not inherit our DNA enough...whatever other DNA they got overides the compassionate, caring, loving DNA. It is sad for them as most possibly they WILL get to experience such grief themselves at some point being what it is. Do whatever you can to be compassionate to yourself, Marie!! Sending gobs of HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that none of my children ever have to experience what I am experiencing. I do not wish it on any of them. It is so heartbreaking. I do hope that I don't die of a broken heart. I have much left to do that I want to do! Hugs, xoxo
DeleteOh Marie, I’m so sorry. This is a terrible heartache that I think any mother, anywhere in any time, would feel as you do. Such pain for such an unknown reason is unbearable. Breathe and be the lovely mom that you and others know you are. 🙏🏼 Virginia
ReplyDeleteThanks Virginia. Obviously, there is some kind of trauma that I am not aware of. I can do nothing but try to put the pain aside and move on. Very hard. But I will get there. xoxo
Delete((BIG HUGS)) coming your way, my friend! I’m so sorry it was such a painful day for you. I hope so much a day comes when amends are made (to you) and all the pieces of your family come into place. 🙏🏻 How lovely is the little HOME pillow—sooo pretty. 🌷 And how sweet the Emily Dickinson book—have always loved Emily’s poems! I can highly recommend the writing of poetry for all seasons of life and the heart. 🩷 I find writing poetry helps me through everything. Write it down. You don’t have to keep the words, but writing is so cathartic for the heart and mind. In the meantime… MUCH LOVE coming your way. 🤗
ReplyDeleteThanks Tracy. I might start a therapy poetry journal. Anything to help me move forward is not a bad idea. Love to you also. xoxo
DeleteSo sorry to hear of your pain. Does your church offer counseling? Sometimes it is helpful to have someone help you work through the pain. Someone who can offer a different perspective and help you make some peace with it.