FOR TODAY, August 24th, 2010...
Outside My Window...
It is light outside but still far too early to tell if we are going to have a sunny day today or not. We have had a lot of rain lately, too much but the hose pipe ban has been lifted so that's a good thing!!
I am thinking...
We had the most lovely evening yesterday. We have started a small Scripture Study/Family Home Evening group here in our Ward. It is basically just us and two other couples who are empty nesters and so each Monday we are getting together in the evening for a time of fellowship, refreshment and digging into the Word of God. Last night we were at Corine and Remy's place. They run a B&B here in Chester, which is just beautiful. You can have a look at their page HERE. They used to have a restaurant in Bordeaux, over in France, but moved here to the UK to be closer to their daughters. Corine is a fabulous cook and also a photographer extraodinaire! (Once Miztie gets a little older I want her to do a family portrait for us, of myself, Todd and little Mitzie! ) I do hope you will go look at their page and if you are ever in the Chester area give them a call for an excellent place to stay and eat!
I am thankful for...
Where do I begin??? I have so many blessings in my life. It is good to dwell on them instead of anything negative. We are still not completely through that dark tunnel, but we begin to see the light so that is good. I knew it was there all along . . . tis what has kept me going and putting one foot in front of the other.
From the kitchen...
There is lemon cake and some golden syrup biscuits. I discovered that Hotel Chocolate has a store in Chester city last week. That's a bad thing . . . a very bad thing . . . I picked up a small box of truffles when I was in the city one day last week. Oh my . . . scrummy yummy! There oughta be a law against it!
I am wearing...
A white cotton nightie and my bathrobe. It is still very chilly after last night! I just love white nighties. I feel like someone from a Jane Austin novel in them, very romantic I think! Forget pretty in pink!! I feel pretty in white!!
I am creating...
I did get one painting done last week and I so enjoyed it. It felt so good to put my brush to paper again. I need to get cracking on my art course! I also have a few dolls to make for several people. I have somewhat of a SALE going on right now in my Etsy shop. I have marked down all of my dolls and prints etc.
I am going...
There is a Relief Society Enrichment Evening tonight that I am going to. I am going to be demonstrating some dips etc. Tomorrow night I have a Primary Presidency meeting. I think our little friend Pauline is coming to visit us for a few days later this week. I say little but she's not so little anymore. She's 16 now. She started coming to ours when she was 9! She has grown up a lot since then. She's not a little girl anymore! I have her room all ready for her. It will be good to see and spend time with her.
I am reading...
Women, Food and God, by Geneen Roth
As you all probably know I have a weight problem that I have been trying to deal with for about 22 years now, ever since I quit smoking and had my tubes tied. I say that, but , in truth it's probably been my whole life really, even though the weight didn't start to really pile on until then. I had hypnotherapy a year and a half ago and that really helped a lot. I lost 3 stone. I think I have put at least a stone back on since all of the upheaval in our lives in these recent months. I need to get a handle on it again. I saw this book on the Oprah show when I was at my mom's in July. In this book, Ms. Roth offers up her own unique version of mindfulness training as a way to not only help her readers regain control over their disordered eating patterns, but also by understanding why they eat the way they do, regain control over the thoughts, feelings and preconceptions that led them to overeating in the first place. Every little helps!! So far so good!
I am hoping...
That I will soon see the scales going down again. I think about it every day, several times a day. I want to be where my weight issues don't control my life.
I am hearing...
Clock ticking, keys tapping . . . Mitzie snuffling next to me here on the sofa. Classical FM is on the telly, playing softly in the background. Life is good
Around the house...
Are you ready for the big reveal??? Here goes. Do you remember this???
This was the lounge in our house, specifically the fireplace area. Although it was somewhat pretty, I had always felt it to be too busy and bright. This is it now, after we did a bit of painting and redecorating:
I just love it myself! I love the green paint and the word decal I got for over the mantel and my little white cherubs. It is a much cleaner look and more elegant don't you think?? Be honest now!
One of my favorite things...
Is talking to you all each morning. It is such an important part of my day. I've been doing it for about 3 years now, here on Blogger and for another two years before that on AOL Journals. That's a long time to be blogging isn't it! I just love it and I just love all of you! Thanks so much for your love and and friendship. It means the world to me!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Not a lot really, other than the RS activity and my meeting. It is funny how it goes though. I hardly ever get everything done in a day that I am wanting to do . . . the days just somehow slip away! Is it like that for everyone???
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Isn't this magic? Just look at all those wishes and all that promise!! Those little fairie dresses twirling about . . . when I was a little girl I imagined that each little seed pod was a fairie dress . . . and I loved to send them off on their magic journies. I still believe in fairies, don't you???
And just as a closing thought for today . . .
Never fear shadows . . . they simply mean that there's a light shining somewhere nearby.
And there you have it . . . my day book for the first week in June. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)
*Peach, Ham and Cheese Salad*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe
Fruit and ham go so very well together. They are the perfect combination and when you combine that with some cheese and a honey mustard dressing, you've got something quite delicious indeed!
1 Cos lettuce, trimmed and roughly torn (Romaine)
1 carton of mustard cress, trimmed
2 ripe peaches, stoned and cut into thin wedges
4 ounces of Dutch Edam cheese, rind removed and cut into think sticks
4 ounces of thick sliced ham, cut into sticks
For the dressing:
3 TBS olive oil
1 TBS white balsamic vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 TBS mayonnaise
1 tsp runny honey
To serve:
Warm crusty bread (optional)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Toss all the salad ingredients together in a large bowl. Whisk together the ingredients for the dressing, or place them into a small jar with a lid and give them a good shake. Divide the salad amongst 4 chilled salad plates and then drizzle with the dressing. Warm crusty bread goes very well with this!
There's a lovely dessert today on The English Kitchen, a delicious Apple Custard.
Let me be the first to wish you Good Morning and I hope you have a lovely day. You were saying its so hard to get things done I find since I retired I seem to get less done don't seem to be able to manage me time anymore strange that. Its dry here in Scotland this morning not sunny yet we can but hope, we had a lot of rain yesterday. Love Joan
ReplyDeleteI know you ar eliving a hectic lifestyle at the moment but really Marie I am sure you know that we are in August actually nearly Sept..and not still in June check you day book date LOL !!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just LOVE your lounge it is SO SO much beter. One day I am sure I will see it in person. Thanks for your friends B&B I will check it out as I really would like to bring Mary up to Chester for a wee break, not of course just yet as things are very hard for us with my BIL. I feel that things are drawing to a final very soon now..
Mary gets back from Edinburgh late tonight, I will be glad to have her home.. Have a really lovely day
Much Love Sybil x
Your green fire-surround looks wonderful! Jason and I chose a similar green for our living room & dining room in a former apartment. It was so restful & peaceful.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the new look in the lounge, Marie! That soft green is every so much better, more cozy, and your decorative touches look like something from a magazines--wonderful job you did there! Your current reading sounds very interesting. And your new fellowship group is a great idea. LOVE the idea too of your family portrait with Mitzie! Good luck with your shop sale. :o) Happy Day, my friend--LOVE YOU LOTS ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteOh your fireplace area is beautiful now! That colour is perfect! How did you get the statement written on it. That is such a cool idea! Now, that's my kind of salad, Marie! Good luck with the weight - I went off the cookie wagon today with mine! Ooops!
ReplyDeleteThe lounge is looking so peaceful and inviting. The change is astonishing. Well done.
ReplyDeleteI will see if I can find that book. I need to do something. I had managed to lose 30 kg but 10 have crept back on and I need to lose more. It is oh so easy to put on weight and much more difficult to shift it.
I love the new look of your fireplace. I think it would be wonderful to have one. Mantles are something that are nice to decorate too. There is so much you can do. It's nice how you have added the lettering there. I've seen that done a lot lately. I know exactly what you mean about the days going by so fast. I've felt it too since I retired. I don't know how I ever had time to work.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness - you did make a difference in your lounge. It is beautiful. We have been remodeling a mobile home to be our last home and it is amazing the difference that can be made. I love your posts - they are very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteMy goodness - you did make a difference in your lounge. It is beautiful. We have been remodeling a mobile home to be our last home and it is amazing the difference that can be made. I love your posts - they are very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely LOVE the changes you made to the fireplace wall!!!! What a difference that made. I'm sure you are enjoying it and have had a lot of positive feedback. I checked your friend's B & B website and it is just beautiful...wish I could spend a few days there!
ReplyDeleteaah! Dear Marie, absolutely lovely post, I wake up this morning with many things in my head, you know, the kids, economic problems, Dad and Mom, anyway, many thigs but I read your post today (I love the simple woman's day book) I feel really better.
ReplyDeleteIm so litle so many things are not in my hand I know. I have to pray and wait..
Your decoration look absolutely lovely, I love this green.. look amazing, I can image the Christmas things in this fireplace, you and Todd and Mitzie, isn't a lovely thing??
Send you huggs and kisses, and enjoyed your Mitzie and all the beauty things, xxxxxxx gloria
Marie I hoep you are well and I am sooooooooooooo excited to meet your new friend Mitzie! I've missed reading everyone's posts the past few weeks what with this and that so this really cheered me up. She is just GORGEOUS and looks very much at home with you. I'm really happy you are starting to look more settled now after your move and am very impressed with your DIY! The green is such a soothing colour, it looks lovely. Kisses from Kitty and licks and wags to Mitzie from Alfie xxx some new piccies of him on the beach on my blog today
Along with the others, love your newly decorated living room. Keith been rreshening up the kitche; it's amazing how yellow the white ciling had got, though it didn't seem so.
ReplyDeleteTry not to stress about whatever weight you've regained - life's too short! And at least you're still much less than you started.
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeletelove the new look of the mantle. The new color brings out the beauty of the wool mantle and you've accessorized it just perfect.
I'm sad today you didn't have Mitzi's picture in the post. She is too cute. I know you enjoy her. Just one question, does she chew on your furniture or the cute stuff you have sitting around?
Robin in Virginia, USA
Oh Marie --
ReplyDeleteYour mantle looks fantastic! I love the wonderful green color and the vinyl lettering is so cute! You did a great job. I am sure it makes you smile every time you see it!
Have a wonderful day!
hello dear
ReplyDeletei'm holding ellie in one arm while erin is taking a shower. so, i'm typing with one hand..thus the reason for all lower case letters. i love your new look in the living room. i agree with you that it is much more elegant and calming. i must see it in person some day soon.
i hope that you will soon be in the light at the end of the tunnel instead of just seeing it up ahead. you are in my prayers.
it sounds like you have a good week ahead. i am glad that you get to go to rs meetings now. i rarely get to attend rs because i am in yw on sunday and at the temple on thur eves. i miss rs but i love my other callings so it all works out. i do enjoy day time rs that we have 6 times a year...i'd better since i am the leader.
you must be just winding up your day as i'm starting mine. i keep ellie at night. we have lovely visits during the night...last night we had one extra. i tried to explain to her that she couldn't be hungry again so soon but she disagreed with me and won the bother..these are precious times that i will always treasure .
i am sending love to you my friend.hugs lura
The salad looks so good to me! And I love the big much better! Looks very nice now :D
ReplyDeleteI wuv you!
ReplyDeleteMarie, I agree that the daybooks are like sitting down to talk. We run a parallel life, my friend. We too are just starting a FHE group with a few empty nesters. Then there are our presidency meetings and our RS activities. I need that book, I love your mantel it looks fabulous and is a lovely improvement. Great work!
ReplyDeleteHugs, B
love the new fireplace look-definitely better! the first picture was a little busy/bright. this looks a lot smoother and relaxed-great job!
ReplyDeleteand good luck with your weight loss goals. you can do it!!!
Love what you've done to the lounge/fireplace area of your home. It looks so peaceful and elegant.