Thursday, 9 January 2025

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 

Fairy lights. A cozy corner in my living room with a few of my treasures, surrounded with fairy light . . . 

A cozy evening at home, while the snow falls outside and the temperatures drop, I am warm and safe and comfortable.


Chickadee dee dees . . . 


Red teapots  . . . 


Winter woolens  . . . I had some lovely wool throws in the U.K.


A solid night's sleep.  The snowplow clearing out the farm market right behind me woke me up at 5:15 this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep  . . .


Warm woolen mittens  . . . 


A pretty breakfast table . . .


Scones with clotted cream and jam  . . . 


Pretty post cards  . . . 


Crystal stemware  . . . 


This  . . . 


Baking something delicious to eat  . . .  and share  . . . 


Pretty stationary  . . . 


A round window  . . .  such charm.


Winding yarn into balls  . . .  I find it relaxing . . . 


Simple games  . . .  did you play with something like this when you were a child?  I did, not this fancy.


Ice Cream in a pretty bowl  . . . 

Biscotti . . . I can still remember the very first time I tasted one. It was love at first bite.


Dramatic landscapes  . . . 


Grey Tabbies  . . . 


Color in winter  . . . 


Fresh bread  . . . 


Dove soap  . . . 


A hot drink with lemon  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week. Hoping that some of them are yours also and that they brought you joy.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°What do we live for if
not to make the world 
less difficult for each other.
~George Eliot
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Savory Beef Casserole with Dumplings

A bit of comfort food in The English Kitchen today by way of Savory Minced Beef Casserole with Dumplings.  Very delicious. Easy and Economical as well.

I hope that you have a beautiful day filled with joyous things. Don't forget to count your blessings!  Also, don't forget!


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And I do too!    



  1. Morning, Marie, so many lovely favourites today. Loved the pretty tulips on a wintry day and the scone with clotted cream and jam. I’m hungry for breakfast now. Have a grand day. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. I found some clotted cream at the Sobeys before Christmas Elaine and it was very good. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast! Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. Ah, little chickadees...such amazing little birds with their little beep beeps...lots of pretties today. We are to get snow sometime tomorrow. Not planning to go anywhere.
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Home is the best place to be when it snows Elizabeth! Hugs, xoxo

  3. Love seeing the chickadees in this cold weather flitting around the feeders, plus lots of other birds. Your twinkle lights are lovely, sure to bring an ambiance to your rooms. It is still really cold, but sunny. Off to have an xray of neck this morning, been waiting for ages. Have a good day.

    1. I hope the xray went well. It is a shame we have to wait so long for these things, but at least (so far) things like that are free in this country. I hope that continues! xoxo

  4. Lovely favorites, pretty stationary, winter woolens, kittens, etc. all my favorites also. Hoping the winds stop here in Southern CA, too much heartache…thank Heaven the fires haven’t reached us, hope that continues….but such a tragedy for so many, hard to believe.
    Counting our blessings is a good thing. Best, Virginia

    1. Thanks so much Virginia. It is tragic. I hope and pray you will be okay and safe from the fires. To lose everything, whether you are a pauper or a millionaire is no easy thing. It's just tragic all round. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!