Sorry if I have made anyone worry by being largely absent over these past days. I just have not had the energy to do much of anything at all. My energy has largely been focused on getting better. I did do food posts on my FB page, etc. but just reposts of old things, but that was because I need to keep my income flowing in. Sad but true and an unfortunate necessity at this stage in my life.
For the last few weeks I have spent most of my time laying in my chair, coughing, dozing, recuperating much needed strength. Not a lot of cooking or anything else has been going on. I have not felt this poorly in years, not even when I had Covid in the spring.
I am started to feel a lot better now. I actually was able to sleep almost the whole night through last night with very minimal coughing. I didn't wake up until 7:15 this morning which is super late for me! Unheard of. I really needed it. I really have been ill.
I am so grateful for my sister who has been a rock throughout all of it. Bringing me the things that I need, loving me, supporting me. I do not know where I would be without her. I know she says that I also do a lot for her, but I can't think what. I really can't.
She didn't get as ill as I did. Hers was very minimal in comparison. Dan did not get it at all. We were talking yesterday about if we needed to re-mask again and we decided probably not, so long as we remain cautious and avoid large crowds, sanitize, etc.
To be honest both times we have been ill over these past months its because we have caught it from the person we were trying to protect. Ironic.
Yesterday was the first day I have felt like going out, and I had to be cajoled into doing it. I did feel much better for having done so. Cindy picked me up and I did some much needed banking. We went to a couple of farm markets and the local shops and that was pretty much it, but it was so nice being out and about and getting some fresh air into my lungs. It was nice just being together and chatting and laughing and just spending time with each other. I am so grateful that God gave me a sister like the one I have. She is a great blessing to me and to all who know and love her.
I had a couple of facetimes this week. One with my oldest son Anthony and his family and one with my middle son Doug and his family. Both really gave me a boost. I love my family so much. The boys are all getting ready for back to school. Outwardly not looking forward to it I suppose, but I think secretly they are perhaps? I always looked so forward to going back to school in September. Maybe I was an odd duck!
I see change around me. Plants and wildflowers are going to seed and looking very tired. I see some leaves changing. The air seems to hold a difference that I can't put my finger on. The hummingbirds bring an urgency with them to the feeder.
I find it hard to believe that here we are at the end of August, and yet . . . here we are. Summer has seemed to pass far too quickly.
I really hope that things can get more back to normal around here now I am feeling better. I am still coughing, but not as much and I have finally had a good night's sleep. I need to vacuum, and I need to wash my floors. I need to get dressed, lol. I've been lolling about in my pajamas far too much and been far too comfortable in them! I think I need to get some house mumu's. Or maybe not. Maybe that is too much like living in your pajamas.
I missed the blue moon. Wah! I had wanted to see that, but it was cloudy here yesterday and last night. We've had ever so much rain this month. But we needed it.
This will be known as the summer of rain I think.
I am not sure what I will get up to today. I will just try to catch up a bit on all the things I have let slide over the past few weeks, without overdoing it. I think its important that I don't do too much too soon, or I will just slide backwards perhaps. I need to think about ways to boost my immune system. I seem to get sicker than those around me when I do get sick. My sister has a theory about this. She thinks that perhaps because I was in the UK for so long my body is not used to the different bugs/virus's etc. that exist here in Canada. I need to build up an immunity towards them. I think she is right perhaps. Sounds plausible at any rate!
And I know you are probably getting sick about hearing about me being sick so I will stop that now and leave you with a thought for today. Tomorrow's a new day and I am wiping the slate clean. Onwards and upwards . . .
A thought to carry with you . . .
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In the kitchen today I am sharing a bit about what I purchased at the various farm shops we went to yesterday. I got some really interesting stuff!
And look who was on the counter of one of the shops we visited! That's our Eileen's Tim! He is raising money to go to the National Winter Special Olympics, representing Nova Scotia in February I think it is. So proud of him!
I hope that you have a lovely day whatever you get up to. Be happy, be well, be safe and don't forget!
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And I do too!