I've been sitting here this morning reflecting on how much life can change in a year. For instance last year this time, Todd and I were still serving on our Mission, working daily with the young Missionaries and others in the Mission field. Life was hectic but in a very good way. Flash forward a year and we are finished our Mission. We knew that would happen, eighteen months is only eighteen months afterall and we so enjoyed our time, but the end came at the right time. God's timing is always perfect. Last year this time we had no idea that Todd would get cancer and I had no idea that I would be writing a cookbook for publication, both before the end of the year.
Life is a funny old thing. Forest Gump was right
when he said life was like a box of
You do never know
which one you are going to get.
Sometimes you get a cream centre, sometimes you get a nut, and . . . sometimes you get coffee. Its okay I don't mind the coffee flavoured ones. Well . . . maybe a little, but I just swallow it and look for another one to take the taste away. Does anyone like the coffee flavoured ones? I wonder . . .
anyhoo . . .
Change happens. Life is in a constant flux with ebs and flows, ups and downs, ins and outs, good and bad, joy and sorrow. There is really only one constant . . .
“As a young man, President Hinckley worked on a farm during summers and on weekends and holidays. On that farm he grew healthy and learned to work. And there near the soil and close to nature his confidence in God grew like the hundreds of fruit trees and vegetable seeds he planted, tended, and harvested.
“‘After a day of good, hard labor, my younger brother Sherm and I would sleep out under the stars in the box of an old farm wagon,’ President Hinckley [recalled]. ‘On those clear, clean summer nights, we would lie on our backs in that old wagon box and look at the myriads of stars in the heavens. We could identify some of the constellations and other stars as they were illustrated in the encyclopedia which was always available in our family library. We identified some of the more visible patterns in the heavens, but our favorite was the North Star. Each night, like many generations of boys before us, we would trace the Big Dipper, down the handle and out past the cup, to find the North Star.
“‘We came to know of the constancy of that star. … As the earth turned, the others appeared to move through the night. But the North Star held its position in line with the axis of the earth. Because of those boyhood musings, the polar star came to mean something to me. I recognized it as a constant in the midst of change. It was something that could always be counted on, something that was dependable, an anchor in what otherwise appeared to me a moving and unstable firmament’ ”
~Gordon B Hinckley
God is love and
He is always
On that we can depend.
Sometimes I get mail . . . look at what arrived in the post yesterday, bringing smiles along the way.
We got the cutest postcard from Lura and John. It was a real surprise and so thoughtful. They may have left their hearts here in the UK, but a little piece of our hearts go with them wherever they are. Love, LOVE the thatched cottage, and the little heart cutout. So clever. so pretty. See the rainbow just above the roof? That's a reflection from one of the crystals in my window
Maybe one day I will have this many, but for now,
I have three, and I love how they
sparkle and leave rainbows on
all that they
Here is something else which came in the post yesterday. A delightful card from our Monique. Such a thoughtful gesture and it could not have arrived at a better time. Thank you so much Monique!
The envelope is so beautifully stamped. Love the verse.
"Memory is a child
walking along a seashore.
You never can tell that
small pebble it will pick
up and store away among
its treasured thihngs.
~Pierce Harris
The card inside also beautiful and that necklace . . . so sweet. Thank you my dear friend. Merci Beaucoup from the bottom of my heart. There are no accidents. You were inspired. Your thoughtfulness lifts me up and helps keep me afloat. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Are we not all ministering angels?
Never ignore a prompting
of the heart
That is how HE uses us to help bless those
in HIS keeping
I am blessed. Truly blessed. Life changes. It never stays the same. Its in a constant flux, but it is always good. God is in control. We trust in Him. Always.
We won't be going to church today. Todd has had a bad night. He seems to have more bad than good nights these days, so he is staying in bed. When I got up, he had not slept a wink. He did too much yesterday. I told him to slow down, but you know men . . . he would not. Anyways, last night no sleep. I am praying he is sleeping as I write this and that he manages to get at least a few hours.
Insomnia, it is such a pain. I have suffered with it my whole life. Especially when I have something to do the next day of importance. Its like a curse. Last time I flew home to Canada, no sleep for three days. I wish I was not like that. It is annoying. It makes you not want to do anything, go anywhere. It runs in my family. My father has it and both of my siblings and I suffer from it to a degree. My mom however . . . she could sleep on the head of a pin. Some people are just lucky that way I guess.
In any case today I will watch the Mormon Channel while Todd sleeps, read my scriptures, listen to some good music. I will still feel the power of His love, even if I cannot be at church.
And with that I am off.
In The English Kitchen today . . . White Chocolate Mousse with Strawberries. Simple and tasty.
Be blessed.

Good morning Marie. I think I left a little bit of my heart in England and Switzerland. The other night I could have sworn I was in Geneva. It was so real.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that Todd has had a bad night. A night can be so very long. I hope he feels better after a rest today. Please give him my love.
I often cannot sleep before an event. It is maddening. I can't sleep on planes either. I just didn't feel safe. One lady I know was robbed while she was sleeping on a long haul flight. Beth slept like a baby.
I have found today very tiring, Mum wakes me often because she says I have had enough sleep. Even though I had my gallbladder out in October this weekend I have had that pain for days. This afternoon the washing machine had a problem so I was on the floor, a lot, after moving a small mountain of soggy washing. That hurt. Now the machine is fixed and I am thankful that I could fix it and my washing is so far behind. I try to not wash on Sunday but mum doesn't see life the same way I do. After washing a size four child's leotard I think about how much unnecessary washing Pip sends my way. Enough whining.
God bless you today and always.
I forgot about the north star. While I was overseas both times this year I tried and tried to see the northern stars. I really want to see the northern night sky.
ReplyDeleteMr Hinkley may have been talking about the north star and how to find it but it reminded me that we have such a star grouping in our skies. If you find the real southern cross and not the false cross you will find the two pointers and from this grouping you can find south. Another reason to think that our God is so great. He has provided travellers with guides since the dawn of time.
We have had travel chaos over here yesterday Suzan with BA having the cancel all of its flights in and out of two major airports, and one suspects many others due to computer problems, which just highlights how very dependant we are on computers in these modern times with no Plan B in place! We are enjoying a Bsnk Holiday weekend here, so just as well we were not going to church as traffic would be bad on the motorway, especially with the nice weather we have been enjoying. I pray for you daily with all,of your troubles. I believe you might just qualify for sainthood! Or at the very least an award for patience!! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Marie. Lovely post. I am hoping when we go to the Hebrides it will be dark enough to really see the night sky. It makes you realise how small you are when you can see the universe in all its glory!
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful things to receive in the post, it must of made your day!
I sympathise with Todd as I too am an insomniac and yes it definitely runs in families. Mine is through my Mums side. Hope he manages to catch up today.
Pete rang with good news after he'd seen his oncologist. He's advised him not to have chemotherapy as the risks outweigh the benefits, but they will monitor him every 3-6 months to start off with. We were delighted until we got a phone call from his wife, Ashley, to say that Pete has had enough of her and he's moved out. She has no idea were he is and neither do we. We are supposed to be going on holiday to Weymouth tomorrow with relatives, we will have to see what today brings.
Lots of love xxx
Prayers for your family Kate.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Suze, I think we both need them at the moment!! Thinking of you xxx
DeleteLife does change quickly and we can never be thankful enough for each day. A year a go I was resting comfortably in a house I lived in for over 20 years. I had my next door sister for company every day and my oldest son came up for the day with his family for a picnic after church...Today my sister and son are gone, I have moved and nothing is the same. Yet I do have much to be thankful for and realize more and more the importance of each day and the gifts they bring our way. Change is a constant in our lives. Every day is a gift.
ReplyDeleteNow that's a miracle.
ReplyDeleteHow quickly that came.
Was the ink dry?
LOL I should not complain..grateful:) As you know our necklaces were very $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at WISH..;) Just fun little things because we enjoy looking at these fun little things..
Life is never the same and it takes something to happen just once to alter it indefinitely.
Take care..both of you..et Bon Dimanche.
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this Sabbath Day! I do hope your sweet Todd get's the sleep he needs and you have an uplifting day of feeling th spirit in the things you are doing. You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteI struggle with insomnia, also. I have been taking some herbals that have been helping. My worst night is always Saturday night before our long Sundays. I think it is because there is so much to do and I know I have to get up earlier to get going and etc. It really makes me mad. I do need my sleep to function well.
Life is ever changing and that's really is one of the ways we learn and grow. Just trusting in Heavenly Father's love and plan for us all is the best way to move though our life experiences. The Lord does know the perfect timing for us as we move along the path.
I did love the postcard from Lura and John. I know they loved every moment with Todd and you. I like your other mail too. It is fun to receive mail. I am really enjoying the friendship I have made thorugh the mailings we recently did. It was so fun.
Have an extra sweet week dear Marie. Sending love and hugs your way.
Sorry I didn't get in yesterday. This is now Monday !..I wasn't feeling very great all day. I did go to church mainly because I now go into Bath to pick up a lady who is a member of our church, Pam used to bring her, but now I go in for her and take her home again...I didn't like to let her down so I gave myself a shake and went for her. I'm sorry Todd wasn't feeling good either and just having read today's entry I'm hoping he will feel better having had the visitors last night xxxx
ReplyDeleteOh dear Kate, I am so sorry to hear that. Keeping the family in my prayers. Perhaps all of the stress of everything has just gotten to him. Hoping today brings better news and also that you will be able to see lots of stars in the Hebrides! Love and hugs to you. xoxo
ReplyDeleteIts amazing how fast life can change Pam. We must appreciate every moment, for these moments will never pass our way again! Love and hugs. xoxo
The ink was perfectly dry Monique and I loved every bit of it. So sweet of you. Still happily surprised by it all. Love you. xoxo
LeAnn, I know what you mean because it is the same thing that happens to me. I think I would rather not make any plans for the days ahead, but simply get up and if I have had a good night's sleep then go ahead and do whatever. It must be something that is wired into my brain, and probably yours too! I just can't turn it off! Love, hugs and blessings to you also! xoxo
Thanks Sybil. I am sorry that you were not well yesterday either. We have people that we take to church, but I just let them know when we are not going and they don't seem to mind. I really should try to get them another lift, but the cars going to our church from Blacon are already filled! xoxo