Monday, 24 March 2025

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

 A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.  

Going to church on Sunday morning and partaking of the sacrament. This is the most important part of the week for me. Getting to renew my Baptismal Covenant and take the Savior's name upon me. Spend some quiet time in reflection of all that He is and all that He did for us, what He means to me. While the sacrament is being passed I usually reflect on the names of Jesus Christ, one at a time and think about what that name means to me.  Bread of Life, Living Water, Redeemer of Israel, Advocate with the Father, etc.  There are so many different ways He is known. I can never get through more than a few.

Our lesson in Relief Society was really good as well, based on a talk from the last conference entitled "I am He" by Elder Jeffrey R Holland.

The teacher had a multitude of pictures of the Savior on the blackboard and we were asked to look at them and then pick one which spoke to us. This is the one I chose.  Then we had to share why we picked it and then what it means to us.

I chose this one. Jesus Walking on Water.

Jesus is the God who walks on water.  I can walk on water too.  I just have to be willing to move out of my comfort zone and get out of the boat. So long as I keep my eyes (and heart) focused on Him, I can do great things.  I can become who I was meant to be.  And if I start to falter, I know all I have to do is to reach out to Him and He will lift me up to where He is.

Sunday dinner with the family.  I had dinner at Cindy's last night. It is always so nice to have a family to share meals with.  It is not the meal so much as it is the company. It is always nice to get to spend some time with my father and Cindy and Dan.   The food is always good, but the company is always better.  Time spent with family. It's a good thing.

There was a knock on my door last evening and it was Midge from across the road.  She had a fresh almond croissant for me. She said her grandson brings them out from Halifax and she can't eat them all so she wanted to gift one to me.  It was such a lovely gesture on her part.  We chatted for a short time.  It was nice.  Guess what I am having for breakfast?  

Also very nice.  I don't want to know how many calories there are in it.


Chickadees were at the feeder yesterday.  Three or four of them. The cats were enjoying watching them. I have always loved the little chickadee.  The Tits over in the U.K. were a very similar bird. I loved them too. They are cheeky little chappies! They were fun to watch at the feeder and it was fun to watch the cats watching them as well. 


The squares for my blanket are adding up. I think I have 30 done now, which is too many for one blanket as they are 12 inches square in size. I think I am making two blankets.  I just love the colors of this heather yarn.  So complex. What you think is a brown, when you view it more closely you see that it is interwoven with other colors.  Each color has a beautiful name like Lichen, or Bracken.   Marmalade.  I just love it.  I think I better start crocheting some of the squares together now before it gets too hot to hold a blanket on my lap.

Wishful thinking on my part. It is -7*C/19.5*F this morning. It was snowing a tiny bit after church yesterday, but not much.  Winter's teeth are having a difficult time letting go.


I have plans to take Eileen and Tim out for supper tonight.  I don't know where we are going to go just yet.  It is about spending time together and giving them a bit of a treat.  Eileen hasn't been feeling too well lately. It's her ears. She is in constant pain. She needs to see a specialist but doesn't have an appointment yet.  They are waiting for the specialist to call. 

She has always had ear problems, since she was a baby.  It's been pretty constant. I hope and pray she can see the specialist soon. 

It will be nice to spend some time together nevertheless.


Signs of Spring.  They are appearing everywhere, despite the cold temperatures. Pothole season is in full swing. They are just terrible this year.  That will put a lot of people to work filling them in, so I suppose that is a good thing, but driving through them is like driving through a mine field.  We are all weaving about like drunkards on the road.


We had a few days last week where we were able to throw open the windows and let in some fresh air. It feels good to do so. Cinnamon and Nutmeg enjoyed it also.


Each of you with your kind words and comments.  I so appreciate your visits each day. You cheer my heart and I thank you for that.  You are a blessing to me.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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 *.There is something infinitely healing
in the repeated refrains of nature --
the assurance that dawn comes after 
night, and Spring after Winter.
~ Rachel Carson, Silent Spring
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Three Ingredient Steak & Gravy

In The English Kitchen today, Three Ingredient Steak and Gravy. Something for the crockpot and it does only take three ingredients.  Not pretty to look at but simply delicious to eat.

I hope you have a wonderful week filled with abundance. Be happy, be blessed, stay safe,  don't forget! 


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And I do too!    



  1. Hoping Eileen can get that specialist appointment soon, nothing worse than ears that hurt. Enjoy time with them at dinner tonight. Chickadees are so cute aren't they? We woke up to snow this morning, spring weather is having a battle with the remnants of winter. Daffodils are poking through but are now enjoying a blanket of snow. A yummy Sunday dinner with family. Have a good day.

    1. I hope she can too. Its been a difficult time for her. Constant pain is very wearying. I hope you are having a great day. They say we may get snow on Thursday. Winter isn't finished with us just yet! xoxo

  2. It’s so nice to hear about your faithfulness…it’s very lacking these days…your kind words on your family and blessings…I enjoy visiting with you…thank YOU for cheering your readers up! Enjoy your day and Eileen and Tim. You are the best, Virginia

    1. Thanks very much Virginia. We are all looking forward to our time together! xoxo

  3. The steak and gravy looks so was how my mom and her mom made it. They called it Swiss Steak, tho' it had far less ingredients than Swiss Steak does. But we so looked forward to that meal. Having good meat (grass fed and finished in my view) makes even simple meat recipes just delicious!!
    Poor Eileen...earaches are awful...been there too!!
    HUGS, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Mom made swiss steak as well, but it had tomatoes in it. I think good meat is a pre-requisite! Yes, grass fed. You get what you pay for! Hugs, xoxo


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