I met a man in love with life,
Who felt the magic of the world,
Whose heart thrilled to the commonplace,
Smoke from the chimney lightly curled,
The blue upon the distant hills,
The blessed gold of daffodils.
His eyes beheld the rainbow's hue,
And marvelled at the sky's clear blue,
A clump of marigolds . . . a tree,
The golden wonder of a bee,
A woven nest against the eaves,
The scarlet tracery of leaves.
He loved to see the shadows crawl,
Along a quiet garden wall,
As night was setting on the town;
He loved a dog's soft coat of brown,
The furry warmth against his knee,
A kinship you could almost see.
He loved his church and found therein,
A sweet forgiveness of all sin;
A happy man in love with life,
Proud of his children and his wife,
Taking the day for what it bought,
And clothing it in happy thought.
A man in love with simple things,
Who wouldn't trade his lot with kings.
~Edna Jaques
I am in love with simple things myself. That's probably why I just loved the words to this poem. It is the simple things in life that bring me the most joy and where I find my bliss. All of these photos this morning are ones I took on our last holiday up in Cumbria. I love Cumbria, it has a wild beauty that cannot be matched and is quite indescribable. If I could live anywhere on earth, it would probably be there . . .
I am off on a day out today with my friend Sheilagh and her friend Trish! We are going to a craft workshop, so I must dash and get ready to catch the train. I hope you all have a lovely Saturday! I'll leave you with a scrummy little treat that might bring a smile to your face and that the children will most certainly love!
*Marshmallow Truffles*
Makes 20
Printable recipe
Easy peasy and quite delicious! They can be a bit messy to make, but are well worth it.
7 ounces semi sweet chocolate
20 large marshmallows
candy sprinkles
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water. Do not let the bottom of the bowl touch the water. Once melted and smooth remove from the heat. Have a tray lined with greaseproof paper or waxed paper ready. Dip the marshmallows, one at a time, into the melted chocolate, allowing any excess to drip off. Place onto the prepared baking tray and sprinkle the tops of each with candy sprinkles. Allow to set before eating. (You can hurry this process by sitting them in the fridge for about 20 minutes.)
Baking in The English Kitchen today, a delicious Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie.
Have a very blessed and fun filled day.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous day, Marie and keep on enjoying life as it comes. I agree that it's the simple pleasures that can be the most lasting ones.
ReplyDeleteI love the third photo. I like how we build something powerful in stone and that plants find a way to invade it and to thrive. Do you know what those flowers are called? They are very pretty.
By Now you will be well on your way. I hope that you have a brilliant day and look forward to reading all about it soon.
ReplyDeleteI just LOVED todays poem..
LOve Sybil x
have a nice day out Marie,, love thos marshmallows,, yum!
ReplyDeleteI hope that you've had a wonderful day with your friends and that your knees behaved themselves. You must tell us all about it.
ReplyDeleteMany hugs, Lura
It is 5-15pm now Marie as I write this comment, so your day out will probably be almost over.I hope you had the bestest time ever.The photo's of Cumbria were beautiful,and I agree it is a beautiful place,along with many more in our Beautiful Country.I loved the poem.The English Kitchen is tempting me to go over,with lots of cream on top LOL!!Have a lovely evening with Todd and Mitzy.Take Care God Bless Kath xx
ReplyDeleteLove the poem. Such sweet thoughts. You will have to share your finds!
ReplyDeleteyou took those photos? hot dang they are awesome! i thought they were just pictures you found off the internet or something. beautiful!