Ohhh, that unseen world. I have always felt it about me, the ministering hands of angels on the Lord's errand to comfort and inspire, uplift and console. Even when I was a young child. I have never known a time in my life when I did not know that there was a God in Heaven and feel of His love for me. Perhaps at times, situations have clouded my view a bit, but I have always felt His presence in my life. No, I do not always have the answers as to the why of things, but I trust in a good that I know always prevails in the end. It gives me hope in a world that often seems to be spiraling out of control. I know that I can always trust in the things of God, mornings that follow nights, springs that come after winters, tears that are one day dried, broken hearts that are one day mended. I cannot look at a baby's fingers curled around my own, or a budding rose . . . without seeing the giver of all good things. I know that many might say I was deluded to believe such things, but if I am, I am quite content to be so. My life has been filled with miracles and tender mercies, and I cannot deny their existence.
Do you make your bed every day? I do. I have a routine that I follow, and Cinnamon always helps me to make it. My day would not be complete without my having made my bed. I do not make it right away as some do. I wait a few hours. Do my morning prayers and writing, etc. Whilst I am about those things I have the covers thrown open and airing. I get washed and dressed and then I make my bed.
Some people query the idea of making something you are only going to tear apart again at the end of the day, but I cannot stand the thought of crawling into anything less than a well-made bed as my day comes to an end. I love to walk by my bedroom door during the daylight hours and see it sitting there, with the coverlet, quilt, pillows, etc. all in their proper place. It gives me peace and satisfaction.
At end of day, in early evening. I will go in and pull the coverlet and quilt down, folding them towards the bottom of the bed and I will open a corner of the sheets and blankets, turning them down on the side that I sleep on . . . in preparation for my return. I suppose it is a welcome of sorts. I am getting things ready . . . like a dog that turns in circles around and around his bedding before he settles in. This ritual of turning down, it is not much different. I make my bed one way in the morning, and I make it again in another way at night. Both bring me peace and comfort.
Most of our days, and it follows . . . most of our lives are built and driven by routine and habit. Our being-in-the-world works its way into us through ritual and repetition. Our own individual view of "the good life" comes to us and is ingrained in our psyche through repetitive practices that motivate how we live and what we love.
We are shaped every day, and our lives are shaped by practices. Rituals. Habits. Routines. Partly from our faith if we are of a religious bent, from our culture, our communities, our families, the things we choose to watch and to read . . . the "air around us."
Most of this comes from the way in which we have been brought up, rituals and practices taught to us by our families, friends, society, etc. For the most part we are not primarily motivated by conscious thought. We do not usually think about our beliefs or worldwide view as we brush our teeth and go about our daily business, but much of what we do has been shaped by our beliefs and worldwide views.
It is important to choose wisely those things and those people which we wish to be a regular part of our lives, and to surround ourselves with.
I can honestly say that I fall in love with my life every single day. I did not always do so. I suppose in part, having had to walk away from everything like I did at the end of 2020, made me much more appreciative of my life. Those of you who have been with me for a while know how very difficult and heartbreaking a time that was for me. I can honestly look back now and say, it was the worst of times, but it was also one of the best things that ever happened to me. It truly was a gift.
It gave me a perspective on life that I don't think I would have ever had otherwise. I do not take any part of my life for granted. I am "present" in my life now in a way that I never was before. I fall "in love" with my life every single day.
That is not to say that my life is perfect. I do not believe anyone has a perfect life. There will always be things that we wish were different. But I am content, and I am in a peaceful place in my life. I am not envious of anyone else. I do not wish to change places with anyone. I am exactly where I want and need to be. I love my life. I Know This Town
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