I had one of those dreams again last night . . . I have been having them for years. It's the night before a holiday which is important to my children . . . Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Halloween, etc. In the dream I haven't been able to do the preparation that I need to do for the holiday, ie. pick up presents, candy, etc. whatever is needed . . . and it's too late. Last night in my dream it was Easter and I hadn't been able to get to the shops to buy their Easter bunnies or other goodies and I was terrifically upset., as any mother would be.
I'm not sure what the meaning of any reoccuring dream might be . . . or why I always dream the same thing, even if the occasion changes. Is it my fear of disappointing my children causing this?? I will probably never know, but I do know I always wake up feeling distressed.
I don't think that any mother wants to disappoint or upset her children, or any father for that matter. It happens though. We are imperfect beings. It is inevitable that sooner or later we will not meet another's expectations that they have for us. What happens then?
I don't suppose there is anything you can do to change the past. All you can do is apologize if you are able to, and try to do better in the future. The rest is up to the person you have disappointed. Their inability to forgive or forget or move forward is not your sin, especially if you have tried your best to make amends.
The sun is rising above the rooftops that I can see across the street from our house. I do so love to watch the sun rising in the morning. I have always felt that the early morning is the best part of the day and I hate it when I miss it. Streaks of cloud with rose coloured hue line the horizon. It's like opening a special gift, just for you. What will be inside? What blessings or small joys will you find? In what way (s) will you grow? I think that the choice is ours . . . to make the best out of whatever it is we are given . . .
Today will never come again. Best to make the most and the best of it that we can.
When I was reading my scriptures yesterday morning, this one touched me That's the beautiful thing about scripture don't you think? You can read the same one over and over again, multiple times and they are just words . . . then you read them again and seemingly all of a sudden the words will speak to your heart in a special way! I love it when that happens. Anyways, I did this little picture to illustrate it. You can NOT hide from God's love and His strength and guidance are always there to draw upon. I saw this quote one time, which said . . . if God seems far away, ask yourself who moved.
Last night was the Worldwide Broadcast of the 2013 General Relief Society Meeting. I hope to be able to watch it later on today on the church web site. It is always on too late for us here in the UK to watch live. It's always fabulous though and I am really looking forward to hearing what our leaders have to say to us. Their messages are usually very powerful and meaningful.
I must dash as I need to go and get ready for church. I know I've not said a lot about anything of any real importance this morning. Some days are just like that. I'll leave you with a special thought to carry with you through today . . .
“It's not about finding ways to avoid God's judgment and feeling like a failure if you don't do everything perfectly. It's about fully experiencing God's love and letting it perfect you. It's not about being somebody you are not. It's about becoming who you really are.”
~Stormie Omartian
Baking in The English Kitchen today . . . Sticky Ginger Loaf. Autumn comfort food. What is it about autumn that begs for the warm baking spices . . . ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg . . . ???? I don't know, I only know that when August turns to September, October . . . I long to crack them open and I do!
Have a great Sabbath day!
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