Tears will be shed, I am sure. I have missed so much of their lives over the last 22 years. It almost makes me angry when I think about it. I was only supposed to be going over to the UK for 2 years and then we were both going to immigrate back to Canada once Todd turned 65. Of course, that didn't happen, and we know why now. So many years wasted that shouldn't have been. Water under the bridge. Spilt milk. Never mind. We must make the most of what time we have left, and we will!!!
My little place will be ringing with lots of noise and laughter and the smells of roasting turkey. (On Sunday anyways.) My sister is going to lend us my mother's big old Wearever roaster to roast the turkey in. Anthony is bringing the turkey. My sister is making the stuffing and the sweet potatoes. We will do the rest here. I bought two pies yesterday. A pumpkin and an apple. I know I should have made them from scratch, but everything seems to take me twice as long these days and the ones I bought are very good. They will do.
The most important thing is we will all be together. We have plans to meet Eileen and Tim outdoors in the park tomorrow for a picnic lunch. I hope and pray it won't be raining! I keep checking the weather report. It is not looking hopeful. 71% chance of rain tomorrow. 😥
We will figure something out. I know Eileen wants to see her brother, and I would like to see Eileen, but I am so not willing to take unnecessary chances with Covid. People are still getting sick and some of them very sick. Anthony and family are testing themselves before they leave to come here.
We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend. My father at 88 (89 in January) is still with us to celebrate. I got the all-clear earlier this week. I was so worried that I wouldn't. Funny that. You try to remain positive and not to worry about it, but it is there, niggling away in the back of your mind. You brace yourself for the worst, just in case . . . all the while hoping that it won't be the worst-case scenario. I was so relieved when the Doctor gave me the news and I was almost not believing it in a weird sort of way, but I have the prints out to prove that all is well. What a great blessing. I would have been brave and faced whatever it was that I had to face, because really what alternative would I have had. Things are not made any easier by drowning them in misery. You are best to just pull up your socks and get on with them.
I learned that lesson when my children were small. My mother was always a "woe is me" kind of a person, and yet at the same time she was very brave. But she always made things so much harder for her and those around her sometimes with her attitude when things were going pear shaped.
I loved and love my mum dearly, and you all know that, but she didn't half make things more difficult than they had to be sometimes.
This one year, everyone was at ours for Christmas, my sister and her family, my family, mom. Lice hit a couple of the children and we all had to be treated. 13 people. All that bedding needing to be washed, the night clothes, etc. My mother was so very negative throughout the whole experience, moaning about it all. It just made everything so much more difficult for all of us, and people had their feelings hurt, I am sure.
Flash two years ahead, and we are on the Island visiting my mother-in-law. Same scenario hits. My MIL never batted an eyelid, she simply got stuck in and we went through the same rigmarole of washing all the bedding, shampooing everyone etc. No negativity involved. She saw it as a great challenge. It was just, let's get stuck in and deal with this.
Moaning about stuff never did make things easier to cope with. Lesson learned. Attitude is everything.
My sister and I went out yesterday and I picked up some stuff for the weekend. I spent the morning going through the refrigerator and freezer and getting rid of old stuff. I had asked my son what the boys liked to eat, and he said burgers, hotdogs, pizza. Of course, I didn't really have any of that. Now I do. Burgers, hotdogs, pizza fixings. I got little mini naans so that they can make their own pizzas the way they want to make them. Squirty pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni, etc. They can fill their boots!
Frozen burgers and buns. Easy peasy.
I also got some cereal bars, frozen waffles, frozen Danish. Our Bruce always loved stuff like that when he was a boy. I am going to go out today and get in some milk and honey nut cheerios. They like that cereal, I guess.
Of course, the big meal will be Sunday and that is what we are mainly concentrating on. Anthony is cooking the turkey. I have put him in charge of that. It's all very exciting!
I wonder what my babies will think. I am sure they will let me know. Nutmeg will probably hide at first until he gets used to all the noise and excitement. Cinnamon will be right in the thick of it all. I just need to make sure that they don't get out the door. Thankfully they are not cats that really hang around the door. If the inside door is open, they like to look out the screen door, but mostly they just hang around the front window watching what's going on from that viewpoint!
My father is really excited about seeing everyone as well. He was going to come over here tonight after his supper at Cindy's, but I told him they probably won't get here until after 7 or 8 and that's a bit late for him to be driving home. I am nervous about him driving home in the dark, especially after his accident a few weeks ago. What I'd like to do is have Anthony go and surprise him at Breakfast tomorrow morning, but we will see what happens.
In the meantime, I am just praying them over here safely and looking forward to our time together. I am wishing all of my Canadian friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving. May it be filled with lots of loved ones, many blessings to be thankful for, good health and good food! I'll be back on track come Tuesday and tell you all about how ours went!
In the meantime, here is a thought for the day . . .
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Such a wonderful time for your family this Thanksgiving, hoping Eileen can join in too. They are saying now, masks or no masks, you can still get covid, and if you have had shots you will be extra safe. Have a wonderful time.
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda! We are all looking forward to it. Eileen is going to her in laws for thanksgiving dinner, but we will certainly be enjoying a picnic with her and Tim on the Saturday, even if it is not quite as planned originally! xoxo
DeleteHope the weekend comes together well for all of you!! It IS hard to make pies etc at our age...I made one yesterday (gluten free of course) and was not happy with it...and my back went out in the course of it all too...so there are times one should buy what is needed!! Have fun!!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth xoxo
Its just so much work when you are making pies for so many people and these ones I get at the farmers market are really top quality! They will be enjoyed! Thanks Elizabeth! xoxo
DeleteSonds sooooo funnnnnnn!Enjoy!!
ReplyDeleteWe will certainly enjoy Monique! Thank you! xoxo
DeleteHave a wonderful weekend, happy happy, fun fun! xo,V.
ReplyDeleteWishing you and all your family a wonderful, thankful Thanksgiving, Marie. It's sad that Eileen and Tim can't join you. What if they took a Covid test just before they came? Perhaps they have other Thanksgiving plans? So looking forward to hearing all about your weekend. Where is everyone going to sleep? Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteThanks Elaine! The problem with Eileen is she won't take a test or wear a mask. It's her opinion that we just have to learn to live with it, and she's not making allowances for anyone. They are going to Tim's parents for dinner on Sunday, but I do hope we will be able to enjoy an outdoor picnic lunch tomorrow with them! Thanks for your e-mails. I will e-mail you back after the dust settles on the other end! Love and hugs, xoxo
DeletePS - I have gotten them a hotel room at the motel next door. I thought they would be much more comfortable that way.
DeleteI want to wish you and your lovely family ,and that includes the puddytats ,a very Happy Thanksgiving . 💐