Thursday, 6 February 2025

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 

This . . . lift where you stand.


Little felt hearts  . . . 


I used to love sledding when I was a girl  . . . 


Pretty rings  . . . 


The smell of fresh coffee  . . . 

Poetry. I have my favorites  . . . 


Bird's eggs . . .  so many different kinds . . . 


The art of topiary . . . it takes a special bush and special skill.


White pottery  . . . 


Vintage cupboards . . . 


Chickens  . . .  sketches . . . 


Birch trees . . .  I used to love to peel the bark when I was a child. I thought I was making paper.


Toweling fabric . . . 


They mate for life  . . . 


A well-organized linen cupboard . . . 


Love the color of this house  . . . 


Stargazing  . . . 


Galettes  . . . 


Pretty quilts  . . . 


A great "to do" list  . . . 


Old wooden cutting boards and rolling pins  . . . 


Tea cup bouquets  . . . 


Nut hatches  . . . 

And those are my favorite things for this week!  Did you know that list also contains YOU?  Well, it does!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°Keep some room in your heart
for the unimaginable.
~Mary Oliver
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German Butter Cake

In the kitchen today  . . .  German Butter Cake.  Seriously tasty. 

Obviously Cindy and I got through yesterday safe and sound. Just the waiting now. Praying neither one of us has a recall.  It was fun to spend an afternoon together however. That was the best part.  I do so love her you know. Very much.

I hope that you have a lovely day.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!


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And I do too!    



  1. So nice to hear you and Cindy had a nice time together, even though doing something no one looks forward to doing!! And you are definitely one of my favorite people too!! Wish we were neighbors!! What fun it would be to cook together eh??
    Hugs, Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Now wouldn’t that be a real treat Elizabeth! I love that thought! Xoxo

  2. A day to search out pretties and enjoy them, it is snowing (almost white out conditions) so we are staying home and watching through the windows. Hope the weather is better for you.

    1. We had a bit of snow last night and a few flakes today but no snow expected tomorrow! Sunday though, watch out! Xoxo

  3. I look for joy in every single day now. Before, I did not do that, and this year is much different. I laugh more too. I saw a bright red cardinal yesterday, which made me smile. I may use up some leftover crochet thread to make heart ornaments. I have not decided on that yet.

    1. Cardinals are supposed to bring us messages of love from lost loved ones, so very good! I think red thread hearts sound lovely! Xoxo

  4. Love all your favourites today, Marie. We are, indeed, kindred spirits. And your German Butter Cake sure looks good. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. We are Elaine! That cake is dangerous! Love and hugs! Xoxo


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