Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Simple Woman's Day Book

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 FOR TODAY July 9th, 2013

Outside my window...
It promises to be another hot day.  Yay Summer!

I am thinking...
"Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way ask yourself, do you want to be a prisoner of the past, or a pioneer of the future."
~Deepak Chopra

I am not sure I know who this Deepak is, but they are a very smart person.  There is a specific person in my life that is always trying to push my buttons, and I have always reacted to this in a negative way.  It finally dawned on me a few months back that by reacting in this way I was letting them win, that if I just ignored their attempts to get under my skin (at least outwardly) I would actually be getting under THEIR skin.  And so that's what I have tried to do ever since!  In doing so, I have taken back control of my own feelings!

I am thankful...
I am thankful for wise people like Deepak, who make me think and ponder.

In the kitchen...
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In The English Kitchen today . . . Courgette and Cheese Bake.   Another tasty way to use up this prolific plant! (I love zuchinni!)

.I am wearing...
Nothing new here! Yep, in my jim jams!

I am creating...
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I am loving these little picture lanterns.   They look very easy to do and would be a great summer craft!  All you need is mod podge, tissue paper and jars!


Loving this idea as well.  Make your own Fairy Ring!   There's also a link on that page that takes you to another  page where you can print out lots of fairies to colour, etc. and make your  very own fairies.  I love fairies!

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Is this not the cutest wreath you have ever seen??? I think it's adorable, and she has a host of other ones in her shop as well.  They don't look hard to figure out how to make though if you are the least little bit crafty.

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Is this not the cutest idea for a summer craft!   Little lighthouse lanterns using a upturned flower pot and baby food jar!   I love this type of thing!  Some people are just so smart and creative!

I am going...
I am going to be calling the dentist today and trying to get in to see him.  My mouth is still really hurting and it's been six days.   Surely the pain should have gone off some by now.

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I am not a happy camper . . .

I am wondering...
We have some neighbors who, whenever it is nice weather, stay out in their back garden being really noisy until well after midnight . . . even the children and it's still school time here.   The kids don't break off for summer break for a few more weeks.   It doesn't matter if it is a week night or weekend night.   They party on into the wee hours and I wonder why they do that.  Don't they realize that other people are trying to sleep???   It's so inconsiderate.   I was so tempted last night to get up and slam the window shut, but then it would have been too hot in the bedroom to sleep so I didn't.   I am not against people enjoying things . . . just use a bit of consideration for others please! They are probably the same ones who go away for weekends and leave their dog home alone in the garden . . . so it howls and whines for days without letting up.  I wish I could figure out who it is because I would report them . . . the unfortunate truth is though . . . the kind of people who could do that would also probably have no qualms about putting a brick through your window. 

I am reading...
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Lady of Hay by Barbara Erskine
This is my second reading of this book.   Jo Clifford, a successful journalist, is all set to disprove hypnosis and past-life regression, until she submits to a simple hypnotic session and finds herself reliving the experiences of Matilda, Lady of Hay, the wife of a baron at the time of King John.  I read Lady of Hay when it was first published in 1986. The quality of the writing is superb , and the depth of reader involvement in the story is something that has been maintained throughout every single Barbara Erskine book. Looking at the twenty fifth anniversary edition , it appears that this book has stood the test of time and deservedly so...  I thought it would be fun to revisit it now that I live very close to the places which are mentioned in the book.  I can now picture the reality of them in my mind as I am reading.   I highly recommend!

I am hoping...
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It is my mom's 81st Birthday today so I am hoping she has a lovely day!   I know she will.  MY sister has a few surprises planned and I will be calling her a bit later on.   It's hard to believe a year has passed since we had her 80th celebration and Eileen's wedding.   Happy Anniversary to Eileen and Tim as well!

I am looking forward to...
We have decided to go to the Temple on Thursday this week.   I am looking forward to that.  I love to go to the Temple.  You experience such a beautiful feeling when you walk in it's doors.  It's a little bit of heaven here on earth.

I am learning...
That I actually don't know it all! haha

Around the house...
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I love, LOVE the look of this laundry room.  I would love to have a laundry room.  If I did it would look like this.   I love the bright colours.  They would make doing laundry a fun thing!   Ok, so maybe not fun . . . but at least you could do it in a cheerful atmosphere!

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 Oh . . . that I had room enough in my kitchen for this!   I am loving the huge apothecary jars, and the baskets and the chicken wire on the doors.

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Is this not the greatest idea?   Empty spice tins with magnets on the back so you can stick them to the fridge to hold stuff.  The potential for this idea is endless!

I am pondering...
What can I do with all of those black currants that are in the garden right now!  Not to mention the ripening gooseberries . . . 

A favorite quote for today...
“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday."

One of my favorite things...

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I don't drink tea, unless it's herbal tea, but I do love tea pots.   I am not sure why I love them as much as I do, but I do . . . big ones, small ones, itsy bitsy doll house sized ones . . . one shaped like cottages, and cats and other funky things.  I just love tea pots in any way, shape, or form!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
The Temple, spending time with Todd.  A bit of crafting.  A bit of play.  A bit of cooking.  I have a Presidency meeting tomorrow night.

A peek into my day...
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Yep . . . I'll be trying to find places to tuck in some of the garden fruit glut!

A thought to carry with you through today:

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others.   For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness.   And for poise . . . walk with the knowledge that you are not alone."
~Audrey Hepburn

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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