Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



Good morning everyone. I just could not resist showing you this photo I took yesterday of Nutmeg.  I happened to look over at my table and this is what I saw.  He is sleeping underneath the flounce of one of my chair covers.  The cats quite like to tuck themselves under them. I am quite sure he thinks that I can't see him, but there is no mistaking those white boots.  Nutmeg in very much in there!

I have a thing for ginger cats, especially if they are wearing white boots.


Remembering the ginger and white cat I created for that children's book I illustrated about 11 years ago now.  The author never ever did manage to get it published, but I did have a lot of fun illustrating it.

I think  I was channeling my inner Nutmeg even then. 

Those were the days when I was being extra creative. Making paper dolls, matchbox dolls and felt cat dolls.  Somehow I lost my mojo between then and now, and have not quite got it back again.

It was a whole different world, a whole different life back then.  I still feel sad about it all and all that happened, perhaps I always will. I suppose it is only natural.


I got out of here for a short yesterday. I needed to pick up my prescriptions and my sister wanted to go to Spurrs Farm Market as they were getting in their bakery order yesterday. So we went to the Drugstore first and then on up to Spurrs.  I bought some naughty's.  (Why do I do that to myself?  I know I shouldn't be eating naughty things. MUST do better. To be honest, I froze them all, except for the sourdough olive loaf, a small French stick and an oatmeal cookie.) 

Then we went to Canadian Tire.  I wanted to get a couple of these little measuring glasses like my father has.  They are small tumblers with the measures on the side. I thought I could use them in videos.  I also got  a batter bowl.  I used to have one in the U.K. A pampered chef one, but it got left behind. Again, I thought it would come in useful in videos. 

We popped into Sobey's so I could pick up some sandwich meat.  I also got some lamb chops.

We then went to Goucher's farm market on the way home. They had cauliflowers on for $2.99. Beautiful big fresh cauliflowers.

When I got home I made myself some supper.  It was getting on for 3:30 or so, so it was really a late lunch/early supper. 

A fresh Baguette Ficelles from Boulangerie L Vendeenne in Blockhouse, NS, filled with Grandpa Sikorski's ham (thinly sliced), honey mustard, lettuce and a Kraft Extra Cheddar Slice. On the side, some of my sister's homemade coleslaw vinaigrette, a couple of Oh Snap Dillie Bites, (fermented dill pickle slices) and for dessert, a lovely Oatmeal Raisin and Walnut Cookie!

It was really, really good and I was stuffed after all of that. 

I think I checked my emails about a thousand times yesterday to see if there was any updates, but so far there is nothing. I did get one from Allison this morning and will check it out a bit later on when my head is clearer. 

I have found these past 6 1/2 days to be quite emotionally and mentally exhausting to be honest.  The only way I have kept my sanity really is to just keep myself quite busy.  When I stop to think I find myself feeling quite despondent, and I don't like feeling that way. I am usually in a much more positive frame of mind. 

I played with my phone, trying to make a video, or trying to see if I could make a video. Old dog, new tricks. You just have to laugh at yourself sometimes.  I am trying to keep my perfectionist voice quiet. If I aim for perfection I will never get one done.  That's not how you start with this.  You just jump in, go with it and then hope that you improve as time goes on.

I wrote a short story. That ate up a couple hours of time.  And I had fun doing it.  I want to write more.  I came to mind that a book/novel/memoire is really just a bunch of short stories strung together. Who knows what will happen next.

And I had a brief chat with my son in NB who is back from his camping trip. We have plans to talk/facetime this morning.  His brother  (who is the youngest son of my first husband) lives not too far from me and he thinks that Evan might be able to help me, if not with the blog then at least with figuring out the video thing.  To be honest I am not sure how I feel about that.  Is it awkward?  I don't know.  I would be quite grateful actually, but am not sure if that is really something I should be doing.  Letting my ex ex husband's son help me.  Mind you, he hasn't been asked and might never be asked. And he might just think that it is really awkward as well. It would be different if my oldest son were actually here with me.

Basically I am just trying to have a positive outlook and not wallow.  I can be quite good at wallowing and I don't really want to go there.   One positive take from these last few days is that I have had the time to do a few things I normally don't have time to do. Like fold my laundry as soon as the dryer finishes drying it.  (I am normally pretty good at procrastinating that chore.)   I also got another bookcase curtain sewn. 

Tonight it is supper at the Big Scoop Night.  Supper with Dad and Hazel and Cindy.  We were talking yesterday about what we were going to order.  I had watched a video on YT by Gary Eats on the five best fish and chips shops in Whitby.  I am thinking fish and chips  . . .  but do I really need all that fat and calories???  Hmmm . . .  we shall see.

I have wittered on long enough now so I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.˛.°Imagine what our real 
neighborhoods would be like
if each of us offered, as a matter of course,
just one kind word to another person.
~Mister Rogers° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

I have always loved Mister Rogers.  He was such a dear, kind and caring person.

I hope that you enjoyed all of my old artwork here today, and  that you have a truly beautiful day.  Stay safe. Stay happy. Be blessed, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Tuesday 30 July 2024

A Day Book ...


FOR TODAY, July 30th, 2024


No picture today as it is still quite dark. I might be able to add one later on. I was awake at 5:30 this morning and it is not yet six. It is supposed to get quite warm today.  Typical summer weather for here. Clear, warm and humid.


Of course the blog problem is uppermost in my mind. I am beyond feeling desperate at the moment. I am trying hard to keep my faith up and to trust that all will be well with this situation, but nobody who can actually help me with it seems to care. Squarespace prides itself on having tech help available 24/7 but I have been now waiting since Thursday evening and no help has been forthcoming. I just keep getting emails saying thank you for your patience. Wait times are longer at the  moment due to the high volume of requests, yada yada yada

In the meantime I am sinking  . . . floundering  . . . I'm treading water as fast as I can. I am very much relying on the Lord to help keep me afloat.  I've done all that I can do for now. I don't know what else I can do.


I hope that I can figure out this video thing.  I tried to do a short one yesterday.  They are going to be abysmal until I can figure things out.  I don't know the first thing about any of this. Such a steep learning curve to try to come to grasp with at an age where I should be able to just relax and enjoy my life.  And even if I do get things running it will take months before I can possibly monetize any videos. I have seen people do it in 10 weeks.  I am not going to give up. I am dedicated to giving it my best shot. Something else I have had to completely put into the Lord's hands.


I can only share what was on my plate yesterday. No recipe. Just steamed fresh yellow beans, some frozen fried rice and frozen chicken balls which I drizzled with some plum sauce.


Jenna Bakes.  These Breakfast Stuffed Puff Pastry bars look really good.  In reality I wouldn't dare eat one, but that doesn't stop me from looking and drooling.


Elder Uchtdorf gave this talk back in October of 2011.  Forget me Not.  I remember when I first heard it, it was as if he was talking to me.  I was so inspired by the talk that I did a little piece of art to go with it.

My husband thought it was so good that I should send a copy to (Then) President Uchtdorf.  I poo pooed the idea but then I went and got a frame and sent it off.  In the month or so after I experienced a cancer scare.  I completely forgot about having sent this art to Elder Uchtdorf, I was so distracted with my health issues.  I remember I was waiting for test results to come back from the hospital.  On this particular day,  (The beginning of November) I heard the mail come through the letter box in the front door. When I went to check, there were two letters laying on the mat by the door. One was from the hospital. One was from the Office of the First Presidency of my church.  

I opened that one first.  It was a thankyou letter from President Uchtdorf. In it he thanked me for my gift and he also said the following:  "I commend you on staying faithful to your covenants through times of adversity and discouragement. God has blessed you, and He is mindful of the desires of your heart." 

I knew then that all would be okay, and it was.  No cancer. I remember laying in bed that night and re-reading his letter and thinking about how much my Heavenly Father cared about me, so much so that He had prompted an Apostle of the Lord to let me know that He did. And in revisiting that time this morning, I am encouraged once more by Elder Uchtdorf's words.  God is mindful of the desires of my heart. He is on the case. I just need to exercise more patience and do all that I can do, and not give in to the feelings of desperation that I am feeling. He will not drop me now. He never has.


No source, but, how cute are these!

Again no source, but terrifically cute.

No source again, but three of my loves.  Crochet. Embroidery. Buttons.

Bloglovin  Mason Jar Crochet Hook Holder. 

Craft Her  Sea Shell Coasters.


Seriously cute. Hedgehogs are about the most benign creatures on earth. So docile. We used to have them visiting the garden from time to time in the U.K.


The Rapture of Canaan, by Sheri Reynolds

Members of the Church of Fire and Brimstone and God's Almighty Baptizing Wind spend their days and nights serving the Lord and waiting for the Rapture--that moment just before the Second Coming of Christ when the saved will be lifted bodily to heaven and the damned will be left behind to face the thousand years of tribulation on earth. 

The tribulation, according to Grandpa Herman, founder of Fire and Brimstone, will be an ugly time: "He said that we'd run out of food. That big bugs would chase us around and sting us with their tails . . . He said we'd turn on the faucet in the bathroom and find only blood running out . . . He said evil multitudes would come unto us and cut off our limbs, and that we wouldn't die . . . And then he'd say, 'But you don't have to be left behind. You can go straight to Heaven with all of God's special children if you'll only open your hearts to Jesus . . .'" 

Such talk of damnation weighs heavy on the mind of Ninah Huff, the 15-year-old narrator of Sheri Reynolds's second novel, The Rapture of Canaan. To distract her from sinful thoughts about her prayer partner James, Ninah puts pecan shells in her shoes and nettles in her bed. But concentrating on the Passion of Jesus cannot, in the end, deter Ninah and James from their passion for each other, and the consequences prove both tragic and transforming for the entire community. 

 The Rapture of Canaan is a book about miracles, and in writing it, Reynolds has performed something of a miracle herself. Although the church's beliefs and practices may seem extreme (sleeping in an open grave, mortifying the flesh with barbed wire), its members are complex and profoundly sympathetic as they wrestle with the contradictions of Fire and Brimstone's theology, the temptations of the outside world, and the frailties of the human heart.

I am revisiting this book. I have read it a couple of times now. It is one of my longstanding favorite novels and I enjoy rereading it from time to time.



Sunflowers . . . 


Sunsets  . . . . 


This  . . . 


Fresh bread  . . .


Fresh garlic  . . . 


They really do love each other  . . . 


The Kings Daughter  . . .  Netflix


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 *.˛.°Great things are done by
a series of small things
brought together.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Vincent VanGogh  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Please continue to pray for me and a resolution to the English Kitchen problem.  I really need and appreciate them.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.• ╬♥═╬╬═♥=╬╬═♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥═╬♥╬╬═♥╬╬═♥=╬╬♥
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!    


Monday 29 July 2024

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

I have not been resting on my laurels during this imposed hiatus.  I have been sorting out an area for me to do some videos.  I took all of my jar cannisters off of the Island and moved them into a small rolling cart.  (Its slimline.)  I did the same with my spices which were cluttering up that counter top.   Now all I have to do each time I choose to do a video is to (depending on what kind of video it is) move the kitchen aid and cake stand and set out my ingredients. I should be able to clamp the light and my phone (for filming) on the edge of the Island.  My kitchen is very dark and so I will need the extra light and of course counterspace is limited.  I cannot really afford to buy one of those small extra burner cooking things that some people use in their videos.  I will have to make do with what I have really.  

I am trying to do positive things towards diversifying my future.  Look to the future, not behind, lest I turn into a pillar of salt.

Church was very uplifting yesterday and filled with tender mercies. I know that I always enjoy church, so no surprise there.  I love to partake of the sacrament each week and renew my covenants with the Savior.

The talks given during the sacrament meeting were just what I was needing to hear and the lesson in Relief Society was the same.   Just what I needed to hear. I am still anxious (I am only human after all), but my anxiety is undergirded with hope and positivity about the future. 

I am still very much playing the waiting game here, but I am not sitting still while I wait.  I am trying to be pro-active and still finding joy in my days.


I have been watching videos on YouTube on how to make videos.  Cinnamon was keeping me company on the back of the sofa right behind me yesterday afternoon.  I could not resist taking her photograph, she looked so comfy.

At one point her paw was outstretched towards me and I just had to take a photo of all those sweet little tufts of fur between her toes.   They made my heart smile.

I am ever so grateful for all of the positive thoughts and prayers that you are sharing with me and saying on my behalf. I do not take them for granted.  They do mean everything to me.

I went to my sister's for supper last night. As usual she cooked a lovely meal for us all.  My sister is a really wonderful person. I do not think I know anyone more caring on this earth.   She is a saint.  Truly.  She has always been a very caring individual.  When we were children she was the one trying to fix the bird with the broken wing or the sick field mouse.  All animals love her.  Animals know when someone has a pure heart and her heart is pure.

She has always been my voice of reason in most things. I can always rely on her advice. She never steers me wrong. I am a much more impulsive person. She is a person that reasons before she acts.  I trust her implicitly.

My life is filled with treasures of the heart.  I am truly blessed.  All will be well, in one way or another.   We have been having some really lovely warm days. A bit too humid for my liking, but nevertheless the sun has been shining. The birds are singing.  The grass is growing.  I think we are about to hear the cicadas sing their glorious song of summer.  Someone posted on FB yesterday this picture of what they thought was a monster in their yard, but it was only a Cicada shedding its exo-skeleton.  Their song is about to get really loud.   I always equate the sound of cicadas with August heat.  I remember hearing it as a child and it was always in the August heat.

Speaking of summer fun, my three Island boys have been having a great summer.  Here are the three J's waiting for a local summer parade to start along with their dog Charles. 

And Jake later on in the week at their Church picnic. I know I am biased, but he is such a handsome boy. I think all of my grandsons are handsome.   They are having a great summer.  Doing lots of things and having fun.  My other two, the angels Luke and Gabriel, were camping this weekend with my older son and daughter in law.  

I love that my children do fun things with my grandchildren.  It makes my heart happy.


Chippy's daily visits.  I know that many people see them as vermin, but I see them as cheerful little visitors and the cats do so enjoy watching their antics on the front porch.


Not my favorite flower in the world, lilies, but these have beautiful color this year. I don't remember them being quite this red before.


If "I" can't see you, then am I really here?  He thinks he is invisible.   The other day I looked over and all I could see beneath the flounce of the chair covering was his  milk moustache.  I wanted to take a photograph, but, but by the time I picked up my phone to shoot, he had moved. It made my heart smile anyways, even if I could not show it to you.  So cute.

My life, despite the drama, is full of lots of small and wonderful joys. Being able to pick out the small and wonderful joys in our days is how we build a happy life.  As I am fond of saying, every day may not be a good day, but there is good to be found in every day.

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *It is no bad thing to
celebrate a simple life.
~J. R. Tolkien° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

No food to share today, but hopefully soon. 

In the meantime, I hope you have a beautiful day filled to overflowing with small, simple and wonderful things, light and love!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 

Saturday 27 July 2024

The Goodness of God . . .



You are probably thinking, two posts in one day!  What's up with that. It has been a long time since I have had time enough to two posts in one day, so I am grateful for this little bit of extra time I have to share my thoughts with you.

I know that I am very generous in sharing with you when things go wrong, as they often do. No life is immune. I hope that I am equally generous in sharing with you about the special things that happen in my life.  In any case I wanted to document this day just so that I have it.

As you know I was feeling pretty despondent earlier today.  I could barely hold my mind together.  And so I did what I always do when I start feeling that way, I went to work.  I cleaned the fridge in the garage, took compost down to the bins at the end of the road. I vacuumed.  Played with the cats.

My sister, dad and Dan are coming for supper tonight so I thought I should go to the store. I needed bread and a few small bits, so I took myself out of the house and went to the store.  I only got a few things but I had a good wander through the shop. It was good to get out, change my scenery and stretch my legs.  Blow the cobwebs out.

My Journal
I started it when I was still living
in the U.K.

When I got back I thought I would sit down and write in my journal. I had not done so in a week or two.  I like to write in my journal.  Often it is just quotes and thoughts that I have gathered and saved on Instagram, or from other places. Things that are uplifting, inspiring, etc.

When I went to open it, this fell out.  It was a card that I got when I was still staying in the motel right after I came back from England.  My Relief Society President from church stopped by one day with some flowers and this card.  I kept it in my journal. It was such a lovely gesture.

This is what she had written inside.  Yes, it is Glenna who lives across the street from me and who I have become good friends with and who I love.  We have also discovered that we are cousins having a common ancestor who is actually the man who founded our town.

A reminder that I was carried and loved then and I am being carried and loved now.  Sometimes you can feel so low you need a reminder and I did. Hello God.  I see you there.

But that is not all . . . 

I went onto my Instagram account to check out anything that I might have saved into my inspiration folder and I was blown away by just the first few things I had saved, probably a week or so back before all of this latest drama started. 

I had to write them down in my journal. God was speaking to me. Telling me what I needed to know right when I needed to know it.

Thank you God, for being where I needed you to be, just when I needed you to be there. For reminding me that I am never truly alone, even if I may feel like I am for a few moments.

I can get through this. I will get through this. Patience is a virtue.  And if this is it as far as the EK goes, something else will take its place. Faith is a virtue also.

I also wanted to share with you the paintings that Cindy and I did on Thursday night.

It was of flowers.  This was Cindy's.  I like it much more than mine. She is so talented.

This was mine. I liked it much more the morning after than I did at the time.

It was fun to do, however crappy the brushes were that we had to work with (next time we will bring our own), and it was nice to get out. I don't go out and do fun things near often enough. And my cousin's daughter was one of the workers at the event. So I got to see some more family as well.

Not quite a hummingbird.  A bit on the large side.  A little woodpecker stopped at my hummingbird feeder last night and stayed for quite a while.

And I took this photo just a few minutes ago of Cinnamon laying in her tunnel.  She was napping and I disturbed her. She often sleeps inside it. So cute.


And my little man  . . . 

Not to be ignored  . . . 

The best way to dispel the rain, is to sprinkle a bit of sunshine on your day. Ahhh . . .  the goodness of God.  Thank you God for being where I need you to be.

And thanks to all of you as well.  You are such a lovely bunch of invisible friends What would I ever do without you to talk to  . . . 


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And I do too!