Wednesday 12 April 2023

And so it goes . . .

 Well, its official now. I have Covid. I have tested positive.  I will be scarce for a few days I would imagine, while I recover.   I have to keep up the food blog because it pays my bills. But I am going to be  resting and trying to recover as best as I can. Take care everyone.  I'll be back soon!

Don't forget!

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And I do too!    



  1. Take care Marie, rest as you can, lots of fluids, and a speedy recovery. Be sure to reach out if you need support from family and friends.

  2. Take care..Rest.. So sorry for you.

  3. Get well soon. I have also had COVID. Fortunately it was a mild case and I was better in days. The Pfizer executive revealed months ago that the shots do not prevent transmission so we will all get it at some time. I believe our immune system is strengthened against it when we have actually had it.

  4. According to docs on internet, the strongest immunity comes from actually getting look forward to at least that, Marie. Meanwhile, rest, drink lots of water and broth, eat soup if you can...and this too should pass!! Will be praying it leaves soon!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

  5. So sorry to hear that, Marie. Prayers you will have a mild case and you all recover quickly. Love and hugs, Elaine

  6. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this…rest, relax and be good to you.
    Best wishes to you and yours, V.

  7. Oh Marie, sorry you’re under the weather with Covid. Please take care of yourself. Sending healing hugs. Paula

  8. Thinking of you and sending you best wishes and prayers.

  9. Praying for you! Rest and get well soon.

  10. Oh no ! So sorry to hear you are a poorly girl .If I lived near by I would bring you honey and lemons . Take care to rest now please ! sending get well wishes . love Debbie 💐xxx


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