I love these mornings when we can get together for a good gab with each other. This morning the sun is shining and everything looks all fresh and green. They mowed the lawns last night and the air is filled with the scent of fresh cut grass. There is nothing on earth so wonderful as the smell of grass right after it has been cut. Okay, there is, but this morning that is what I am enjoying. I love to open my front window early in the morning on these sunny late spring days to let in the fresh and let out the stuffy from the night before. It's a bit nippy, for sure, but it's also pretty wonderful, and the cats love it as well!
Sometimes even Chippy visits and of course when I throw peanuts out for him the Jays and Blackbirds follow. Sometimes I look out and a morning dove is strutting back and forth across my railing delighting the kit kats to no end! Its all go here in the mornings!
Cindy and I had the pleasure of meeting together with our cousin Sheri for lunch yesterday. Sheri is our youngest cousin. I was almost 17 when she was born and she was the cutest little baby. She is a good friend to us and we love her dearly. She is my Aunt Freda's daughter all the way, and as a good friend and helper to mom all through the years. We all love her to pieces, and we love getting together with her.
We had a lovely time. We laughed (a lot), we even cried a bit. It was just really good to spend the time together and always we said why didn't we do this more often, but then again, perhaps it is because we don't do it often enough is the reason why these get-together's are so precious to us.
She is the cousin I got my two beloved furry felines from and Cindy got her little Mac from. We all love our gingers.
Cindy and I were both saddened to learn of the passing of our cousin Anne just before Christmas. I had been going to call Anne many times. I had her phone number, and every so often I would think I should call Anne, but . . . I never did and now it is too late. I cried a few tears to learn that now I never would have the chance to be able to tell her I loved and missed her and would like to see her.
If there is someone you are thinking of, that you haven't spoken to in a while, that you are wanting to get in touch with, do it now. While you still can. Don't leave it until its too late. Say the things you need or want to say . . . today. Tomorrow could be too late.
I have to say it. I don't like this new co-pilot thing on Windows. I find it very intrusive. It is always nudging me, asking me if I want it to write or rewrite something. NO thank you very much! I like to do my own writing. If I need you, I know where you are and I will ask. Just stop interrupting me! Blah!
Dad came for his supper on Monday evening and we enjoyed each other's company for while he was here. It was just a simple repast. Omelet, fried potatoes, baked beans. Toast. The best part was having each other's company. He stopped to have a few words with Sheila next door on his way in. She was tickled pink. I spoke to her yesterday on my way back from checking my mail and she told me how charming she thought he was.
He has always been charming. Especially with the ladies. Maybe its the French accent. Women do love an accent. How many of us swoon over a charming accent. I am not immune I confess.
This morning Cindy and I are going up country with what we hope are the last few things for Value Village, but you never know, there could be more. I so enjoy these little adventures we get to take together. They get us both out of the house and we get to spend some much treasured time together.
This is a photograph that Cindy sent me on Monday from the Dinosaur exhibit in Halifax. Dan was really looking forward to seeing the dinosaurs. What a fabulously atmospheric photograph this is of Dan and what looks like a huge crocodile! Very dramatic.
I wish I could have taken Dan to the Dinosaur exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London. He would so have loved going to all of the museums there, and I think Cindy would have as well.
There is this game on Facebook where you can have your face put into different hairstyles, etc. I thought I would try on a few new "Do's" as both Cindy and I are thinking of getting the chop. I am also thinking of having my hair colored, all one color not this annoying color that it is, not brown or black or anything in between. Just an annoying salt and pepper. I like all of these, but need reminding that I am not a person who wishes to fuss with her hair. I can handle straightening it, but I am wondering if my natural curls would be enough for some of the longer curlier layered bob's.
I know, hair will grow back so it is not the end of the world if I end up with something I don't like, but you do have to be able to live with it for a time, so it does bear thinking about. I'm also not quite as good looking as these pictures have made me seem! I do not have a flawless face. Never have done. I look ten years younger and 50 pounds lighter in these!
One day you'll wake up
and all of a sudden
the weight of the last few
weeks, or months, or even years
will be lifted off your shoulders.
You can't control when that day comes;
all you can do is to stay strong
and know that it is coming.
~Charlotte Freeman
When you are going through "it," it can be very hard to see that whatever it is you are being asked to go through will come to an end. But it will, and one thing that life has taught me is that you will be better, stronger, happier, for having gone through whatever "it" was. There is light at the end of every tunnel. To keep on walking, trying, hoping, believing . . . carry the weight with Grace and know that "this too shall pass."
And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day. The time it is a passin!
A thought to carry with you . . .
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★ *.˛.°Silence is the language of God,
all else is a poor translation.
~Rumi ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
In The English Kitchen today . . .
Easy Slow Roasted Greek Lemon Potatoes. These are fabulously delicious. They have crisp, gilded almost sticky edges and the flavors of lemon and garlic are right into them. These deliciously melt in the mouth.
Have a beautiful day. I hope the sun is shining down upon you and that you are feeling happy and content. Whatever you get up to today, don't forget!
═══════════ ღೋƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღೋ ═══════════ And I do too! 
How wonderful to have lunch with your cousin, and very sad news about the cousin that passed away. I'm not a hair colouring person, happy with what I have. For my age my hair is really thick, hairdressers always comment on it. You will make the right decision, and yes it will grow back if you aren't really happy. When our youngest was a teenager she went through the Goth phase, clothes and hair, others used to say to me don't I care about how she looks, I always said, she will change and her hair will grow out. It did, she did, and now she is a lovely woman. Are you off to dinner tonight with your Dad, your Monday meal sounds delicious and simple, the way we like it. Have a good trip out with Cindy to the thrift store.
ReplyDeleteYou would look fab with a short and curlier cut. Going lighter -- maybe ash blonde streaks - would look great, and also blend in the colors of your hair so grow-out isn't obvious. Just a short cut that bounces up above your shoulders would work wonders!
ReplyDeleteMaybe most of us struggle with getting around to doing things, like contacting others...for me, I hesitate as I am never sure when is a good time and I HATE to bother anyone. And you are super busy getting your dad all set up right now too...plus all else you do. I guess when we look back over our lives, there are lots of things we would have done differently, things we would not have made the main priority etc. Human we are!!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Elizabeth xo
You aren't looking, but your new hairdo(s) would certainly catch some fine Gentlemens' eyes! GA Mary