Friday, 17 January 2025

Dear Neighbor . . .



Dear Neighbor,

It's a chilly one out there this morning, cloudy and overcast although it is still dark. I am just letting you know what it says on the weather app.  I am sitting here in my cozy little house with a blanket over my lap.  The cats have had their breakfast and their treats, and all is well in my little corner of the world.

It is my father's 91st birthday today (at the risk of repeating myself.) How blessed we are to still have him with us.  He lost his ring this week.  He had this gold and diamond ring that he wore on his left hand.  It was very expensive, and somehow, he has lost it. We are hoping that someone will turn it in. It is a bit of a ridiculous ring to us, very big and garish, but it is important to him.  He grew up with nothing in a very poor family. His relatives used to call him the "penny boy."  "Here comes the penny boy." his uncle would say when he saw him coming. My father would do chores, etc. for a penny. A penny was a lot of money to him.  Being able to buy himself an expensive ring "just because" meant a lot to him as well. I hope it gets found.


Both our mother and our father came from very humble and poor backgrounds.  Neither one of them had much of anything when they were growing up.  Both of them worked very hard to take themselves out of poverty, and to provide a good life for the family that they would one day have together.  

Growing up we did not necessarily have the best of everything, but we had all that we needed.  Mom held the purse strings, and she was very thrifty.  We did not want for anything even if we did not always have what we wanted to have. We were loved and cared for.  I will always be grateful for the childhood I had.  I was taught important values as well as how to be a good and a kind person, not simply a nice person.

Nice does not necessarily mean that you are good or that you are kind.


I did go out to the lunch yesterday with the ladies from church. I wasn't sure if I was going to go right up until I actually left. I was undecided for most of the morning, but in the end I went.  It was snowing as well, so I broke out of two of my comfort zones.  I battled my social anxiety, and I battled my fear of driving in the snow. I consider that a win.

I did enjoy myself. It was nice to get out of the house and breathe in some fresh air.  It was nice to spend time with and talk to people I have known for many years, to break bread together.  There was about 12 of us, which was just a nice crowd.  They had four tables joined together for us.  

I had my usual, fish and chips.  I did not eat most of the chips. I knew that I wouldn't. Jacquie was seated next to me on one side and Glenna on the other. Glenna was a good girl and had a salad. Jacquie had the fish and chips and ate all of her chips.  It was really delicious though. My fish was very nicely cooked and the batter was lovely.

But what was even better than the food was the company. To be in the company of like-minded souls and people whose company you enjoy is a special blessing.  I just wish that doing such things came much easier to me and that I didn't have to "make" myself do them.

Maybe with practice I will get better at it.


I was awake very early this morning.  I had been dreaming about my youngest son. He was still a young boy in my dream and there were lots of hugs. He was really quite coddled when he was a child. His father was away a lot, and he was a child that had a lot of fears.  He used to sleep with me most nights. It was very difficult to get him to sleep in his own bed.  There was a huge age gap between him and the older four children (7 years).  They used to tell him things to scare him a bit, as older siblings do.  He had also been a bit sickly when he was really small, with asthma.  There were many nights I had to sit in a chair and hold him upright so that he could breathe and of course there were the breathing treatments that had to be given frequently during the night. Oh, he would scream and cry through them, but the Doctor said that was a good thing as it meant that he would get more of it into his lungs.

One time he was hospitalized with it. I slept in a cot next to his bed the whole time he was in there so that he would not feel alone. I did not get much sleep to be honest.

He used to love me to read to him.  I read him lots of stories every night, him nestled in the bed next to me. He liked my made-up stories most of all and he was always one of the main characters in the stories I told. We used to watch movies together.  Our favorite one was "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes." Margaret O'Brien was in that film, and I think he may have had a little boy crush on her.

We were always really close. I suppose that is why I am having a difficult time understanding what has happened. It just makes no sense to me. It probably never will.


I had a lovely facetime call with my friend Tina last evening.  We talk at least once every week. I miss her. She and Tony are going to one of their grandson's weddings in May.  He lives in Zimbabwe. That is actually where Tina grew up.  She is South African, so is Tony. They are very good people, but then, you already know that. 

I think it is pretty wonderful that she and Tony can still travel like they do. They are both in their 80's now.  Tina is registered blind as well, although she can see some. 

Anyways, it was wonderful as always to talk to her. Time spent with a good friend is always worth it and I am so grateful for modern technology which allows us to spend the time together that we do.


I have finished the Enid Blyton book.  I loved that it was all intact to the original. Many of her books have been adapted to "modern" audiences.  Health and safety and all that.  How wonderful it was to take this adventure with these children. I had forgotten how the story ended and so it really was like reading it again for the first time.  I enjoyed every minute of it. 

I can remember wanting a parrot for a pet when I was a child. That was never going to happen.  In all truth the novelty of having one would have probably worn off quite quickly.

Mom used to feed the crows when we were living in Gimli. There were several that were quite tame.  I have only just remembered that.  She would have only been in her late 20's/early 30's when we were living there, so quite a young woman.  Dad was young too.  It was so long ago and yet, it seems like just yesterday.


Who knew that posting a recipe for something like a Baked Corn Dog would be so controversial.  "Why don't I post healthier recipes that don't use processed food?"   It's an "affront to the fair-food qualities of a corn dog." etc. 

It seems to have caused quite a stir.  It's not like I eat hotdogs every day or even post recipes using hotdogs every day. They are quite rare on the blog. And so, what if it is not deep fried like a fair-food corndog? 

If you don't like, you don't look or cook, etc.  Everyone is a critic.  It makes me laugh sometimes. But at least they are looking, which counts!  👍


I am pretty much caught up with all of my work for this week and could spend today just doing something fun if I wanted to. It is not very often that that happens. I could sew or I could paint or maybe create a little matchbox doll.  I have no idea what I will get up to, but it will be something, I am sure.  

I have a life which is filled with plenty.  Work, play, family, faith, friends. I don't get lonely. I think that is because my life is filled with purpose, and to be quite honest, I enjoy my own company.  That is a great blessing in and of itself. I don't get bored.

When we were kids, we did not dare get bored or our mother would have found something for us to do! And it would not have been play.  We learned very early on in life how to amuse ourselves. I have a billion things that I could do today.  I could also do nothing at all.  

What a luxury.  To be able to do nothing at all. I do have some journal writing to catch up on.


I had been wanting in the new year to get a wardrobe for the bedroom. I have not done so yet. There is a part of me that is afraid to spend the money, just in case I regret it later in the year. Then there is the problem of putting it together.  Nothing these days comes to you ready made.  You literally have to assemble everything. Not such a hard job when something is small (like the electric skillet I got for Christmas.) But when you start talking about wardrobes, then it becomes a bit more complicated.   I know I could ask my ministering brother from church to do it. His wife and I could have a bit of a visit when he was doing it.  But I hate to bother anyone. 

I could look on Facebook marketplace, but then I might get something which smelled musty or something, worse yet like smoke.  I think a new one is the best option, but it bears thinking about.  I know that Wayfair offers the option of someone putting it together for you but that adds considerably to the cost.

I think I will think about it for a while longer before I buy.

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day.  Time is marching on and if I want to play, I best get on with it!

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*.Happiness is the 
secret to all beauty. There is
no beauty that is attractive
without happiness.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Christian Dior° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Creamy Oven Baked Chicken Thighs

In The Kitchen today . . .  Creamy Oven Baked Chicken Thighs. Creamy Oven Baked Chicken Thighs -seared chicken thighs cooked in a creamy garlic sauce.  Simple to make and delicious. 

I do hope that you have a beautiful day today and that your weekend will be really nice also.  Whatever you get up to do stay warm, be happy, and don't forget!

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And I do too!    


Thursday, 16 January 2025

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 

Vintage Recipes and vintage recipe books. I just find something very appealing about them.

Anything Holly Hobbie.  I have loved her artwork for many, many years.

All things Alice  . . . 

Home Sweet Home  . . . 

Book marks  . . . 

Cherubs.  I used to have quite a collection in the U.K.

Counted Cross Stitch. I used to do a lot of it.


Door knockers  . . . 


Knitted throws  . . . 


Door stops  . . . 


Flower sprigged  . . . 


Fresh strawberries in season.  Off season berries are not that sweet.


Embroidery  . . .  love it.


Old tea cups  . . . 


Weather vanes . . . 


Chickens  . . . 


Holly Hocks . . . 


Succulents  . . . 


Cardinals in the snow  . . . 


London  . . .  loved London  . . . 


Baking  . . .  I love baking.

This  . . . 


Old book covers.  They have so much character. 

Stained Glass Windows  . . . 


Fresh donuts  . . .  

And those are my favorite things for this week. Maybe some of them were yours as well!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°What good is the warmth of summer without 
the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
~John Steinbeck  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

Baked Corn Dogs

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Baked Corn Dogs.  This was incredibly yummy. I served it with baked beans. Hotdogs are a favorite thing.  I don't eat them very often.

I am supposed to go out to lunch today with a bunch of ladies from church.  I am not 100% sure I will go or not.  I went out for supper with my dad last night and I don't really like eating out in restaurants that often. I will see how I feel about it later this morning. They are meeting at noon. I hadn't been going to go out to supper yesterday, but my father was determined to go out and I did not want him to be there all by himself, so I went. It had started to snow by the time we were ready to leave.  I wasn't too keen on that either, but I did it.  I got home safe and sound which is the important thing, and dad didn't have to eat on his own.

I don't know why he is determined to eat out every Wednesday. I suppose it gets him out of the house and gives him something to do.  And the waitresses all make a fuss of him, which he also likes. It is his birthday tomorrow.

I hope that you have a beautiful day. Whatever you get up to stay safe and stay warm!  Don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Wednesday Witterings . . .



We had a bit of snow during the night. Not a lot. Looks to be like maybe 2 inches or so. It is fairly chilly however, -4*C/24.8*F.  A typical winter's morning. They say it is always coldest before the dawn. It is not meant to get much warmer than this today however. so quite a chilly day. 

On days like this I am grateful for my heat pump which keeps warm air circulating through the house. There is not a lot of house to heat, thankfully. My sister has two heat pumps in her house as it is a much larger space. One upstairs and one downstairs.

Heat pumps are a much cheaper and more efficient way of heating the home. I am not sure how it works, but somehow, they gather heat from cold outdoor air and pull it inside. That doesn't make sense to me, but it does keep the house lovely and warm in the Winter months. In the summer months it does the opposite and pulls in cold air from outside, cooling the house down. However it does it, I am grateful to have a cheaper alternative to my electric baseboard heating!  

I keep no heat on in my bedroom at all. The door stays open all day, and I am assuming that the heat travels from the larger living area into the bedroom. I prefer to sleep in a cooler room, so I close the door. It works fine for me to do it that way! I often even kick off the covers during the night. I guess I am hot stuff! ha ha


On Sunday when I was at Cindy's for dinner we got to talking about the games we had when we were growing up. One year for Christmas we had gotten this set of games that all came in a box. I think there were like supposedly fifty games or some such. Chinese checkers, snakes and ladders, checkers, backgammon, etc. I know that we played the snakes and ladders all the time. My mom was not one to waste money on things like games.  My best friend had the games Mouse Trap and Clue, and I used to love to go over to her house to play those. 

I do remember getting Pick Up Stix when we were a bit older, and Tip It and Hungry Hungry Hippo, but that was as fancy as our games got. 

There was also a word game we used to play called Probe. We played that a lot. Everyone had cards and you spelled a word out with letter cards (right side down) on a small holder in front of you and the aim of the game was for the other players to figure out your word by guessing letters. My dad always won because he would spell out electrical terms that none of us knew. We had fun playing nevertheless.

I have picked up a selection of games over the past few years to have here for when the grandchildren come, but most have never been opened. I think kids today prefer electronic games.  I have played a few with Eileen and Tim however and we have had fun.

I can remember getting together as adults back in the day to play cards as a group and that was always a lot of fun also. Do you remember card tables?  Tables specifically for playing cards on? I wonder if they still make them.


Went out yesterday to pick up a Birthday card for Dad. He turns 91 on Friday. Somehow we (Cindy drove) ended up at Spur's farm market and I picked up the loveliest loaf of Olive Sour Dough Bread. I totally adore olive bread.  I could not resist cutting myself a piece when I got home, which I enjoyed with lashings of butter. I had a bit more later on.  I have had some already this morning and the loaf is half gone.  But better to eat it while it is still fresh right?

I knew you would agree.

I have not started making sour dough again since I returned to Canada. I keep thinking that I should, but then I don't. I follow a girl on YouTube who makes sour dough everything.  Even pie crusts. No bit of discard ever gets wasted. My daughter in law Kayla also does sour dough. I am just not sure where would be a safe place to keep it here in my wee house I suppose.  I should try making a starter and see what happens.

I had dried some of my starter in the U.K.  I really should have brought it with me, but I was afraid that they would question it at customs.

Something to take under consideration is, would I, a person living on their own, eat enough bread, etc. to warrant having a sour dough starter on the go?  Food for thought.  (No pun intended.)


My brother had his appointment with his oncologist and this was the result: (I will copy from his FB page.

"We met with the oncologist today. They feel the recent scans are suggestive of kidney cancer, but the two tumors are small and appear to be slow growing, so there are several treatment options to consider. They will run a few more tests and then we will meet the doctor again in 6 to 8 weeks to finalize the treatment plan. The prognosis is good. We are at peace and will take one day at a time. Thanks for your prayers."

It does sound promising, and I do believe in miracles, so will keep praying for such.  I thank you also for your continued prayers. They are much appreciated by all of us.


I really love this.  I am a person who, for many, many years, saved the good stuff for "some day" in the future.  I don't know which day that was supposed to be.  Since having had to walk away from everything and never having had the pleasure of using what I had been saving, I have decided to use and enjoy everything I have.  Not save any of it for "some day." 

Life is too short.  I want to eat the good food and listen to my favorite music.  I want to squeeze as much joy out of every moment of my life as I can, within reason of course. 

But it only makes sense to love what you have and to have what you love and to use and enjoy it all. Life is far too short to do otherwise.


I am a person who refuses to be pigeon-holed. I am a person who defies specifics.  I don't think anyone could look at my home, etc. and place my style solidly within any one genre.  I have deep passions for many things and I surround myself with them. I find so much that is interesting in life and I tend to embrace all of it, even though that means I may come off as being a bit scatty from time to time.

Old books, spirituality, vintage plates, crochet blankets, quilts, cooking and baking, fairy lights, cats, yarn balls, art, sewing, dolls . . . cakes.  I am all of these facets and all of these loves. Some of these things are more important to me than others, but I love them all and I could not choose between any one of them.

I guess I am at peace with being prolific. I feel free to be all and everything that I dream of being, and it is delicious to feel such a way. To soar and not settle.  To be a version of myself that is all of these things and loves.  A human moveable feast of bits and bobs that bring me joy.

Again, life is far too short not to embrace what you love and to love what you embrace.


I am still waiting for us to get some real snow.  Not these light dustings we keep getting.  But real snow. Snow that needs a definitive plowing.  It has not happened yet this year.  I do believe that they have gotten more snow in the U.K. than what we have gotten here where I live.  I know Winter is far from being over yet and has only really just begun.

I am not a lover of the hot and humid weather of the summer months. I prefer something in between. Not so hot as you cannot stand it, nor so cold as you are freezing to death either.  With sunny days and blue skies, and just enough warmth in the air to keep you comfortable without being over the top.

I love to watch the snow fall.  Especially if it is big goose-down-like flakes. Watching them fall makes me feel all cozy and warm . . . safe.  It is easy to feel that way if you have nowhere pressing to go to or to be.  You can feel cozy and warm at home. 

Life stands still in moments like those.  All urgency disappears.  At least it does for me. I love it when life slows down that tiny bit and comes to a standstill that I can comfortably cope with.


I am not sure what I will get up to today.  I have a bit of cooking that I want to do.  I need to do some book-keeping, something which I always seem to procrastinate.  I tell myself that I do my best work under pressure, but . . .  do I really?  That remains to be seen.  I just know I need to get with it and get it done.  

Whatever I get up to today, you are bound to hear about it I am sure.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today . . . 

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 *.˛Great things are done
by a series of small things
being brought together.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Unknown° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Ultimate Stuffed Baked Potatoes

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Ultimate Stuffed Baked Potatoes.  A tasty side dish that makes good use of all the bits and bobs in the refrigerator.  Delicious and simple. I could make a meal out of a baked potato any day. I love them so much!

I hope you have a beautiful day. I hope you are blessed with plenty of love and luck and all that you are in need of.  Don't forget along the way . . . 

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And I do too!    


Tuesday, 14 January 2025

A Day Book . . .


FOR TODAY, January 14th, 2025


This week I am taking a photograph of what it looks like outside my back window. It is still quite dark outside but it will start getting light soon. Not a lot of snow on the ground at the moment.  It is -5*F/24*F.  It is expected to snow a tiny bit today, but nothing dramatic. I need to get out to get my father's Birthday card so I hope it is not a lot of snow!


I remember having to memorize this poem when I was in elementary school. We did a lot of memorizations back then. Lots of poetry. This was one of my favorite poems I memorized.  I have always had a great love for trees. I can remember hugging them when I was a child.  It has been many years since I have hugged a tree.  I remember when I used to hug them thinking that I could feel their heart beating. Trees are one of my absolute favorite things from nature.



This is how I try to live my life. I cannot do much. I am only one person. But even one person can make a difference.  Begin where you are. Make a difference where you stand. That is also something. Change begins with one.


Today I am sharing six of my favorite storecupboard ingredients, the things I can't live without, and a variety of ways to use them. You can find that post here:  Six of My Favorite Store Cupboard Ingredients.



Greek Cabbage Salad, from the blog, Real Greek Recipes. This looks delicious. Like the kind of salad you could keep in the refrigerator for more than a few days to snack on.


Some of the ladies from church are getting together on Thursday at noon for lunch. It has been quite a while since they have done that. They will be meeting at Angie's restaurant which is just around the corner from me.



Vintage plates. I have been collecting them. I have eight different ones now and I use them all the time.  What is the point of having something you love if you don't use it.



Fresh lemons.  We are in fresh citrus season now.  We should be taking advantage of it!



We need to be careful about the way we talk to ourselves. We need to be as kind to ourselves as we are to others.


Or would at least like to create!


Crocheted toadstools  . . . 


Woolen cat dolls in plaid trousers with scarves.  So cute.

Peg dolls  . . .  I have the pegs.


A hedgehog doll  . . . Misha the Hedgehog.  I wish I was a better knitter.

Paper clay snowmen  . . .  I have the clay.



I should make a pizza today.  This looks so delicious! I adore black olives  . . . 



I know, be careful what you wish for.  But doesn't that look really cozy?



, by Arthur Paul Boers 

 The Word Guild 2008 Canadian Christian Writing Awards finalist. Pilgrimage is a spiritual discipline not many consider. Aren't the destinations far? Don't they involve a lot of time and walking? Just a few years ago, Arthur Paul Boers wasn't thinking about pilgrimage either. But he began to sense a deep call from God to walk the five-hundred-mile pilgrimage route known as Camino de Santiago, ending in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, at a cathedral that is said to hold the relics of the apostle James. In these pages he opens to us his incredible story of renewed spirituality springing from an old, old path walked by millions before him. It's a story of learning to pray in new ways, embracing simplicity, forming community, living each day centered and focused, depending on God to provide. Joined by hundreds of others from all over the world, Boers points the way to deeper intimacy with God--a way made by walking in faith. 

 My friend Julie did this walk, and I have always been interested in this journey. There was a film which starred, Martin Sheen, called The Way. I loved that movie.



Buttons  . . . 


Barn owls  . . . 


Pretty jugs  . . . 


Fresh Croissants  . . . 

Foxes  . . . 


Having a purpose in life. I know why I am here and where I am going when I finish this life.


The latest series of All Creatures Great & Small. You can find it on PBS.

I love this show.


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 *.It's not what the world holds for you
It's what you bring to it.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
~Anne of Green Gables° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 

And that is my daybook for this week!  Thanks always for being here!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•
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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!