Thursday, 30 January 2025

My Favorite Things , , ,


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 


Watercolors, chickens and tea. Three of my favorite things in one. Art by Martyna Czub, Fresh Brewed Life.


French Pastries  . . .  especially croissants.


Matching color palates . . . 


Sleeping alcoves  . . . 


A hot drink and a biscuit/cookie . . .  loving this cup and saucer also.


A cozy reading corner . . . another alcove. I love alcoves.


Icicles. When we were kids we used to break them off and suck on them. Like a winter popsicle, without flavor.  I shudder at the thought now  . . . 


Simplicity . . .


Old wooden furniture  . . . 


This  . . . 


This too . . . 


Pretty pottery mugs  . . .  love this.


They matter most  . . . 


Old Cookbooks  . . . 


Ruffles  . . . 


Old black and white photographs . . .


Flatbreads  . . . 


Hares with lanterns  . . . 


Lace tablecloths  . . . 


Snow drops . . . 


The scent of coffee and brown sugar  . . . 


Teal . . . 


Oh deer . . . 


Nobody could be you-er than you . . .


Safety pins  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week!


I was talking to Cindy on the phone yesterday and she said why didn't I put an old blanket or some such into my cat cave.  I had a knitted blanket that was kind of tatty that my dad's friend Maryann had knitted. (a lot of dropped stitches in it I had planned to fix but didn't know how to.) Anyways, I folded it up and put it into the cat cave . . .  curiosity was immediately piqued  . . . 

It didn't take very long, and Nutmeg was in there making biscuits while Cinnamon waited patiently outside. My sister IS the cat whisperer.

This is what it looks outside now. More snow to come . . . 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.°The cure for boredom is curiosity.
There is no cure for curiosity.
~Ellen Parr° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Five Minute Stir Fry Sauce

In the kitchen today, Five Minute Stir Fry Sauce.  Simple.  Five ingredients, five minutes, one very delicious sauce!

It's very cold out there today and they say temperatures are going to plumet on Saturday. I dread to think!  I am so grateful for my cozy little home. Cindy and I were talking yesterday, and we said I have what a lot of people wish they had. A house all to myself and nobody to answer to. My two furry companions and control of the remote.

Have a beautiful day! Stay safe and stay warm.  Don't forget!


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And I do too!    



  1. Hi, Marie! It's so GREAT to catch up with you! This week has flown by, and, honestly, I'm not where the whole of January went either...LOL! So much beauty and many delights shared here today, my friend. Oh, but I have a weakness for croissants...I could eat one a day, and it's a pity they're not exactly the most healthy things. TJ says they're butter wrapped in air--ha! And there is the love affair with the hot drink and biscuit. Again, all the good stuff has too many calories, etc.! LOVE that alcove/window seat--have always wanted one of those. The words of wisdom--such nice reminders...thank you. I LOVE the color teal. I wish it could be found more among clothing out there. Thankfully I see it in yarn sometimes. How FUN--the cat cave! Your kitties are soooo beautiful, Marie! TJ is a cat whisperer too. How do people get that "gene" I wonder?! And how lovely all the SNOW!! Thanks for this post's like a balm for the spirit! LOVE & HUGS--Tracy OXOX

  2. Our homes..our havens:) I sucked icicles too in my day:)I get pics of my blankets with doggies liking them lol:)

  3. How lovely the cats are investigating the cat cave, smart Cindy. Very cold and sunny here, staying inside. Be warm and cozy.

  4. Oh my, winter is there!! Hope you stay warm enough!! Ah, funny what gets their attention! You do have a point...your living setup is indeed peaceful...even a good neighbor, imagine that!! Much to be said for peace!! Whomever lives here next will at least have decent light outside at night because yesterday they FINALLY, after 2 years of darkness, fixed the street is bright as day!! Hahaha...the goon upstairs must be beside himself!!
    Stay safe!! Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

  5. You’re almost snowed in, Marie. Take good care if you have to go out. Love all your favourites. We really enjoyed your video making English pancakes. It’s almost like having a visit with you. We, too, sucked on icicles as kids. What were we thinking, lol? Now I need to go and gave a cookie with a cup of tea. Stay warm. ❄️ Love and hugs, Elaine


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