I ended up having a fairly busy day yesterday which was nice. I like busy days. I went with Cindy to take little Mac back to the Vets for a checkup. He as been given some more medicine to take for a while longer as his stomatitis is not quite gone yet, but he is feeling a whole lot better which is a good thing.
It is so hard when our furry family friends are sick. We can only guess that something is not quite right. We know our pets better than anyone else and when they are not well, we can tell for the most part. Vets are so expensive, so it is not without a great deal of thought that we take them. Its a good thing that Cindy took Mac when she did. He had already lost half a pound from the last time she had taken him, which is quite a bit when you are talking about a small animal like that. He has now put the half pound back on and is well on the mend, which is great!
What a ham!
This was my little guy last night, laying next to me on the sofa as we watched television together. And he was snoring. Nobody would guess that just prior to this he had been terrorizing his sister. So much so that I had to get the vacuum cleaner out. It was the only thing scary enough to distract him from bullying her. One sight of that and he left her alone and was cowering underneath the dining room table.
I don't know why he takes it in his head to go after her like that from time to time. He really can be mean sometimes. Lots of hissing and spitting from her end and more than a little fur flying. And yet, they love each other, which is very obvious.
I suppose we can argue with our loved ones from time to time as well, with the difference being that in most cases fur doesn't start flying! Or at least I hope it doesn't!
After we finished with Mac, we brought him home and then took a trip up the mountain to the egg farm to get some eggs. Avian flu has been caught South of us, in Shelburne, but so far, we are okay here. They keep a very close watch on their birds, which is good. Their eggs are lovely. They also carry frozen meats, homemade baked goods, homemade jams and pickles, etc. My sister always stocks up on ground beef when she is there. I got some eggs and a cheeky paper bag of chocolate chip cookies.
I know . . . tres naughty. But it gets even worse, read on.
We went on from there to the Super Store. We both needed a few bits and bobs. I needed milk for one thing, and I can never resist buying a loaf of their sour dough bread. It's so yummy. I need to start a sour dough starter again. I really should have brought mine back from the U.K. with me. I had dried some of it which I would only have needed to reconstitute. I was worried about customs and Covid, etc.
There is nothing so lovely as a slice of fresh sour dough bread, however.
I am such a bread lover.
After that we (this is the really bad part) went to Mary Brown's and picked up some chicken for supper last night. Such a naughty thing. We feasted on fried chicken and crispy taters and gravy. It was so decadent and so good. I am repenting of it today. I promise. 😝
I am not going to go out to supper with Dad and Hazel tonight. I had my meal out, as it were, last night.
Every year I tell myself I am going to be better ready to take my stuff to the tax man for doing my income taxes. Every year I am not ready and end up having to do a whole year's figuring out in just a few days. This year has been no different. I am really good at keeping all of my receipts, etc. But I am not good at writing them all down. I am trying to do better this year. But I still have to record all of last years and do it now. Sigh . . .
I am such a procrastinator when it comes to things like this, and I don't know why.
Maybe it is that I am an ostrich and am keeping my head in the sand, not wanting to know. lol That is probably it in a nutshell. In any case I hope to get some of it done today. No excuses.
These are the squares I have already done for my latest blanket. It is an easy thing to do, quite mindless at this point. I usually do several a day while I am watching telly in the evenings.
I did order some additional colors which came yesterday. I just love this yarn. It is beautiful to work with and the colors are simply breathtaking. They look on the surface like one color, each one, but upon closer inspection each color is a mix of like colors blended together. Very pretty.

This was Cinnamon guarding them. These cats are so funny. Nothing new comes into the house without it passing a close inspection from them. They can be fast asleep, who knows where . . . and then, all of a sudden, they will appear, ready to give everything new a good once-over and close inspection.
They are such good company. They don't give me any hassle,
and don't try to take control of the channel changer.
Just cuddles and kisses.
Snow drops have been spotted amidst the melting snow. A local friend of mine on Facebook posted a photo last night. Can Spring be very far behind? I think not. It is supposed to be fairly mild today, so even more of the snow should recede. The snow removal guys have made a right mess of my lawn on the corners. It is all dug up and gouged. Pity that, but hopefully they will make it good in the long run. We shall see. It is a bit early to do anything like that just yet.
The birds will soon be nesting, although I have seen no sign of that yet. I expect Cindy has at her place. Maybe even a chipmunk or two. I do not really get much in the way of birds here. I don't know why. Not enough trees I suppose. I just get crows and jays which make their presence very loudly known. I don't mind overly much. I throw bread out to them and the cats love to watch them peck at it. Even more enjoyment is felt when a flock of starlings descend. They always come down with plenty of noise and activity. My two furry munchkins are more than thrilled when this happens. When they are thrilled, I am thrilled.
I've been enjoying reading and studying the Doctrine and Covenants so far this year and it is amazing how the things I am reading and learning are seemingly corresponding to things which are happening in real life. That shouldn't be surprising or amazing. The Scriptures have been written to help people in past times AND in modern times. There should be no surprise there. I just finished up Doctrine and Covenants 19. How can you read a revelation like that and not rejoice at what has been taught. We can lift up our hearts with gladness because what has been taught here IS the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This revelation is stacked full of teachings and is impossible to read and study without rejoicing. We have learned WHO Jesus Christ is and HOW merciful God is. We have learned how compassionate the Savior is and how hard He worked for us. We have learned how simple life can be if we will walk with Him. We have been fed the meat and not just the milk. The Gospel of Jesus Christ IS a cause for Joy. God IS good and loves all of His children.
I am greatly strengthened by the knowledge of a God who knows the beginning from the end and who has a plan for each of us and for our world. Faith. I have faith in Him and in His plan. All will be well.
And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★ *.It is only possible
to live happily ever after
on a day-to-day basis.
~Margaret Bonnang° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
In The English Kitchen today . . . Traditional Irish Farmhouse Mains. To tingle your tastebuds and delight. Just in time for you to plan for Saint Patrick's Day. It won't be long now at all.
I do so hope that you have a lovely day today. May you be richly blessed with tender mercies and goodness all day through. Don't forget!
═══════════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ═══════════ And I do too! 
Your squares are GREAT!!! I have not picked up needles in the last two years I think:(
ReplyDeleteI am really enjoying seeing how this new blanket is coming together. I can't wait to finish it! xoxo
DeleteI saw my first chipmunk today!
ReplyDeleteWas it Mama Chippy or Herman? xoxo
DeleteGood morning Ostrich! I'm that way too, especially with the news. Talked to cashier at Giant Tiger this morning, she had seen a chipmunk, but we haven't. Lots of geese flying over this morning. Spring is coming. Nice to have a busy day yesterday, even if you did indulge in your purchases. Have a good day today.
ReplyDeleteIt's the best way to be Linda! The heart can't grieve what it doesn't see. Spring IS coming. You have a great day also! xoxo
DeleteOh, sour dough bread!!! Your squares are just lovely.
ReplyDeleteHappy day to you. Virginia