Wednesday 27 September 2023

Today . . .



I'm probably going to be a bit sparse on here for a few days.  I am busy spending time with my brother while I can!  Who knows when we will all be together like this again. Yesterday we got my will sorted and he is helping me to get my files off my old computer which has my book manuscripts on it, etc.  Today we are going to my bank (which is only open Mon/Wed/Fri) to have him put on my account so that when I pass it will be easier for him to pay my bills.  Then we are going up the mountain to visit our Uncle Harold. He will be so pleased to see the three of us!  Then it is the Big Scoop for supper together with Dad.  Tomorrow we are going to dads in the a.m. to give him a bath and David is going to do some computer work for him.  We might be meeting him for breakfast first.  Then on Friday we are going up country to pick up some dongles to download my stuff onto and then have lunch as Jonny's.  My brother is looking forward to that.  So much planned!  I will check in as and when I can!  

Be safe and be happy. Be blessed and don't forget!

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And I do too!       


  1. Such busy days planned for this week, enjoy the time with your brother and dad. Looking forward to reading all about your family time. Enjoy.

  2. Wonderful visit for you all…sweet blessings indeed! Enjoy, V.

  3. Enjoy your wonderful family time xx

  4. You do have a lot of plans. I hope you enjoy all the special time together. And what a gift to have a brother who is such a huge help! Mine is much the same and I am so grateful to have him (relatively) close by!! PS - had to look up the dongle. Ha...that is a new one on me!


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