FOR TODAY, October 12th, 2009 ...
Outside My Window...
It is ever so quiet and dark. When I put Jess out for her morning ablutions a few minutes ago it felt soooo cold, but then . . . it is October and it has to turn cold at some point doesn't it . . .
I am thinking...
About all the wonderful testimonies that were shared in our Fast And Testimony meeting at church yesterday. We had a beautiful Baby Blessing as well. Of course, baby blessings are always special. There were about 60 extra people there yesterday, all extended family and friends of the family who were having their baby blessed. We had to open up the back and put out quite a few extra chairs to accomodate everyone. It was lovely to have such a full chapel! There was such a lovely spirit present, not that there isn't at other times, but, well . . . I just can't explain it!
I am thankful for...
We've been trying to listen to one talk a day from our church's General Conference. It's been pretty special and uplifting and very easy to fit in. We decided that this is something that we want to do regularly. Each day we are going to listen to just one. It only takes about 15 minutes of time and they're all so lovely and inspiring. I reckon by the time we have listened to each one several times, the wisdom of each one will have truly sunk into our brains and made a big difference in our lives. I am so thankful for the leadership of our Church and our Prophet. They are a real blessing to me and have so much wisdom to share. I know it comes from my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful that I have a heart soft enough to want to listen to His voice.
From the kitchen...
I tried not to bake too much this past weekend. Todd is slowing down lately it seems and just isn't getting through it all! There is some of that chocolate chip dessert and a little bit of what I cooked yesterday sitting there, but other than that . . . well, the counter top is quite bare!
I am wearing...
Pink and yellow pajamas, with cute little sheep heads all over the bottoms and a couple of sleepy sheep scattered across the top. Comfy and warm. Just right.
I am creating...
This is so exciting!!! I have been collaberating on a book with my good friend and talented author, Miranda, or as she is most commonly known . . . The Blonde Duck from A Duck In Her Pond. It's called "The Land Of The Flowered Bed," and is a delightful little story of all the characters in a wonderfully colourful and imaginary little land that exists only in her head, but now you can access it too by reading this lovely little book. She's provided all the wonderful prose and I've done all the illustrations. You can access it HERE. Miranda is a really talented young writer and I just can't understand why some big publisher hasn't snapped her right up! I expect it won't be long though. I predict great things for this wonderful young woman in the future! (You can also get to the book by clicking on the picture) This project has been in progress for months and months and it is so very exciting to see it all finished now!!
I am going...
Well, I have my therapy on Tuesday and Seminary on Thursday, but other than that not a lot has been planned for this week. It will be a pretty quiet week, but then again, once in a while that is a good thing. I am excited to see my Hypno-therapist on Tuesday. It has been a whole month since our last appointment. I had been going once a week up to that point. I am very thankful that I was able to have this process in my life. It has given me so much confidence and has helped me so very much. I am a good 30 pounds lighter than I was when I first started it and that is still going down. It's been very empowering. If you would like to read a bit about the journey, you can access it here.
I am reading...
That's Another Story, Julie Walter's autobiography. Julie Walters has to be one of our most talented comedic actresses in this country. Whilst you in North America may not be all that familiar with her I am sure that you are all familiar with the film Mama Mia as well as Calender Girls, and then there was the film that she won an Academy Award nomination for, Educating Rita in which she starred opposite Michael Caine. Now do you know her? I thought you would! What a fascinating woman. I have long been a fan of hers and now I am really enjoying finding out what makes her tick!!! Julie's memoirs are warm, moving, painfully felt, fiercely intelligent - and totally entertaining. I highly recommend!
I am hoping...
That we get a bit more sunshine this week than we did the last. I know we need rain and I am not complaining, but somehow the world seems that little bit nicer when the sun shines, don't you think? It's funny how that goes! But then again . . . we must have the rain if we are really going to be able to appreciate the sunshine . . . opposition in all things. Tis really a good thing . . .
I am hearing...
It's all very quiet . . . the clock is ticking. Jess is snoring. The refrigerator is humming. My keys are tapping . . .
Around the house...
I love my home and I am so grateful for it. In reality all Todd and I could afford to keep would be a one bedroom flat, so it is a real blessing to have an almost whole house to ourselves. I don't know how we would ever be able to go back to a one bedroom flat now, although I know that some day we must, as I won't be able to work forever. We really have been quite spoilt with all this space. I have a tendancy to take it for granted sometimes and I really mustn't do that, for it is a real blessing in our lives and something we truly need to be thankful for.
One of my favorite things...
is catching up with many of you on your blog pages. I've not been really good at that lately and I miss it. I've not had a lot of free time for reading. It seems that every hour of my days have been filled with one thing or another, and I know I am really missing you. I love catching up with what's been going on in your lives and seeing all the pictures. Sometimes I have read, but haven't been able to comment. Is it just me, or is time passing by at an extraordinarily quicker rate??? The days seem to pass me by ever so quickly now! It's rather frightening!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Work, Seminary, and hopefully some drawing and painting! I also have a little sewing project I want to get cracking on.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
This is my latest creation. I call it Huggin' Friends are The Best Kind . And that's so true don't you think? I just love all my Huggin' Friends! She's available as either a print or a card, if you are interested. Just e-mail me to find out more. I'll also be posting her on my art page a bit later on today.
And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
When I was a girl, growing up in Canada, and being interested in cooking as I was, I was very impressed with a Canadian Cook called Jehane Benoit. She was to Canadian cooks what Julia Child was to American cooks, or what Delia was to British cooks, and had every but as much influence. I used to devour her articles in the Star Weekly each week and every cooking show she ever presented on the television. I copied this next recipe down on the back of an envelope one day when I was watching her cook, and it has been an old standard in my reportoire ever since! I've had this for many, many years. I was probably only around 14 or 15 when I copied it down. It has stood the test of time and is just as delicious and flavourful now as it was then. Simple, quick and very, very tasty.
*Mme Benoit's Apple Pudding*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe
Scribbled onto the back of an old envelope, I collected this recipe as I watched Mme Benoit do her magic on a black and white television back in the lat 1960's. It's delicious, sweet and yet tart, crunchy and very, very easy to make. Impressive with very little effort. That's my kind of recipe!
1 large egg
3/4 cup white sugar
2 TBS flour
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup peeled apple, cored and chopped
1/2 cup chopped toasted nuts
1 tsp vanilla
To Serve:
Vanilla ice cream, whipped cream or creme fraiche
Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter a 10 inch pie plate very well. Set aside.
Beat the egg and sugar together until smooth. Add the flour, baking powder and salt, blending in well. Fold in the chopped apples, nuts and vanilla. Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until risen and nicely browned.
Remove from the oven. It will fall a bit, but that's normal. Serve warm with your chosen accompaniement.
Over on The English Kitchen today I am sharing my secrets of the perfect French Vinaigrette.
Julie Waters is just vivacious! I'd borrowed Calendar Girls from the library when we lived in NJ. It was such a surprise when visited Kettlewell, N Yorkshire, & learned that much of the movie had been filmed there.
ReplyDeleteThat apple crisp looks scrumptious.
The days do seem to fly by when you are busy. I know I choose to prioritize and so some things just never get done. But it is better to be that way than have nothing to do. Hope your Monday is a great one.
ReplyDeleteHi, Marie! Lovely post to start the week! I would love to read that Julie Walters book--she is wonderful! Your new illustration is so charming--as ever! You are not alone in your feeling on time...I feel much the same way, pressed for time and that there are never enough hours in the day. And I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to chat this week--an incredibly busy weekend. Good, but busy--LOL! We were in & out all weekend... But hope we get to catch up soon! LOVE the apple pudding today...mmm... Happy Day, sweet friend--LOVE YOU ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteThat drawing is absolutely adorable.
ReplyDeleteThat drawing is absolutely adorable. :-)
ReplyDeleteI loved your daybook. I plan to try the recipes. They look fantastic. So glad to meet a fellow Christian who loves her home. Homes are so important. They are our harbor in the storm of outside life. I hope you have a wonderful week. Doylene