Thursday 17 October 2024

My Favorite Things . . .


These are some of the things in life that I enjoy, and which make me happy, inspire me, or put a smile on my face. Maybe some of them are yours too.  Let's share! 


Gingham, blue, lace, pillow cases, ruffles, bows  . . .  what's not to love!


First of all I love pie, but ducks on a pie?  How cute!


Pretty tea towels and they co-ordinate. 


What's not to love about that ottoman. I would love to have a nice cushy one like that to prop my feet up on when I am watching television. It looks so comfortable.


Cherries  . . . 


Vintage Appliances . . . 


Vintage Barbie  . . . 


Old Victorian houses.  There are a few of these in my town. They are so pretty, but I can well imagine how expensive they are to heat.


Vintage fashion plates  . . . 


Pumpkin Pie.  Whipped cream please.


Dolls.  Of any kind. Especially homemade ones.


Pretty windows  . . . 


Pottery bowls  . . . 


Flower sprigged dresses  . . . 


Beatrix Potter  . . . 


Rocking horses  . . . 


Pansies with their little faces  . . . 


Warm cardigans  . . . 


Candle light  . . . 


A nice hug from someone you care about  . . . 


A safe place to hide  . . . 


A bit of warmth on a cold morning, and it is very cold this morning.  The thermometer says 2*C, which is jut a bit above freezing. Brrr . . .  I have had to put the heat on.  There is frost on the roof tops across the way.

And those are my favorite things for this week. What are some of yours?

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.°They say a person needs just three things
to be truly happy in this world.
someone to love, something to do
and something to hope for.
~Tom Bodett  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

I am a truly happy person. I am blessed.

Easy 7-Layer Mexican Dip Burritos

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Easy 7-Layer Mexican Dip Burritos.  A great lunch!  Very quick and easy to make as well.

I hope you have a lovely day.  Cindy and I are going out. We have a lot of errands to do.  Its been a week since we have done anything together.  She is all better now and testing negative. Tonight, we are all going out for supper, or that is the plan. Not sure if Dan will be able to come or not.  I seem to have dodged the bullet this time. Whatever plans you have for the day, be happy and be blessed. Don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday Witterings . . .



I am loving these autumn days.  We had quite a bit of rain the last week, and winds at the weekend, which has shaken a lot of the leaves to the ground, but I am still enjoying all of the colors, and I know there is still yet more color to come as not all of the leaves have changed as of yet. 

Ghosties and Halloween decorations are showing up in many yards and on many doorsteps. Some people really go all out when it comes to decorating for the holidays.  I used to love that when I was a child and when I took my own children out for Trick-or-treating. Such a fun night of the year.

Which reminds me, next time I go shopping I must get in some Halloween Candy. Usually, I have gotten it in by now. I am slow to the mark this year.


I got to meet my new Family Doctor yesterday and I was very pleased.  He spent almost an hour with me going over everything, which was nice.  I also got my flu shot for the year, which was also nice.  He was quite pleasant and very warm, not standoffish. I had heard from other people who have him as a doctor that he was a sweetheart, and they were right. He was.  My blood pressure was up.  He did one of those things where they take it five times in a row and look at the average.  So, I need to get a blood pressure machine and start taking it at home several times a day. He will be calling me in early November to see what the findings are.  But everything checked out good.  My iron is back up where it should be, my liver is okay, my glucose levels, etc.  No explanation for me ending up in hospital twice over two weeks, other than anxiety. Nothing wrong with my heart that anyone can find.  I am quite healthy, other than my blood pressure.

So far I have not come down with Covid. I don't know whether I can consider myself to be out of the woods yet or not.  It's been a week since I was exposed to it.  I guess I should just proceed with caution??


I was exhausted all day yesterday.  I don't know if it was anxiety about my doctor's appointment or not, but I did not sleep very much Monday night. I tossed and turned all night. I think the last time I looked at the clock it was gone 3 a.m. I did fall asleep after that, but it was a very dreamy sleep, and I was up at 7 a.m. I passed most of the day in a fog to be honest. I did not get any cooking done at all.  I just had no energy for it. I did try to take a nap a few times during the day but couldn't really fall asleep.  So many things I could have done, but I was lacking in energy and attention.  I didn't even really cook myself anything for my supper.  I had beans on toast because that was the easiest and quickest thing to do. I spent the day waiting for bedtime to roll around.  

Thankfully I slept very well last night. I made myself a Horlicks about 45 minutes before I went to bed and supped on that as I watched some old television shows on my Roku channel.  Father Knows Best and The Donna Reid Show.  Nothing that would require much deep concentration.


I am thinking of trading my iPhone in for a newer model.  That is what I use for all of my photographs now and for my videos. My phone.  The newer iPhone apparently has a pause feature on its video button.  That would be a huge help for me. 

I find myself really hampered when it comes to doing videos for my YouTube channel because I am trying to do things that I can do all in one go without having to stop the video or to have to fill in empty air space while I wait for something to finish.  Or without having to make two of something so that I have a finished one to show you before the one I actually make on camera is done. (If that makes sense.) 

If I could seamlessly pause the video, it would be so much simpler and it would mean that I wouldn't be as limited in what I could cook for the videos.  This bears much thought, and I think I need to go to the Bell store in the mall one day soon.

On the plus side, I am up to 942 subscribers now, which is only 58 away from 1000 which is how many you need to have to even be considered for monetization. Of course, other things are also considered, such as numbers of videos, hours of view time, etc.  It is definitely not an overnight process.


Cute mug, but probably expensive and you
could really only use it at one time
during the year.

The landlord's maintenance guy was here to clean the filters on my heat-pump and my air exchanger. He also fixed my doorbell which was broken. He didn't creep me out too much this time. I should have mentioned my bedroom window, but I had the cats locked up in there and I didn't want to let them out in case they got out the front door with all of his going's in and out. I think getting some wooden doweling is the best idea. My son was going to do that for me when he came over at the weekend for Thanksgiving, but of course that did not happen.   I am not sure when he will plan to come again. Maybe Christmas. 

I was going to get him to help me fix the scratch on my car as well. I had ordered the paint online and it came a week or so ago.  I guess I will have to read all of the instructions and just do it myself.  With the wet season approaching I don't want to risk any rust starting because of a neglected nick in the paint.


It looks like a sunny day is going to happen today. It's quite chilly this morning, but I haven't had to turn my heat on yet, which is good. The temperature outside is 6*C which is 42.8*F.  Definitely sweater weather. I need to go out to the shops at some point as I am out of milk and bread.  I also have prescriptions to pick up, but they can wait until tomorrow. I can't get them until after 7 tonight anyways, and I am not going out then, that's for sure! I will be in my jim jams!

I watch this girl Anna on YouTube. She doesn't have a car and is very limited in what she can do. She orders all of her groceries online and has to make do which what they bring her.  They often substitute things or just neglect to bring things. I am always so grateful when I think of how lucky I am to have a car of my own and the ability to go out and shop for myself.  She has to get a cab and pay for that just to even go to the Doctors and back again.

I am so grateful for my little car, and my ability to drive it.  I did not drive at all when I was in the U.K. if I could help it.  It was a nightmare for me driving over there.  I have so much more freedom here.  I will never take any of that for granted.  I actually need to make myself drive more and not rely so much on my sister doing all the driving.

She and dad are both feeling very well again, thank goodness and Dan is on the mend as well. 


When it comes right down to it, I have a lot to be grateful to God for in my life.  My car, my home, my family, my friends, my health, my cats, my job . . . my faith. I live a very abundant life, and I do not take any of it for granted.  I give thanks each and every day for all of it.  I am very cognizant that there, but for the Grace of God, go I.  I have enough and can ask for nothing more than that.

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.°In order to be irreplaceable,
one must always be different.
~Coco Chanel  ° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Well, I don't know how irreplaceable I am, but I have certainly always been different.

Upside Down Toffee Apple Brownies

Because I did not cook yesterday, there is nothing new in The English Kitchen today, but I am sharing an older recipe.  Upside Down Toffee Apple Brownies.  Totally scrumptious. All the flavors of a Toffee Apple in a brownie. Wonderful served warm with a hot cuppa or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

I hope that you have a beautiful day no matter what it brings to your table. I hope you are blessed and happy and content.  Whatever you get up to, don't forget!


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And I do too!    


Monday 14 October 2024

A Day Book . . .


FOR TODAY, October 14th, 2024


Its still dark, but I managed to grab this photo with my iPhone.  Isn't it a wonderful piece of equipment. I haven't used my regular camera since I got it.  You can see it has been raining through the night and the winds of the weekend have managed to blow a lot of the leaves off the trees across the way.  My neighbor Brian across the road and myself are the only ones awake on the street that I can tell. He gets up in the middle of the night and goes to bed in the afternoon. This is according to Sheila. She told me this and I have noted that if anyone goes to his door after noon, they are ignored.

And yes, this is a day early.  I have my first appointment with my Family Doctor early tomorrow morning so I will not be doing a post as I won't have the time.  Just a head's up!



So far, I have not really experienced any Covid symptoms. Cindy and Dad are starting to feel better, but Dan is now sick with it.  Can it be that I have managed to escape it this time?  I have tested myself twice, the last time being yesterday afternoon.  Still negative. I don't really want to test unless I start to feel very poorly as it is impossible to get tests now for some reason. They are not handing them out for free any longer.  I think you have to go to a center to be tested, and you cannot get the Paxlovid either if you do have Covid, unless you are seen by a Doctor.  In the meantime, I am not sure what to think. Am I still at risk for it developing?  Or am I in the clear?   I think it is best just to be cautiously optimistic. 



It is probably best to start masking in public again, until I can at least get my next booster. This would probably be the most prudent action to take, especially if people are unable to test themselves and are just walking around thinking they have a cold.  Probably also best to avoid dense social arenas, such as Tim Hortons. Not that I go there anyways.  I have not been inside a Tim Hortons in years. 

Leftover Turkey Stuffing Casserole


Once I realized that our Thanksgiving plans were not going to come to fruition, I pulled a small turkey breast out of the freezer that I had.  I cooked it yesterday, along with a few vegetables and some stove top stuffing. I didn't have the bread to make my stuffing from scratch and one must needs do what one must needs do. I also made a delicious casserole with the leftovers which I will enjoy today.  Leftover Turkey Stuffing Casserole. Simple and delicious and a great way to use up leftovers.


I have been eyeballing this Peshwari Naan recipe for months now.  Peshwari Naan is my favorite kind of Naan bread. Stuffed with coconut, almonds, and raisins.  It goes wonderfully with a curry. You can find the recipe on Sprinkles and Sprouts.  


Everyone being well again and our lives getting back to normal.  I am also looking forward to meeting my Doctor tomorrow. Everyone says he is just lovely.  My friend Glenna has him as her Doctor as well.


Remembering how wonderful it used to be to lay back and have a nice long soak in the bathtub.  It has been a few years now since that has been an option for me.  When the children were growing up that was like a vacation for me.  Just running myself a hot bath and then escaping into it with a good book to read.  I have never done the candles, etc. but I did used to like a bubble bath once upon a time. 



Often quoted and used in wedding ceremonies. One of my favorite scriptures and very true.  Real love does all of those things . . . 


This is a piece of art that I created almost ten years ago now. I used to gift a framed print of it to all of the Missionaries we knew when they were getting married. It was always very well received.



What you put out into the world comes back to you. 


I do have this pattern. I am really wanting to get back into making dolls.  I miss that form of creating. Maybe this Winter.  We shall see how it goes  . . .  Yesterday I did get a curtain made for the side of my desk.

This is something I have been wanting to do for a while now. It matches the curtains I hung over the front of my bookcases. Same fabric.



I have fallen in love with Dahlias.    After seeing all of the beautiful ones grown by people on Instagram this summer I have fallen in love with Dahlias, although I could never grow any myself.  That doesn't stop me from loving them.



Embroidered bunting  . . . 


ENDURING LIGHT, by Carla Kelly

This is the second book in this romance series by LDS author Carla Kelly.  The first was Borrowed Light.  It continues on with the story of Miss Darling ( a cook) and Mr. Otto (A Wyoming rancher) back at the turn of the 20th century. I love this sweet love story that is unmarred by the smut that is often so prevalent in the romance novels of today.  I have read all of the books in the series before and loved each one, so much so that I am reading them all again, for the third time.  If you like a sweet story which flows beautifully then you will love these novels. They are just plain feel good books.

I am really enjoying reading through this whole series again.


Dan and Cindy, this summer 

Dad this summer 

My brother last year at Jonny's

Anthony, Gabe, Luke and Anne 

Eileen and Tim

Doug and his family, just recently.

four generations
Mom, Myself, Anthony and Gabe 

My family and family times  . . . 


The new series of Matlock starring Kathy Bates.  Very enjoyable. I am watching it on Paramount +


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 *.˛.Keep your face always towards the sunshine,
and the shadows will always fall behind you.
~Walt Whitman° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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And that is my daybook for this week!  Thanks always for being here!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆

  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆ 

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Have a beautiful day!  Don't forget!  

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And I do too!