These are some of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are yours too!
Autumn fruits, especially plums! I adore plums and the deeper purple the skin the better. I think my favourite has to be Pluots. Technically they are a crossbreed of plum and apricot, but they seem more like plums to me than apricots. I adore their flavour. I don't get as excited about bananas or many other fruits, but plums, pears, apples and melons! Those have me digging in for more!
I am in love with the Debbie Bliss Cotton DK Print yarns. I picked up a few balls while I was on my forces hiatus. They are gorgeous. The colour is amazing. Bright and cheerful!
I got about a bazillion dishcloths done this week mostly using the Debbie Bliss yarn. Very happy with the results. I also did half a dozen white ones for a friend who had requested them. She was very happy with them also. I thought I would get so much cooking done and maybe even some art, but alas . . . I did not. I mostly just puttered about.
I love, LOVE feeding the Missionaries and we have the Sisters coming over for a meal today. I am making my Cheesy Chicken Rarebits. Its a real favourite when I make it for anyone. I'll also cook rice, and make a salad. And I have French bread. I splurged and bought custard slices for dessert. They are coming early for a late lunch/early supper at 2 pm. Can't wait!
I love pistachio nuts. I never even knew they existed until I was about 22 years old. We were visiting with a friend's family in Olds, Alberta and the girls were eating bags of these pistachio nuts while we were playing cards. They were died pink for some odd reason. I was not fond of the colour, but I did like the taste of the nuts. I have been a solid fan ever since, except I prefer them in their natural state, roasted and salted, but I am extremely fond of the salt and pepper roasted ones. Mmm . . . they are some good. Apparently pistachio nuts are great for lowering blood pressure. Probably not the salted ones however . . .
I was very brave and went into town with Todd one day this week. I had some banking to do and to be honest I had not been in since my knee problem started and they opened the new Bus Station at Gorse Stacks. Part of the reason I hadn't been in was because of the location of the new Bus Station. I felt that I would not be able to walk all the way from it to the centre of town. However Todd reassured me that they have put on a hopper bus that takes people to where the old bus station used to be every 15 minutes. I hope that they keep that up. We didn't use the hopper on our way in, instead we got off one stop before the bus station, which made it a fairly easy walk to where I needed to go. It was still not that easy because of my knee, but I managed to get it done. We didn't do much. I just went to the bank and then we had a drink at McDonalds which is across from the bank and we caught the hopper bus back to the Bus Station and then came home. I coped alright and am feeling a lot more secure in my ability to cope with the change now. Fear does keep a person from doing a lot of things. Glad I was brave and went for it! Its quite an attractive station, although to be sure it is not in the best location in my honest opinion.
I have become quite fond of baking my own bread, now that I have found a great recipe and managed to come up with a decent loaf. I need to branch out and try a whole wheat loaf now, but have made bread about twice a week since I first cracked it! Todd is loving it and so am I!
I love clouds. I have always loved cloud watching. I used to know all the names of the various kinds of clouds, but have forgotten some of them now. These were laying in the sky to the back of us last evening as dusk was settling in. I loved the way the light was playing on the top of them, bathing the in a sort of a golden hue. I thought them quite beautiful. The days are really beginning to shorten noticeably now. We are now going to bed in darkness and it is dark when I get up in the morning. enjoying the cooler sleeping temps though!
Of all the seasons . . . Autumn is my favourite one. It really is. I love the smells, textures, colours . . . I just love autumn full stop. Its too bad it can't stay autumn all year round, but then . . . if we did not have the other seasons we would not be able to appreciate autumn as much, and to be honest there are things I really love about the other seasons of the year also!
My daughter Amanda's Ultimate Team played in the Ultimate Championships last week in Ottawa and they came up Gold, winning over all. They are now headed for the Internationals next year. So proud of her and the team. I so wish that I could watch them play. I love that my girls are both gold winning atheletes. They sure don't get that from me!
We just finished watching the last Episode of Game of Thrones, Season 7. No spoilers here, but . . . I thought this was one of the best seasons so far. Aside from the swearing, which I have never liked, I really enjoyed this season. It left me wanting more. On the other hand we recently started watching the Gilmore Girls again for the Third time and are loving it just as much as ever. I don't know why we never watched it when it was on the television.
And those are my favourites for this week. Not too exciting I'm afraid. But I will soon be up and back into the swing of things. I hated being away for the whole time we were unable to get online and I hated that I was unable to post to let you know what was up. I don't know how anyone manages to use their phone to do stuff like this because I just could not! My thumbs are like hams I think! So frustrating and of course I was very wary of using my data up as my plan doesn't have a lot of data to use, seeing as when I set it up I never figured on having to really use any! Nevermind, all is working now and I have been working on my food blog as well, trying to make it more user friendly etc. Its a steep learning curve for sure! On the plus side, I got almost two chapters done on my next cookbook. (God willing!) Hopefully it won't be long now before the first one is for sale. I have seen the whole draft and it looks pretty amazing to me! And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day.
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★
*.˛.° If we opened our minds to enjoyment,
•。★★ 。* 。
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*.˛.° If we opened our minds to enjoyment,
we might find tranquil pleasures spread about us on every side.
We might live with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam,
and sit with fairies who wait on every flower.
~Samuel Smiles .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
In The English Kitchen today . . . Beetroot Chutney. Seriously tasty and so simple to make.
Have a great Thursday. Don't forget along the way . . .
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And I do too! (Missed you!)