A few of the things in life that make my heart go pitty pat. Maybe they will do the same thing for yours. ♥♥♥
I love early in the morning. I am an early riser, early to bed type of person. I do most of my best work early in the morning and it is when my brain is at its freshest. Yesterday I had three loads of wash done and out on the line before 7:30 am. My dad would never let us sleep in when I was growing up, so I just have never been one to do that. If I sleep past 6 am, then I am sleeping in! Also raising a large family again meant that I had to be up-and-at-em early in the morning. I had children to care for, breakfasts to serve, school lunches to make. I always wanted to be the last face they saw when they left for school and the first face they saw when they returned home!
Old food marketing ads. Not all are grotesque, and there are often ones I would like to make. Maybe not this one per se, but others. I find them to be a fascinating look into Western culture and tastes over the years. A lot of them had recipes on them, which were destined to become family favourites and probably still are.
Rice Crispies with a banana sliced over top. Once in a blue moon I get a hankering for just that. With a little sprinkle of brown sugar. (I use sukrin brown sugar now) This is what I had for my supper last night and it was good. We usually eat our large meal at noonish/early afternoon, which is optiumum time for our digestion. Then we will have a snack later in the day, either toast, or cereal, cheese and crackers, just something small. Yesterday I had Rice Crispies with Banana and Todd had a Banana Sandwich. (He loves those.)
Vintage 1950's ladies fashion. It was a beautiful era of style and elegance. If I was skinny I would make and wear vintage dresses like this all the time. I would probably be considered eccentric. That's okay. I don't mind being a tad bit different.
Naughty but nice, I've been enjoying the occasional dinner date with the Colonel off and on through the years. One thing we like to do when we go to the Temple is to stop at the KFC on the motorway on the way home and have a nice little 2-piece dinner. I wish you could choose the pieces you get. I don't like drumsticks that much. I prefer the thigh and the wing. The breast can often be dry. I have tried the so-called copycat recipes to make it at home, and in all honesty, nothing beats the real thing. I always loved their coleslaw. Its not the same over here.
Pink Peonies. I adore them, but have never been able to get them to grow for myself, so I jus always admire everyone elses.
Dry roasted peanuts. So happy I don't have a peanut allergy. I adore peanut butter (skippy) and I like roasted peanuts, with the dry roasted being my favourite.
Dogs, I love them. Dogs are always so happy to see you, whether you've been gone for 5 seconds or 5 hours. They love you no matter what. Loyal. Faithful. Loving. They are man's best friend.
I love that women are not ashamed to show their baby bumps now. Back when I was having children, we hid our baby bumps under loose clothing. Now they show them and I love it. (Ariana has about a month and a half to go now. She loves her blanket I made.) A baby bump is such a beautiful thing. We have come a long ways from the days when pregnant women were made to go into solitude and seclusion during their last trimester. They say a pregnant woman glows. I did not glow. I didn't even come close to glowing. But Ariana glows.
Michael Portillo's great train journies. This man has the idea job. He takes the train. All over. Gets to see amazing things. Eat amazing food. Meet amazing people. And he takes us right along with him. I find his train journey shows fascinating. Right now we are watching one of his American ones. He's going from Reno, Nevada, down through California. I really enjoy travel shows. They are the cheapest way to travel and you don't have to pack or unpack.
I love rings. I always have done. I have three that I wear all the time. My Eternity Ring, my cross ring, and a little sterling silver flower ring. I would wear more but I can't afford them really and I need to have my wedding band/engagement ring made larger. £78 to make each one larger. that's more than I have to spend on groceries in a week. So they just sit there waiting. I could spend ages looking in jewelry store windows at the rings. I am not so bothered about necklaces, etc. but I do love rings.
This is our Palm Tree today. I am totally fascinated with it. Its strange and its beautiful. I have never seen anything like it.
And the bees love it too. It is a hive of activity!
The music of Neil Diamond. I never get tired of listening to it.
I love Instagram. I could spend hours on it, flicking through photos and liking them. I haven't figured out how to pin from them yet. I especially love the crafty/crochet/decorating/cooking/floral accounts.
And those are my favourite things for this week!
A thought to carry with you . . .
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Know what sparks
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.Know what sparks
the light in you,
and then use that light
to illuminate the world.
~Oprah Winfrey •。★★ 。* 。
In the kitchen today . . . Chocolate Tiffin Cake. So simple to make. Quite indulgent. A royal favourite.
Have a great Thursday. Don't forget along the way of your day!
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And I do too!

I agree re IG..every beautiful magazine we have ever wanted!
ReplyDeleteI do most things in the morning too..but I get up at 8 although awake from 4 on I would say;)
I woud like our biggest meal at lunch.I doubt that will ever happen..would even love to eat at 5.We never eat after dinner anyway.
If I love somthing on IG I save it..or screenshot from my mini IPad..on my laptop..I used to be able to just click on the pic and Pin..no longer..I clik on the account name above the pic..it brings me to the account w/ the pics ..click again on the thumbnail..and click your Pin It button..done:)
Ariana is so cute!
I do find people are far less shy today than I ever was w/photos.
Have a beautiful day!
I know what you mean about being shy with photos. There are very few OF me with my children, I was always the picture taker, but I didn’t like having my picture taken because I never felt picture worthy! Young people have so much more confidence now! Xoxo
DeleteI do love the early mornings and rice Krispies, bananas and KFC. Cereal for super in the evening is great. Unlike you I'm not out and about early though, or doing housework, it;s my devotional time, and time to spend reading and writing blogs. It's the time I try to make lists of what needs doing. It's often noon before I get busy around the house or outside. Hope you too have a wonderful Thursday!
ReplyDeleteOh, I do plenty of that in the early morning also Pam! It’s easy to throw a load of wash in while I am doing my other things. You would not believe how long it takes to do a load here. The shortest program on my machine is 1 hour 10 minutes! Xoxo
DeleteI wish I were an early riser but I am not. For most of my life I had to get up early. I had to have kids to seminary by 6:00 a.m. and me to school by 7:15. That meant we were up, eating and leaving Home before dawn on most days....but it was never easy for me. Now that I can go on my own body schedule I rarely wake up early. I fall asleep around midnight and wKe about 8 or 8:30. So glad the birds chirping Wake me up now instead of the alarm clock. After dragging out of bed early for decades I’m thankful to be able to sleep in now but wish I were an eRly riser like you. Hugs💕💕
ReplyDeleteI have never been a night owl Lura! In bed by 9 for the most part as you know! I never minded getting up early, guess I am just an early bird! Love you! Xoxo
DeleteHi Marie~
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, all of these things make me so happy. I really appreciate old advertising, especially when you look at the new stuff - it will never compare in my opinion!
Skippy is my brand as well...big shock, right?! We try to eat as early as we can as well. I have been having a lot of problems with some tummy issues, and if I eat early, it isn't as bad. I went to the Dr. on Tuesday, and they gave me something that I hope will help. It's truly been interrupting my life, and I don't like it at all... :0/ One of the main reasons I have not been on-line. Also, I got a new calling last Sunday...RS secretary. I'm excited to be in RS again, it's been many years since I have been able to go.
On Memorial Day, we were at my grandparents grave sites, and there were the most beautiful Peonies that were planted by some of the headstones. I know they are old, because they haven't let us plant anything for years, they were just gorgeous!
A few months ago, we were invited to dinner and a movie by some good friends...we watched, The Jazz Singer. It was just wonderful, I could watch it once a month!
I have not been on social media for over a year, but with my new calling the president would like me to get back on Facebook...I'm bucking it, but there are so many sisters who will only see information that we send out on Facebook. I have never done Instagram...I guess I should get an account, I may even have one..who knows?!
So good to actually comment...I have been peeking in, but not really feeling well enough to comment. I'm doing much better, now I just need to catch up!
Much love to you sweet friend!! XOXOXO
Hugs and Love,
I think it is awesome that you love mornings. I do like early morning hours when I am up but I am more of a late riser. I do believe in Early to bed, Early to rise; ....but I don’t do it. Well I do get up at 3:30 am each Saturday to work in the temple so that’s my early morning for the week. I love it!
ReplyDeleteI think cereal for dinner is a great one.
I love 1950’s dresses. I have three of my mom’s but she was skinny and I haven’t ever fit into them.
I too love KC Chicken. We like go on picnics with KC.
I love nuts and especially peanuts and almonds.
Yup! Dogs are man’s best friend. We love our Sammy so much. He is one spoiled dog child.
I’m not sure I like the maternity clothes of today but I didn’t really like our day either. I’m not sure why.
I love rings too and wear usually three. I have my Mom’s wedding band and I love to wear it to the temple to feel close to her.
Your palm tree is very unique.
Neil. Diamond is the best andI could never tire from his music.
Lately, I haven’t had much time to do instagram or facebook; I kind of miss it. I still don’t get how to post on instagram. I do one and then can’t remember how I did it.
Blessings and hugs!