"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny? It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. What you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard
A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.
Woke up to a Winter Wonderland this morning, but the roads are still quite passable, which is good as I have a Vet appointment for the cats later this morning. One at 12 and one at 12:30. The fun part will be getting them into the carriers. I am going to go pick Cindy up at about 11:15 and she will come back here and between us we will wrestle the pair of them into the carriers. Should be fun.
They are two very healthy cats, so one might wonder why take them to the Vets. Reason is that unless you have them treated regularly at a Vets here, the Vets are so busy that if they actually do get sick, they won't take them for lack of time and space. You could end up having to travel quite a distance to have them taken care of. Just one of the perks of living in a small, rural area.
But what a beautiful vista this morning. So pristine and untouched. They did come and plough the road.
I went to church yesterday and was able to partake of the sacrament and renew my covenants with the Savior, take His name upon me, set myself up for another week, restore my spiritual battery. I had not been in a few weeks. It was Fast and Testimony meeting. There was also a baby blessing. I love both of those things. I am always encouraged by listening to the testimonies of others and I love baby blessings, even if they do make me feel a bit sad sometimes. I wish that I could have embraced the Gospel earlier in life. The opportunity was there. I was not brave enough or ready, and I did not want to lose my children.
I got my tree put up on Saturday. It looks okay, but there is one thing missing on it. Memories. There are no memories on it. There is nothing that I can point to on it that reminds me of Christmas's past, or my children, etc. I did get some tiny robins that I have placed here and there on the branches, which remind me of England. Robins and Christmas go together like peas and carrots. I love the European robin.
I love the month of December. The preparations for Christmas. The opportunity we have to dwell on the reason for the season. The carols. The sights. The smells. The lights. It is one of my favorite months of the year.
Advent. The opportunity we have to focus on the reason for the season over the next 24 days.
I am doing an Advent study this year through She Reads Truth. I usually do an Advent study every year. It helps to really bring the spirit of truth into my Christmas worship. This week we are focusing on Hope. Hope, the expectation and desire for something yet to come. What is life if not filled with Hope.
I am trying hard not to be annoyed by the Post Office this holiday season. They sure know when to pick their times. Christmas will come whether the post does or not. Maybe this is an opportunity to focus on something else which brings joy during this holiday season, and there is plenty.
Festive films. I could never get all the ones watched that I wanted to during the holiday season. Now I am on my own there is no reason why I can't get this done. I love festive films.
Festive reads . . . . I started re-reading one that I have read in the past on my Kindle last night. Christmas in Vermont. I have always wanted to be in Vermont for Christmas.
Cozy . . . embracing cozy . . . making it mine.
Cherry Menlove . . . I love to watch her Videos. She has been getting ready for Christmas for weeks now. I have always loved watching her videos and reading her blog, etc. You can watch and appreciate the joy that other people make in their lives without coveting it. She is a strong woman who has had to overcome many obstacles, and she still rises and smiles. I admire that.
I had dinner with family twice this weekend, both times at my sister's. She invited me for Pizza Saturday night. I could not refuse. I hardly ever have homemade pizza. Not like hers anyways. And then Sunday dinner. This week roast chicken. It was fabulously tasty. But then dinner at Cindy's always is. The best part is family time. I love my family.
Cindy found me some small matchboxes. I was pretty excited about that. Now all I need to do is find time to play with them.
This season is all about finding peace and joy and embracing it. That is my goal, beginning this week with Hope.
Faith, family, friends, home, hearth, love, peace, hope . . . I have a life filled with abundance. I am truly blessed.
I don't have a lot of time this morning as I need to get ready for the Vet, and I don't know about you, but I find at my age it takes me longer and longer to get ready for such things.
I will leave you with a thought for the day . . .
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*.˛.Snow provokes responses that
reach right back to childhood.
~Andy Goldworthy ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
Today's new recipe in the kitchen is Crockpot Corn Scalloped Potatoes. I found myself wondering why I had not thought of this before! Why indeed! Delicious! Simple.
I hope your week is filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things. I hope you feel blessed. I hope you feel loved. Whatever you do, wherever you go, don't forget!
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And I do too!
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And I do too!

Good that your roads are passable, good luck at the vets. No snow here but very cold today and sunny. Off to do errands before the snow arrives on Wednesday. Have a good day.
ReplyDeleteIt's very cold here today, Linda. The temperature hasn't even hit zero. Winter has arrived! xoxo
DeleteSpeaking from our own experience, changes even in holidays or how one does them, can be a good thing. We too do not have what we wish we did in family things. So finding ways, usually very small ways, to find joy and happiness are most important. I saw a sign on a blog today: "We haven't got a plan so nothing can go wrong". In a lot of ways, it is how we live our lives now...just taking advantage of whatever comes our way (like your unexpected invite from your sister to come to dinner...that is just lovely!!) Last December was the only one I can remember not falling ill in most of my life...but the past decade or so, I quit making any plans and just tried to do whatever came our way...I think maybe the added stresses then must have caused the illnesses...last year we laid low so much as possible...was such a blessing NOT being ill. Glad your sister is so involved in your life...everyone needs a pal to do things with!!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Elizabeth xoxo
They say change is as good as a holiday Elizabeth! I have always been a list maker and a planner, but I have always also been really good at not following my lists or plans! It is a good thing to want to stay well for the holidays. You take good care of you and hubby so that you can enjoy your own special celebrations. Do you go to Synagogue? I would like to learn more about the Hannukah festival. Love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteWhat a pretty “first snow” picture. Drive safe out there. Hope your fur babies have a good well-baby checkup. Enjoy your tree. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Elaine. I love snow until the New Year. Then it loses its charm. haha! Love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteHi, Marie! 🤗 SNOW… so beautiful! ❄️❄️❄️ We had some here last week, but the weekend rain washed it away, sadly. I LOVE December too—this time of year holds so many good things… I just want to be wrapped up in it all! Happy week, my friend… off to see your Christmas cake video, which I missed last week for all the busy. 😂 LOVE & HUGS, OXOX—Tracy 🩵❄️☃️🩵❄️☃️🩵
ReplyDeleteI am sure this will be washed away before Christmas as well Tracy! It has been a long time since we have had a white Christmas here where I live! I love this time of year however, like you! Love and hugs, xoxo